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The Complete Infidel's Guide to ISIS

Page 35

by Robert Spencer

1.Daniel Hurst, “Tony Abbott Intensifies Rhetoric about Isis, Calling It an ‘Apocalyptic Death Cult,’” Guardian, September 30, 2014.

  2.Islamic State, Black Flags from Palestine (Magic, Deception & War), 2015, 130.

  3.Jacqueline Klimas, “U.S. Bombers Hold Fire on Islamic State Targets amid Ground Intel Blackout,” Washington Times, May 31, 2015.

  4.Julie Hirschfeld Davis, “Obama to Present Case for Broader U.S. Mission against Militants,” New York Times, September 7, 2014.

  5.Jordan Schachtel, “Daily Jihad: Obama’s ‘Vetted’ Free Syrian Army Joining Forces with Islamic State Terror Group,” Breitbart, September 9, 2014.

  6.“FSA Brigades Pledge Allegiance to ISIS in Al Bukamal, East Syria,” Zaman Alwasl, July 7, 2014.

  7.Erin Banco, “James Foley Allegedly Used as Token of Allegiance by Group That Joined ISIS,” International Business Times, August 20, 2014.

  8.Elise Knutsen, “Frustration Drives Arsal’s FSA into ISIS Ranks,” Daily Star, September 8, 2014; Schachtel, “Daily Jihad: Obama’s ‘Vetted’ Free Syrian Army.”

  9.Patrick J. McDonnell, “Lack of Reliable Partners in Syria Poses Daunting Challenge to U.S.,” Los Angeles Times, September 23, 2014.

  10.Mona Mahmood, “US Air Strikes in Syria Driving Anti-Assad Groups to Support Isis,” Guardian, November 23, 2014.

  11.Tim Lister, “Has ISIS peaked? Terror Group Suffers Setbacks in Iraq,” CNN, November 14, 2014.

  12.Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, “ISIS Is Losing Its Greatest Weapon: Momentum: Evidence Suggests That the Islamic State’s Power Has Been Declining for Months,” Atlantic, January 6, 2015.

  13.Tim Lister, “For ISIS, Tough Times as It Seeks to Regroup,” CNN, January 28, 2015.

  14.Kenneth M. Pollack, “ISIS Is Losing in Iraq. But What Happens Next?,” New York Times, February 4, 2015.

  15.Jim Michaels, “Pentagon: ISIL Pushed out of 25% of Its Territory,” USA Today, April 14, 2015.

  16.Zack Beauchamp and Johnny Harris, “ISIS Is Losing. Watch How and Why It’s Happening,” Vox, April 15, 2015.

  17.Hamdi Alkhshali, Arwa Damon and Jethro Mullen, “Ramadi Could Fall as ISIS Militants Lay Siege, Iraqi Official Warns,” CNN, April 15, 2015.

  18.Tim Mak, “Exclusive: Pentagon Map Hides ISIS Gains,” Daily Beast, April 22, 2015.

  19.“M.S.S. Updates,”

  20.Hamdi Alkhshali, “ISIS on Offensive in Iraq’s Ramadi, Taking over Mosque and Government Buildings,” CNN News, May 15, 2015.

  21.“White House: Obama’s Strategy against the Islamic State Has ‘Overall’ Been a Success,” Washington Free Beacon, May 19, 2015.

  22.Associated Press, “US Defense Secretary Says Fall of Ramadi Shows Iraqi Forces Lack Will to Fight ISIS,” Guardian, May 24, 2015.

  23.Anne Barnard and Hwaida Saad, “ISIS Fighters Seize Control of Syrian City of Palmyra, and Ancient Ruins, New York Times, May 20, 2015; Greg Botelho, “ISIS Is ‘Everywhere’ in Syria’s Ancient City of Palmyra,” CNN News, May 22, 2015

  24.Oliver Lane, “ISIS Puts Captured Roman Amphitheatre Back into Use as Venue for Execution for Entertainment,” Breitbart, May 30, 2015.

  25.Liz Sly, “While Nobody Was Looking, the Islamic State Launched a New, Deadly Offensive,” Washington Post, June 1, 2015.

  26.John David Lewis, “‘No Substitute for Victory’: The Defeat of Islamic Totalitarianism,” The Objective Standard, vol. 1, no. 4, Winter 2006–2007.

  27.William Napier, History Of General Sir Charles Napier’s Administration Of Scinde (Chapman and Hall, 1851), 35.

  28.Tim Hume, “Why the U.S. Government Is ‘Trolling’ Jihadists on Social Media,” CNN, April 18, 2014.


  30.Martin Beckford and Abul Taher, “Internet Gaffe by US Government as UK Extremist’s Sharia Law Photo Used in Free Speech Ad,” Daily Mail, March 15, 2015.

  31.Lesley Stahl, “Homeland Security: Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson Talks about the Evolving Role of His Department’s Massive Security Efforts,” CBS News, April 5, 2015.

  32.Lorna Knowles, “Sydney Siege: Man behind Martin Place Standoff Was Iranian Man Haron Monis, Who Had Violent Criminal History,” Australian Broadcasting Corporation, December 15, 2014.

  33.Marialaura Conte, “With Isis, because I Love Death More than You Love Life,” Oasis, March 4, 2015.



  Abase, Amira, 153

  Abbasid caliphate, xiii, 1, 171, 210–12, 214–15, 232

  Abbott, Tony, 283, 294

  Abbottabad compound, 8, 14, 16

  Abdullah, King, 3, 266, 290

  Abdulmecid I, 216

  Abdulmecid II, 219–20

  Abdul Rahman III, 211

  Abe, Shinzo, 111–12, 227

  Abousamra, Abdul, 150

  Abousamra, Ahmad, 140, 150–52

  Abrahms, Max, 76

  Abu Bakr (successor of Muhammad), 196–200

  Abu Ghraib prison, xv, 11, 78

  Abu Sayyaf, 193–94

  Adnani, Abu Muhammad, xvi, 41–47, 140, 160, 224, 253

  adultery, punishment for, 137, 237, 248

  Affan, Uthman ibn, 204

  Afghanistan, 14, 68, 180, 210, 255

  al-Qaeda in, 93

  ISIS and, 44, 49, 145, 192–93, 227, 276

  Soviets and, xiv, 2–87

  Taliban in, 186

  terrorist presence in, xiv, 3

  U.S. military and, xiv, 64, 75, 78, 85, 98, 291, 294

  Afri, Abu Alaa, 147–48

  Africa, xiii, 15, 24, 97, 107, 182–83, 190, 194, 208, 211

  Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association, 249

  airstrikes, xxiii, 45, 85, 87, 146–47, 226, 241, 284–87

  deaths caused by, xiv, 5, 152

  Aisha (wife of Muhammad), 195–96, 206

  Aladany, Ziyad Shammo, 156

  Alamoudi, Abdurrahman, 152

  al-Andalus (Muslim Spain), 211, 213, 253

  Al-Aqsa Mosque, 164

  Alawite, 105, 109

  Al-Azhar University, 133, 168, 170–71

  alcohol, punishments for drinking, 131, 238

  Aleppo, xvi, 140, 174, 214, 289

  Algeria, 44, 180, 187, 192, 227, 256

  Ali, Ayaan Hirsi, 260

  Al Jazeera network, 5, 165

  Al Jazeera Province, 192

  al-Khansa brigade, 154, 156

  Allah, Abd, 213

  allahu akbar, 51, 153, 222

  Almouthanna, Abu, 159–61

  al-Qaeda, xxii, 26, 113, 152, 191, 257, 260, 292–93

  jihadi membership in, xvi, 93, 104, 285

  Muslim criticism of, 22, 31

  possible reconciliation with ISIS, 147–48

  reestablishing the caliphate and, 12, 14–15, 32, 34–35, 186–88

  September 11 attacks, xiv, xxi

  split with ISIS, xv, 6–9, 15, 26–27, 31–32, 34–35, 53, 72, 145, 159, 191, 194, 261

  al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), 58

  affiliates of, xvi

  solidarity with ISIS, xvi, 15–16, 51, 53, 191, 193

  al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI)

  history of, xiv–xv, 4–5, 147–48, 150

  as precursor to ISIS, xiv–xv, xxiii, 113

  Sunni opposition to, 125, 288

  al-Qaeda in the Land of Two Rivers, xiv, 4–5, 27

  al Quds University, 245

  American Airlines, 92

  American Freedom Defense Initiative, xviii

  Among the Believers, 118

  Anbar Awakening, xiv, 125

  Anbar Province, xiv–xvi, 106, 125, 288

  Andalusia, xiii, 190, 213–14

  An-Nashwan, Abu Malik, 133–34

  Ansi, Aswad al-, 197

  Ansi, Nasr bin Ali al-, 16

  apostasy, punishments for, 25, 137, 216, 235, 239, 241, 245, 248–49, 251, 261

  Arab Awakenings, 76

  Arab Spring, xv, 105

  Armed Islamic Group (GIA), 256

  Armenia, 202

  Armstrong, Eugene, 4

  Arvada, CO, 91

  Arvada West High School, 91

  As, Amr ibn al-, 201

  Ashari, Abu Musa al-, 207

  Asia, Asians, 24, 107, 208, 210, 214, 233–34

  Assad, Bashar al-, 93, 129, 135, 159, 161, 285

  crackdown on Arab Spring protest, xv, 105–6, 154

  forces fighting against, xv, xxv, 6, 105–7, 109, 143–44, 190, 227, 285–86, 290

  As-Saffah, Abu’l Abbas, 171

  Assassins, the, 16–18

  Associated Press, 80, 116, 164

  Atatürk, Kemal, xiii, 219–20, 247

  atheism, xviii, 32, 46, 84, 181, 249

  Australia, 283

  as ISIS target, 39, 44–45, 183, 278

  support for ISIS in, 21, 39, 69, 78, 84–90, 141, 152, 294

  Australian, 69

  Awlaki, Anwar al-, 61

  Azawad, 104


  Bachmann, Michele, 63

  Badawi, Jamal, 245

  Badri, Irbrahim Awad Ibrahim al-. See Baghdadi, Abu Bakr al-

  Baghdad, 10, 144, 211–12, 287

  ISIS and, xv, xxiii, 8–9, 125, 139–40, 163, 253, 287–88

  Shi’ite regime in control of, 6, 105, 114, 124–25, 163, 286, 290

  Baghdadi, Abu Bakr al- (a.k.a. Caliph Ibrahim)

  allegiance to, 52, 175, 191, 194, 272

  background of, 10, 144–45

  descendant of Muhammad, 171

  establishing of caliphate, xv, 10–11, 40, 100, 134, 139, 146, 178–83, 251

  Muslim criticism of, 204, 244–45

  previous imprisonment of, 11–12, 37, 145, 160

  reported as injured or dead, 146–47

  wristwatch of, 185

  Balkan Ghosts: A Journey through History, 121

  Banna, Hasan al-, xiii, 188–90, 268

  Bathy, Nora el-, 153

  Battle of Badr, 4, 205

  Battle of the Camel, 206

  Battle of Karbala, 209

  Battle of Lepanto, 215

  Battle of Manzikert, 211

  Battle of Nahrawan, 207

  Battle of Siffin, 207

  Battle of Tours, 210

  Battle of Uhud, 205

  Battle of Yarmouk, 199

  BBC, 70

  Begin, Menachem, 273

  Begum, Shamima, 153

  beheadings, xvii, xxiii, 16, 64–65, 72–73, 75, 84, 130–31, 144–35, 160, 172, 191, 221, 226–28, 230

  Alan Henning, 227

  Ali Al-Sayyed, 227

  David Haines, 227

  Egyptian Christians, 227

  Ethiopian Christians, 133

  Eugene Armstrong, 4

  Haruna Yukawa, 111, 227

  Hervé Gourdel, 227

  Jack Hensley, 4

  James Foley, xvi, 111, 164, 227, 285

  Jihadi John and, 148

  Kenji Goto, 111–12, 227

  Nick Berg, xiv

  Peter Kassig, 227

  for smoking, 137

  Steven Sotloff, 227

  Syrian soldiers, 227

  Belgium, 67, 113, 255

  Ben Ali, 105

  Benghazi, terror attack on, 260

  Berg, Nicholas, xiv, 3–4

  Biden, Joe, xxiv, 221, 243

  Bilal, Charles Aziz, 58

  Bilardi, Jake, 84–91

  bin Laden, Osama, xiv, 3, 5–6, 12, 40, 92, 147

  death of, 6, 8, 32

  differences with ISIS, xxiv, 8, 15–16, 26–27, 35

  founding a caliph, 1, 14–16

  Zarqawi aligns with, xiv, 3–5, 27

  Biswas, Mehdi Masroor, 94

  black flag of jihad, 7, 49, 59, 62, 69, 70, 153

  Black Flags from Arabia, 252

  Black Flags from the East, 252

  Black Flags from Palestine (Magic, Deception & War), 266–78, 283

  Black Flags from Persia, 252

  Black Flags from Rome, 252–66, 273, 279

  Black Flags from Syria, 252

  Blair, Tony, 78

  Bloom, Harold, 213

  Boghardt, Lori Plotkin, 110

  Boko Haram, xvi, xxii, 98

  Booker, John Thomas, Jr., 55–56

  Boston Marathon bombing, 57, 152, 154, 263

  Brant, James, 217

  Brennan, John, 9

  #BringBackOurGirls, xxi, 233

  Brinsley, Ismaaiyl Abdullah, 46–49, 57

  Britain, British, 73, 79, 86, 146, 178, 180, 216–18, 224, 227, 252, 291

  Muslims in, 233–34, 258–59, 293

  postwar Middle East and, 9, 246

  support for ISIS, xxii, 62, 64, 67–68, 77, 82, 84, 113, 141, 148–49, 152–54, 156, 159, 161, 246

  Brown, Michael, 47–48

  Bush, George W., 43, 46, 62, 78, 113–15

  Buwayhid (or Buyid) dynasty, 211

  Byrnes, James, 291

  Byzantine Eastern Roman Empire, 104–5, 195, 199–200, 203, 211, 214


  Cage (far-Left British group), 149

  #CalamityWillBefallUS, 61–62

  caliphate, the

  al-Qaeda and, 14–16, 32

  confusion over name, 222–24

  criticism of, 143, 171, 176–78, 180

  currency, 163–64

  deserters, 158–61

  history of previous caliphates, xiii–xv, 1, 16, 22–23, 109, 171, 181, 195–220, 247

  ideal caliph, 169–71

  Islamic State’s declaration of, xxii–xxv, 10, 12, 15–16, 38, 40, 42, 49, 53, 62, 79, 95, 106–7, 124–26, 145–46, 167, 172–76, 178–79, 185

  laws and punishments in, 130–31, 226–27

  leadership of, 162–63

  Muslims who have joined, 39, 52, 68–72, 77–78, 90, 100–1, 143, 153, 161

  other attempts to restore, 186–90

  passports, 164

  planned expansion of, 251–81

  pledges of allegiance to, 134, 191–94

  significance of, 72, 78, 167–69, 249–50

  Cameron, David, xxiv, 153, 221, 224

  Camp Bucca, 10–12, 37, 145

  Canada, xxii, 38, 44, 49, 82

  Canning Stratford, 216–17

  Cantlie, John, 73

  Carter, Ashton, 288

  Catholics, Catholicism, 8–9, 67, 86, 116, 119, 122, 126, 200

  Caucasus, 44, 104, 180, 253

  CENTCOM, 74, 76

  Center for Terrorism and Security Studies, 68, 70

  Cerantonio, Musa, 78–79

  Ceric, Mustafa, 245

  Chalcedon, 104

  Charles the Hammer. See Martel, Charles

  Charlie Hebdo terror attacks, xv, 37, 51–52, 91, 260–61, 281

  Chicago, IL, 79, 81, 93, 251

  China, 78, 88, 180

  Choudary, Anjem, 153, 258

  Christians, Christianity, 71, 84, 91, 105, 134, 169, 185, 260, 265, 270, 276–77, 295

  artifacts destroyed by Muslims, 116, 121–23, 126

  captured by ISIS, 112, 126, 156, 194, 229–33, 235

  fighting back against ISIS, 127

  killed by ISIS, 8, 227, 230

  living in Islamic State, xvii–xviii, 131–34, 175, 204, 241, 247–48

  living under Muslim rule in past, 195, 199–205, 209, 212, 214–19

  targets to convert to Islam, 50

  Church of the Holy Sepulchre, 203

  Cirillo, Nathan, 50

  climate change, 97–98

  Clinton, Hillary, xxiv–xxv

  CNN, 70, 286

  Cockburn, Patrick, 134

  Cohen, David, 107, 109

  Cohen, Mark R., 204

  Comey, James B., 71, 83

  Confederation of Somali Community, 81

  Conley, Shannon Maureen, 91–92

  Constantinople, 43, 104, 200, 209, 214–15, 265

  Cooper, Yvette, 230

  Coptic Christians, Copts, 200–1, 227, 260

  Cornell, Christopher Lee, 60–61

  Coulibaly, Amedy, xvi, 52–53, 55, 191
/>   Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), 244–46, 249

  Council on Foreign Relations, 245

  countering violent extremism (CVE) program, 99

  Crimean War, the, 216

  crucifixions, xvii, 127, 130, 137, 172, 213, 236–37

  Ctesiphon, 104

  Cubs of the Caliphate, 129, 142


  Dabiq, xvi, 62, 71, 234, 236, 240–42, 264–66

  Daesh, 71, 97, 130, 137, 142, 147, 157, 223–24, 243

  Dagli, Caner, 244–45

  Dahr, Muhammad Sa’im al-, 120

  Daily Beast, 142

  Daily Mail, 8, 69, 185

  Dairieh, Medyan, 40

  Damascus, xxiii, 105, 109, 124, 137, 163, 253, 277, 290

  Davutoglu, Ahmet, 99

  Dawood Brigade, 285

  Deir al-Zor, 137

  Delta Air Lines, 81

  democracy, 87, 105, 114, 175, 181–82, 271

  Department of Homeland Security, 223, 294

  Dettmer, Jamie, 142

  Dhimmah, the, 133

  dhimmitude, 195, 204, 247–48

  Dome of the Rock, 209

  Douri, Izzat Ibrahim al-, 163

  Duggan, Oliver, 185

  Dulaimi, Ahmed al-, 125

  Duman, Zehra, 69


  Eastern Roman Empire, 103–4

  Economist, 100

  Ediboglu, Mehmet Ali, 141

  Edmonds, Hasan, 54–55, 92–93

  Edmonds, Jonas “Yunus,” 55

  education, 32, 76, 84–86, 100, 152, 155

  Egypt, xiii, 6, 12, 44, 55, 78, 85, 94, 96, 100, 104–5, 170–71, 180, 183, 187–90, 192, 199–202, 206, 211, 224, 227, 229, 245, 267–69

  El-Aqsa Brigade, 78

  Emir Ul-Momineen, 187

  Emperor Khosrau (a.k.a. Chosroes), 104

  Emwazi, Mohammed, 148–49. See also Jihadi John

  End Times, the, 71–72, 263–64

  Environs of Jerusalem, 193–94

  Erdogan, Recep Tayyip, 108–9

  Esposito, John, 200

  Europe, Europeans, 3, 35, 39, 43–45, 63–64, 67–68, 86, 119, 126, 152, 161, 214–16, 224, 251–60, 262–66, 275, 278–79, 281, 283, 293

  European Union, the, 266


  Fabius, Laurent, 223

  Facebook, 7, 47–49, 56, 69–70, 75, 153

  Fallujah, xiv, xv, xxiii–xxiv, 39, 89

  Fatimid caliphate, the, xiii, 211

  fatwa, xiv, 38, 218, 235, 245–46, 260

  Fatwa Against Terrorism, 246

  Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), xvi, 41, 48, 56, 64, 71, 83, 93, 96, 150, 152

  Most Wanted List, 150

  Fernandez, Alberto, 292

  Financial Times, 93

  Finn, James, 217

  Fiqh Council of North America, 171, 244, 249

  fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence), 171

  First Fitna (a.k.a. First Civil War), 22, 206

  Fletcher, Richard, 213


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