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Suddenly Trouble (Dirty Texas Book 4)

Page 24

by JA Low

  We have made our way back to the private area of the resort.

  “So, what did you think?” Nate asks as we get out of the golf carts.

  “I’m going to have the best time ever.” Derrick jumps up and down, his energy level sitting at one hundred and twenty percent.

  “We have dinner planned for tonight at Nate’s villa for around eight thirty, until then your time is your own. Oh, and each one of your villas has its own dedicated butler,” Camryn adds.

  “What you do with that butler is up to you.” Nate smirks. Derrick pretty much starts sprinting to his villa.

  “Have fun guys. See you at dinner,” Camryn adds.

  “Oh and your colored wrist bands are in your rooms, don’t forget to wear them,” Nate reminds us as we all nervously say goodbye to each other and follow the staff to our rooms.



  “Welcome to your villa,” the young staff member tells us as he opens the door. “My name is Vincent and I will be your personal butler during your stay. If you require anything then all you have to do is call for me anytime of the day or night.”

  “Anytime?” Isla asks.

  “Yes, ma’am.” He has a southern twang to his voice. Vincent looks like he’s spent his time riding horses and wrangling cattle, his tanned skin stands out against the white polo, which is maybe a couple of sizes too small for him as it is plastered to his muscular body. What the hell am I doing? It has to be all the pheromones that ooze from the resorts pores. Isla is a little quiet for a moment, I can see her mind ticking over. Those ice-blue eyes fall on me, then to Vincent, then back to me.

  “What service do you provide, Vincent?” Is she flirting with him? My jaw tenses.

  “I can organize anything you require, a candlelit dinner by the beach, a massage, any type of food, drink, pretty much anything you can think of I can get for you.” He stands still, all professional, his emerald eyes never leaving Isla.

  “And?” She quirks her eyebrow at him, as if she is asking for something from the secret menu. He holds up his wrist to her, showing off his colored bands. “Interesting.” She looks between Vincent and I again and I understand what has caught her eye. The colored bands that indicate he plays with both males and females. I swallow hard, my body tensing at the thoughts running through Isla’s mind. She turns and saunters over to where the French doors open to the white sand of the beach, a gust of warm air fills the air-conditioned villa as she opens the glass doors. I look at Vincent who is standing to attention like a carved Greek god statue, but those emerald eyes follow me with hunger behind them. I feel a little exposed. How would he know? You’re freaking out for no reason, Finn. This is his job. He is paid to be at the client’s beck and call, to help them enjoy their stay however they see fit. Isla turns and looks over her shoulder at me, the look she is giving me is pure heat and I am seconds away from ripping her clothes off.

  “Vincent,” she calls out over her shoulder.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Would we be able to have a bottle of champagne delivered to the room?”

  “Of course. Will there be anything else?”

  “Is there a menu?” He smiles and walks over to the coffee table and picks up a black folder and hands it to Isla. He takes a step back.

  “What are you after, sweetheart?” I try to keep my voice calm when my insides are doing somersaults.

  “Just getting some ideas.” Her finger runs down the drinks menu, then over the food menu. Stopping at something she likes. “Could you add strawberries and cream to that order as well.”

  “Of course.”

  Her tongue slides out and sits between her teeth as she concentrates, it drives me crazy but I have to remind myself we are not alone.

  “Did you want some beer, babe?”

  “A bud please.” Vincent nods.

  “What about food, you must be starving?” Isla asks me.

  “Fine. I’ll have a burger and fries, with bacon too.” Vincent smiles.

  “Good choice.”

  “I’ll steal some of yours, but I’ll have a Caesar salad.”

  “Anything else?” Vincent asks again. Isla flips over the menu and her eyes widen, her mouth falls open into an O shape.

  “Yes. I’ll have the O-Blaster, handcuffs, a horse whip and some lube.” My eyes go wide. Vincent grins.

  “Of course.”

  “I think that’s it.” Isla places the menu down on the table beside her.

  “I will bring you your drinks and toys straight away and your food should be about fifteen minutes away.”

  “Thank you, Vincent.” And with that he walks out the door.

  “He was cute.”

  “Issy.” My voice deepens.

  “What?” She looks at me innocently.

  “I know what you are up to and no.”


  “Because,” I argue back.

  “Because why?” Frustrated I run my hand through my hair.

  “I don’t want to hurt you.” My honest answer surprises her. She walks up and cups my jaw.

  “As long as we are honest and communicate I don’t think we will hurt each other.” I don’t know. “Remember when you told me about Stacey and Olivia being together.” He nods. “And they all seem pretty okay; don’t you think?”

  “Yes, but they are girls.” She rolls her eyes at me. “What about Oscar and Axel? They seem to be okay. That foursome was even a little flirty on the plane today.”

  “Everyone’s horny and had way too much tequila,” I tell her. She waves me off.

  “I overheard Olivia telling Axel that this is their last hurrah before they become parents.” They will be exhausted. I doubt they are going to have time to have kinky sex with their friends after the twins are born.

  “This is our last hurrah but it doesn’t mean…” She waves me off again.

  “Axel and Oscar have both been with each other’s women while the other has been present in the room and they are all still friends. So, I think us having a little fun with a professional should be okay.” She does have a point, but still, I’m not one hundred percent on board with her crazy idea, no matter how tempting the guy is.

  “This is kind of like our only chance, Finn. We are at a sex resort!” Her voice rises, “Like…we can pretty much do anything we want…”

  “Within reason,” I add. She just rolls her eyes at me.

  “Of course, Mr. Party Pooper.” She grins at me.

  “But just because our friends are doing it doesn’t mean we have to.”

  “You think I’m suffering from FOMO?” I shrug, maybe she is. Those ice-blue eyes widen; fire begins to burn behind them. “Believe me, Finn, I don’t have FOMO. What I do have is dirty images of my fiancé getting his dick sucked and it seems to be on a dirty loop in my mind. Especially since arriving here and seeing Vincent, they have become even hotter and more vivid.” My heart begins to beat faster. She just stares at me, the silence stretching between us. “Let me give you this, Finn, at least once. Then I promise I won’t ever talk about it again.” I can see the sincerity written across her face, she’s thought about this, long and hard. Isla really wants to give me this. My love for this woman blooms even bigger than I ever thought it could reach. She wants to make me happy with this one act.

  “And what about you?”

  “What about me?” She looks confused.

  “Would you like to be with someone else?” She stills for a moment as if the idea hadn’t even crossed her mind.

  “If the person is into both of us I think that is okay, but anything else, then no.”

  “Okay.” Her ice-blue eyes widen in surprise. There isn’t anything else to say. I can’t talk her out of it.

  “Okay, what?” she questions me.

  “This weekend only. I will do what you want. You can make the decisions, the choices. Whatever you desire I will do for you.” I pull her into my arms.

  “Are you sure?” I nod.

�I trust you. And you trust me.” She smiles up at me then our mouths meet in a heated kiss. My fingers dig into her ass. I pick her up and she wraps her legs around me as my cock comes alive. She grinds herself against me. There’s a knock at the door, interrupting us.

  “That must be Vincent.” Isla looks a little too excited by this as she pulls herself away from me and rushes to the door, opening it for him. He has a trolley filled with items for us. A chilled bottle of champagne and two glasses, a bowl of strawberries and cream, a bucket of Buds for me. He places these on the coffee table then opens the second level of the trolley and pulls out a vibrator, horse whip and fluffy handcuffs and places them on the table beside our drinks. Isla lets out a nervous giggle.

  “I hope this is to your satisfaction?” Vincent looks at both of us. I turn to Isla and see if there is anything she would like.

  “Yes. Thank you. This will be great to start with.”

  “I’ll be back soon with the food. Enjoy.” He gives us a smile and walks out.

  “So, Miss Eriksen, what do you have planned for me?” I eye off the strawberries and cream.

  “Oh, Mr. Connolly, I have so much planned for you. Lay back and let me show you.” I do as I am told. She dips one of the strawberries in the cream and places it between my teeth. I suck on it for a couple of seconds before devouring it. She then kisses me hungrily, my mouth still full of the strawberry juices, which drip down her chin. Her hand moves to my pants and she starts to unbuckle them. Her fingers pulling down the zipper then unbuttons me. Her hand caresses my hardening cock which is utterly restricted by my underwear. She sits back up onto her knees and grabs the bottle of champagne, pouring herself a glass she takes a tiny sip then fills her mouth. She pulls out my dick and pushes it through her clenched mouth which is filled with the bubbly liquid, it fizzes and pops around my cock. Holy shit that is insane. It stings but also feels good. She swallows the liquid down and gives my cock a hard suck making my eyes roll back into my head. She pops off and gives me a satisfied smirk.

  “Feeling proud of yourself.” I raise a brow at her, she nods coyly and scoops up a dollop of cream, placing it on my dick. Her mouth then disappears over it again, sucking, licking the cream off of me. She is thorough. Another knock at the door. Perfect timing. Not. She pops off of me with a satisfied grin and rushes to the door. I quickly tuck myself away. Vincent comes in and places my burger and her salad on the dining room table.

  “Was there anything else?” He looks expectantly between us, his emerald eyes falling at the bulge pushing against my pants.

  “Actually.” Isla wiggles nervously. I sit up. Nervous now too. “Would you mind coming back in an hour please.” That’s all she tells him.

  “Of course.”

  “Thank you.” And with that he turns on his heel and leaves.

  “What are you up to, Miss Eriksen?”

  “Vincent is cute.” I don’t say anything, but she pushes for an answer.

  “Yes he is.” My eyes narrow at her.

  “And?” She wants me to tell her that I want to fuck him, I can see it written all over her face.

  “Yes, Isla. I would fuck him.” My honest words shock her for a moment and then her ice-blue eyes turn to liquid desire.

  “I want you to tell me all the things you will do with him.” She swallows, moving toward me. She straddles me on the couch. “I need to know.” She licks her lips. I tell her all the dirty things I am going to do to her and him. Issy is beyond turned on and before we know it we are ripping each other’s clothes off and devouring each other desperately.



  That had to be some of the best sex I think Finn and I have had. Maybe it was his dirty talking, maybe it was the fantasy of his words that are about to come true or maybe it’s just that we are in paradise and our inhibitions we normally have are gone.

  “I hope you have more energy.” I elbow Finn. He looks over at me and quirks a brow.

  “You still want to do this?” My eyes run over Finn’s naked body, the muscles rippling against his tanned skin. His beautiful cock still standing to attention after our love making. My hand runs down his chest, making his cock twitch.

  “You okay with it?” I’m nervous because I’m the one pushing for it. I don’t want to freak out in the middle of it. I trust Finn. I also trust Vincent; I mean it is his job to do this. It’s not like I have to worry about some random guy wanting more of my man. He gets paid a lot of money to fulfil client’s fantasies, to not get familiar with them, to understand how a dynamic like this works. I’m sure he has seen everything and probably done everything. That kind of eases my nerves. Is it going to be weird seeing Finn with another man? Yeah. I think it will. But I think it would be the same for Finn seeing me with another man. Should I be with a woman instead, would that make it even? “I can see your mind is running away with itself again,” Finn chuckles.

  “Shut up.” I slap him playfully. His stomach lets out a mighty growl and we both burst out laughing. “I think I better feed you.” I jump up and grab the burger from the dining table and my salad. I place the food down in front of Finn, who instantly starts devouring it. I rush into the bathroom and go to the toilet; I also grab a bathrobe and throw it around myself. I place the other beside Finn who puts it on. I sit back on the couch beside him and eat my salad in silence as we both stare out the window at the secluded beach. I wonder what everyone else is up too. Okay, scratch that, I don’t know if I want to know what my friends are up to. Those kinky fuckers are probably doing something crazy.

  A knock on the door exactly an hour later happens. My nerves kick in, I look at Finn and he gives me a reassuring smile. You wanted this Isla. I open the door and Vincent is standing there with a smile on his face. The guy is gorgeous. Emerald green eyes, blond styled hair, and the muscles, not bodybuilder-esqe more natural like he lifts logs or builds things. He got them being manly which is strange because he is young, maybe twenty-five.

  “How can I help you, Miss Eriksen?”

  “Um.” I look over his shoulder to make sure he is alone. “I’m…I…don’t know how to ask?” Those emerald eyes fall from my face and dip quickly to my exposed cleavage. The robe is hanging open and low. He then returns to my face.

  “My job is to make sure you are satisfied with your stay. I’m here to serve you anyway or how you would like me to.” I think he is saying that he will join us.

  “Okay.” I push the door open for him to enter then close it behind me. My heart is racing. You can do this. Every dirty fantasy you have ever seen on Tumblr is about to come true. You are going to live every woman’s dream in mere moments. Enjoy it. Enjoy it for the sisterhood! And with that inspiring pep talk, I hold my head up high and decide I am going to be confident. “Vincent. I see that your bands indicate you play with men and women, is this correct?” Where the hell did that confident voice come from? I must be channeling my inner Domme. I think I like it.

  “Yes, ma’am.” He looks at me and Finn. “I like both.”

  “And you wouldn’t mind playing with us?” A tiny bit of hesitation fills me. What happens if I am not pretty enough? What happens if he likes dick more than pussy? What happens if I can’t perform? Vincent gives us both a heated smirk.

  “I most definitely wouldn't mind playing with you. Both of you.” He looks over at Finn. Phew. Okay this is going to be okay.

  “So how does something like this work? My fiancé and I haven’t played with another together.”

  “Separately we have,” Finn adds. I throw daggers at him. What the hell was that comment for. He just gives me a smile. Bastard.

  “Well, usually someone takes the lead. Now that could be me. Could be you or it could be your partner.” I look over at Finn and he nods at me, indicating that he is following my lead. I’m not sure if I am confident enough to lead this. What happens if I suck? I might say or do the wrong thing. I could totally mess it up.

  “What do people normally ask for?” God, I sound l
ike such a kinky sex amateur.

  “Most people come to the island to explore their fantasies. For some people it is the first time and others they do it all the time. I see that this is your first time, I am happy to help you through it.” Okay. This makes sense.

  “Okay. Can you take the lead to begin with until we feel comfortable to…um…you know?” Vincent gives me a heated smile.

  “I know.” He moves a little closer to me, his face turns to Finn and a silent conversation happens between them. Finn nods and Vincent’s hands unlace my robe; the fluffy material falls to the floor. I am naked in front of this gorgeous stranger and my fiancé whose green eyes are on me, giving me goosebumps. “You are beautiful,” Vincent tells me, which heats my skin. He doesn’t move closer. Doesn’t touch me, yet. “May I call you Isla or is it Miss Eriksen?”

  “Isla, please.” He nods. He asks the same question to Finn, and he asks him to call him by his first name. This seems to please him.

  “Isla. I want you to undress Finn.” Vincent’s voice changes, the softly spoken voice gone, in its place is a harder, confident one. I make my way over to where Finn is sitting on the couch, he stands up and I pull the ties of the robe and let it fall, I move to the side and let Vincent look over my fiancé. “Very good.” His eyes heating up as he takes in a naked Finn, they turn a bright green when they zone in on his hardening dick. “Isla get on the coffee table on all fours.” I blink a couple of times and do as I am told. I feel a little silly. Vincent moves closer. “Would you mind spreading her lips for me?” His question is directed to Finn. My back is to them and I feel Finn move beside me, his hand slides over my heated skin, then pushes my legs wider and I shuffle to accommodate his request. Thick fingers run along my seam, back and forth reading me then he opens me for Vincent’s inspection. I should be freaking out but it’s kind of hot. “Her pussy is the perfect shade of pink.” Vincent admires me. “Lush, thick and plump. Ready to be taken.” My cheeks feel like they have turned the same shade as my pussy. “Taste her for me,” Vincent commands Finn. He moves and I feel him underneath me, his warm breath against my heated skin. His tongue tastes me, one long lick. I almost buckle at the sensation. “Again,” Vincent tells him. Finn does it again and again until I am squirming against his face. “Now let me taste her.” I still. Waiting for the second tongue to touch me. “Isla, turn around,” Vincent commands. “Watch me taste your sweetness on his tongue.” I sit back on my heels; my heart is pumping. This is the moment. Everything could change after this. Finn’s eyes are locked on mine, letting me know that I can use the islands safe word ‘Paradise’ at any time. I even my breaths and nod to Finn. I watch in slow motion as Finn grabs Vincent’s face and kisses him. My eyes widen. Holy shit! I should be freaking out. My stomach should be somersaulting. Jealousy should be nipping at my heels, but instead I squirm on the table. The deep throbbing from Finn’s tongue lashing is pounding through my body like a drum. Their kiss is raw, masculine, rough. Finn would never be that rough with me. They pull away, both of them breathing heavily. “She tastes fucking sweet.” Finn smiles at me, his chest heaving with desire.


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