Suddenly Trouble (Dirty Texas Book 4)

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Suddenly Trouble (Dirty Texas Book 4) Page 13

by JA Low

  “Where’s the door?” Vanessa stares at the solid brick wall. Derrick pulls up his phone and checks the details.

  “There should be a pin code box somewhere.” We all start to look, but we can’t see anything. A red flashing light catches our attention. “Here.” Derrick points. Punching in his personal code, the door slides open like a secret passage and we walk in.

  “Welcome, Mr. Jones,” a tuxedo dressed doorman greets us as we enter. He is standing behind a leather studded reception desk with two suited up bouncers on either side of him. “Congratulations on becoming the newest member of The Paradise Club, here is your card.” He hands over what looks like a gold credit card. “Swipe this when you want to move through the different floors. Each level has a security door and you will need this to get to the next level. Miss Roberts, Miss Williams, Miss Eriksen, here are your temporary cards. It has the same access as Mr. Jones’ but only for one night.”

  The doorman hands us all a white version of Derrick’s card, it’s kind of exciting, but I am still pretty nervous. “And here are your bands,” he advises, handing us multicolored bands. “Each color represents what you are into. Pink if you are into exploring with women, blue if you are into exploring with men, white is no sexual intercourse but all other play is okay, red is if you are happy to explore sexual intercourse in the club, yellow is looking to explore with just one person, green is looking to explore experiences with more than one person, purple is okay with playing in public, orange if you would prefer to play behind closed doors. People will be able to work out your interests by looking at these bands. It makes everything more open and honest when you are chatting with other people. Also there is a black band as well which means no play at all and a lot of the staff members will have one on but you will also see some staff members with colored bands. You will be able to ask them to play at any time and they will.” The staff get to play as well? Interesting. My heart hammers in my chest as he hands over the bands to each of us. I quickly scan over the bands each of my friends takes. Holy shit my friends are kinky fuckers. Tonight I decide to throw myself fully into the experience, I mean if it’s the only chance I get why not go the whole course. “Drinks and appetizers are complimentary but the club is very strict on drunkenness. You can be ejected and your membership revoked if you play up,” the doorman tells us before he launches into all the rules in regards to the club. We all nod in agreement. The golden doors open and a beautiful woman dressed in an emerald evening dress walks toward us. “This is Lucy. She will walk you through the club showing you where everything is.” Lucy smiles at us warmly.

  “Welcome, Mr. Jones and party, please follow me.” Her voice is low and seductive, almost a purr. We follow her through the golden doors and into the club. I’m blown away; this is not at all what I was expecting. It’s has a cool 1920’s vibe, very Gatsby-esque, old Hollywood style. We are standing in a large room where there are many people milling around, all still fully clothed as if this was just another exclusive nightclub in Hollywood. Black leather booths line the walls of the room, large ornate gold chandeliers hang from the ceilings, walls painted black with gold art deco designs swirling across it and soft jazz music playing. Lucy guides us toward the studded leather bar; I notice curious eyes following us as we walk. The stunning bar staff hand over a couple of glasses of champagne to us. “This level is the safe room, there is no nudity allowed in this area. Later in the evening a DJ will play and the dance floor fills up. It doesn’t take long for people to move onto other areas of the club.” She gives us a wink. We follow our beautiful guide to the back of the safe room where there is a grand staircase leading to the next level and two lifts with bouncers guarding the area. “There are five levels of play, the further you ascend the harder the levels get.” My eyes widen. What on earth happens on the top floor? My body shivers. I don’t think I can handle sex club expert level, not yet anyway. All four of us are quiet, not a single peep out of any of us as we take it all in. I squeeze Stacey’s hand as we slowly take the stairs up to the next level.

  “This is exciting,” Stacey whispers to me, I just nod, my mouth dry from the nerves.

  “This level is for voyeurs and exhibitionists.” Lucy points to a large glass cube room in the middle of the area. My eyes widen at seeing a threesome happening, two women and a man. He’s lying on his back with one girl riding him and the other girl is riding his face, the two girls kissing. Holy shit. This is happening. Like really happening, these people are having sex. I’m watching real people have real sex. Not going to lie, it’s kind of hot. I think I would rather two men to play with.

  “That’s hot,” Stacey mumbles to herself, the four of us mesmerized by the scene in front of us. Lucy moves away from the cube and grabs our attention again.

  “I will be leaving you on this level, you have your map.” Derrick shakes the bit of paper in his hand. “Please know that at any time you can use the club’s safe word, Paradise. When it is used everything stops, if it doesn’t then one of the bouncers will make sure it does.” Lucy points to the many men dressed in black dotted around the club, then she leaves us to our own devices.

  “Okay, I’m trying to not freak out, but we just watched people have sex,” I giggle nervously.

  “I know, it’s kind of hot,” Stacey agrees and we all burst out laughing nervously at the craziness that we have stepped into.

  “Maybe we should go back down to the safe room, have some drinks and then work up the courage to continue our journey,” Derrick suggests. We follow his lead and head back downstairs and straight toward the bar. “Tequila shots, kind sir,” Derrick flirtatiously asks the handsome barman.

  “Coming right up, sir,” he flirts back at him.

  “Not yet, but maybe later I will be,” Derrick fires right back.

  “Sounds like something I would like to be a part of,” the barman states, showing off his multicolored bands on his wrist. Derrick’s in luck as he sees the blue bracelet dangling from the barman's wrist. Our tequila shots arrive and we all slam them down quickly, nerves getting the better of us. “Is it going to be weird if…you know, we see each other doing something?” I ask. I love my friends but I don’t know if I love them that much.

  “Maybe, I don’t know, just as long as you don’t ask to join me, we should be fine,” Stacey says, making us laugh.

  “Well, I wouldn’t mind watching Derrick and the hot barman later on.” Vanessa elbows D in the ribs.

  “I know you want all up on this, Miss V, but check the bands girl, no pink on this wrist.” He shakes his bands in front of my face.

  “Ew, I don’t want to join in, but I wouldn’t mind watching,” Ness giggles. Derrick is hot, no, the man is absolutely stunning and the barman could be a model also. Two hot men going at it, yeah I see the appeal.

  “You’re only human.” Derrick grins at Ness, they turn and whisper something between each other.

  “I am so nervous,” I confess to Stacey.

  “Me too. I’ve never been somewhere so…sexual.” I take another shot of tequila, I’m going to need all my strength to relax and let my inhibitions fly tonight. We order more shots, the warm liquid courses through my veins, tingling my body. I’m the right amount of buzzed for tonight.

  “Oh shit,” Derrick curses under his breath. We follow his line of sight and see Axel, Christian, Oscar and Finn walk into the club. No fucking way. This is not happening. They are not going to ruin my night. Vanessa visibly stiffens beside me.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” Oscar doesn’t look happy that I have crashed his private sanctuary.

  “I’m here having fun.” I roll my shoulders back. He is not going to ruin tonight.

  “I don’t want you here,” Oscar adds as if it’s his choice. His attitude is pissing me off, plus I’ve had one too many tequila shots.

  “Too fucking bad. Derrick invited me and I’m determined to have fun, so you can fuck off.” I cross my arms, glaring at him. Silence falls all around us as our fr
iends watch on as we stare each other down.

  “Sorry, Ragnar,” Derrick interrupts, using his nickname for Oscar. “Little sis is here to have fun. You need to let the leash go, or maybe not, depends on if we make it to the BDSM level.” Derrick bursts out laughing at his joke, which Oscar doesn’t find funny at all. I give Derrick a mental high five.

  “Isla, it’s a little awkward for us to be in a sex club with you,” Finn adds. What in the actual fuck, how dare he! I push a finger into Finn’s chest.

  “Then you can leave, you’re a member, you both can come anytime you want. But for me this is my one and only night. So you either stay and see something you might not like or you can both fuck off.” I let them both have it.

  “Fine, I’ll go,” Oscar adds then turns to his friend. “Finn, stay, keep an eye on her. Make sure no fuckers mess with her, okay?” I’m speechless at my brother who quickly disappears back out the front door.

  “Okay, now that matter is over with, let’s get our freak on,” Derrick cheers.



  Six months later


  I can’t take my eyes off of Isla as we make our way into The Paradise Club. She’s joking around looking beautiful as ever with the rest of the gang as we celebrate Axel and Christian’s thirtieth birthdays. Vanessa organized some strippers for them earlier and now we’ve moved the party to the other club. As soon as we arrived Axel disappeared with the two strippers to who knows where. I noticed Oscar and Stacey have snuck away, Evan and Sienna have gone home and Christian and Vanessa have disappeared too.

  “So, what’s happening tonight?” Derrick slides up to me, I watch as Isla and Tyler chat, the bourbon in my stomach turning acrid the more I watch.

  “I’m not sure.” Derrick looks over at Isla and Tyler.

  “She’s not interested in him.”

  “Doesn’t mean she won’t have sex with him.” I throw back the rest of my bourbon which tastes bitter in my mouth.

  “True. The boy is hot and she’s fucked him before and…” Derrick lets the words hang in the air grabbing my attention.

  “And?” He gives me a smile.

  “And it was good.” I shoot Derrick daggers.

  “But not as good as it is with you.” Turning, I see him sporting a huge smirk.

  “She’s talked about us?” He nods, his eyes dropping to my crotch and back up again.

  “But don’t worry she doesn’t know about your dirty little secret.” My body tenses. “I’ve seen you, Finn Connolly.” I can feel the blood draining from my face. “Don’t worry your secret is safe…for now.” Derrick stares at me. “But you’re going to have to tell her at some point, it’s only fair.” I turn back to the crystal goblet in my hand, turning it around in my fingers, the amber liquid gone from the glass.

  “She’s not going to look at me the same.” Derrick is pensive for a moment.

  “She loves you, Finn. But I understand why you would keep this secret from her. Does anyone else know?”

  “Oscar.” Derrick nods his head.

  “Of course he does. And you think that’s the reason why he wouldn’t want you two together.” I raise my brows at him, of course he wouldn’t. “Seriously? I mean you know him better than I do, but I do know that Oscar isn’t very conventional in the bedroom so I can’t imagine he would be that shocked. Unless…” I let my head hang. I can’t even look at Derrick to answer that. “Oh,” is all he says. Yeah a big Oh. “Was it…?” I shake my head.

  “Once, there was a lot of drugs and…” I don't need to finish it, Derrick understands.

  “This has just gotten a little complicated. But I still think you need to tell her.”

  “I know.” Derrick stands and I look up at him.

  “You should never ever feel ashamed, Finn.” He reaches out and squeezes my shoulder. “No one should ever be ashamed of what they desire.” And with those words of wisdom he skips away into the club.

  “Hey.” Isla greets me moments later, sitting in Derrick’s seat. “So you’re not playing tonight?” She looks out into the club.

  “Not while you’re here.” Isla turns giving me a strange look.

  “Why not? It’s never stopped you before.” I shrug as I take a sip of the replenished bourbon.

  “Just not in the mood.” Isla frowns at me.

  “Did Derrick say something to you? Because you looked to be having a serious conversation.” I shake my head. “You can talk to me, Finn. You know that, don’t you?” Her blue eyes sparkle like shards of ice in the sunlight. I need to shake it off, so I lean over and whisper in her ear.

  “Do you want me to tell you that I’ve been fantasizing about taking you into one of the rooms, leaving the door unlocked, blindfolding you and letting you wonder who the hell is fucking you? Letting you try to figure out if it’s me or some stranger?” Isla swallows. “Do you want me to tell you that I want to tie you up and kiss every inch of your body until you are straining against your restraints, until I’ve driven you mad with pleasure?” Her skin breaks out into goosebumps. “Or do you want me to tell you that I want to fuck you in front of an audience? That I want the men to feel jealous that it’s my dick that’s fucking that sweet pussy and all they have is their fucking hands when they would kill to be sinking into your sweet cunt?”

  “Finn.” Isla’s resolve is crumbling just like my own, her chest is heaving with each unsteady breath she is taking.

  “Just say the word, Isla, and I’m all yours. Please, put me out of my misery. I can’t be here with you and not touch you, I’m not a fucking saint.” The next thing I know Isla’s lips are on mine, her hands holding my face as her lips tell me everything her body is feeling.

  “Show me, show me everything, Finn.”

  The constant beeping of my phone wakes me from my slumber, but my arm is stuck, there’s a warm body beside me, my heart races. Who the hell is in my bed? Turning, I see the blonde strands over my arm and last night comes back to me in an instant. My dick turns hard in the process as I remember Isla letting go, being free and exploring everything The Paradise Club offered. She let me tie her up with the restraints, she let me fuck her with a full audience, she let me blindfold her, she let me bring in another man to touch her, caress her, but I was the only one that fucked her. The other man could touch but he would never get to feel her warm pussy wrapped around his dick, he could only enjoy her pussy on his lips and his tongue or his dick stuck down her throat as I fucked her. My phone goes off again, and Isla’s starts to ring as well. What is going on? Isla reaches out groaning, her body probably aching in all the right places.

  “Hello,” she answers the phone groggily. “What? Huh! What do you mean, they got married?” Her last words get my attention now. “Okay, okay. I’ll be right up.” She hangs up and rolls over, her eyes widening when she realizes she’s in bed with me. “Finn.”

  “Hey.” This just got awkward. She looks down under the sheet and realizes she’s naked. Her eyes close and I can see that she is mentally berating herself for sleeping with me after all this time. “Issy.” My hand reaches out making her open her eyes. “Don’t regret last night, please.” She gives me a sad smile and lets out a heavy sigh.

  “I have to go, apparently Christian and Vanessa got married last night and it’s all over TMZ.” Now it’s my turn to be shocked.

  “Are you serious?” She pulls back the sheet and sits on the edge of the bed, grabbing some of the clothes that are on the floor and re-dresses herself.

  “Yep. Axel’s freaking out. Derrick is pissed and the media is going crazy.” She stands up all dressed again in her clothes from last night. “I have to go get changed and meet them up in their room to help sort it all out.” She gives me a small smile. “Thanks for last night it was…” She shakes her head then leans down and gives me a kiss. “It was fun.”

  “It was fun.” I lick my lips, her eyes settling on them. “Let me know when you want the next round.” Isla’s attention is still o
n my lips as silence fills between us, as if my lips have entranced her.

  “Um, sure.” That didn’t sound too convincing.

  “I’ve missed hanging out with you.” Her eyebrow rises.

  “When you say hanging out you mean hanging out, don’t you?”

  “Believe me I loved last night’s hanging out.” She rolls her eyes. “But I also miss my friend.” This stops her and her face changes, softens.

  “I miss my friend too,” she confesses. “But this…” She waves her hands between us, “…complicates things.”

  “Is that why you have kept your distance. You can’t keep your hands off me?” She laughs, throwing a pillow at me.

  “You’re such a jerk.”

  “Hey, I’m irresistible, I get it.” I chuckle, which just make her roll her eyes harder.

  “You’re the one that tempts me with your dirty words. I mean, come on, I’m only human.” Note to self about using dirty talk around her, good to know. “So, if you keep that mouth in check then maybe we could hang out together more.”

  “Do you seriously want me to keep my mouth in check?” I give her a big smile.

  “See, there you go again with the flirting.”

  “It’s part of my charm.” I grin.

  “Yes, it is. But…” Her face becomes a little serious. “It makes it hard.” Now is not the time to point out how hard she actually has made me. I can see it written on her face that us hooking up makes things harder between us, and it’s my fault for pushing her away, for only letting myself have bits of her because of who I am.

  “I’m sorry, Issy.” She lets out a sigh.

  “No. You’ve been honest with me, Finn. You’ve told me nothing more can happen between us other than this.” She waves her hand around the crumpled sheets of my bed. “I understand, it’s just sometimes my head and my heart just don’t like to talk to each other.” It’s killing me that I am doing this to her.


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