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Fool Me Once

Page 5

by Brittany Crowley

  “Do it, give it to me.”

  “It feels too good, I don’t want it to end.” My face burrows into his neck kissing and licking his salty skin.

  “I promise it won’t be the end. I love making you come too much.”

  I moan as my pussy contracts around his large length. I’m ready for him to groan through his release, but he continues to jolt his hips into me, making the strides faster… harder.

  “Christ, I’m gonna come again.” I scratch my nails down his back and get swallowed whole by orgasm number two. It’s so good my brain doesn’t comprehend what’s going on other than pleasure. Such intense pleasure.

  Carter’s arms tighten on me as he pulls me down onto him one last time, his cock to the hilt, as he growls out his release.

  “God, it just gets better and better with you Lex. Even a car fuck.”

  “You act like I did all the work,” I laugh lifting myself off of him and putting my panties back in place.

  “I like taking care of you.”

  I groan, “Don’t say stuff like that.”


  “Because I already like you too much and you’re leaving soon. You don’t make it easy on a girl.”

  “Didn’t you know? That’s the plan baby.”

  Chapter 7

  Being on the back of Carter’s bike has become my happy place. It’s familiar, warm, and completely freeing. He picked me up a little while ago and told me he had a surprise. I’m excited to see what he has planned for me. It’s going to be bittersweet if I can’t push the thought that it’s his last night here in Willow Creek.

  The thought of him leaving tomorrow has me holding on to Carter tighter. I’ve gotten used to having him here over the past two months. I’ve loved cooking with him, sitting on the beach, and of course, these rides on his motorcycle.

  Finally, he pulls off the road, and I know exactly where we are. We drive through the beach parking lot, and he surprises me when we don’t park, but drive right out onto the beach. He doesn’t stop until the front tire is practically sitting in the water facing the oncoming waves.

  Once he cuts the engine, we take our helmets off.

  “For our last night, I wanted to enjoy the sunset with you.” He grabs my hands and pulls them tighter around his abdomen.

  “Thank you. This is perfect,” I whisper in his ear.

  We remain seated on his bike as the sun begins to set. Watching the sunset is one of my favorite things to do. Always has been since I was little. The gorgeous colors that eventually fade into blackness captivates me and has me always wishing it lasted longer.

  Once the sun is just about to set, Carter pulls my arm. I slide around the bike until I’m straddling his lap with my arms now wrapped around his neck.

  “I’m going to miss you so much.” I press my forehead to his and close my eyes.

  “Lexi, I don’t think you know how much you’ve changed my life. It’s going to be so hard to leave you tomorrow.” He wipes a stray tear with his thumb as it falls from my eye. “Let’s pretend like I’m not leaving tomorrow. We’ll go home and make love knowing we’ll wake up to each other in the morning.”

  “Okay,” I agree, and he helps me jump on the back of the bike again.

  He doesn’t know I’m lying. I can’t forget that he’s leaving tomorrow, but we do have tonight, and I’m going to make the most of it.

  Chapter 8

  It’s the day.

  The day I’ve been dreading.

  Carter leaves in a few hours and what’s worse is he had a last-minute photo shoot come up for the promo.

  I’m not sulking, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t disappointed we didn’t get to spend the last few hours together. I’m meeting him at the airport to see him off, but some goodbye sex to hold me over until I see him in possibly a month isn’t too much to ask for, right?

  I park in the short-term parking lot at the airport and make my way into the building. This place isn’t that big being the closest airport to our little town, but it’s more convenient than driving two hours into the next major city. Plus, Carter and his friends chartered a flight, they don’t have to fly coach like the rest of us.

  Arms wrap around me from behind, and I immediately sink into the warmth.

  “Surprise,” he whispers in my ear causing goosebumps to rise on my neck.

  “The best kind,” I whisper then turn around and throw my arms around his shoulders. He squeezes me back and the emotions at the thought that this is goodbye overtake me. I sniffle, and Carter pulls me an arm’s length away.

  “None of that babe. We’ll see each other again before you know it.”

  “Only thirty-six days,” I mumble.

  “Damn, it’s that many?” He pulls me to him and squeezes me tighter. “What am I gonna do without you there to keep me in line?”

  “Probably get arrested for a prank gone wrong.”

  “Wouldn’t be the first time,” he laughs then looks at me. Wiping a tear from my cheek, he leans in and kisses me softly where it fell.

  “I promise, I’ll see you soon. It may seem like forever now, but just think about the hot sex we’ll have when you fly out.”

  “There’s that, but I’d rather have hot, you live in the same town as me, sex any day.”

  “Me too baby.” He kisses my forehead and grabs my bag. “You could come out with me for a week?”

  “Yeah, but I’m already behind on my orders, and I’m not set up to take it all with me or guarantee I can ship it back on time. It’ll be a long month, but we’ll pull through.”

  “We will.”

  “Hey Carter, you coming, man?” The guys see me and come running over.

  “Lex, you have our boy heartbroken over here. He’s been nothing but a mopey dick all morning. God help us when we get on the plane. Do us a favor and send some nudes for him to masturbate to. A sexually frustrated Carter makes everyone unhappy.”

  “Now that’s an idea,” Carter says, but I cover his mouth.

  “No freaking way am I sending my tits through text. They’ll end up on the six o’clock news.”

  “No way, your tits are Prime Time, baby.”

  I laugh, say my last goodbyes, and lay one last final kiss on my man.

  “Take care of my boyfriend, guys.”

  “Of course.” They go on ahead to give us just a little privacy.

  “It's so sexy when you call me that. Say it again.”

  “Boyfriend,” I purr.

  “Shit, I have a long ass flight, and now I have to do it packing wood in my pants.” He discreetly adjusts himself then picks up his bag.

  “See you soon, Lex.”

  “See you soon, Carter.”

  Then he’s off and through security. When I can’t see him anymore, the tears fall more freely knowing I don’t need to be strong anymore. I’m about to turn around when I hear my name shouted.

  “Lexi Kile!”

  I turn around and see Carter just beyond security.

  “You’re my favorite meat-eating hooker!”

  All I can do is crack up as all the passersby scoff in disgust. Let them scoff.

  I think my hearts leaving on a plane to LA.


  On my drive home my phone starts ringing, and when I look at the screen, I see it’s my mom.

  “Hey, Mom.”

  “Hey, honey. How are you doing?”

  She knew I was saying goodbye to Carter today. I can always count on her for emotional support even when I don’t know I need it. After dinner a few weeks ago, I know she’s still hesitant of Carter. In her eyes marriage is everything. The end game for any great relationship. My mom hasn’t come straight out and asked my thoughts on the situation yet, but I can tell it’s a talk we’ll be having soon.

  “I’m doing okay. It helps knowing I’ll see Carter again eventually. Is this crazy? Am I acting like a brat because I’ve only known him for such a short period of time?”

  “I’m a firm believer in love
at first sight. When I first saw George, I knew he was it for me.”

  “That’s really sweet Mom. But…”


  “I don’t love Carter, it wasn’t like that for us. Eventually, do I think we’ll be there? Yes, but not after two months.”

  “Okay, honey. Whatever you say.”

  A moment later we hang up the phone, and I finish my drive home. When I walk through my front door, things feel different, lonely. Carter ended up staying at my place more than his hotel, and it was nice. Almost like we were a couple who lived together.

  You know what? I think this time apart will be good for us. I’ve never felt this way about a guy before, and it’s overwhelming. I’m constantly thinking about Carter. What he’s doing, is he thinking of me too? Does he feel the same way about our relationship as I do? I guess we’ll see when it’s time to see each other again.

  Until then, I’m going to get back to my normal routine and do what I do best. I have my business to keep me busy, and I’m determined to expand. My pieces are in most of the local jewelry stores, and I have plans to make the LEX brand a household name.

  Now if I could just get past the not thinking about Carter nonstop thing, that would be great…

  Chapter 9

  I’m running through my house trying to pack my suitcase last minute. I promised my friend Amanda that I’d get drinks with her tonight and my flight to LA is first thing in the morning. I should really cancel with Amanda because I haven’t felt well over the past few days, but I haven’t seen her much and catching up with her is a must before I go to LA. Who else am I going to talk to about my insecurities at seeing Carter for the first time in over a month?

  I shoot a quick text off to Carter saying I’m going out for the night and that I’ll call him before my flight leaves in the morning. We’ve been talking and texting like crazy during our time apart. It’s really helped us take our relationship to the next level, getting to know each other more than in the bedroom.

  With my antacids in my purse, I jump in my Jeep and drive the fifteen minutes to the country club in town. I’m not personally a member, but Amanda is. Honestly, Amanda would have been perfect for my mother. She’s the epitome of what my mom wished I was. I’m not saying my mom’s unhappy with me, it’s just that Amanda is my mom in a younger body.

  The valet takes my keys, and I notice Amanda waiting at the entrance for me. With a quick hug, we walk inside and grab two seats in the dining area even though we’re only here for drinks. This isn’t really my scene, but I put up with it for Amanda. She can’t help how she is with a mother that’s ten times worse than mine. She’s the product of etiquette classes and trips to Europe several times a year.

  I still love her despite our vast differences. She’d lay down for me in a second.

  “What time’s your flight?” she questions when our conversation changes to Carter.

  “Early.” I cringe. “I can only stay for a little while.”

  “Nonsense. You’ve barely touched your drink, and I’ve almost downed my second.”

  “I think I have a bug. My stomach hasn’t felt right all week.”

  “Oh really?”

  “Yeah, why are you looking at me like that?”

  “An upset stomach you say?” She cocks an eyebrow causing me to laugh at the absurdity of what she’s accusing.

  “I’m not pregnant. I haven’t seen Carter in over a month.”

  “Oh, my mistake. I didn’t know all the times you were with him over a two-month span didn’t count.”

  “We used condoms,” I argue.

  “Take it how you want it, but your symptoms are the product of something, and I’m pretty sure it's not a stomach bug. You look fine now.”

  “Because I feel fine now. It must have worked its course, and now I’m all better.” I continue fighting.

  “Sure. Can you name your first born after me?”

  “This isn’t funny Amanda.”

  I really shouldn’t give it a second thought but find myself counting out the number of days since my last period. When I realize it should have come three weeks ago my mind is blown. How the hell did I not notice? What kind of woman doesn’t realize they’re three weeks past their monthly?

  “Oh shit, you are pregnant, aren’t you?” Amanda asks seriously.

  “I don’t know, maybe. God, why did you have to say anything?” I ask hysterically. I’ve only been dating Carter for three months and seen him for two of them. This is not what I need right now.

  After paying the tab, I make a quick stop at the drug store before going home. I’m hoping its stress, but if a baby’s in my future, I’ll deal with it. We’ll deal with it, I’m not in this alone.

  I’m about to go to bed when I hear my phone chirp. A smile forms on my lips when I see it’s from Carter.

  Carter: Less than twenty-four hours. I can’t wait to hold you in my arms again. I might never let you go, so be prepared.

  Me: I’m sure we can work something out. I can’t wait to see you. Goodnight. Xoxo

  Carter: Goodnight baby.

  I guess when the sun descends in the morning I’ll know the truth. No matter how horrifying that thought is.

  Chapter 10

  I’m on a flight to LA with my suitcase safely stowed under the plane and a tummy full of jitters. I still can’t believe I took a pregnancy test this morning. I know people in these situations always say they never saw it coming… but I truly never saw it coming.

  A baby.

  A fucking baby with a man I barely know.

  The few things I do know about him are that he usually doesn’t commit. Through our chats over the past month, I’ve learned about all his failed relationships mostly because he didn’t have it in him to go the distance. He claims he knew they weren’t the one for him and I believe him, but how can you be a twenty-eight-year-old man and never had a long meaningful relationship?

  It's all I can think about since I saw that plus sign on the test. I’ve actually thought a lot about my future, our future. I could handle him not wanting marriage, sure it was a tough pill to swallow, but I could brush that aside if he could really commit to me. Give his entire heart to me, and I’m hopeful. He tells me all the time how much he wants to make this work.

  Kids are a whole other ballpark, and we’ve never talked about them, but he’s never said he was opposed to them, so I’m optimistic that he’ll be as freaked out and excited as I am.

  Let’s be honest, at twenty-three my friends aren’t exactly popping out babies yet. I’ve always envisioned my future with kids though. The motherhood calling has been strong, but I’ve never found someone I could envision myself having kids with.

  Until Carter.

  We’re in a long-distance relationship, and that could put a damper on things.

  God, listen to me. Negative Nancy over here. I’m oddly excited to tell him about the baby, to be able to share it with someone because since I found out this morning, I haven’t told a soul other than calling Amanda straight away. I felt like I owed it to my best friend who opened my eyes to it last night.

  Maybe I can move out to LA. I know they travel a lot for work, but that’s where the guys spend most of their time. It’s their main hub for filming outside of New York, and like he said before he left, they don’t work year-round. It’s usually three to four months of busy shooting.

  Except the self-doubt sets in. Does Carter even want to take our relationship to that level? Am I willing to give up everything I know for him? What if his feelings have changed since I saw him over a month ago? What if I’ve thought everything was fine when it really isn’t?

  I’ll figure out the answer when I drop the baby bomb. I’m more of a wing it type of gal, so I’ll have to figure out the perfect time to tell him he’s going to be a dad.

  When the plane touches down several hours later, I’m thankful to get out of these cramped seats and see my boyfriend. He said he’ll be picking me up and the thought of him being just
around the corner makes me feel giddy. Plus, he promised me some I haven’t fucked you in a month sex.

  Once I grab my carry on from up top, I exit the plane and the closer I get to leaving the terminal area, the more excited I feel. I cannot wait to see Carter.

  A huge smile lights his face upon seeing me barreling towards him, and all my negative thoughts vanish as I abort my carry on and jump into his arms.

  “I’ve missed you so much, pretty girl.”

  “Missed you too.” I shove my nose into his neck and take a deep breath of the scent that’s all Carter. I’ll never get enough of his delicious cologne as it envelops me.

  “Let’s get out of here.” He pulls my hand to follow him after he bends down and grabs my carry on. I notice the people around us staring and whispering, probably trying to figure out if he’s Carter Larue. He’s wearing a hat and sunglasses, but I could still tell who he was. It’s only a matter of time, and I’m pretty sure if anyone could spot a celebrity, it’s someone in LA.

  We jump in the back of an SUV and merge on the highway before I pull away from Carter, keeping our arms locked together. I don’t want to let him go, and he’s not exactly throwing me off of him.

  “What have you been up to?” He kisses my forehead after I rest the side of my face on his shoulder.

  “Working. I don’t think I’ve cranked out so many pieces trying to keep myself busy… and now I sound like a pathetic girlfriend,” I laugh.

  “Not pathetic. If you didn’t come out today, the guys would have shipped me to you. They say I’ve been a tad on the cranky side lately, which when trying to film funny shit can get a little tricky.”

  “Aren’t we the pair. You’re free today, right?”

  “We’re doing a live show tonight.”

  “Yeah, I remember you talking about that. I’m excited to see you guys do your thing when I’m not involved.” I’ve binge-watched his show in my spare time and its gold. Comedic genius, but seeing it in person is way different than on TV.


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