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Swinging On A Star

Page 15

by Olivia Jaymes

  There was that tension again. It had been simmering below the surface all evening but now it was in full force, practically sucking all the oxygen out of the room.

  Max fidgeted on the couch cushion. “Are you having a good time?”

  “I am but we haven’t talked to too many other people tonight. Everybody is either on the dance floor or…” Her gaze swept the intimate space. “Is there an upstairs or something?”

  Max nodded. “There is so there might be some guests up there. Most are dancing and many won’t show until after midnight. Tyler has some…interesting friends.”

  “I’ve read some of the stories. Is he really that wild?”

  She doubted it. One thing she’d learned in the past year was that the press loved hyperbole.

  “He can be at times, although when he’s working he’s quite focused. Extremely serious and dedicated.”

  “So it’s best to keep him busy,” Carrie concluded with a giggle. “Idle hands and all that.”

  Shit. Now she couldn’t stop herself from noticing Max’s hands. Strong, with long fingers that could reach…

  No. Don’t think about all the places he could reach.

  Max leaned forward and she caught a whiff of his cologne. At this rate she was going to lose her mind. “Another drink?”

  Alcohol wasn’t the answer but she wasn’t even sure what the question was, so why not? Maybe it would help relax her. Maybe it would help her forget how attracted she was to Max.

  Because that’s what booze does. Makes the opposite sex less desirable.

  She held out her glass. “Absolutely. Then can we dance again?”


  Drinks were flowing, people laughing, and the party was in full swing. The only missing component was Paige and Nate. Tyler had spent some time up in the DJ booth but he was now making his way toward Carrie and Max on the dance floor.

  Tyler bowed low, a smirk on his handsome face. “May I dance with this beautiful woman, Max?”

  Brow lifted, Max took a step back. “Best ask the lady, mate. I don’t want to get my arse kicked tonight for being too possessive.”

  Carrie tapped her chin as if giving the question a great deal of thought. “I suppose a dance would be okay. I’ll even let you lead.”

  Tyler shooed Max away. “Be gone with you. Go have a drink with Mike. Or better yet, there’s a pool tournament going on upstairs. Show them you’re more than a pretty face.”

  Max didn’t argue, leaning down to brush her cheek with his lips before he disappeared into the crowd on the dance floor. Her skin tingled from his touch and her gaze lingered where he’d been even after he was gone.

  “You have it bad.”

  Tyler’s words pulled her from her reverie. “I beg your pardon?”

  His lips twisted but he pulled her into his arms as the music slowed. “You and Max. It’s obvious you really care about him.”

  Too obvious? That wasn’t good.

  “He’s a good person.”

  “He cares about you too,” Tyler chuckled, twirling her before pulling her close again. “So stop worrying. I’ve never seen him this smitten before, and I was around when he was dating Alana.”

  Max’s ex-wife. The entire reason he was doing this showmance. Not because he was enthralled by Carrie’s beauty and charm but because he was embarrassed and ashamed.

  “I’m not worrying.”

  “Honey, as an actor I study people, and you’re worried. Do you honestly believe that Max isn’t as crazy about you as you are about him? He’s head over heels.”

  Leaning back, Carrie looked up into Tyler’s eyes. He couldn’t be serious. “That’s how Max Hayes acts when he’s head over heels? He might want to hold up a sign or something because it’s not obvious to us mere mortals in the world.”

  Tyler bent his head, his lips close to her ear. “He let you in. That’s all you need to know.”

  It was true that Max wasn’t the easiest man to get to know.

  Or like.

  “He could have anyone–”

  She broke off, embarrassed that the words had even been uttered. Baring her soul to Tyler Gaylord wasn’t going to happen. He might be a nice man but he didn’t deserve her mooning about Max during his party.

  “He wants you,” Tyler stated firmly. “Besides, you’re as gorgeous as any of the women in Hollywood. Better yet, you’re real. Although you could be an actress if you wanted to. You have the most amazingly expressive face. You say more with a look than most people do with a hundred words.”

  Bullshit. She recognized it when she heard it.

  “I’m not one of your fangirls, Tyler. You don’t have to flatter me.”

  “It’s true,” he insisted, his brows pulled close together. “You’re gorgeous, smart, funny, and down to earth. I’m surprised Max isn’t beating the men off with a bat to keep them away from you. And I do think you’d make a good actress. You have the emotional depth to be able to understand a character. So many people go into this profession for the wrong reasons. It’s work and to do it well takes talent.”

  “Of which I have none. I guess I’ll have to stick to boring old business.”

  It’s not boring to me.

  “I’d give you a part in my new movie in a heartbeat, Red. You just say the word. In fact, I know of one you’d be perfect for. She only has a couple of scenes but they’re juicy ones. Lots of anger and strong emotion. What do you say? Should I send the script over so you can take a look?”

  He looked serious but he couldn’t be. “Are you joking?”

  “Not in the least.” He stopped in the middle of the dance floor. “I think you could be great.”

  “No way.” She shook her head. “I’m no actress. I’m just a normal, average working woman.”

  His gaze raked her head to toe. “There is very little average about you. Follow me, Red.”

  Not giving her a chance to say no, he led her off the dance floor and into a small office in the back that probably belonged to the owner or manager of the club. Closing the door firmly behind him, he positioned her so she was in front of a mirrored wall that made the room look bigger. Or was supposed to. Mostly it made the room decor look cheesy, like a bad disco.

  Standing behind her with his hands on her shoulders, he didn’t let her turn away, keeping her facing forward so she was looking directly at her reflection.

  “So?” she challenged, keeping her gaze directed somewhere in the vicinity of her knees. “I look at myself every day in the mirror. This is nothing new.”

  “Have you? Look at yourself, Carrie. See what I see.”

  Giving herself a cursory inspection, she shrugged. “I look fine. Listen, Tyler, I’m okay with myself. I’m not one of those insecure women begging for compliments. I’m attractive and smart. Successful, too. I agree that I’m a catch. But Hollywood has standards few women can live up to and that’s something I’ve never aspired to be.”

  Chuckling, he didn’t let go of her, his expression determined. “Being a great actress has little to do with being genetically perfect. There is more beauty in imperfection. It draws the eye and adds interest. It’s more approachable. Look at yourself through that lens and tell me what you see.”

  “Well, I’m certainly imperfect,” Carrie laughed, trying to get in the spirit of his game. “But I’m not sure what you’re expecting me to do here.”

  “I’ll help you.” He stepped back and dropped his hands. “Close your eyes and think about a time you were angry and how that felt. The hurt and betrayal. The utter devastation. Remember how you felt and really relive it.”

  This was some touchy-feely stuff but she’d comply. Obediently she shut her eyes and thought about how Mark had left her in the lurch. She wasn’t so much hurt anymore as disgusted with his chicken shit behavior. He should have come clean long before he actually did. The anger she felt was mostly directed at herself. She should have seen through him a long time ago.

  “Okay, I’ve got one.”
  “Really think about it. Play it over and over in your head. When you’re ready, open your eyes and look at yourself in the mirror.”

  Slowly she opened her eyes and gazed at her reflection. A conflicted woman with red cheeks and dark eyes stared back. She’d done it. Brought anger to life.

  Tyler leaned over her shoulder. “Passion. Character. It isn’t enough to look good. An actress or actor has to be able to bring emotions to life. You have no idea just how expressive you are even at this moment. You’re looking at me like I’ve lost my mind. I can assure you I haven’t.”

  There was a part of her that felt like it had to protest. “It can’t be that easy. I’m not an actress–”

  “You could be, if you wanted to. I’m just giving you options. There are people that would kill for the opportunity. Do you want to do another emotion? Close your eyes again.”

  Did she? Digging into an emotion was kind of fun and challenging. Is that what Max did to bring a character to life? No wonder he earned the big bucks. He made it look easy and it wasn’t at all. Even if she didn’t want to act, understanding what Max did for a living seemed like a good idea so she let her eyes drift shut.

  “Close your eyes and think about being passionately in love. The candlelight. The warmth. The sex. The way he feels and speaks. Even the way love smells.”

  No. Hell no.

  Her heavy lids snapped up. “Max is probably wondering where we are.”

  Their gazes met in the mirror, his seeing way too much. She wasn’t fooling him or anyone and for a long moment she thought he was going to call her on it. Point out her cowardice but that wasn’t Tyler’s way. Instead he nodded and gave her shoulders a reassuring squeeze as if to say Don’t worry…I won’t give away your secret.

  “We should head back to the party. We don’t want Max to get jealous.”

  Fat chance of that happening.

  She gave herself one more look at her reflection. More kindly and less critical. She didn’t want to be the kind of person who tore themselves down and only saw the negative. There was so much good in her life. She was an attractive woman who was way too hard on herself at the best of times. “Thank you, Tyler.”

  “You’re welcome. Did you see anything you liked?”

  Smiling, she nodded, thinking there were several kinds of beauty. Tyler was right. Physical perfection was boring. “I did and that’s why I’m thanking you.”

  “You’re a beautiful woman, Red, but more importantly, you’re fascinating. That wins hands down over looks every time. I’d still like you to look at that script.”

  “I don’t think so but thank you for the offer. I needed it today.”

  He smirked and reached for the door handle. “Anytime you want me to tell you the truth about how amazing you are just let me know. I’m at your service. In fact, any time you want to dump Max and let me take you out give me a call.”

  “Some friend you are, hitting on me like this.” She shook her finger at him. “You should be ashamed.”

  It was good-hearted joking but Tyler’s expression had turned sober. “If I thought he was treating you right I wouldn’t say a word. But I kind of get the feeling he hasn’t said these things to you and that’s a serious omission.”

  “Maybe he doesn’t agree with you,” she said lightly as they headed back to the main nightclub area.

  “Then he doesn’t deserve you,” Tyler shot back. “Don’t let Max treat you less than you deserve, Red.”

  Good advice and she immediately took it to heart. Max might not want her the way she wanted him but it wouldn’t be because she wasn’t enough. She was plenty all by herself and if he couldn’t see that then it was his loss. He would be lucky to have her, especially after his nightmare ex-wife.

  “Damn right. I’m a catch. Now are you going to dance with me again?”

  Carrie was going to have fun tonight. She was going to laugh, dance, and drink with her friends. Life was too short to moon over Maxwell Hayes. He either wanted her or he didn’t. It was really that simple.

  Frankly, she’d survive either way.

  * * *

  Max was leaning against the bar when a heavy hand clapped him on the shoulder. Tyler, of course.

  “When was the last time you told Carrie how beautiful she is?” the other actor queried, his eyes narrowed. Tyler Gaylord was pissed off. “You should be down on your knees thanking whatever god you pray to that she gives you the time of day. You don’t deserve her, mate, and if you don’t straighten up I’ll steal her from you and not feel a bit sorry about it.”

  “I have no idea where this is coming from,” Max replied slowly, watching Tyler closely. He was known to take a swing out of nowhere upon occasion and Max didn’t want to be a recipient. “Did she say something to you?”

  The idea that Carrie might be angry or disgusted with him didn’t sit well with Max. Of all the people in his life, he wanted her approval. He wasn’t sure when that happened exactly but he couldn’t deny it. She was special and he wanted to be the same to her in return.

  “She would never tell me anything so personal,” Tyler said, dismissing the idea entirely. “But that’s a woman that needs attention, Max. She needs to be told she’s pretty every now and then. Jesus, have you ever bought her flowers or a gift?”

  Max hadn’t and clearly that was a mistake. He’d wanted to send her flowers but Alana had always complained about the smell which made her sneeze. He’d also thought about cooking Carrie dinner but Alana had said his culinary skills were mediocre at best.

  Alana. There was the problem. Carrie wasn’t Alana. Where his ex-wife wanted her space, Carrie clearly liked to spend time together, whether talking or just hanging out. He had to stop living his life as if he was still married to that witch.

  Max looked over the crowd but Carrie was nowhere to be found. “You’ve made a very good point. Have you seen her recently?”

  “She was heading into the ladies’ room when I left her just a few minutes ago.” He leaned close to Max, eye to eye. “I meant what I said. I’ll romance the hell out of her and steal her away.”

  Max had known Tyler Gaylord for about six years and he knew good and well the man would never do that. These were idle threats.


  Either way he wasn’t going to let Tyler anywhere near Carrie.

  “You won’t be able to.”

  Tyler gave him a cocky grin. “Do you want to take that chance? I don’t know what’s going on with you two but you better get your shit together. I’ll enjoy every minute of convincing your woman that you’re the biggest loser on the planet. In fact, I better make sure I give my agent her home phone number so he knows where to contact me…tomorrow morning.”

  Over my dead cold body.

  “Stay away from her,” Max growled, no longer amused by his friend’s antics. “Carrie doesn’t want your playboy games. She’s looking for something real.”

  Tyler turned to walk away. “Then give it to her.”

  That was the one thing Max couldn’t do.


  In the thirty minutes Carrie had been apart from Max at the party something had changed. He’d left her on the dance floor with Tyler acting completely normal, but who was the man that had returned?

  She wanted to keep him.

  Pulling her closer to the heat of his body, they moved in rhythm to the slow, romantic ballad. His thighs brushed against her with every step, and there was no mistaking his arousal pressed against her belly. He slid his hands down her spine until they rested at the small of her back while her hands looped around his neck, her fingers playing with the silky hair at his nape. Nuzzling her temple, his lips grazed her skin and she had to stifle the moan that tried to escape from her throat.

  At this moment he filled her senses, completely blocking out the rest of the world. She could feel his warm flesh, smell his heady male aroma. The muscles of his shoulders bunched under her palms as he breathed softly in her ear, crooning words s
he’d longed for.

  How beautiful she looked tonight.

  How good she felt against him.

  How amazing she was.

  Like a thirsty man in the desert, she drank up his compliments as if her very life depended on it. She didn’t even care if he meant them. It simply felt wonderful to finally be in his embrace. She’d craved this since she’d come to London.

  It wouldn’t be the same with another man. No one else would do but Max.

  Pressing a kiss next to her ear, she heard him whisper softly, “Do you want to go home where we can be alone?”

  Yes. With all my heart.

  That was her heart speaking. Whatever her brain might have had to say about this moment she’d never know because every single cell in her body was screaming at the top of its lungs to say yes, drowning out any rational thought. Yes. Go home with Max. Make love. Get sweaty in the sheets and do debauched things to one another until dawn. She was already more aroused just by dancing with him than she’d been with her ex the entire last year they were together.

  Carrie might have regrets later but right now she longed to live in the moment. Grab the brass ring and hold on tight for all she was worth. Maxwell Hayes was the ride of a lifetime and she wasn’t going to miss out. He wanted her and she wanted him. It might not be true love but he was a good man and he wasn’t making her any promises he couldn’t keep. This was about this one night and that was fine with her.

  Reaching up, she traced his lips with a fingertip, feeling him shudder under her touch. It made her feel even more powerful knowing she affected this man so much.

  “Take me home, Max.”

  * * *

  Carrie barely registered the limousine driver who opened the car door for her. Her focus was on the man at her side. Max too seemed preoccupied but managed to nod and thank the driver before pressing the button that slid the privacy shield between the front and the back of the vehicle.

  They were finally alone.

  The good girl Carrie would have waited patiently until they arrived home and then allowed Max to lead her to bed where they would have polite sex in the missionary position. She might even have an orgasm. But she didn’t want to be good and patient and all that other crap.


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