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Midnight's Sweet Kiss

Page 4

by Ann Cory

  “That was Tate,” he said as if she warranted an explanation of his calls. “He wanted you to know he was very sorry for what he said and hopes you’ll forgive him someday.”

  Sophie waved her hand. “Tell him I already have.” Hell, she’d already forgotten about the whole hot mess episode. Sort of.

  “Would you like another drink?”

  She grabbed her purse and set it on the coffee table. “I better not if I want to get my speech done.”

  “Good point. While you do that, I’m going to read a book. That way I’ll keep quiet. If you want, I can read in my room.”

  “No, here’s good,” she said a bit too quickly. He’d distract her regardless where he was. At least in here she wouldn’t feel alone.

  He grinned. “Cool.”

  “But you’re still going out later, right?” She folded her arms.

  “Nah. I don’t mind staying in. Like you, I’ve gone out all the other years, so it’s not a big deal to miss it this once.”

  She sighed. His whole night had been changed around because of her. “Please don’t change your plans because I’m here, or I’ll feel terrible and never get any work done.”

  “It’s fine,” he replied. “We can watch it on the television if you’d like.”

  Sophie frowned. Watch it on television when she was in the same city throwing the ultimate bash? It didn’t seem right.

  She watched him take a seat in the recliner, open a book and prop his ankle over his other knee.

  Stubborn man, she thought. She opened her purse and pulled out the worn and folded paper with the speech she’d been working on. Right away she hated what she wrote. It didn’t sound anything like her and made it seem like she was trying too hard. She scribbled out a bunch of words and made rewrites on the sides. Much as she tried, she couldn’t focus on the words. All her years of study blanked in her mind.

  Sophie glanced over at Noah and smiled. She liked the way his lips moved while he read. He was a handsome man. Good looks, firm chin, and she liked the way he absently ran a hand through his hair before he turned the pages. She had a good mind to get up, snatch his book out of his hands and straddle him. His very presence distracted her, and she wondered what kind of lover he was. Kyle had left her unsatisfied for so long she quit thinking about her needs. Knowing the way Noah acted around her, she figured him for an incredible lover. If only she had the courage to find out.

  Sophie tried to return her attention to the speech, but it didn’t take her long to figure out that it would have to wait. She had a chance to be in Times Square and she couldn’t pass it up. More importantly, she couldn’t let Noah pass it up on account of her.

  “Okay, you’ve convinced me,” she said and let her paper fall to the table. “We’re going out.”

  He flashed her puppy-dog eyes. “But I’ve behaved and not said anything more about it.”

  “You’ve said plenty, in that mysterious way of yours,” she corrected.

  Noah jutted out his chin. “Damn, I really am good.”

  They laughed in unison. Sophie couldn’t get over the comfort she felt around a guy she hardly knew. Each minute with him made her want to learn more.

  “Did you want to change your clothes? It’s going to be cold,” he suggested. “Colder than you know.”

  She shrugged. “I’ll be okay. My coat is plenty warm. And I’ll wear gloves.”

  “Spoken like someone used to West Coast winters,” he teased. “Seriously, you’ll freeze.”

  Sophie didn’t want to open a single suitcase right now. She didn’t want any reminders or sentimental items to sway her mood. The coat and gloves would have to do. “If I complain how cold I am, you can say that you told me so,” she offered and watched his lips curve upward.


  Sophie slipped into her coat and stepped outside. While she waited for Noah to lock his door she enjoyed a nice view of his ass. The pants he wore were just tight enough to appreciate. She kept behind him as he walked toward the car, but somehow she missed the part where he’d stopped and she ran right into him. Heat warmed her neck and face.

  “Sorry,” she gasped.

  “Maybe you shouldn’t stare at my ass,” he pointed out with a sly smirk.

  Great, he’d caught her. So much for tact. To save herself further embarrassment she veered off the subject.

  “Thanks for letting me crash at your place, in case I didn’t say that earlier. It means more to me than you know.”

  “I couldn’t let you sleep just anywhere,” he said. Like a gentleman he opened her door for her. “It wouldn’t have been right.”

  She got into the car and put on her seatbelt. “And it wouldn’t have been right if I’d let you miss New Year’s in Times Square.”

  Noah started up the car and they headed out. He knew parking anywhere near the square would be a nightmare, but he had a place all to himself thanks to a friend of Tate’s. Being a cabbie had its perks, though tonight it seemed even more so. He didn’t know what changed her mind on going out, but he’d make sure she had fun.

  “What do you think of New York so far?” Right away he was sorry he asked. What the hell was she supposed to say back to that?

  “So far I’m impressed with the cab drivers and Greek food,” she replied. “Everything else is too soon to tell.”

  He breathed a sigh of relief. That could have been the deal breaker. He’d need to think first before he spoke or risk spoiling her good time. “I think over time you’ll end up with a long list of things you like.”

  “If I stay,” she said.

  “Why wouldn’t you?”

  “It will depend on if I get this museum job or not. The job I originally came here for isn’t my first choice and because…circumstances have changed I may decide to go back to Oregon.”



  “But if you get the museum job, you’ll stay?” His voice sounded far too hopeful for his liking.

  “I believe so,” she replied, not sounding sure at all. “It depends on how the presentation goes. So, we’ll have to wait and see.”

  Noah didn’t want to think about her going back. They were just getting to know one another, and she wouldn’t be easy to forget. He didn’t expect to fall for a woman so fast, but Sophie Kurtz made him sit up and take notice. In a very good way. He looked over at her bundled in her coat, knowing full well she would be cold and not say a word. Of course there were other ways to keep her warm.


  When they arrived the square was packed from one end to the other. Sophie had never seen such madness before, or been part of it.

  “This is nuts,” she shouted over the noise from the crowd.

  “I think the turnout is less than last year,” he hollered back.

  Her brow arced until she saw his smile and realized he was teasing. “Sure it is.”

  Carefully they squeezed through a labyrinth of couples until they found a spot where they could watch a few bands perform on the various stages. The excitement was contagious and she was glad she didn’t miss it.

  Noah moved behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. For a split second her heart stopped.

  “Is this okay,” he asked.

  She looked back at him over her shoulder and nodded. “It’s gr-fine.”

  Her legs trembled at the closeness, and the heat of his body warmed her.

  Sophie didn’t know how much time passed in his arms. One band after another performed and the scene was complete chaos. But none of it mattered. She was in the arms of a man who for some crazy reason had her feeling things for him she shouldn’t. Wanted things from him that she shouldn’t.

  Her senses were on high alert and she had to force herself to breathe. The slightest movements of his hands against her waist made her nipples tighten. She considered moving his hands to her breasts but didn’t dare. Each second that ticked by had her insides burning for more of his touch. To feel his naked body against hers. It became al
l she could think about. Olivia’s words about a one-night stand with a sex god played in her mind. She knew her friend wouldn’t sit around feeling sorry for herself. She’d get out there and snatch up a man to keep her company for the night. Well, she could do it too, but she didn’t know how to get from point A to point B without coming off as a slut, or worse, needy.

  Again Noah’s hands moved and he pressed her into him further. Her pulse spiked. Did he have a clue what he was doing to her? Could he smell her desire for him?

  She felt his lips brush against her ear and then he whispered, “It’s almost time.”

  Time for what, she wondered. For her to throw herself at him? To rip off his clothes, kneel, and take his cock in her mouth? The answer came in the next sentence.

  “One minute to midnight.”

  Sophie nodded. Right. That would explain the crowd and the reason they were out there freezing their tushes off in Times Square.

  Noah turned her body toward him so she faced him. Up this close he looked even more handsome. Even more decadent and drool worthy than before. She wanted to lace her fingers through his dark wavy hair, run her hands along the muscles of his arms, and hell, she just plain wanted him. All she could do was look at him and not say a word. Stare into the eyes that had held her mesmerized from the moment she saw them from the rearview mirror.

  While the crowd shouted out the countdown from twenty, she stood frozen, afraid to move and lose the moment.

  “Ten, nine, eight,” the crowd shouted in unison. “Seven, six…”

  She parted her lips to count along but her voice caught.

  “Five, four, three.”

  Noah leaned in, his lips a hairsbreadth away from hers. Close enough for her to get a whiff of his musk scented cologne. “Happy New Year, Sophie,” he said. “You deserve every year to be happy.”

  “Two, one,” the crowd screamed.

  Noah pulled her into his arms and sealed his mouth over hers, all fiery and electric. The feel of his lips against hers sent goose bumps along her skin. She parted her lips and welcomed his tongue. His taste excited her. It reminded her of licorice and peppermint. She wanted to taste more, to meld against him and never stop kissing him.

  Around her the sounds of the crowd and fireworks and music died down. All she heard was her pulse and his breath. The cold she’d felt deep in her bones lifted and warmth filled her. His hands pressed against the small of her back, pressing her tight up against him. Her nipples were so taut they ached.

  As the kiss deepened, she let her hands slide into his hair. She felt powerless to stop, even though she was lightheaded and needed to take a breath.

  As if reading her mind he parted his lips from hers, but not for long. He crashed them back over hers and this time the kisses were hotter, deeper, and filled with a lust-filled passion. She could stay in this moment forever and be just fine.

  When he finally pulled back she half expected it to be morning with the sun already rising. The roar of the crowd returned to an ear-shattering pitch, but she didn’t care. A smile bowed her lips. This was a good start to the New Year.

  Noah circled his thumb along her cheekbone. “You ready to head back to my place?”

  She nodded, her head still in the clouds.

  He chuckled. “Wow, that sounded bad, didn’t it?”

  She thought it sounded perfect. “No, I knew what you meant.”

  “Okay, good.”

  Sophie let him lead the way to his car, her hand clasped tight in his. Did anyone notice she was floating?

  Chapter Four

  The ride to his house was quiet. At least between them it was. Her internal dialogue couldn’t shut up. He’d got her hot and bothered and near ready to beg for more. His taste lingered on her lips and she kept licking them to savor it. She kept expecting to feel awkward next to him, but she didn’t. Sophie had to wonder if they hadn’t been out in public, how far would things have gone?

  Back at his place she sat on the couch, fidgeting. She had things to say and most of it didn’t make sense. Noah paced around, straightening things up that didn’t need it. After what felt like forever, he sat down beside her and wrung his hands. At the same time they faced one another. The seriousness of his expression worried her.

  “I hope you don’t mind that I kissed you,” he said, his hypnotic eyes burned on her.

  “No,” she gasped. “I liked it.”

  He nodded and broke out into a wide smile. “Me too. Maybe too much.”

  “It kept me warm,” she added. “Not that I was cold.” She refused to tell him that he’d been right. New York in winter differed from Oregon in winter, and next time she’d know better.

  “Are you cold now?”

  If it meant he’d wrap her up in his embrace again, she’d say she was freezing. “Yes. A little.”

  “Do you want me to warm you up?”

  She nodded. “Yes.”

  He moved forward and kissed her with the same intensity from before. This time though, they were alone. All the thoughts that had been racing around in her head finally quieted. They could start up again later for all she cared.

  Noah trailed his lips across her cheek. “I’m not sure I can keep kissing you,” he said, his breath hot against her skin.

  “Why not?”

  “Because the more I kiss you, the more I want you.”

  Her pulse thundered. “That’s okay. I want you too.”

  He sat back and his eyes roamed her face.

  She shivered under his intense gaze.

  “What do you want me to do,” he asked.

  Sophie wet her lips and hoped she sounded confident. “I want you to touch me.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’m very sure.”

  His hand stroked along her cheek. “Where do you want to be touched?”


  He leaned in and then paused.

  “I want you to know I didn’t plan this. I didn’t have an agenda.”

  “I know.” She didn’t either, but preferred the way things were going.

  “You can change your mind,” he said.

  Sophie raised a challenging brow. “I don’t intend to.”

  To prove it she unbuttoned her blouse and let it fall open, exposing the beige lacy number she had on underneath with the front latches. His fingers made quick work of them and she let both garments slide down her arms. She felt free and desirable right then. In the hands of a man who had shown her the way to treat a woman. He cupped her breasts and bent to take a nipple between his lips. She arched into him, her head relaxing against the couch. Slowly he moved his mouth to her other breast and took the hardened bead between his lips. Her sex flooded with each languid suckle, and she squirmed.

  “I want you,” she whispered. “I want you now.”

  He looked up into her eyes, the same need reflected within them.

  “You’ll have me,” he growled.

  The roughened sound of his voice made her gasp.

  He traveled his lips down her body, dusting her with soft, moist kisses. Down her chest, between her breasts, and around her navel. She heard herself mewl, and tried to be quiet, but found it hopeless the further down he trailed.

  His hands smoothed along the tops of her thighs and came back up to her apex. He reached beneath her skirt and tugged her panties down. With a tender nudge he parted her legs.

  A deep rumble erupted from his voice. “You’re so beautiful. So soft.” He traced her slit with his fingers, and then pushed one in.

  She moaned.

  He pushed in a second and lowered his chin. In the next second she watched through the veil of her lashes as he dragged his tongue along her clit. Her body jolted in pleasure.

  “Yes,” she moaned. “Again, please.”

  His tongue dragged along her clit and then dipped between the folds of her slit.

  “Deeper,” she said on a sigh.

  Noah hooked her knees over his shoulders and slid his hands beneath her
ass, bringing her pussy up to his mouth. The stir of his breath along her sex made her skin tingle. He stroked her bare mound with the pads of his fingers. She fought to hold still and not claw her fingers through his hair, ramming his mouth into her pussy. She’d been so used to quick sex void of any real emotion or stimulation that foreplay had become a foreign word to her. It was fast becoming a fan favorite again.

  He traced her clit and then spread her folds with three fingers. They eased in and out of her with a slow-fast succession. Her nails dug into the couch, fearing she’d fall into nothingness if she let go. In. Out. In. Out. His movements were impossibly drawn out, torturing her with each touch. He raised his head and met her gaze. Keeping eye contact his tongue snaked out and laved her clit.

  She let out a rush of air. Still watching her he sealed his lips over her clit. Her body jerked. He tugged and pulled the tiny bead between his lips. Manipulated it with ease. The way he savored and devoured her, the sheer intensity and pleasure reflected in his eyes, all served to make her a wet, trembling mess. When had any man ever spotlighted attention to one tiny part of her before? She didn’t want any of it to end but he pushed her right up to the edge. She was torn. She wanted to hold back and she wanted to come, but he wasn’t making it possible to hold back. The buildup went on and on. She felt like a bird circling its prey, waiting for the precise moment to dive. With one more suckle of her clit she came. It was a long, slow wave that ebbed and rippled and ebbed again.

  His tongue was all over her, licking her up and then licking his fingers.

  “You have the sweetest taste,” he murmured.

  Her body shuddered at the sight of her cream highlighting his upper lip.

  “I want to feel you inside me,” she gasped and nearly tore the button off his pants.

  “Here, let me help.”

  He finished with the buttons, pulled the pants down and kicked them off, along with his briefs. Sophie went to wrap her hand around his fierce erection when he stopped her.

  “I need something from the bedroom first,” he murmured. “Do you want to go in there with me?”


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