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The Cop and His Omega

Page 2

by Beau Brown

  “You want titillating conversation now?”

  My face warmed. “I’m saying I wouldn’t mind both.”

  “Right. Well if you keep turning everybody down your dick is going to shrivel from disuse.”

  I scowled and held up two fingers. “I’ve skipped picking anyone up two times. You don’t need to worry about me and my dick.”

  “I don’t know man. I miss my buddy Trev who used to lecture me that I didn’t have to like someone to fuck them. You showed me the way, man. And now you want a guy you can converse with?”

  I rolled my eyes and slammed my locker shut. “You ready?”

  He grinned and finished buttoning his shirt. “I am now.”

  We left the building, and each headed to our cars. “It’s only five. Is this a little early to hit the bar?”

  “You want to go home and get your chastity belt first?”

  “You’re a riot, Harry.”

  “Last one there buys the first round.” He slid into his car, and the engine roared to life before he’d even closed the door.

  I sighed. I wasn’t about to race him over there just so I didn’t have to pay. I almost always ended up buying more rounds than him anyway. Harry had a way of disappearing just as the tab arrived.

  I headed over to the bar at a more conservative pace than my co-worker. By the time I arrived and parked, Harry was already inside. When I entered the club, it took a second for my eyes to adjust to the dark. There were pink and white strobe lights flashing near the stage, and a sexy little ginger twink was gyrating on a pole to some techno, bass-heavy number.

  Harry waved me over to a booth, and I joined him.

  “Beat you.” He grinned. “I ordered us beers.”

  “Sounds good.” I leaned back against the vinyl seat. The music was so loud it thumped in my chest with every beat. Scanning the room it wasn’t very crowded yet. But I was well aware in a few hours the place would be packed. I had little doubt the homophobes of Willowby would be horrified to see the sheer number of gays and bisexuals who frequented this club.

  The waitress dropped off our drinks and Harry and I toasted. I sipped the cold beer and allowed myself to relax a little. I had two days off in a row. That didn’t happen too often, but I’d worked a lot of overtime lately and the captain had figured I deserved a break. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do for two days, but I looked forward to sleeping in tomorrow.

  “You ever think about settling down?” Harry asked suddenly.

  I frowned and met his curious gaze. “Not really.”

  “Seriously?” He squinted. “Never? Not even with someone who gives good conversation?”

  “I should never have told you that. You’re never gonna let it drop.”

  He laughed. “Okay. I’ll leave that alone. But you really don’t ever even think about settling down?”

  “I mean, maybe now and then. Like around the holidays.” My sisters were both married, and I did have the occasional twinge of jealousy that I was always alone on Christmas morning; just me and my tree.

  “I do. Sometimes I just want to find me a sexy little omega that I can have babies with.”

  I laughed. Harry had never struck me as the family type. “Since when?”

  He lifted one shoulder. “My brothers both have kids and my mom is constantly nagging me to get hitched.”

  “You can’t do that shit for your parents.”

  “No. I know that. But there’s times when I’m lonely.”

  “Bathroom blow jobs aren’t cutting it for you anymore?”

  He grinned. “Fuck you.”

  I smiled and took a long pull from my beer. Once I’d swallowed, I said, “For now I enjoy playing the field. Who knows how I’ll feel in a year.”

  He stared off across the bar. “It’s normal to want to settle down. It’s in our DNA.”

  “I know. But I figure it will happen when it happens. I’m not going to stress about it.”

  “Fair enough.”

  A dark haired guy sitting at the bar with a couple of other men caught my eye. Something about his shoulders and the tilt of his head seemed familiar. A little jolt of excitement went through me when I recognized Brock Pilot. Harry’s gaze followed mine.

  “You know him?” he asked.

  I nodded slowly. “Yeah. From high school. I mean we were mostly just acquaintances.” I gave a short laugh. “I pulled him over this afternoon for a non-functioning brake light.”

  “Really?” He glanced over at Brock again. “And now you run into him at the bar?”

  “Yeah. Weird coincidence, huh?”

  “Maybe the universe is trying to tell you something.”

  I scowled at him. “Like what?”

  He shrugged. “Hell if I know.”

  “It’s weird running into people from high school. It kind of fucks with your mind.”


  “I don’t know. It makes me feel like a kid again, I guess.”

  He snorted. “Well, aren’t you the little philosopher?”

  “God, you can be such a dick.”

  He grinned. “I know.”

  I studied the back of Brock’s head. “He almost looks the same.”

  “You should go say hi. Let him know you recognize him.”

  I grimaced, shifting uneasily. “No way. He doesn’t want to socialize with me.”

  “Did you give him a ticket?”


  He chuffed. “Then you should definitely go over and say hi.”

  I squirmed. “No. It’s too awkward.”

  Harry had a funny look on his face. “I’ve never seen you like this. Did you have a crush on him in high school or something?”

  My face felt hot. “What? No.”

  “You sure about that?”

  “I mean, I thought he was cute. But I’m not pining over anyone from high school. Especially guys. I didn’t even realize I was gay yet. I thought everyone got a woody when they saw another guy’s cock in the locker room.”

  He widened his eyes. “You poor sweet naïve child.”

  “Shut up.”

  He shook his head. “Shit. I knew I was gay from the time I was old enough to jerk off.”

  “Well, we didn’t really talk about that stuff in my family. I mean, it’s cool now. But back then, it just wasn’t up for discussion.”

  Harry sat up straight. “Don’t look now, but that guy is coming toward us.”

  I stiffened. “Seriously?”


  I’m not sure why, but I turned my head and met Brock’s blank stare as he approached. He seemed deep in thought, but when our eyes locked, he stopped walking.

  “Oh,” he said. “Officer Campbell?” He looked like he wasn’t sure what to do.

  “Hey,” I said awkwardly. “Did you get your brake light fixed yet?” I laughed stiffly.

  He raked a hand over his hair, looking uneasy. “Not… not yet. But I will.”

  I grimaced. “No. I know. It was just a joke.”

  “Oh, right.” His laugh was forced. “I’ll make sure I do that. Don’t worry.”

  “I’m not worried.”

  “Good. Cuz… there’s no need to… you know… worry.” His face seemed pink in the dim light.

  “Hey, maybe you should buy him a drink,” Harry said, giving me a pointed look.

  What the fuck, Harry?

  “Me?” Brock looked uncomfortable. “Oh, no. I’m fine.” He winced. “I mean, I can buy you one.” He looked at me like he wasn’t sure what was happening.

  I’m going to fucking murder you, Harry.

  “Maybe later.” I hoped I looked nonchalant. I wasn’t. My pits were sweaty, and I felt like a virgin at a frat party; completely awkward. What the hell was wrong with me? I was always self-assured around omegas. This stuttering, perspiring version of me wasn’t typical.

  Brock shifted uneasily. “Well… I was just heading toward the bathroom.”

  “Carry on,” I said cheerfully.
/>   Carry on? Who the fuck am I?

  He laughed gruffly. “Good seeing you again, Officer Campbell.”

  “Yep.” I looked down at my beer, resisting the urge to slide under the table. As Brock moved past us I gave Harry a look of death.

  “What?” he asked innocently.

  “Buy him a drink? The poor guy was just going to the can. Why would I buy him a drink?”

  He shrugged. “So you two can reconnect. You went to school together. People do that.”

  “He doesn’t remember me, Harry. Why would he want a drink with the cop who pulled him over?”

  “I don’t know. I like free drinks.”

  “A drink means he’s obligated to talk to me. Did he seem like he wanted to talk to me, Harry? I didn’t get that vibe.”

  Harry grinned. “No. Actually. That was pretty painful to watch.”

  I shook my head and finished my beer. Then I signaled the waitress for another round. I also noticed that when Brock came out of the bathroom, he made a point of taking the long way around the room so he could avoid me and Harry.

  Chapter Three


  “What was that about?” Pete watched me with a smirk. “Were those guys hitting on you?”

  “Who?” I played dumb.

  “The two guys by the bathroom.” He pointed.

  I grabbed his hand and pushed it down. “What is wrong with you? Don’t point!”

  He frowned. “What the heck is the problem?”

  “I don’t want them to know we’re talking about them.”

  “So they did hit on you?”

  “No. The one facing us is the cop who pulled me over on the way here.” I sighed.

  “Really?” Pete laughed. “He’s gay?”

  “I guess. He’s in a gay bar.” I downed my gin and tonic and order another. “I could barely form a sentence. God, I’m an idiot.”

  Narrowing his eyes, Pete said, “Do you like him or something?”

  “I don’t even know him.”

  “No. But he’s cute.”

  “Yes.” I nodded. It wasn’t as if Officer Campbell’s looks were lost on me. I’d noticed him when he pulled me over, and after I had a drink in me, he was even more handsome.

  “Do cops and teachers date?”

  “What?” I scrunched my face with embarrassment. “What is wrong with you? First off, I’m not a teacher. Secondly, how did we get to dating? He told me to fix my light. We don’t have a thing with each other.”

  He lifted one shoulder. “Aren’t we here to meet people? You two know each other. It seems like a no-brainer to me.”

  “Can we change the subject? Please?”

  “Fine. Maybe I’ll try my luck with him. He’s fucking sexy, dude.”

  I ignored the little nudge of irritation that Pete would hit on Officer Campbell. He could do what he wanted. Why would I care? “Go for it.”

  He exhaled roughly. “I don’t know. Me and cops don’t usually get along. The guy he’s with is sexy too. Of course they’re probably both cops.”

  I practically grabbed my gin and tonic from the bartender. “Uh-huh.” I downed half my drink, making sure to avoid looking at Officer Campbell in the mirror behind the bar. I wasn’t sure what was wrong with me. I was attracted to Officer Campbell. But he made me nervous. There was something about him that was sort of familiar. Maybe it was merely the tongue-tied bumbling idiot I became when I was around him that was familiar. Macho types like him had always made me uneasy.

  I spent the next few hours ignoring that side of the room and drinking way faster than usual. A few guys hit on me and I danced with them on and off. But they were way too aggressive. I didn’t like guys touching me like they owned me. Typical alphas. Once they got a few drinks, they thought any omega should want to fuck them. I hated that about our kind. Omegas were supposed to just roll over and lift our asses in the air if an alpha wanted us. Well, no thanks. I was holding out for more than just physical attraction. I wanted a real connection with someone. Even if it wasn’t love, I wanted to feel something more than just lust when I let them have me.

  Pete was busy flirting with a blond alpha that had caught his attention. I finished my drink and ordered another. I felt frustrated tonight. I’d hoped to meet a guy who didn’t just want to fuck; maybe someone who’d have something in common with me. But as the night stretched, it seemed that was just wishful thinking. Maybe trying to meet a decent guy in a bar wasn’t the best strategy. But it was hard to meet gay guys in Willowby anywhere else.

  I let a good looking alpha drag me back out onto the dance floor. The air inside the club was stuffy and hot. I was covered in sweat and feeling slightly off balance. I could admit I was drunk. But it was Friday and that had been my intention all along. I’d just call an Uber to take me home. The last thing I needed was a DUI.

  When someone bumped into me on the dance floor, I looked over, ready to apologize, and met Officer Campbell’s dark gaze. He was dancing with a shirtless omega that I’d seen around the club a lot in the past.

  “We meet again, Officer Campbell,” I slurred, my pulse spiking at his intense look.

  He moved closer. “Yeah, we seem to do that a lot.” His clean scent was mixed with perspiration and when he pressed into me, the heat of his body made me feel funny. “By the way, my name’s, Trevor.” His stare was pointed.

  “Hi, Trevor,” I said, facing him.

  He narrowed his eyes, his mouth an impatient line. “You really don’t remember me, do you?”

  I laughed. “Sure I do. You’re the cop who pulled me over.”

  He made an impatient sound. “No. I mean from before.”

  I grimaced and stumbled slightly. “Sorry?”

  He grabbed my arm to keep me from falling. He leaned in and his mouth was against my ear, his breath hot. “I’m Trevor Campbell. From Willowby High.”

  The name suddenly sank in and I pulled back and widened my eyes. “What?”

  “Trevor. Remember? Junior year.”

  As I stared at him, his features became recognizable. How hadn’t I noticed before? Now that he’d told me, it was so obvious. The cocky tilt of his mouth and his dark, soulful eyes. “You had sunglasses on earlier. I think that threw me.”

  “Sure. Sure.” He nodded. “How’ve you been?”

  I glanced around at all the gyrating bodies near us. Seemed like an odd place to actually try to have a conversation. The alpha I was dancing with looked annoyed. He pushed his face into Trevor’s. “Hey, do you mind? Flirt with your own dance partner.”

  Trevor scowled. “We’re just talking.”

  “This is a dance floor.” My partner smirked. “You know… where people dance?” He slipped his arm around me and pulled me closer.

  His territorial behavior pissed me off. I wasn’t his property. Jesus, I’d agreed to a dance. I stiffened and pushed away from the guy. “I think I’m gonna sit down. I’m tired.”

  The guy pulled his brows together. “Really?”

  “Yep.” I left the dance floor and returned to my seat near the bar. I was still flustered that Trevor Campbell was the cop who’d pulled me over. The minute I’d recognized him my pulse had been through the roof. He was still a sexy bastard. I remembered being hugely intimidated by him way back when. I’d been pretty nerdy in high school. It wasn’t like I was cool now, but back then I’d been painfully shy.

  Pete sat down next to me with a big sigh. “I’m gonna take off.”

  I frowned. “Really? What happened to your speech about me not leaving early?”

  He winked. “First of all it’s twelve, and second of all I got a sure thing waiting for me out front.”

  “Oh.” I laughed. “I didn’t realize.”

  “Yep. I’m going home with that sexy blond alpha. Wish me luck.” He pulled on his jacket and drained his glass.

  “Good luck.”

  He slapped my back and headed through the crowd toward the exit. Now that I was alone I felt kind of conspicuous. My gaze
wandered of its own will toward the booth where Trevor and his friend sat. I found Trevor staring at me, his dark gaze intense. A little shiver of attraction went through me. If I didn’t know him better, I’d have thought he was interested in me. But Trevor had never once seemed attracted to me in high school. We’d run in completely different circles.

  The alpha I’d been dancing with appeared in front of me, blocking my view of Trevor. “Hey, you want to get out of here?”

  The guy was cute, but I didn’t feel any real connection with him. “I don’t think so.”

  His mouth hardened. “Why not?”

  “It’s nothing personal. I’m just not really looking for anything tonight.”

  “Bullshit. You seemed interested earlier.”

  I shoved down my irritation. I had a degree in psychology. Surely I wasn’t going to let one drunk alpha get my goat this easily. “Look, you seem really nice. But I’m just not in the mood. Okay?”

  “Why’d you let me buy you drinks if you weren’t interested?”

  I sighed. “You bought me one drink. I didn’t ask you to. Do you want me to pay you back?” I started to reach for my wallet.

  “No. I want you to blow me.”

  My face warmed. “Wow. You’re a real sweet talker.”

  “Dude, everyone in here is looking to get laid or sucked off. If you’re looking for true love, you might want to hang out at the library or something.”

  I scowled and pushed a twenty into his hands. “Go away. I’m not interested. Go buy someone else a drink.”

  “Oh, sure. Now that the fucking night is over. Thanks a lot.”

  My irritation bubbled up. “What is wrong with you? I don’t owe you anything just because you bought me beverage. Jesus, alphas are all the same.”

  “Not really.” A deep male voice said behind me.

  I turned and found Trevor standing there, a frown on his handsome face.

  I grimaced but didn’t say anything.

  “Hey, I’m just trying to get my money’s worth,” Blondie muttered.

  “Your money’s worth?” I shook my head. “Go hang out in the bathroom why don’t you? There’s usually someone waiting around in there to either suck or get sucked.”

  Blondie pushed his face in mine. “You’re awfully mouthy.”


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