The Cop and His Omega

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The Cop and His Omega Page 4

by Beau Brown

  He watched me with a little satisfied smile on his lips, stroking his softening cock. “Yeah, fuck yeah.”

  My thrusts slowed as the ripples of ecstasy gentled. “Fucking hell,” I groaned, as I rested on his knees. “That was intense.”

  “Worth waiting for.” He clamped his muscles on my cock, and said, “My dry streak is over.”

  I shivered at the tight squeeze of his ass. “Glad to be of service.”

  He grinned. “Do you have to work tomorrow?”

  “Hell no,” I panted, still enjoying the afterglow of my climax.

  “Then lay down and we’ll go again in a bit.” He smiled lustily. “I need to suck that monster before you go.”

  I pulled out and collapsed beside him, resting my hand on his thigh. “Jesus, I needed that. I didn’t even realize how much.”

  He exhaled and closed his eyes. “I’m glad I went out tonight.”

  “Me too.” I turned on my side and faced him, studying the masculine lines of his face. “We should keep in touch. Never know when I might need a good psychologist.” I felt obligated to throw a joke in, just so he didn’t misunderstand my intentions. I liked him a lot, but I wasn’t looking for a boyfriend.

  He shrugged. “Sure. I’m not opposed to that.”

  Seemed like he was on the same page as me, so I closed my eyes to rest. I looked forward to another go around with him. I hadn’t fucked anyone I actually liked as a person in years. I sighed and nestled against the pillow, listening to his even breathing.

  Chapter Five


  I was like a new man Monday morning. Nothing like a little man on man action to make you feel alive again. I barely noticed the four “Fuck you’s” and “Eat my dicks” I got during the day from dissatisfied students. Everything just seemed a little brighter and less dreary. All because I’d run into Trevor Campbell.

  On Saturday, I’d gotten my brake light fixed like a good civilian, so I didn’t have to worry about that anymore. Trevor had left Friday without any actual mention of when we might get together again, and that was fine by me. Sometimes sex was just sex. We still ran in different circles and there was no need to pretend Friday night had been anything other than what it was; hot. Mind blowing. Sex.

  There was a knock on my office door and when it opened a skinny auburn-haired girl stood there with her eyes wide. “Are you Mr. Pilot?”

  “Yes.” I smiled, trying to put her at ease. “Can I help you?”

  She shrugged. “Remains to be seen.”

  “Do you have an appointment?”

  She chewed her bottom lip. “Mrs. Moore sent me over.”

  “Well, come in. Sit.” I gestured to the chair in front of my desk. I shuffled some papers just so she could take her seat without me staring at her. Once she seemed situated, I crossed my hands on the desk and leaned forward. “What can I do for you?”

  “Ask Mrs. Moore. She’s the one who thinks I have a problem.”

  A stubborn teenager. Imagine that.

  “Did something happen in class?”

  “Robbie Smith put gum in Lydia Greenbalm’s hair and Tim Rosen fell asleep at his desk as usual. Just seemed like a regular Monday to me.”

  I laughed. She had a droll tone that was kind of amusing. “She must have sent you for some reason. Did she give you a note by any chance?”

  She shook her head. “Nope. She just said I should come talk to you.”

  “Um… do you want to talk to me?” I couldn’t do much if she didn’t want to talk.

  “Not particularly. I don’t mean that in a rude way. But I don’t even know you.” She gnawed on her fingernail, scanning me with a serious expression. “For all I know everything I say will be repeated back to my mom.”

  “No. You can talk to me about anything. I’m only obligated to speak to your parents or the authorities if you’re self-harming or there’s abuse of some sort happening.” I spoke very carefully. “Are you self-harming?” I hesitated. “I’m sorry, what’s your name?”

  “Lilly. Lilly Blickmen.”

  “Are you hurting yourself, Lilly?”

  “Oh, goodness no.” She grimaced. “A friend of mine used to cut herself, but I don’t do anything like that.”

  “How old are you?”

  “Seventeen and a half.” She sighed. “I’ll be eighteen next month.”

  “And you’re a senior?”


  “So why do you suppose Mrs. Moore thinks you have a problem?”

  “I may or may not have said I plan on running away.”

  I frowned. “Do you?”

  “Sometimes I want to.” Her voice was hushed. “But I don’t have any official plan or anything. It was mostly a joke.”

  “Why would you want to leave your home?” I needed to figure out if this was just the disgruntled murmurings of a kid, or if she actually had a plan formulated to take off.

  “My mom and dad fight a lot. I wish he’d just move out, but he doesn’t. He lost his job a few months ago, and he’s really depressed.”

  “Does he hit you or your mom?”

  “No. He just yells a lot.” She sighed. “Mrs. Moore got mad because I don’t want to go on the field trip. I don’t like art. She wants us all to get on a bus and go to this place called the Graffiti lab where we can spray paint on walls or something. I’m not interested.”

  “You don’t think it would be nice to get away from school for the day and just paint?” I smiled at her.

  “I’d rather go to the library and read. I love reading.”

  “Oh.” Well, it wasn’t like she wanted to go do drugs or something. Reading was a great alternative if you asked me. “Maybe I can talk to Mrs. Moore.”

  Her face lit up. “Seriously?”

  I shrugged. “It couldn’t hurt. I can’t promise anything, but why not ask, right?” My cell vibrated on the desk as a text came in, and the banner that lit up showed Trevor’s name. We’d exchanged numbers just so we could keep in touch. But the sight of his name had my pulse spiking immediately.

  “You okay? Your face is kind of red.” Lilly stared at me.

  I laughed awkwardly, pushing my phone away. “Oh, yes. I’m fine.”

  She continued to watch me. “Was that your boyfriend?”

  “What?” I squawked. “Why would that be my boyfriend?” I was openly gay on campus. I didn’t think a school psychologist who hid his sexuality was a healthy influence. But I wasn’t sure why she’d assumed Trevor was my boyfriend.

  “Because you look flustered and your cheeks are pink.”

  “No. No. That’s just a school friend.”


  I was curious why Trevor had texted me. Dying of curiosity to be honest. But I was working so it would just have to wait. “So you don’t want to go on the field trip. Was that the only thing Mrs. Moore was concerned about?”

  “She said with all the stuff going on at home, I should talk to you about it. Just tell you how it makes me feel and things like that.” She squirmed in her chair. “I’m not sure I want to do that.”

  “Well, I’m always here. Maybe if you decide you feel like talking, you can come see me again.”

  “You mean just drop in?”

  “Sure. Or you can set up a day and a time if you want.”

  She shook her head. “Nah. I think I’ll just see how I feel.”

  “Okay.” I kept my voice light. No pressure. “Trust me, when you kids come by to talk it makes my days less boring. So maybe take pity on me and really do drop by.” I smiled.

  She stood, her eyes pinned on me. “I thought you’d be more strict.”

  “I’m not a teacher or an administrator. I’m here to listen, not boss you around.”

  “Huh.” She moved to the door. “So… you’re not going to call my mom the minute I leave?”

  “No. I have no reason to. Lots of kids have parents who are splitting up and who argue. That’s not unusual so you shouldn’t feel like you have to hold it in. M
y parents split up when I was in high school. I understand how distracting that can be.”

  “Really?” She frowned. “I’m sorry.”

  I laughed. “Thank you. But I’m fine now. I only tell you that so you see that I am happy to listen and I get what you’re going through.”

  “I guess.” She opened the door. “Well, maybe I’ll see you around, Mr. Pilot.”

  “You bet.” I nodded.

  When she closed the door, I leaned back in my chair. I was dying of curiosity about why Trevor had texted me so soon after our little fucking session. He’d seemed pretty adamant he wasn’t looking for any kind of actual relationship. Had he left something at my house? I gave into my inquisitiveness, and I picked up my phone.

  How about a pizza tonight at your place? I get off at nine.

  I stared at my phone, frowning. He wanted to see me already? I had to admit, I wasn’t opposed to the idea. He was good company, and the sex was off the charts erotic. It was just unusual for a guy who didn’t want a relationship to arrange a get together this soon. Most guys waited at least a week.

  I fingered my phone and thought about how to respond. I couldn’t ignore the fact that I was excited at the prospect of seeing him again tonight. Legs weak excited even. And we both knew the score. While I was slightly more open to the idea of a real relationship than Trevor seemed to be, I knew better than to set my sights on a guy who just wanted to fuck around. I knew how to just have fun. If it started to be a problem, I would just stop seeing him. I wasn’t sixteen, and I took people at their word. Long gone were the days when I’d try to change a relationship-phobic alpha’s mind.

  I re-read his message: How about a pizza tonight at your place? I get off at nine.

  I grabbed my phone and responded to his text. Sure. I’d love that. I’ll get off when you get to my house.

  A second later my phone pinged with his reply. LOL

  I smiled at my phone. Sorry. I’m bored, so I went there.

  I’ll see what I can do to entertain you later.

  My smile widened. Are you allowed to use your handcuffs while off duty?

  Should I also bring my baton?

  I snorted a laugh. God, I certainly hope so.

  LOL. You’re funny. I had no idea that was allowed in your field.

  My stomach fluttered as I thought about the night ahead. Seriously though, I’m looking forward to tonight.

  Me too.

  I set my phone down and stared into space with a somewhat goofy smile for a few minutes. Then I shook myself. Trevor was enjoying this right now because it was brand new. I needed to remember that and not get sucked in just because he was charming.

  Once I knew I had a fun evening ahead of me, the day seemed to drag. It was a weird day anyhow. A lot of the students seemed to be in a crappy mood. Maybe it was because it was a Monday. Everybody hated Mondays.

  When school was done, I hurried home so I could shower and straighten up the place. I’d left my breakfast dishes in the sink and my bathroom untidy. I was kind of embarrassed that the idea of Trevor coming over had me so excited. I hadn’t really realized how much I’d missed having a guy drop over. Or maybe it was just because it was Trevor. He didn’t drain my energy like most people. I felt pretty relaxed around him; not counting when he’d pulled me over in his cop car.

  At around twenty after nine Trevor rang the doorbell. When I opened it he was still in his uniform. My gut clenched because he looked good enough to eat.

  “I love a man in uniform,” I said softly as I stepped aside and let him in. He smelled good; like leather and soap with just a hint of manly perspiration.

  He had lines under his eyes and his smile was tired. “It’s good to see you. It was a long day.”

  I was pleased at his heartfelt comment. “Same here. Everybody seemed to have a bug up their ass today.”

  He chuckled and surprised me by leaning in and kissing me. The gesture was more like something a boyfriend might do after a long day at work. My stomach tensed with pleasure at the warm press of his lips. I sighed when the kiss ended and he smiled.

  I shifted uneasily, feeling borderline shy. “I thought while we eat we could watch a movie, if you want.”

  “Sure.” He nodded. “That’s sounds great.”

  I moved away just so I could get my racing pulse under control. “What do you like on your pizza?”

  “Pepperoni and black olives.”

  “Do you mind if I add mushrooms to that?” I asked, swiping my phone to find the pizza app.

  “Not at all.” He looked down at his uniform. “I should have brought a change of clothes.”

  I was surprised he hadn’t. “Um… do you want to borrow some sweats and a T-shirt?”

  “Sweats would be heaven.” He grinned. “This get together was a spur-of-the-moment thing. I’m not usually this spontaneous.”

  I sent the pizza order in and tucked my phone in my pocket. “I was surprised to hear from you so soon. Most guys wait.”

  He shrugged. “I didn’t want to.”

  “Fine by me.” I laughed and headed to my bedroom to get his clothes. My stomach buzzed with excitement when he followed me. The second we entered my room, he put his arms around me and nuzzled my neck. To say I was surprised would have been an understatement.

  “How long till the pizza arrives?” His voice was husky.

  “She said forty minutes minimum.” As I finished speaking, I inhaled sharply when his hands slid down to my crotch. “Someone’s frisky.” I laughed.

  “I’ve been thinking about you for days.” He kissed the back of my neck sending shivers down my spine. “I almost called you Sunday, but I thought you might be busy.”

  “Not really,” I said breathlessly, as he nipped the tender skin between my neck and shoulder.

  He started unbuttoning my shirt and then he slipped his hand inside, brushing my nipples and coaxing a whimper from me. “I want to fuck you.”

  Excitement jolted through me. “Now?”

  “Yeah, now.”

  “Okay,” I whispered.

  He undid my belt and slowly unzipped my pants. “You want that? You want my cock inside you?”

  I shivered and nodded, moaning as he stroked my dick through my underwear. “Oh, God.”

  He chuckled. “Get naked.” He moved away abruptly and started stripping.

  With shaky hands, I got out of my clothes and crawled on the bed. He followed, his cock already hard and slick with precum. He stroked himself slowly, and he scanned my body. “I’m not usually like this. I just had to fuck you again.”

  “If you think I’m gonna complain, think again.” I reached out and touched his muscled thigh, loving the prickle of hair on his leg.

  His nostrils flared when I pulled a condom and lube from the side table. I tossed them on the bed and rolled over onto my stomach. Then I got on my elbows and knees, sticking my ass up temptingly. “This ass needs breeding,” I said in a fake porno voice.

  He laughed. “Glad to oblige.” He slipped on the condom and lubed his cock, then he moved behind me. He swiped his cock along the crack of my ass, teasing my hole and stroking my aching balls with his other hand.

  I felt impatient and needy as he prepped me. I wanted him inside me, now. He wasn’t the only one who’d been thinking about our night together. I wanted more of him. I ached for it. “Fuck, me.” I looked at him over my shoulder. “Please. I’m afraid the pizza might come early.”

  “Keep looking at me like that and I might do the same.”

  I smiled. “I mean it.”

  He grabbed my hips firmly and pressed closer, his cock pressing my hole. “God that’s beautiful; pink and puckered, just begging for my cock.”

  I clutched the sheets, the anticipation almost making me light headed. “Fuck me, please.”

  He obviously sensed my urgency because this time he didn’t waste time using his fingers to loosen me up. He pushed his hips forward and sank in with a chest deep growl, and I gasped and trembled a
t the sheer size of him. He was wide, and it was a tight fit, but I loved it. I loved feeling stuffed full of him, my ass aching as it strained to accommodate his width.

  He pulled out and pushed back in and the friction made my entire body buzz with the need to come. The uneven jerking of his hips clued me in that he wasn’t nearly as in control as he wanted me to think. We were both in a weird sexual frenzy, needing to come as soon as possible. I didn’t have it in me to stretch this out. I was desperate to let go, and I wanted to feel his cock jerk and release inside me so bad it was embarrassing. When had I become this needy? I was generally a much more methodical person during sex. But he brought something out in me that was usually buried. When we fucked, it felt primal and out of control.

  He slammed into me like he couldn’t get enough. He pried my ass cheeks wider and pushed balls deep, grunting as he took what he wanted, while also giving me what I craved. A good. Hard. Fuck.

  “Yeah,” I wheezed, jacking myself off. “Yeah, right there. Right fucking there.” I felt like I was going to lose my fucking mind it felt so delicious. Every glorious, hard inch of him stretched me with his forceful thrusts. The heat and the pressure was overwhelming. My cock ached with the need to climax as his shaft brushed my prostate with each stroke. Even though I wanted to come more than anything, it felt so good, a part of me didn’t want it to end. I just wanted his thick cock inside my ass for the rest of the night.

  Pass me another slice would you?

  Sure. Just let me finish fucking you first.

  I squeezed my cock, biting my lip and trying to hang on just a little longer. But when he moved like he was moving; swiveling his hips and pegging me so deep I should have been able to taste him, it wasn’t easy.

  “God, damn,” he whispered, his thrusts increasing in speed. “Oh, shit. Shit.”

  When I gave a fleeting glance over my shoulder at him, I lost it. The desperate look in his eyes, and the pumping of his cock shoved me over the edge. I bit the pillow, and it muffled my cries of ecstasy as my body shuddered and quaked with pleasure. My cock spilled a stream of cum onto the comforter below me as I stroked myself to completion.


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