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A Touch of Class

Page 8

by Bianca D’Arc

  “Maria…sweetheart…” he whispered in between kisses, stroking her hair as he tried to gently push her away. It gratified him to know that she was so hot for him, but they had a lot to settle between them before this could go any further, right now. “I need to speak to you, before I completely lose my head.”

  “Talk later,” she whispered, making his temperature skyrocket, but he knew it was the volatile lust driving her. It whipped up between them, like some sort of passion tornado every time they touched.

  “No, honey,” he said as gently as he could. “We have to talk, now. You’re my mate. You heard me say that before, in front of everybody, right?”

  He could see his words were starting to penetrate the passionate fog that surrounded her. She blinked a few times, making him want to kiss her, all over again, but he resisted. They had to get a few things clear between them, first. It was important to their future that they both knew where they stood.

  “I…” She looked down, clearly unsure of herself. He hated that he’d made her uncertain. A dominant female like Maria should never doubt the devotion of her male. That’s why talking, right now, was so important.

  “You’re my mate, Maria,” he repeated, willing her to understand the deep ramifications of his declaration. “Wolves mate for life.”

  Her gaze shot up to meet his, her eyes widening in surprise, but—he was glad to note—not alarm.

  “Are you serious? After knowing me for so little time?” Disbelief filled her tone. He understood her hesitation, but he had to find some way to make her understand how it was for shifters.

  “There’s something to be said for instinct. Wolves follow it in all things, and ever since I laid eyes on you, when I first came to town, my wolf has been howling one thing—the certainty that you were special to me. I tried to stay away from you because, as you found out first-hand, my position in the Pack is still new. Folks are still getting used to me. I’ve been an outsider here, put in place through the power of the Alpha, but that only goes so far. It’s taken time to gain their respect and trust through my own actions. Today was a breakthrough, whether you realize it or not. The most important members of the Pack accepted you today. And the guys I met with all afternoon accepted my authority, without question, which is something that hasn’t happened up until now. I think maybe I have you to thank for that.” He tapped the tip of her nose with his finger, joy spilling over into affectionate touches.

  “Me? How do you figure that?” She really didn’t understand what she had done, and he had to try and find a way to explain it all.

  “By attacking you, and then me, the McCarthys brought everything to a head. I had a chance to assert my authority and show everyone that I wouldn’t back down from a fight—even a dishonorable one. You did the same. By grabbing those guns and coming out to help me, you showed them your true mettle. Your bravery. Your loyalty. Your courage. And your love.” His voice gentled as he looked deep into her eyes.

  Yes. There it was. The affection he’d hoped to find.

  “My wolf knew you were mine from the moment I first saw you. My human side tried to fight against fate, but it was a losing battle. In fact, it’s a battle I’m glad I lost,” he went on. “I can’t imagine not having you in my life, Maria. I know this is all very sudden for you, but sometimes, you just have to follow your instincts. Tell me what you’re thinking, sweetheart. Tell me what your instincts are saying about me. About us.”

  “Well…” She looped her arms around his neck, and he drew hope from her smile. “I’m thinking that this has to be the craziest thing that’s ever happened to me, but my poor, dull, human instincts are pushing me to trust you. I want to be with you, Shane, for as long as you’ll have me.” She leaned into him as his heart filled with love.

  “Then, you’re going to be here a very long time, sweetheart. I want forever.”

  He had to kiss her, then. The air had been cleared as much as he could manage, for now. The rest, hopefully, would work out in time. Right now, he had to be inside her, making love to her, once again. For the rest of the night. For the rest of their lives.


  Maria almost couldn’t believe the words coming out of his mouth, but somewhere in her soul, she recognized the truth when she heard it. There was also a part of her that agreed with everything he said. Forever sounded about right to her—especially when he kissed her. She could happily stay in his arms for the rest of her life. And beyond.

  On some intrinsic level, she felt she had found her soul-mate. Maybe that’s what shifters experienced. Maybe their animal instincts allowed them to recognize their perfect mate a lot easier than muddled human thought patterns. Maybe it was just that easy to Shane’s wolf—it recognized her soul as the other half of its own. Maria would have to ask him about it, sometime…later. First, she had a lot of kissing to do. A lot more touching, and perhaps a little licking, sucking and biting, too.

  Wait…biting? That thought made her pause, but then, she remembered the way the small pain of his bite the night before had intensified the pleasure. Perhaps that was a new aspect to lovemaking that she’d like to explore further. With Shane, and only with Shane.

  She didn’t really know if she believed this would last a lifetime. Her fledgling human instincts would need a little more proof. She did know, however, that she wanted more of his lovemaking. A lot more.

  Maria was totally infatuated with him. If she trusted her wild, uninhibited heart, she’d say she loved him. Whether or not it would last as long as he claimed was yet to be seen, but she was more than willing to give it a whirl. Forever sounded really good to her love-drugged brain, right now.

  “I marked you last night,” he whispered against her skin as he kissed and licked his way down her throat. He was busy undressing her as he went, kissing each new area of her body he uncovered. “That’s how everybody knew you were mine. Tonight, I might not be able to control myself from sealing the deal, Maria. I want you to be sure. After I really bite you, there’ll be no turning back. You’ll be part of the Pack for the rest of your life.”

  That made her pause. She pushed at his shoulders. She needed to see his eyes. For her part, she was crazy about him, but she needed to see the same delirium in his gaze—the delirium that felt like it would last a lifetime.

  “The rest of my life?”

  Shane chuckled. “Mating with me means some of my magic will rub off on you so that our lifespans will be a little more equivalent.”

  “Equivalent?” She looked up at him, puzzled, apparently unable to speak except to repeat the words he spoke to her. She really needed to get her brain in gear. This was important.

  “Did you notice how we age a lot slower than you humans?” She had, but her brain was having trouble focusing, at the moment, with him so close. She nodded. “Well, by mating with me, your aging will slow so that we’re more in sync.”

  “That’s a pretty amazing side-effect,” she whispered, looking deep into his eyes. “Are you really sure about this? Are you certain it’s me you want to be with for that long? I mean…I’m no prize. I wouldn’t want to start something here and then have you change your mind about me.”

  Shane shook his head, smiling softly. “Honey, it doesn’t work like that for us. Once we commit, we’re done. Total loyalty. Total love. For the rest of our lives.” He moved another inch away from her, grasping her shoulders lightly. “I guess the real question is, can you settle for me? I know I’m not as smart as you are. I don’t have the same kind of education, and never will. I don’t want you to ever be disappointed with me.”

  “Are you kidding?” Maria couldn’t believe the words coming out of his mouth.

  How could anyone ever think Shane was dumb? In the past day, he’d proven to her over and over that he was the sharpest, most capable man she knew—and that included all the Ph.D.’s she worked with at the university. Some of them were so lost in their own little worlds, they were downright morons when it came to everyday life.

bsp; That wasn’t the case with Shane. He had more knowledge of the world and its cycles, the forest and the inner workings of his society that interested her. Just from being with him these past hours, she could tell he was a gentle soul with strict manners when he was dealing with others, and her. He would make a great partner in life. He was like her dream of the perfect man—a mix of capability in many situations, loyalty to his friends and those he cared about, and a deep sort of wisdom that couldn’t be learned from a book.

  She could see from the downcast look on his face that he didn’t expect her to feel that way. It was the first real display of vulnerability she’d seen from him, and it affected her deeply. Until this moment, she hadn’t really considered how much of a burden it must be to have to be so strong all the time for everyone else.

  Maybe she could be that one person in his life around whom he could show the doubts he must have from time to time. She would gladly share his burdens. It made her see their relationship as one of equals—each helping the other in different ways. That was something she had always dreamed about finding, and here it was.

  All in all, Shane was almost too good to be true, but he had to be real—he was standing there, before her, wearing his heart on his sleeve, just for her. In the face of that kind of honesty, she couldn’t deny him.

  “Oh, Shane…” She moved closer to him, raising one hand to stroke his cheek then run her fingers through his lustrous dark hair. “I’m the first one to admit that having a big education doesn’t equate to intelligence. You’re the sharpest man I’ve ever known. You’re brave. Loyal. Trustworthy. And yes, highly intelligent.” She reached up and placed a tender kiss on his lips. “Not to mention sexy as all get out.”

  Shane smiled then, and she felt like everything would be okay. Then, she remembered the whole werewolf thing…

  “Will I become like you?” she whispered, unable to meet his gaze.

  “Do you want to?” he countered, not answering her question.

  How to answer? Should she tell him the truth, or would that scare him off? Of course, he was talking in terms of forever. If he was going to get scared off, better now than later.

  “The whole concept of shapeshifting fascinates me. Will you be put off if I admit I’d love to experience it all first-hand?”

  Shane’s response was laughter, and for a moment, she wasn’t sure, then he squeezed her tight, rocking her from side to side. She could feel his happiness, and it echoed her own.

  “Honey, we’re not the kind of folks who argue with fate, but I should warn you, we don’t change people lightly. It’s a long process that has to be done with approval of the Goddess. Without Her divine blessing, it just doesn’t happen, which is why turning humans is such a rare occurrence. I hope that doesn’t disappoint you,” he finally said, pulling back again to look into her eyes.

  “Well…that’s okay,” she answered, thinking about it. “I’ll just enjoy watching you shapeshift. I don’t have to do it myself. Though, ever since Lulu told me about your Pack, I’ve been fascinated by the whole idea.”

  “Maybe the reason you’ve been so interested in werewolves is because, somewhere deep inside, you always knew you’d end up with one. Did you ever think of that?” he challenged her with a grin.

  “Huh.” She marveled at the way he looked at things. “You know…” She considered his words as he continued to smile at her. “You might be onto something there.”

  Then, she thought of another possible obstacle.

  “What about my job?” she thought aloud, needed to know the answer. “Originally, I thought I might write a paper about shifters or something, but I guess…”

  “You realize that’s out of the question now, I hope,” he said, only half-smiling. The other half of his expression spoke of concern. Deep concern. “Keeping ourselves separate and secret from human society is one of the foundational rules for all shifters, everywhere. You wouldn’t be allowed to pursue that sort of research for publication. I’m sorry.”

  For so long, her work had defined her. Only now did she realize how narrow her life had become. She still wanted her studies, but she wanted much more now—a life with Shane and his Pack. A wolf shifter of her very own…to love and cherish forevermore. The experiences only Shane could give her.

  “You can keep your job, of course,” he said reasonably. “Most of us work in the human world in one capacity or another. But I only ask that you never reveal anything about shapeshifters, in general, or specifically about us.”

  “You trust me that much?” She couldn’t quite understand the faith he seemed to have in her.

  “I do. You’re my mate.” He kissed her on the forehead. “I always trust my instincts. They tell me you would never do anything to endanger me or the Pack.”

  It all sounded so magical. Something in her soul already knew this was the path her life was meant to take. Was that instinct? Maybe so. She’d probably learn a lot more about that after she fully embraced the relationship between herself and Shane.

  She reached upward and kissed him again, deeper this time, expressing the love and trust in her heart. She was going to follow her instincts, this time, and hope the roller coaster ride led her somewhere good. So far, being with Shane had been everything she’d hoped for—except for the fighting part. Then again, what life didn’t include conflict? At least, in the werewolf world, it seemed like any disputes were left hanging out there, in the open. She preferred that to the subterfuge and plotting she’d experienced in the academic community.

  Having a wild wolf inside probably made for a very honest society—which was another of her theories she couldn’t wait to discover the truth about. She was really getting away with something here. Not only was she getting Sexy Shane in her life, but he was bringing her into the Pack life she’d theorized about ever since Aunt Lulu had revealed their existence to her. She couldn’t wait to find out for herself what the group dynamics were really all about—even if she was never able to publish her findings. That was a shame, really, but she understood. She wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize Shane, or his people. They were good folks who didn’t deserve to be outed if they didn’t want to be.

  Shane went back to undressing her, using his hands and teeth, licking her all over. They were still by the door to his room. They hadn’t moved much since getting inside, into the private space where they could finally be alone. Maria didn’t care. She just wanted to have him inside her again. Where or how didn’t matter. All that mattered was him. Making love to her.

  He was growling. Low, sexy sounds as he worked his way down her body, dialing her lady parts up to full flame, just like that. She looked downward to find him poised at the juncture of her thighs as he bared her ass, taking her panties and jeans away with one long swipe of his hands. Then, his mouth was on her, his hands spreading her legs, his strength supporting her as he licked his way through her glistening folds.

  Maria wanted to scream, but she held it back. There was more to come. With Shane, there was always more pleasure to be had, it seemed. Would she survive a lifetime with him? She wasn’t sure, but she definitely wanted to give it a try.

  “Come for me, baby.” His words rumbled against her clit, and without conscious thought, she complied. Her body shook as he held her, his strength all that was keeping her upright.

  Carefully, he stood, lifting her in his arms so that her back was pressed against the bedroom door, her legs wrapped around his waist. His eyes were level with hers, and he met her gaze with both confidence and care. He was such an amazing man. How could she not want to spend the rest of her life with him? The simple fact was, she wanted him. Had wanted him. Would want him. For the rest of her life.

  There really was nothing to think about. She was going to follow her paltry human instincts and her heart…straight into the arms of the man she was pretty sure was the love of her life.

  “You ready?” he asked her, holding her gaze. There was so much unsaid between them, but it didn’t matter. Everything
she needed to know was right there, in his eyes.

  “I’m ready for it all, Shane. Forever,” she whispered, gratified beyond words when his eyes flared with the power of his wolf. Sexy Shane was even sexier when his wolf side showed through.

  He didn’t make her wait. He positioned them so that all he had to do was thrust upward and drop her downward the tiniest bit to join their bodies. He made sure she was all right before basically nailing her to the door, pressing hard against her while he began to move. She was helpless in his grip, but she loved the way he took charge. She’d never been with such a strong man before, and there was something to be said for feeling delicate and feminine.

  She let him have his way—which happened to be her way, too. She’d get her turn to drive him crazy, later. This time was for him, though she enjoyed every moment of his frenzied thrusts. She came on him, and still, he pumped into her, lifting her upward slightly with the force of his thrusts.

  She came again, but he kept going. He was insatiable, and apparently, so was she. Shane was teaching her things about her capacity for orgasm that she’d never even suspected before.

  And then, he nuzzled her throat, and she thought maybe she knew what was going to happen next. Sure enough, he bit—softly at first, then harder. The pain stung like a son of a bitch, but oddly, it only ramped her excitement higher. When he broke the skin, she screamed his name as the biggest climax yet rocked her body, and her world.

  She thought she felt some sort of invisible bond form between their souls. Or maybe that was just fanciful thinking. Either way, she felt more joined to him than in just the physical sense. It almost felt like they were communing on some sort of spiritual plane only reachable by lovers in a state of extended bliss.

  That or she was just high on pleasure. She couldn’t really be sure and didn’t really care.


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