The Cop and His Omega

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The Cop and His Omega Page 3

by Beau Brown

  “Hey,” Trevor pushed his hand against the guy’s chest. “You need to take your drunk ass off somewhere else. He’s made it pretty clear he isn’t interested.”

  I had to admit a little shiver of something warm and fuzzy when through me when Trevor stepped in for me. It was kind of sexy when a guy played the protector.

  Blondie curled his lip. “You think you’re going to take over where I left off?” He shook his head. “Good luck with that. This guy’s a prude.”

  “Because I don’t want to suck your dick, I’m a prude? Unbelievable.”

  He stomped off, and I breathed a sigh of relief. I turned to Trevor. “Thanks. He wasn’t getting the hint.”

  “It’s that time of night. He’s desperate.”

  “Jesus, there will be other nights.” I met his assessing gaze. “I didn’t lead him on. Contrary to what he implied, I never once promised him anything.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Trust me, I know that. He’s always in here hitting on any half-way attractive omega.”

  I laughed. “Gee. Thanks. At least I’m half-way attractive.”

  He squinted at me. “I didn’t mean it like that.”

  I grabbed my jacket from the chair and slid it on. “So I’m not even half-way attractive?” I smirked.

  “Come on.” He laughed. “You’re not really insulted, right?”

  “Nah.” I grinned.

  He smiled too, and it gave me little tingles. I’d forgotten how sexy he was with his deep dimples and honey-brown eyes. I wondered if he could tell I thought he was good looking. A guy who looked like him probably assumed everyone thought he was hot.

  He glanced around. “My buddy got lucky and left me.”

  “Mine too.” I moved toward the exit and he followed.

  “I was going to grab an Uber. Want to share?” He held the door for me and I slipped past him quickly.

  “I’m on the north side of town. Are you?” The night was muggy, and I didn’t need my jacket. But I didn’t want to look indecisive, so I kept it on.

  “I am. I’m over by Park Lane.”

  I frowned. “Isn’t that where you lived as a kid?”

  He smiled. “Yep. I bought a house on the same street so I can be near my parents. They’re getting up there and I like to help them out around the house.”

  “What are you a saint? You defend omegas from drunk alphas and clean leaves out of your parent’s gutters. You’re Super Alpha.”

  “Don’t mock me.” He swiped at his phone and pulled up the Uber app.


  He chuckled. “Done. The driver estimates ten minutes.” He looked up, his eyes glittering in the street lights. “Are your parents doing okay?”

  I winced. “Well, my dad drank himself to death when I was in college, and my mom died last year.”

  “Shit. I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay.”

  “I really put my foot in that one.”

  “It’s not a big deal. Seriously. You couldn’t have known.” We hadn’t kept in contact at all since high school. We’d barely interacted in high school, not counting the day I’d shown him around.

  He crossed his arms across his broad chest. “What do you do?”

  “I work at Willowby High.”

  “Seriously? You didn’t get enough of that place as a kid?”

  Smiling, I said, “I guess not.”

  “Are you a teacher?”

  “School Psychologist.”

  He widened his eyes. “Wow. I knew you were smart.”

  My face warmed. “Well, I mean, it’s just a job.”

  “A job that takes brains.”

  I gestured to him. “You’re no slouch. Being a cop can’t be easy.”

  He shrugged. “It has its good days and bad.”

  “Like any job.” I tried not to fixate on how the thin material of his shirt stretched over his muscular biceps. We were having a civilized conversation about work. No need to leer at the guy.

  “So you’re saving young minds over at Willowby High. Huh, I guess maybe that makes you Super Omega?”

  “I have a cape but I only bring it out on special occasions.”

  He grinned, and his gaze dropped to my mouth. “I’m glad I ran into you again, Brock. It was a nice surprise.”

  “I agree.” I was relieved when the Uber pulled up because it broke the weird energy building between us.

  There was a definite attraction on both sides. It had been a while since I’d met someone at The Pink Cap and actually wondered if I should take them home with me. But Trevor Campbell had me thinking long and hard about that very idea.

  Chapter Four


  When this evening began, if you’d have told me I’d be considering hooking up with Brock ‘Squeaky Clean’ Pilot tonight, I’d have said you were nuts. But that was before five beers and a good eyeful of his lean, masculine frame. His scent was heady and I could sense his sexual interest. But I was still kind of trapped in our high school roles. Did he think of me as a meat head jock? It was possible he could be attracted to me, but have no desire to act on it. It would be pretty awkward if he turned me down. Disappointing too.

  We got in the Uber and told the driver where we were headed. I was usually pretty smooth with omegas, but something about Brock had me nervous. I didn’t know if he’d turned that other alpha down because he had no desire to spend the night with anyone, or if that particular alpha hadn’t been his cup of tea.

  “It was weird seeing you tonight,” he said softly.

  “I agree.” I laughed. “Although, I recognized you the minute I pulled you over.”

  He winced. “Sorry I didn’t know it was you. I’m sure it was the sunglasses, and I was nervous as hell I was going to get a ticket.”

  “Yeah. I understand.”

  “Why’d you decide to become a cop?”

  “It wasn’t like a lifelong dream or anything. A buddy of mine joined, and the recruiters asked him if he had any friends who might be interested.” I shrugged. “I’d always respected cops. My uncle was a police officer. So I figured, why not? It was better than joining the army.”

  “I won’t ask you the question I know everyone asks.”

  I laughed. “You mean whether I’ve ever shot anyone?”

  “That’s the one.” He smiled.

  “I haven’t. I had to shoot a dog once. It was awful.” I shivered. “Pit bull was tearing my partner’s leg off and didn’t want to stop. I had no choice.”

  “You don’t have to explain yourself to me.”

  I shifted toward him. “Everyone loves dogs. I feel like I need to explain the circumstances to people whenever I tell that story.”

  “I can see that.”

  I laughed. “You sound like you’re working right now.”

  “I do?” He scowled. “Why?”

  “You’re being so very understanding. Isn’t that a trick of the trade?”

  He snorted and rested his head against the back of the seat. “I’m not the kind of shrink who answers a question with a question.” He sighed. “And I don’t want to psychoanalyze you. People always think I do. Just like regular folk always assume cops know immediately if we’ve ever run a stop sign in our lives.”


  He swiveled his head and held my gaze. “You don’t think everyone is a hooligan?”

  “I don’t assume everyone I meet is a crook. Not unless the person acts weird around me.”

  He chuffed. “Everyone will act weird around you whether they’ve done anything or not. Cops scare people.”

  “So do psychologists.”

  “Not like cops.”

  “But we’re just people.”

  “People with guns who can throw us in jail.”

  I laughed. “Did I scare you this afternoon when I pulled you over?”

  “Hell yes.” He grinned. “I almost peed my pants.”

  His smile made my heart flutter. I was really tempted to ask him if he wanted to h
ook up tonight. But I felt strangely shy. He sighed and looked away and I was afraid I’d missed my opportunity. We were close to his house. I knew the area pretty and we really only had a few more miles and he’d be home.

  He cleared his throat. “So… um… would you want to come to my place?”

  My heart skipped a few beats, but I tried to play it cool. “You mean tonight?”

  He laughed. “Yes. Tonight.”

  My cock warmed with anticipation. “Seriously?”

  He shrugged and lowered his voice. “It’s been a while. I’m not gonna lie. I was hoping to meet someone tonight but everyone was just so lame.” He pinched the skin between his eyes. “Then I saw you again, and it reminded me that there are sexy, decent alphas out there too.”

  “Sexy, eh?”

  His cheek curved in a smile. “Yep. You know that though. You always knew that. Even in high school.”

  “You saying I had a big head?”

  “Moderately sized. You were never a jerk about it.”

  “It’s not like you’re hard on the eyes, Brock.”

  “I know.” He grinned.

  I laughed. “Yeah, um… I’d love to go to your place.”

  He sat up. “Excellent.” His gaze was heated as it met mine.

  The driver pulled up in front of a small white house. I’d already paid the driver on my phone and added a tip. “I think we’re both getting out here,” I said.

  “No problem.” The driver nodded politely. “Have a good night.”

  We exited the car, and he drove away. Brock led the way up a dimly lit, uneven path to stairs that led to the entrance. He’d left a porch light on and he slipped his key into the lock and opened the door. When I stepped into his home, it smelled of cinnamon and lemons. It made me wonder if he liked to cook.

  He closed the door and turned on a light in the living room. “Welcome to my humble abode.”

  It was cozy. One entire wall was bookshelves and there was a brick fireplace on the other side of the room. A burgundy love seat and couch faced the hearth and a small flat screen TV sat on a little oak entertainment center. His decor was more causal and homey than I’d expected for some reason.

  “It’s nice,” I said softly. “I expected a bust of Freud somewhere though.”

  His lips twitched. “I’m having it cleaned.”

  “Naturally. You need to keep Freud clean.”

  He tossed his keys into a bowl on a small table near the door. “I will probably have my psychology degree revoked for saying this; but that guy had some issues.”

  He pulled his jacket off and I scanned his body, my cock twitching with interest. His jeans fit his firm ass nicely, and I had to restrain myself from making a move right away. Something told me he’d prefer a little talking first. Which was actually okay by me. I was still feeling a little off my game.

  “Drink?” he asked.

  “Um, are you having one?”

  “I thought I’d have a whiskey.” He laughed stiffly. “Maybe just to take the edge off. Like I said, it’s been a while.”

  “Okay. I’ll join you.” I watched him pour us each a shot of whiskey. “How long is ‘a while’?”

  He moved closer and handed me a tumbler. “Embarrassingly long.”

  “Come on. Spill.”

  He laughed. “Does it matter? It’s not like I’ve forgotten how.”

  “I would hope not.” I sipped my drink, wincing as it stung a trail down my throat. “At least tell me why it’s been so long.”

  He sat, and I followed. Staring up at the ceiling, he said, “I don’t know really. I just haven’t connected with anyone recently. Not enough to make me want to spend extended periods of time with them.”

  “I get that. I’ve had a few hook ups the last month. But to be honest, they weren’t really that awesome.”

  He laughed. “Maybe we’re getting old.”

  “Speak for yourself.”

  He exhaled roughly. “That alpha tonight is a perfect example of why I hate putting myself out there; arrogant. Entitled.”

  I frowned. “You said something about all alphas being the same. I hope you didn’t actually mean that.”

  “No. I wouldn’t be a very good psychologist if I hated half the population.” He tipped his glass and swallowed the rest of his drink. When he was done he looked at me, licking his lips. “But you have to admit many alphas do have a sense of entitlement.”

  I nodded slowly. “Yeah. I run into it myself on the job. But I don’t live like that. I take people as they come. You’re an asshole to me that’s what you get back. However, if you’re cool, I’m cool.”

  “I’m glad to hear it.” His tone was warm.

  “Are you?”

  He nodded. “Definitely.”

  I set my glass down on the coffee table and I leaned in for a kiss. He stiffened slightly, but he didn’t pull away. I pressed my lips against his softly, coaxingly, and he seemed to relax. I wanted to be sensitive to his comments about it being a while. I had little doubt he was nervous about me ramping things up too quickly. So I just concentrated on the kiss, making sure it was sensual without being too aggressive.

  He gave a sigh against my mouth and his hands came up to grip my shoulders, tugging me nearer. My cock pressed my zipper uncomfortably, but I let him lead. When he slipped his hands down my arms to my hips, and he gave a whimper, I knew I could push for more. I carefully moved him down onto the couch, covering his body with mine. He wound his arms around me and squeezed my ass through my jeans.

  He was a good kisser, taking what he wanted and yet yielding at all the right moments. His tongue tangled with mine, exploring the depths as he moaned into my mouth. When the kiss ended, his eyes glittered with lust and his cock was hard against my thigh. “You want to go to my room?”

  “I want to do this wherever you’re most comfortable.”

  He sighed. “Let’s go to my room. I kind of like the idea of my sheets smelling like you.”

  I smiled. “Yeah?”


  I moved and got off the couch, holding out my hand to him. He took it and I pulled him to his feet. Then he led the way up the narrow stairs to his bedroom. The room was dark and cool and it smelled of his cologne. He didn’t waste any time getting naked, and he climbed on the bed to lie on his back.

  I tugged my shirt off over my head and got out of my pants, excitement tumbling through my gut at the sight of him. He had a beautiful, lean, yet muscled body. I’d have never suspected he’d have such an athletic physique. I’d always thought of him as a bookish type, not an athlete.

  He twisted and grabbed lube and condoms from the nightstand. Then he smiled at me shyly. “I’m so glad you came home with me.”

  I grinned and crawled onto the bed, my heart pounding. I took the lube and condom. “Me too.” I covered his hard body with mine, kissing the muscles of his shoulder. “Somebody’s been working out.”

  “I go to the gym after work. Plus I play basketball some Sundays.”

  I laughed and lifted my head to stare down at him. “Who are you and what have you done with Brock Pilot?”

  He smoothed his hands down my back, resting on my ass cheeks. “I’ve always played basketball casually. You wouldn’t know that because I didn’t do it at school.”


  “In the park. It’s very chill. Just some friends. No one really keeps score even.”

  I kissed him and then said, “Ahhh. Pretend basketball.”


  “If you don’t keep score, it never really happened.” I held back my smile, watching his irritable scowl grow.


  “I have to wonder why you guys are afraid to keep score.”

  “You know what? You should come down there next Sunday and I’ll whoop your ass.”

  I couldn’t hold back my laugh.

  He rolled his eyes. “You’re trying to get my goat, aren’t you?”

  “It was surprisingly

  He shook his head and pushed his face closer. “You gonna fuck me or what?”

  I rolled my hips, dragging my cock over his. “Oh, yes.”

  He gave a little groan as our heated flesh rubbed together. “This is so weird to have Trevor Campbell in my bed.”

  “Good weird?”

  “Take a guess.” He parted his thighs in invitation.

  I adjusted my position so I could loosen him up a little. I lubed my hand and stroked my fingers lightly over his puckered hole, liking the way his breathing sped up at my touch. I toyed with his sensitive flesh for several minutes, teasing and flicking until he seemed impatient for more. Then I slipped one slick finger into him and watched the flush of pleasure wash over his handsome features.

  “Oh, fuck,” he whimpered, clenching his muscles on my hand.

  Slipping my finger in and out, I watched his expressions. Once he seemed ready, I added another finger and then another. He arched his back when I swiped his prostate, shuddering with ecstasy. I smiled down at him, enjoying the power I had over his experience. “You like that?”

  He nodded, licking his lips. “So good.”

  “Just wait. The main attraction should be even better.”

  He laughed softly. “Can’t wait.”

  Once his squirming became more desperate, I decided it was time. I rolled on the condom and settled back between his legs, pushing his knees to his chest. I lined up my cock with his hole and met his fervent gaze. Leaning in I licked the seam of his lips, his tongue slipped out to meet mine. He tasted of whiskey and his breaths were short and hard. He was hungry for this. He was desperate for more. I really liked that he wasn’t afraid to show that vulnerable need.

  I gripped his hips and pushed in. His groan was chest deep and heartfelt, and it turned me on. I wasn’t going to last. His noises and gasps were too fucking sexy. But I wanted it to at least be memorable. What I lacked in stamina I hoped to make up in pleasure. My thrusts became long and deep, flexing in and out until his lips parted and he threw back his head.

  “Fuck,” he growled, as his cock jerked and spilled a flood of seed over his abs and chest. He hissed his approval, body shuddering as he yanked on his dick squeezing out every last creamy drop.

  “God damn, yes,” I grunted, pumping in even harder and deeper. I slammed in roughly, my orgasm buzzing through my swollen balls and tingling its way up my shaft. Two punishing pushes and I lost it, crying out as I came hard. “Oh, shit,” I wheezed, bucking my hips and feeling lightheaded with pleasure.


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