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Love in the Spotlight

Page 19

by Olivia Jaymes

  “Are you even going to give me a hint?”

  Arching an eyebrow, he seemed to ponder her request. “Alright, your hint is we’re going to Brooklyn.”


  That would explain the bridge they were currently crossing. It didn’t, however, help her figure out at all where they were going and what they were going to do when they got there.

  “Yes, Brooklyn. I do have one question before we get there. How is the nausea? Do you need any ginger ale or your lollipops?”

  She held up her wrists, wrapped in the pressure bands. “I’m fine. I had a lollipop while I was getting dressed plus these, so I should be good to go. Thankfully I’m usually better in the evenings. Are we going to a restaurant?”

  She could definitely eat but she hoped it wasn’t some fancy place with gourmet food. Looking down at her attire, it didn’t appear that she was dressed for anything other than a burger and fries.

  With cheese. And bacon. And lots of ketchup. Was this her first craving?

  “We’ll eat,” Sam assured her. “But we have something to do first.”

  “You’re being very mysterious.”

  She kind of loved it. He’d planned this all for her and it made her feel…special.

  “No one has ever accused me of being mysterious,” Sam laughed. “Not even the press.”

  “You’re being mysterious now. You’re lucky I like surprises.”

  It wasn’t long before they pulled up to the curb and Sam opened the car door, sliding out first before helping her out as well.

  Trees. People. A beautiful view of the river and the bridge.

  “It’s a park.”

  Maybe they were going to have a picnic.

  “The Brooklyn Bridge Park,” Sam confirmed, taking her hand. “I hope you like this. Follow me.”

  They walked hand in hand deeper into the park, under a canopy of trees. There were many people about, adults and children, and a few did give them strange looks but no one approached them. Sam had been right. People in the city didn’t bother celebrities. They had also clearly lost the paparazzi tonight. They hadn’t been in front of the building when they’d left which had been a huge relief. She’d have to ask Sam if he knew why they’d suddenly backed off. Maybe an even bigger star had done something newsworthy.

  Lights and music captured her attention and her gaze traveled to her right, toward the bridge. There was a beautiful carousel nestled near the river and she found herself pausing to watch it as it twirled slowly, the horses prancing up and down as if by magic.

  “That’s Jane’s Carousel. It’s famous in this area. It’s the reason we’re here.”

  Riley couldn’t quite believe her ears. Sam Collins, movie star and sex symbol, was going to ride a carousel? On purpose?

  “We’re going to ride the carousel?” She pointed to Sam and then herself. “As in you and me? Both of us?”

  He nodded, a smile on his too handsome face. “If your tummy feels up to it. I remember you telling me that you loved carnivals as a kid. I thought you might like this.”

  She loved it and she loved that he’d remember some off the cuff, throw away remark she’d made a few months ago. She hadn’t even remembered that she’d said it until now. He had though, and it made her heart do flips in her chest.

  Sam, I’m falling in love with you. Stop being so wonderful.

  They did ride the carousel. Twice, with a rest in between.

  It was a perfect evening. Warm and a little humid but not uncomfortably so. The sun was beginning to set and the sky had turned a brilliant pinkish-orange. For the first ride, Riley had chosen a noble steed with a red saddle while Sam had chosen the one beside hers, a black horse with a blue saddle. Riley had promptly named her mount Buttercup.

  “Buttercup, huh?” Sam helped her onto the horse, her heart tight in her chest with only his touch. When he dropped a kiss on her cheek, she almost fainted like a schoolgirl. “I see you’re a fan of The Princess Bride. Good movie.”

  “It is. What are you going to name yours?”

  Swinging his leg over the horse, he settled into the saddle before answering. “Is it important that my ride have a name? What if he already has one and we confuse the poor thing?”

  “I don’t see any name plaques.” Riley looked the carousel horses over well. “A name is very important. How else are you going to tell him when to go faster or slower?”

  She was only teasing Sam now but he was being such a good sport tonight. Perhaps one day they would bring their child here – together – and tell him the story about how Mommy and Daddy rode the carousel when she was pregnant. The only thing that would make that story better would be a happy ending.

  Ultimately that’s what Riley wanted with Sam. A happily ever after. She simply wasn’t sure if it was too much to ask of the universe.

  Sam just laughed and shook his head. “He’ll know, but you’re welcome to name him.”

  “Midnight,” she replied immediately. “I think that’s a good name for him.”

  “Midnight it is.”

  The carousel began to move slowly and then faster. To Riley’s delight, Sam reached across the empty space between them and captured her hand in his, holding it the entire ride. The sensitive flesh tingled and electric sparks shot up her arm. Fighting against her feelings was becoming exhausting.

  I love him so much.

  It was one thing, however, to admit it to herself. She wasn’t ready to tell him yet. It meant the world to her that he’d planned this romantic evening but she couldn’t – wouldn’t – read too much into it. He might do this all the time for all she knew. He might have brought dozens of females to this carousel over the years.

  After a brief break, they rode a second time. Riley chose a white horse with a gold saddle and Sam once again chose the horse right next to her own so he could hold her hand. She would have happily ridden that carousel all night but there were other people waiting so she allowed Sam to lead her away from the carousel where they could speak without having to yell over the music.

  “Are you hungry?” Sam asked. “There are several restaurants around here. Pizza, burgers–”

  “Burgers,” she said, cutting him off the minute he mentioned what her stomach was screaming for. Her mouth was watering just thinking about it. “I have a craving for a bacon cheeseburger.”

  She thought Sam might be annoyed but instead he looked delighted, a big grin on his face and his brows lifted in surprise. “A craving, huh? Well, we definitely have to make sure you get what you want. The place is a short walk from here. It’s one of those chain places but it’s supposed to be very good. I think from their name that they have shakes too.”

  “I want a chocolate one.”

  Suddenly she was ravenous. Hungry and happy. She was holding the hand of the man she adored and he was taking her out for an evening of fun. But not his style. There was no flowing champagne or yachts. No fancy restaurant or expensive outfits. He’d thought about what she’d like and enjoy and he’d come up all aces. It was perfect, and even if they didn’t work out together, she’d think about this evening for a long time to come.

  “You can have whatever you want. Just eat slow like the doctor said so you don’t get sick.”

  So far that advice seemed to be helping. The problem was her hunger snuck up on her and then was like a raging beast until it was fed and sated.

  “I will. You take good care of me.”

  His fingers lightly squeezed her own. “I always will.”

  Riley wanted to count on those words. She wanted to believe.


  The moon was high in the night sky when the driver pulled up in front of Sam’s condo. Riley had been telling him a funny story about her students but she paused when they arrived, turning to give him a smile that was part innocence and part sin. They’d been flirting with each other all evening but now they were home and the tension between them was high. He was nervous. He wanted her. He couldn’t pretend that he di
dn’t. Her feelings were more of a mystery, however.

  But they’d had a good time tonight. He’d made progress in winning her heart. Her cheeks were pink from laughter and her eyes sparkled with happiness. She’d enjoyed the park, the carousel, and even the bacon cheeseburger with a thick chocolate shake. Such a wonderfully simple date that didn’t require a tuxedo and camera lights flashing. Tonight they were just two people out for the evening and enjoying each other’s company. They might even be two people in love.

  “The date isn’t over yet.” He stepped away and flipped a switch on the discreetly hidden sound system, having set it up in advance. He remembered well the song they’d danced to their first night together. Their song. “We could dance a little. A club would be too noisy but we can do it right here without the prying eyes.”

  He didn’t want the paps or his fans watching him romance Riley. This was private, intimate, only for the two of them. There wasn’t much in his life that he could claim was only for him but this…he wouldn’t share.

  She smiled when she recognized Billy Vera and the Beaters and he pulled her unresistingly into his arms. Her head rested on his chest and her arms had snuck around his waist, splaying on his lower back. He could feel the heat of her touch through the thin cotton of his t-shirt and his skin burned from the contact. They barely moved at all to the romantic tune, their bodies brushing and sending messages of arousal through his veins.

  Riley had never looked more beautiful than she did at this moment. Her skin glowed in the soft light, her lips plush and pillow soft.


  Her name came out strangled and hoarse but she seemed to understand, her mouth turning up at the corners. Her hands slid up his chest until her palms were right above his pounding heart. There was no hiding what he was feeling now. It had to show in every line of his face. His desperate need for her. This love that he couldn’t hide any longer. She could laugh in his face but he had to speak the words. His heart was too full of emotion to keep quiet.

  “Riley, I…I love you.”

  She stopped then, her eyes widening in…surprise? Shock? There wasn’t dismay or disgust to his relief, but clearly she hadn’t been expecting a declaration of his feelings. Maybe she thought he was trying to get her into bed. Which he did want but that wasn’t why he was saying it.

  “I swear I’m not just trying to sweet talk you into bed,” he said, holding up his right hand as if taking an oath. “I wouldn’t do that.”

  This waiting wasn’t easy. Riley still hadn’t said anything and he was beginning to panic. She might be trying to find the words to let him down easy.

  Shit. Fuck. Damn. I should have kept my big mouth shut.

  “I’m not expecting you to say it back or anything.” Great. Now he was starting to babble. “I know this is soon but–”

  “I love you, too.”

  The words came out of her mouth quickly and her fingers pressed against his lips. He had to lift her hand away so he could speak.

  “Say that again.”

  Because I don’t quite believe that I heard it. I can’t be this lucky.

  She swallowed hard and that look was back in her eyes, the one he’d thought he’d seen earlier. “I love you, too.”

  They simply stared into one another’s eyes, time seemingly standing still as they absorbed the enormity of the moment and what they’d revealed. They’d made themselves vulnerable and this time neither of them would walk away with a broken heart.

  “Sam,” Riley said, cupping her hands around his face. Christ, her skin was so fucking soft. “Sam, take me to bed.”

  His sluggish brain took a moment to wrap around her request. She wanted them to make love. From her expression, this wasn’t that she was tired or wanted to watch television.

  She wanted him, and she was going to get him. All of him. Body, soul, and heart.

  Look out, Riley Bridges. I’m going to make you the happiest woman in the world.

  The bedroom was a pretty good place to start.


  The moon shone through the partially open curtains and played peekaboo with the bedroom, spots here and there bathed in light while others were cloaked in shadowy darkness. Sam and Riley tumbled down on the bed, impatient fingers tugging at their offending garments. She didn’t want any barrier between them and she couldn’t get him naked fast enough. In between pulling down zippers and sliding off panties, they kissed, their tongues tangled and vying for dominance. But it was only a game and they were both winners.

  Riley’s bra melted away and Sam cupped her breasts, his thumbs brushing the now extremely sensitive nipples and sending shockwaves of electricity straight to her clit. It wouldn’t take much to send her over tonight. They were both starved for one another. It had been too long.

  “Yes,” she whispered as his lips closed over a pebbled nipple, his tongue running circles around it. Trembling with the force of her arousal, she carded her fingers through his silky hair to anchor his head. “I think they’re bigger.”

  The changes in her body weren’t major yet, a little thickening at the waist but it felt like her chest had gone up a full cup size and they didn’t appear to be stopping there.

  Lifting his head, he gave her a wolfish grin. “They’re more sensitive, too. I barely have to touch you.”

  To demonstrate his point, he leaned down and swiped at a nipple with his tongue, watching her entire body quiver in reaction.

  “Is that a bad thing?”

  Her question came out breathless but she was finding it hard to take a deep breath.

  “Absolutely not. It’s a good thing. Like when I do this.”

  His callused thumb grazed her swollen clit and she gripped his shoulders as a wave of heat ran through her veins like liquid fire. She wanted to make him feel as amazing as he did her. Sliding her hands to the front of his chest, she pressed back against him. At first he resisted, his brows pulled down in confusion but then he acquiesced, falling back on the mattress.

  She met his puzzled expression with a determined one of her own. “I didn’t get to do this last time.”

  She didn’t leave him wondering for long, insinuating herself between his muscular thighs so she could easily reach his cock. Lapping at the crown, she ran her tongue up and down until his ass lifted from the mattress and he was groaning her name. His hand went to the back of her head and she obliged him by taking him as far into her mouth as possible while her fingernails scraped lightly over his balls. His grip tightened on her hair and then suddenly went lax, his hand cupping her chin and gently tugging her up so she was looking into his eyes.

  “That’s not where I want to come. I want to be inside of you, babe.”

  So far gone, Riley wasn’t going to argue. If things worked out between them, and it was looking more and more like that would be the case, they’d have a lifetime to explore and pleasure one another.

  To her surprise, Sam didn’t move from his position on the bed, instead urging her to straddle him with her palms braced on his chest. A frisson of arousal ran through her when Sam raised his hips, running his cock up and down her slit while his strong hands gripped her around the waist.

  “Ride me.”

  His huskily spoken command was all she needed, lifting up and then slowly lowering herself down taking him inch by inch until he was in to the hilt. Her walls stretched but the discomfort was drowned out by the pleasure of being so incredibly full. She paused for a moment and closed her eyes to savor the sweet sensation before beginning to move, a little at first but then more boldly as she gained confidence.

  “That’s it, honey,” Sam praised, his hands sliding up her torso and cupping her breasts. At some point, she’d leaned forward and now her hands were planted on the mattress on either side of his wide shoulders. “Are you close?”

  Not waiting for her answer, he snaked his hand down between them and began running circles around her clit. Crying out with the sensation, her forehead dropped down to rest
on his damp chest as their bodies moved in perfect synchronicity. The tightening coil in her abdomen was ready to explode and their movements became even more frenzied as they both neared completion.

  When she fell over the precipice the world spun and tilted as white lights sparkled behind her eyelids. Flames ran through her veins like dragons licking at her damp flesh. She barely registered his climax so caught up in the pure pleasure of her own, but she could feel his fingers tighten on her hips and knew there would be faint bruises there in the morning. They would match the crescent moons her nails had made in the flesh of his shoulders.

  Collapsing together, their sweaty limbs tangled in the sheets, Riley was content to lay her hand on Sam and feel the racing of his heart and the rapid rise and fall of his chest. Knowing he was as affected as she somehow made all of this easier. Falling in love was scary but she wasn’t alone.

  She had Sam. They were a team. Partners. And now they were officially lovers, too. In love and wanting to build a future together. Her, Sam, and the baby. It felt right, warm, and cozy.

  She wanted a family with him more than she’d ever wanted anything in her entire life.


  Sam couldn’t stop whistling and grinning the next morning as he placed two pieces of dry toast on a plate for Riley, right alongside a cup of ginger tea. He was going to take her a little snack so she could settle her stomach before she got out of bed. Not that he wouldn’t be glad to keep her in bed all day long, but they had a phone call to make to her parents and some shopping to do.

  Sometime last night as they’d cuddled close together whispering silly things to one another, they’d decided to take his morning off from filming and spend it together. They would call her parents and tell them the news, plus head to the stores and do a little shopping for Riley. She wasn’t ready for maternity wear but she was beginning to complain that her waistbands were a little snug. They’d buy her a few outfits to bridge the in-between.


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