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An Alpha's Fate (Ashwood World #1)

Page 2

by Lia Davis

  “Then you ran?”

  She gave a short nod before resting her cheek against his chest. “After I dealt with the Marshal.”

  Logan tightened his hold on her, cradling her to him. “You need a hot bath and sleep. I’ll call Sven to come by in the morning to check you over.”

  Normally she’d argue with him, but she was too tired. Besides, a hot bath sounded like heaven. She scooted off his lap and stepped aside so he could stand. “Logan, I’m sorry for bringing trouble to your door.”

  He chuckled as he entered the bathroom and set her on her feet. “Darling, you’ve always brought trouble with you.” While true, her current trouble was a death sentence for her and anyone hiding her. That was why she wouldn’t be there in the morning.

  Chapter Three

  Logan sat in a rocker on the front porch, watching the dark forest. He hadn’t been able to sleep, his wolf too on edge, knowing that the Greenhedge wolves might be looking for Reagan. The murder of their Alpha gave them every right to hunt her down. Plus, her scent taunted him. The sweet caramel apple fragrance filled every inch of his cabin.

  Damn the female for coming back. Damn him for thinking of allowing her back into his heart. Really, he had no choice. She was his fated mate.

  The snap of a twig sounded to his left just before the scent of apples drifted on the breeze. His wolf growled in his head. Logan waited until the female came into view. “Going somewhere?”

  Her spine straightened and her hands fisted at her side. Not turning to him, she said, “I can’t stay here. I’ve already risked too much exposing you. They’ll go after your Pack.”

  “If, and that is a big if, they are after you, it’d be to congratulate you for killing the monster.”

  That got her attention. She faced him. “You’ve known he was a psycho all this time?”

  Her anger lashed out at him like a physical slap. Snarling, he stood and advanced down the steps until he stood inches from her. “I did a little research after you went to bed. From what Connor said, Mason was working for Onyx and was a wanted man by the Council of Elders.”

  She jerked back as if surprised by the information. “I never knew.” She sagged and wrapped her arms around her middle. “I was too busy dodging his fist.”

  “And plotting your escape.” He softened his tone and reached out to her. Relief washed away some of his tension when she didn’t pull away. “Come inside. I have a few sentries keeping watch.”

  Without warning, she hugged him tight. Closing his eyes, he held her to him, relishing the feel of her body against his. No matter how mad he’d been over the years, he still loved her.

  Framing her face in his hands, he kissed her. A low growl vibrated from her as if the she-wolf approved. Need rocketed through him, and he tore his mouth from hers. Without a word, he linked their fingers and tugged her inside the cabin and toward the bedroom.

  Easing her down onto the soft mattress, he gazed into the depths of her desire-filled eyes. The flame they once had flared to life, as if waiting for the moment when they would reunite. He ran his knuckles down her cheek and she shuddered. “I’m not going to let you go this time.”

  “I should have fought harder to mate with you, or at least told you what had happened.” Her hazel eyes watered.

  “The past is behind us. I don’t have the strength to push you away or to hold my wolf back from making you ours, forever.”

  Realization lit up her features. A shimmer of hope formed in her expression. “Then don’t. I’m yours. I’ve always been yours.”

  He crushed his mouth to hers. A charged energy passed between them, raw and hot. Her body under his felt too damn good, too perfect. He should have chased her the moment she left. However, things happened for a reason. Plus, she came back to him.

  Tearing his mouth from hers, he trailed light kisses down her jaw to her neck. A whimper escaped her and she tightened her grip on his hair. Her soft pants turned to moans as he gently bit down on the soft curve of her throat.

  “I missed your scent on me,” he growled.

  She pushed at his chest, then jerked at his shirt. “Too many clothes.”

  Laughing, he sat up on his knees and yanked his t-shirt off. She sucked her lower lip between her teeth. With desire bright in her gaze, she ran her fingers down his chest. He gritted his teeth and held onto the small amount of control he had left. When she reached the top of his jeans and started to undo them, he grabbed her wrists and pinned them to the bed over her head.

  With his free hand, he released his claws and smirked. “All your clothes will be burned. I’ll buy you new ones because I hate his scent on you.”

  “Then mark me.”

  Her growled-out words made his impossibly hard cock jerk. With one claw, he sliced open her shirt, then her bra. Reagan moved under him, rubbing her still clothed lower half against him. Desire raced in his blood.

  He wanted to take his time with her. Not happening. Not this time.

  As if reading his mind, she said “Now, Logan. I need you inside me now. Make me forget the last ten years.”

  Releasing her hands, he popped the button from her jeans and removed them along with her panties. After removing his own clothes, he returned to her. All the while admiring her modest curves. “Beautiful.”

  The single word came out graveled.

  Her lips lifted slightly, and she cupped the back of his head to pull him to her until their lips touched. Searing need pulsed through him as their tongues twined together, familiar and new at the same time.

  She wrapped her legs around his waist, squeezed, and then jerked him forward. They groaned in unison as he entered her. Shit, the connection binding them together was strong. It was as if they’d never spent any time apart.

  Thrusting his hips in a raw, hot rhythm, his fangs lengthened and he struck, biting her in the sensitive spot where her throat met her shoulder. She screamed out as an orgasm slammed into her. Her pussy milked him, pushing him closer to his own release.

  The invisible strings of the mating bond wove together in a kaleidoscope of emotions. He increased his tempo and rode the wave of pleasure bouncing between them. The raw desire only Reagan could ignite and tame rolled with the wave.


  He wasn’t sure if he growled out the word or thought it as his balls tightened and his own climax surged through him.


  Reagan curled in Logan’s arms, boneless and happy. Her wolf slept peacefully within for the first time since mating Mason. The bastard had kept her and the wolf on edge, always waiting and watching.

  With Logan, everything was easy. Her wolf didn’t have to be on alert. No, she could relax and let the Alpha take charge.

  She snuggled into him a little more and smiled when he gently squeezed her. “I should have killed the SOB on our mating night.”

  A low growl rumbled in his chest. “You should have called me and I would have killed him for you.”

  Guilt formed in her heart and her chest hurt. Before she spoke, he lifted her chin and stared into her eyes. “I should have mated you the night before you left. We can’t dwell on the should-haves. We have a Pack to lead, and another to merge with us. At least the ones who wish to.”

  Hope bloomed but didn’t scare her worries away. “What do you mean?”

  “If Mason could raise the amount of rage within you needed to kill him, then your Pack is still yours.” He kissed her softly on her lips.

  Oh, no. What had she done? Eyes wide, she stared into his green gaze. “I left them. I’m a horrible Alpha female.”

  Cradling her head to his chest, Logan spoke softly. “You were scared. Plus, it is against the law to kill the Alpha. But you had probable cause. I’m betting most of your Pack will agree that it was justice served.”

  Maybe he was right. It still didn’t make her feel any better. “You’re going to make me go back to Greenhedge.”

  “Yes, but we can talk more tomorrow about it. Get some sleep.”

; She didn’t think she’d be able to sleep. Her mind was a buzz of thoughts and possible outcomes to her fucked-up situation. Worst of all, she’d abandoned the Pack she’d protected from the monster. All because she was a coward.

  Suddenly, the mating bond linking her to Logan filled with his love and concern. The extra emotions enveloped her wolf in a calming blanket. The sense that everything could work out filled her mind. However, that was Logan. Even before he became Alpha, he had the ability to make a shit storm into a beautiful, calm river, flowing like nature intended.

  “I love you, Logan,” she whispered.

  He kissed the top of her head. “Love you always, my mate.”

  With a wide smile, she drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter Four

  Reagan leaned against the kitchen counter, sipping coffee and watching Logan fight with the package of bacon. With her lips pressed together and her cup covering her smile, she forced herself to stay put. He used to hate it when she offered to help him with things like that.

  Finally, he let out a growl and thrust the pack of bacon to her. She laughed, set her cup down, and took the package. “Go shower. I’ll fix breakfast.”

  He kissed her hard on the lips before leaving the room. She laughed again, not remembering the last time she’d felt so happy and safe. A frown formed, not knowing if she deserved to be happy.

  Taking a shaking breath, she ripped opened the bacon and placed it in the pan. A light knock sounded on the door, and fear sliced through her gut. From the bathroom, Logan called out, “It’s Sven.”

  Relaxing her shoulders, she moved to the door and pulled it open. Sven’s smiling face greeted her, and she melted. The Healer hadn’t changed. His white blond hair still stood on ends, reminding her of Albert Einstein, only younger.

  “Hello, Reagan. It is good to see you.”

  She kissed him on the cheek and stepped aside. “It is good to be back.”

  He nodded. “I see.” He moved further into the living room and set his bag on the coffee table. “How are you feeling?”

  She shrugged. “Still a little sore in the ribs.”

  With another nod, he dug a pair of latex gloves out of his bag and put them on. Sven, despite that fact he was a shifter and immune to most germs, had worn gloves when healing for as long as she could remember.

  He turned to her. “Remove your shirt.”

  Frowning, she did as he said. Nudity wasn’t a problem with their kind. It was all part of the shift and a natural part of who they were. However, the newly mated Alpha in the shower would come out growling and grumpy.

  Sven placed his hands on her ribs and she sucked in a breath, which hurt like hell. Heat spread over her ribs as he worked to repair the new and some of the old damage Mason had inflicted on them. Not to mention the latest bruising from the Marshal. After what seemed like hours, Sven stepped back and removed his gloves. “All better.”

  “Thank you. Would you like to stay for breakfast?” She studied him briefly before turning toward the kitchen. He seemed distracted. Usually, he made a joke that only he understood or rambled on about the oddest things. Instead, he acted normal, which struck her as strange.

  The Healer followed her and stopped at the front door. “No. I was on my way to Ashwood.”

  “Oh, Okay.” She didn’t press him for answers. He definitely had something on his mind.

  “If you need anything, just call.” He said and left.

  Shaking her head, she turned the bacon as Logan stepped up next to her. “Is he always so…”

  “Distracted? Yes, lately he has been.”

  “Since when do we share our Healer with Ashwood?” She knew they had a treaty with the leopard and wolf Pack, but she didn’t know about Sven spending time over there.

  Logan laughed and leaned a hip against the counter. “Since he started spending time with a female over there.”

  A spark of happiness lit up inside her knowing the Healer had found a possible mate. Sven, though a little odd at times, deserved to be happy. “That’s great.”

  Reaching over her, Logan switched off the burner and removed the pan before turning her to meet his green stare. Her pulse sped up as he dipped his head to claim her lips. Soft, yet commanding, the kiss ignited her desire. A moan slipped out, and she returned the affection, threading her fingers into his short black hair.

  When he broke the contact, she sighed and pressed her forehead to his. Logan was her heart. He always had been. “I’m so sorry—”

  He placed a finger to her lips. “What did I say last night?”

  She hugged him close, resting an ear against his chest. “I never loved him.”

  “I know.”

  There was an arrogant tease to his tone that made her laugh. “How will I ever repay you, my Alpha?”

  He pulled back and framed her face in his hands. One dark brow rose in sensual challenge, and damned if it didn’t make her hot all over. “I’ll think of a few ways, starting with pleasuring you every day for the rest of our existence.”

  God, yes. She kissed him, then bit his lower lip before sucking on it. His grip on her waist tightened and he pressed his impossibly hard cock into her through their clothes.

  Suddenly, a brush of awareness skittered up her spine, and the hairs on her nape stood on end. Logan picked up on it as well and let out a low growl as he let go of her and moved to the door in two long strides.

  Heart hammering, Reagan followed. They’d found her. Fuck.

  Logan glanced over his shoulder at her. On her nod, he opened the door and stepped onto the porch. “Show yourselves.”

  His Alpha power rippled through her as she joined him and took his hand. If they wanted a fight, then she’d give it to them. After all, what kind of Alpha mate would she be if she ran, again?

  Besides, she’s already killed one Alpha and his Marshal.

  One-by-one, wolves emerged from the woods around them. Dominants took their place in front of the submissives. Logan squeezed her hand gently. When she glanced at him, he whispered, “You are their Alpha.”

  “What? No.” She scanned the crowd and realized the awareness she’d felt earlier was the bond to each of them. Guilt twined in her gut, and she thought she was going to be sick. “I left them.”

  It was barely a whisper, but by the way Logan slid an arm around her waist and hugged her said he’d heard. “They came here for you.”

  A male she recognized as a sentry stepped forward, his gaze narrowed as he glanced from her to Logan. Justin, she remembered he had always been respectful toward her where the others avoided her. “You abandoned your Pack, then mated another Alpha.”

  She winced at his rough tone. Before she was able to reply, a dominant female stepped forward and smacked Justin in the back of the head. “My brother means no disrespect, Alpha. However, it does leave us vulnerable and without a Pack.”

  Shit. Reagan had never thought about it that way. She was such a bitch. “I didn’t challenge Mason. I killed him in self-defense and feared my own life would be in danger if I stayed.”

  The female, Rissa, smiled wickedly. “But you also killed the Marshal, leaving the sorry ass Beta for me to take care of. By Pack law, you are our Alpha.” She shifted her gaze to Logan. “And your mate has to make the decision to accept or destroy us.”

  Reagan jerked her gaze to Logan. “That’s not a rule, is it?”

  Without looking at her, he nodded once. “Technically, yes. But it is not a written one. Since this kind of thing doesn’t happen, ever, the Council doesn’t enforce it.”

  Rissa snorted. “The Council doesn’t exist.”

  Logan released Reagan and stepped off the porch, his Alpha power extending out to the female. Reagan followed him as Rissa lowered her head. Logan spoke to the crowd. “As Alpha of Birchwood, my own Pack is my priority. Each one of you will be subject to an interview with the Justice from Ashwood Falls, only because I don’t have one. Jared is a trusted friend. In addition, there will be an oath ritual welcomi
ng you to Birchwood. If you are unable or unwilling to do either of these things, leave now.”

  A few rumbles scattered through the small crowd, but no one left. Speaking so only she could hear him, Logan asked, “Is this the whole Pack?”

  “I’m afraid so. Some left and some just…disappeared.”

  Reagan shuddered at the information she’d uncovered moments before she’d killed the bastard. Those who disappeared had been sent to a cruel fate.

  Justin and Rissa stood with their backs straight and chins held high. “We accept you as our new Alpha and pledge any oath you ask of us.”

  They howled and soon the other wolves followed suit. A sense of healing, love, and belonging flowed around them. Pack. She faced Logan, kissed him, and then howled along with her Pack.

  And they were hers, and Logan’s.

  Her mate hugged her close. “I love you.”

  A tear formed, but she brushed it away. “I love you, too, my mate. My Alpha.”

  The bond she once had to the people around her snapped back in place, running from her to Logan. “They’re ours now.”

  “Yes, and they’ll get the life they deserve.”

  Her heart swelled. In that moment, she knew exactly what it was like to truly be mated to the Alpha.

  About the Author

  Lia Davis is a mother to two young adults and three equally special kitties, a wife to her soul mate, and a lover of romance. She and her family live in Northeast Florida battling hurricanes and very humid summers. But it's her home and she loves it!

  An accounting major, Lia has always been a dreamer with a very active imagination. The wheels in her head never stop. She ventured into the world of writing and publishing in 2008 and loves it more than she imagined. Writing is stress reliever that allows her to go off in her corner of the house and enter into another world that she created, leaving real life where it belongs.


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