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Hot Dates 3: Consequences of Being a Shared Wife

Page 9

by Kirsten McCurran

  “What would Tom get out of that?” I asked, knowing very well what, if he was like my Dave.

  “Maybe he doesn’t know. Or he didn’t before tonight. Those two are shameless, and he doesn’t look too happy.” Marcie accepted her fresh drink and sipped it while staring at Lucas and Marcie on the small dance floor.

  Lucas and Erin were dancing close together, with his hand on her hip. Erin’s hands rested on his chest. Even with her heels, Lucas towered over her, and he had to lean down to whisper in her ear. She laughed and seemed to press closer. I had been on enough hot dates to recognize what was going on. Maybe Dave was right. I looked around and found him talking to Kelly’s husband. Dave kept an eye on Erin and Lucas, though, and he looked jealous. I could read my husband’s mind. He wished it was me out there with Lucas, or maybe one of the other handsome men in the club.

  “You don’t even know that Haley and Lucas are doing anything. And even if they are, don’t you think they’d be more discrete than to do it in front of all their neighbors?” It made me think of my own walks of shame and wonder who might have noticed. I really needed to be more careful.

  Marcie was not deterred. “Kelly lives right up the street, and her husband has seen women coming in and out of there, late at night, when the kids are not there. What do you think could be going on?”

  “But Haley is there too, right?”

  “I think they are doing threesomes.” Marcie giggled the last word, like it was the most scandalous thing she could think of. I also noted how the color rose to her cheeks. I bet Marcie wished she and Jeff were sneaking someone into their bedroom.

  “So you think Erin is sneaking over to the Hughes’s to screw them while Tom stays home and watches the kids?”

  “Look at Haley with Tom. Maybe they’re all doing it.”

  Haley and Tom were huddled closely together, watching their spouses dancing. Tom looked skeptical and Haley looked excited. I didn’t want to spread gossip like Marcie, but I no longer doubted her. I didn’t know exactly what it was, but something was going on between those two couples.

  “Maybe,” I finally agreed with Marcie. “You never know what’s going on in other peoples’ bedrooms, Marcie. I don’t know what kind of kinky stuff you guys are up to.”

  Marcie stared at me with her mouth agape.

  “And for all you know, I fuck other guys while Dave watches me.” Marcie’s jaw hit the floor. “My point is that people need to chill out and let people do what makes them happy. I won’t judge you or them, you shouldn’t judge anyone else.”

  Marcie looked properly chastened, which made me think there was something going on in their bedroom. A quick image flashed through my brain of pretty Marcie in a dog collar, being led around the bedroom by a leash. I laughed into my drink.

  As the night wound down, people started heading out, and Dave and I ended up in our own corner, watching the show. The more the liquor flowed, the closer not only Lucas and Erin got, but also Haley and Tom. And they all seemed drunk enough that they didn’t care what people might be whispering, but then they may have forgotten that Dave and I were even there.

  “Lucas is going to fuck Erin tonight. I know it,” Dave said. His hand was on my thigh, creeping higher.

  I moved my hand to his crotch and felt how aroused he was. “Do you think Tom and Haley are going to fuck? I think they could all be swingers.”

  “I don’t know. I think Haley is game, but I’m not getting the vibe from Tom. He’s way more interested in what’s going on between their spouses than Haley next to him.”

  “You should go over and strike up a conversation.”

  “No, I don’t want to interrupt the show.”

  I rubbed his growing hard-on. “You really like the idea that Erin is going to fuck Lucas, don’t you?”

  “I think AJ got to her, and now she’s ready to party.”

  “And Tom?”

  “I dunno. Maybe he’s only reluctantly going along with it. Some guys do that.”

  “You didn’t answer me, hon.” I grasped his shaft down the thigh of his pants and he started. I had his attention.

  “Yeah, it’s hot. Erin’s sexy and she never seemed the type before. That’s makes it extra hot. And look at the way she’s dressed now—the way she’s acting. Something’s up.”

  “So she’s just like me.”

  “I don’t think she’s as hot as you, babe. No one’s as crazy as you, Dana.”

  “Oh really? You don’t think Erin could be like me?”

  I don’t know why that piqued me, but it did. Maybe it was all the drinks. It felt sort of like Dave was calling me a slut, but not in the fun way he usually did. We had gone out excited to have a fun night as a couple, for a change, but suddenly I wanted to show my husband just how crazy I could be. If he thought I was some crazy whore, why not live up—or down—to expectations. I had been looking forward to some hot hotel sex with my husband, but now I decided that his was not the only cock I would be enjoying that evening.

  “She could be. I don’t know,” Dave said.

  “I think you need a reminder of how bad I can be, honey.” I turned him to face me and gave him a deep, sensual kiss, flickering my tongue into his mouth.


  “Why don’t you go back to our room? I’ll text you with news.”

  Dave looked completely confused, but he knew better than to question his good fortune. He kissed me back and told me to have fun before getting out of the club.


  As I headed back to our hotel, I wondered what Dana had in mind. It was strange that her attitude seemed to have just turned on a dime. I knew she had been excited by the prospect of us being a normal husband and wife. It was great that we were getting some couple time, but I’d be lying if I said the possibility of Dana playing wasn’t always in the back of my mind. I wonder if it’s the same feeling an alcoholic gets when they know their next drink is waiting for them right after work. I wouldn’t say I need Dana to fuck other men—I couldn’t admit that—but I’m always open to the possibility of it happening.

  It was heavily on my mind because of Erin Smith and Lucas Hughes. Dana thought I was paranoid at first, but by the end of the night even she could see something was going on there. I wondered if that spurred by wife to action. Was she jealous of the attention Erin was getting?

  I’d never liked Lucas. Always thought he was an asshole. He was a superior, smug son-of-a-bitch. Dana felt the same way, thank god. He was not someone I’d ever want her playing with. Lucas did not seem like the kind of guy you could trust to play the game. If he was going to fuck Erin, it would be because he wanted her for his own, not as a bit of fun. I’d seen the way Lucas looked at her in the past when the group was together. He had always wanted her. I understood it. Erin was a piece of ass, especially since she’d been training hard. If I was interested in such things, Erin would be a target for sure. And now it looked like he was finally going to get his wish, unless something went wrong after I left the club. I was certain of it. The only thing I couldn’t figure out was how Tom and Haley worked into it. Based on the way he was acting, I could definitely see Tom in the reluctant cuckold role, but Dana was probably right. They were probably just swingers.

  The thought of a sweet, proper woman like Erin Smith in the arms of a strange man made my cock throb in much the same way it did when thinking about my wife. They were similar in a lot of ways. It was that corruption that made the hotwife fantasy so potent for me. And the second I’d seen Erin in that dress my mind had been filled with thoughts of her sweaty, between the sheets. I wished Tom luck and hoped he had a good time tonight, whatever his kink was.

  Back in the hotel room, I couldn’t sit still. I packed up any signs that Dana was sharing the room with a man. I wanted to text and ask what she was up to, but I knew enough by now to let her alone. She needs to do things her way, and if I let her, she will bring home the goods. I feel like we’re finally on the same page and there’s nothing to worry
about. But having that newfound security did not change the heady mix of anticipation and lust and worry that churned my gut. My head knew I had nothing to worry about, but the inherent wrongness of my wife fucking other men would still always be part of the mix. I forced myself to sit on the end of the bed, but my foot kept tapping. I wished I had brought some of Dana’s videos to keep me occupied.

  I spent the next hour or so trying to imagine what Dana was doing—and who she was doing it with. It looked like there were a lot of single guys in that club, but I didn’t think she would play while people she knew were there. I had a wild idea that she asked the Hugheses and Smiths if she could come along and play. The possibilities of that blew my mind. I was close to snapping when Dana finally texted me.

  -On our way back. Hide in the closet, leave the door open a crack

  Dana had lost her mind. I quickly texted her back.

  -Are you crazy? Can’t do that

  -No different than peeking in the car window. Just be very quiet and we’ll be fine. Don’t worry, I won’t let him go all night. J

  Now I really was seized with fear. We had never done anything as risky as this. I was petrified of being caught and mocked. I could just imagine whatever stud Dana brought back catching me and mocking me. What kind of man hides in the closet while his wife fucks someone else? You’re a pussy! I never wanted to be outed, and I’d gone to great lengths and great expense to make sure I could observe my wife’s activities without being caught. We did not improvise these things. It was always planned out.

  The more I thought about it, the more my pulse pounded. It was something I hadn’t felt since we’d first started our Hot Dates. It was the thrill of genuine risk. I felt real danger. Dana was right. In those early days, she would lure some lucky guy out to her car and they would have some fun. I would be parked right beside her in my big truck and I’d look down through the windows and watch her. There was always the chance of being caught then too, even with tinted windows. Things could always go wrong, and one memorable time they did. A lot had happened since then, and I began to wonder if I had become too removed. Before I could talk myself out of it, I jumped up and opened the closet door.

  I left the door open a crack and stepped back. It was dark in that closet, no one would see me with the lights in the room dimmed. My view would not be perfect, but it would work. I grabbed the spare bedding from the top of the closet to make myself a comfortable nest and settled in.

  Time stood still inside that closet. It truly felt like I was sitting in there all night. I wanted to get out and stretch my legs, but I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to hustle back into place quickly enough. I had my phone with me in there and I planned to text Dana again when I heard the keycard in the door. My chest seized at the little beep, which was followed by the click of the lock.

  Murmured voices and the wet sounds of kissing were the first indication that my wife was not alone. The room was large enough that I could not see the door. I wouldn’t see them until they moved close to the bed. I hoped Dana would realize that and guide her friend over to where I could see them.

  I saw my wife first, stumbling toward the bed. She was followed by a very large, silver haired man. He was even taller than I am, over six-five, and he had the broad-chest, strong frame of a man who’d been athletic most of his life. The little bit of heft on him implied he was not working out as much these days. He wore a smart, dark suit, and his gray hair was an expensive razor cut, which made him look about ten years Dana’s senior. He was every inch the out-of-town businessman. I noted he wore a wedding ring too, but I doubted it took much effort for Dana to convince him to come back to her hotel room.

  Dana turned and kissed him beside the bed, pulling him down to her lips. Her back was to me. While they kissed, she pushed his jacket from his shoulders and he let it slip to the floor. She pulled on his powder-blue tie to keep him in the kiss, and he was kneading her ass so hard it looked like he was about to lift her by it. She looked tiny beside him. He pulled his tie from her hands, tore it off, and tossed it onto the bed. Together, they worked on his shirt buttons.

  He didn’t even have his shirt off before Dana racked her nails through his sparse, dark chest hair. She licked his nipples and he cursed quietly while holding the back of her head and tossing her hair. I bet that bastard couldn’t believe his luck. He may have been the type who looked to get laid while out of town on business, but his usual scores were probably not as hot as my wife. Dana got to work on his belt while she kissed his chest.

  Dana stepped back and let him kick off his shoes and pants. She gently swayed on her high heels, like she was moving to music only she could hear. He moved forward to lay hands on her again, but she turned her back and asked, “Could you help me with my dress, baby?” She swept her chestnut hair aside.

  He fiddled at the back of her neck, but then figured out how to unclasp the chain that held up her dress. It dropped from her tits and she wiggled her hips to pull it off completely. Dana stared right at me while she stripped and it felt like my dick was going to explode in my pants.

  “Holy shit,” he said, when my wife turned to face him.

  I had the view of her perfectly-shaped ass in tiny t-backed panties, he was looking at her tits presented in an incredible bustier. I hadn’t seen that thing in ages. I know she’d worn it for me tonight, but it was so hot to have another man see her in it. He must have been thinking that Dana went out looking for sex tonight. He was right. He reached for her breasts, but she turned him and pushed him down onto the bed.

  “Lay down,” she commanded.

  The stranger was only wearing black boxers and Dana relieved him of those the second she climbed onto the bed. His prick lay along his thigh—semi-hard—and she grabbed it, stroking her hand up and down the length. It was impressive, definitely larger than average, but not porn-sized. I was offended that he wasn’t fully hard for my wife, but she took it in stride. She lay alongside him and they kissed while she stroked him. Her legs looked perfect encased in her thigh-highs. He explored her body, too, massaging her tits through that sexy bustier, but spending more time on her hot ass, and moving between her thighs. Dana parted her legs and gasped when he rubbed her pussy through her panties. He pulled on her panties, and she thoughtfully pulled them off-flinging them in my direction.

  I desperately wanted to reach out and grab those discarded panties, but I was too afraid of being seen—not that anyone was looking in my direction. It felt like he had to know I was there anyway. The fear he would realize I was hiding in the closet was crippling, like a fist squeezing my heart. And it was incredible. The adrenaline heightened everything. The colors were vivid, Dana’s sighs and moans crisper. It felt like I was right there on the bed with them. It was like I was a part of it. As much as I loved my videos, they didn’t make me feel like this. It was so immediate. I heard every creak of the bed, every rustle of the sheets. My breathing also sounded incredibly loud. I had no idea how they didn’t hear it, but when I tried to hold my breath I got dizzy.

  Dana swung a leg and straddled him, grinding her cunt down over the length of his shaft. That bastard was hard now. If I were the insecure type, I would have been threatened by his girthy cock, but Dana has never said she’s a size queen. She leaned forward over him, her tits practically spilling out of her bustier. The view must have been enticing, because he pulled down on the lingerie until her tits popped free. Dana leaned in more, so they hung free in his face and he feasted.

  “That feels good, baby. Suck on my titties,” Dana cooed. Titties sounded odd coming out of her mouth, but I knew the dirty talk was for me.

  He held her big breasts in his huge hands and devoured them. Again, I could only see her back, but by the way my wife was moaning and moving her pussy on him, he was doing a good job.

  “Your tits are fucking perfect,” he moaned, when he came up for air. He sounded surprised, and I wondered if he thought they were fake before he bared them. Dana’s breasts only got plumper from the k
ids and still stood out well. She had been very lucky, in my opinion. I could understand why he’d think they were fake on such a petite woman.

  “Thank you, baby. How about my pussy?”

  Dana scooted up his chest until her shaved cunt was perfectly placed above his face. He grabbed her ripe ass and dove right in. She threw her head back and cried, “Oh fuck!”

  I rubbed my cock through my pants. I had not thought it through and there was no way I could wrestle my pants off in that closet—not without making a racket. It was frustrating, but I made do. The only thing on my mind was the action on that bed. Dana’s ass clenched as she worked her hips, rubbing her juicy pussy all over his face. Her moans were climbing higher and higher in pitch.

  “Oh god! Oh god! Do it, baby!” Dana cried.

  I was so focused on the movements of her body that it took a moment for me to realize she was looking back over her shoulder. Looking right at me. Dana’s face was a mask of ecstasy. She bit her lip before crying out again and her jade eyes were locked right onto me. The stranger reached up and was mauling her tits while he ate her pussy. Her entire body tensed and she slapped the wall in front of her as she experienced a screaming orgasm.

  He lifted Dana as easily as a ragdoll and spun her around, so she was laid on top of him. He pulled her gushing cunt right back to his mouth, but now his towering cock stared her in the face. My wife knew just what to do with that.

  Dana stared at me and smiled as she extended her tongue and flicked it all over the thick, enflamed helmet of the stranger’s meat. She did not look down at the cock she was working on, but instead kept her eyes on me the entire time. Her lips stretched around that thing and she kept taking in more and more, until I was sure her mouth was stuffed, but Dana kept swallowing more. I could hear her struggling to suck him and her eyes were wide. It didn’t look like she could even breathe, but she kept him in her mouth, sucking until her cheeks hollowed from the effort. My wife took almost all of him, and then she started bobbing up and down. She never let him slip entirely from her lips, but she aggressively pumped her mouth up and down on that fat cock.


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