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Her Wolf In Shining Armor: A Howls Romance

Page 2

by Tonya Brooks

  "You're perfect," he countered and lifted her off of the ground until their lips were a mere breath apart. "Absolutely perfect."

  She laughed in delight and twined her arms around his neck. "I feel like a child with my feet dangling," she pointed out.

  He shook his head, his expression as solemn as his tone and replied, "You feel like a woman in my arms. A woman I'd very much like to kiss."

  "Here?" Shana squeaked in alarm and glanced around the nearly empty lounge.

  A quick look revealed the bartender looked amused at their antics and the man sitting alone in a corner booth wasn't even aware of their existence. "Unless you'd prefer someplace more private," he acquiesced easily. His heart was in his throat as he waited for her answer.

  She tilted her head to the side to study him before nodding in confirmation. "I think I'd like that."

  The breath he'd been holding escaped his lips in a rush of air. Dane gave her a gentle squeeze before placing her back on her feet again. Keeping his arm possessively around her waist, he led her back to the bar, paid their tab and collected his credit card. When they exited the lounge, he headed for the front desk and procured a suite.


  Shana could not believe this was happening. She was not the type of woman to go to a hotel room with a man she'd just met. But Dane wasn't just any man. He was the one. She knew it with a certainty that she couldn't explain. He was the man that she had been searching for and she realized that she'd follow him anywhere.

  Because she really, really wanted that kiss.

  And more. So very much more. Oddly enough she didn't find his size intimidating in the least. Those strong arms had lifted her as effortlessly as if she were a child, but he'd held her almost reverently. She couldn't wait to explore the hard ridges and planes of muscle she'd felt hidden beneath his suit.

  To lay herself bare before him and be devoured by his passion.

  Just the thought sent a zing of desire dancing through her veins. Shana heard his harsh intake of breath and glanced up at his face. Dane looked every inch a predator and he was staring at her as if she were his prey. His nostrils flared and the hunger in his golden eyes was hot enough to singe her flesh.

  That was when she realized that he could scent her arousal.

  The knowledge snapped her out of the alcohol-induced haze. It would seem that her natural reserve and any sense of self-preservation had deserted her along with her common sense. Because what the hell was she thinking? Going to a hotel room with a complete stranger was totally insane.

  Even if he was the hottest man she'd ever laid eyes on.

  "I can't do this," she said anxiously when the elevator doors closed.

  "Hey, it's okay," Dane said soothingly, his expression instantly morphing to one of genuine concern. "We can just sit and talk. Order lunch and get to know each other. There's no pressure for more, Shana."

  The absolute sincerity in his tone instantly calmed her fears. She exhaled a shaky breath and laughed nervously. "How do you do that?" She queried.

  "Do what?"

  "Know exactly what to say to me," she replied and then a horrible thought occurred to her. "Oh, God. Can you read my thoughts?" Some paranormals could and since she didn't know what kind he was…

  Dane laughed lightly and lifted a hand to brush his fingertips over her cheek. His touch so gentle and sweet. "I wish," he confessed. "Unfortunately that's not a skill set that shifters possess."

  "What… kind of shifter?" Shana queried curiously.


  Arousal flooded her again. Wolf shifters were well known for their voracious sexual appetite. And their extraordinary ability to please their partner. Her best friend refused to date humans anymore. Cindy swore that if she went wolf that she'd never go back. Damn. She really wanted to find out if it was true. Squaring her shoulders in determination, Shana stepped off of the elevator when the door slid open.


  Dane was well pleased with his mate. She'd been afraid and that had upset his wolf greatly. He had smelled her fear, but Shana had overcome it and was going to give him a chance. He was elated and determined to do everything in his power to win her over. He'd take it as slow as she needed him to because losing her was not an option.

  He guided her with a hand on her lower back, the need to touch her too great to resist. Once they entered the suite he barely noticed what it looked like. His sole focus was on the woman who darted across the room to look out the sliding doors at the cityscape. "This view is incredible," she said and turned to him with a nervous smile.

  Tearing his eyes away from her, he noticed a seating area on the balcony. "Would you like to sit outside and enjoy it?" He asked in the hopes that it would help her relax.

  She looked relieved and agreed, "I'd love to."

  "Can I get you a drink?" He queried as she slid the glass door open.

  "I've had enough alcohol, but water would be nice."

  "Water it is," he agreed and grabbed two bottles from the mini-fridge behind the bar. The alcohol in his system had already metabolized, and a clear head was definitely called for now. The last thing he wanted to do was frighten her away. He walked out onto the balcony and sat the bottles on the table.

  Shana was standing at the railing and she turned to face him, a smile curving those luscious lips that he ached to taste. The wind caught her hair, lifting it up and around her. The sunlight revealed subtle shades of red and gold mingled throughout the sable tresses. Her pale green eyes shone like sunlight on a crystal sea.

  His mate really was stunning.

  She cocked her head to the side and asked, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

  "Because you're the most beautiful sight I've ever laid eyes on," he confessed as he moved to the rail beside her.

  After a moment of stunned silence, she laughed and shook her head slightly. "You did it again."

  "Did what?"

  "Said the perfect thing," Shana assured him.

  "I just told the truth," he admitted and flashed her a smile. "It's a nasty habit that gets me into trouble on occasion."

  "I can't imagine how."

  He shrugged and added, "People don't always like hearing the truth."

  "I do. Even if it hurts," she admitted and when her smile dimmed he knew she was thinking about her ex.

  Shifters were possessive creatures by nature. His wolf would not tolerate her thinking of another man. Dane reminded the beast that Shana didn't know she was theirs yet. And he vowed to wipe all thoughts of any other man from her mind. That pacified both man and beast. "I'll never hurt you," he swore and trailed his fingers down her silken cheek again.

  "Don't make promises you can't keep," she warned in a tone far too serious for his liking.

  "I don't," he assured her and took her hand in his. "I swear that I will never hurt you, Shana." He couldn't. Because doing so would plunge a dull blade into his own heart. Not to mention that he never broke a sworn oath. Never had, never would.

  "I'll hold you to that," she said in amusement and sank down into one of the chairs, slid her shoes off and curled her feet beneath her.

  He sat as well and queried, "Do you have plans for the rest of the day?"

  "Aside from drowning my sorrows in alcohol, you mean?" Shana asked ruefully. "I'll probably wind up eating a carton of ice cream and feeling sorry for myself at some point."

  "Would you spend the day with me?" He asked hopefully.


  Shana didn't even have to think about it. Mainly because there was no place that she'd rather be. "I'd like that," she agreed.

  His brilliant smile assured her that she'd made the right decision. "Excellent. Now, what would you like for lunch? Room service or should we order in?" Dane queried.

  "How about Chinese?" She suggested.

  "Perfect," he agreed and pulled out his phone to place their order.

  By the time lunch was over her nervousness was completely gone. Dane was the perfect gentleman and he
seemed to delight in touching her. Nothing inappropriate. Just those gentle strokes to her cheek or holding her hand. It was all very proper and felt like an old-fashioned courtship.

  They talked for hours about everything and nothing. She had shared more with him than she ever had with Lawrence. Then again, she'd never felt this comfortable with her ex. The strangest part was that Shana had been friends with her former fiancé for years before they started dating and she didn't even know Dane's last name.

  Somehow it didn't seem to matter that up until this morning they had been complete strangers. Because in the course of one afternoon, he had become a trusted friend. And she did trust him. He was so sincere that it was impossible not to. The man seemed to genuinely want to know her and he hung on her every word.

  It was flattering as hell.

  Of course, she'd learned a great deal about him as well and had been fascinated by every detail. By mutual unspoken agreement, neither of them had mentioned the reason why they'd been in a bar that early in the morning. Their exes didn't need to be brought into the conversation. This time was just for them.

  "Are you an alpha?" Shana asked curiously. They had gravitated to the sofa inside the suite after lunch. She sat sideways with her legs curled up beneath her while Dane was facing her, his fingertips absently tracing an abstract design on her shoulder. She was getting addicted to the wonderful tingles his touch inspired.

  "Hell, no," he laughingly denied. She loved the sound of his laughter. Something told her that he didn't do enough of it. "A headache like that I neither want nor need."

  "Why not?"

  "Because alphas are responsible for the welfare of their pack," he explained. "My father was our pack alpha until he turned it over to my brother. Reece say's it's like trying to herd mosquitoes in a hurricane."

  "Oh, wow," she laughed. "Now that's a colorful analogy."

  "He's not kidding," Dane denied. "Wolves are territorial creatures. Not to mention hot-tempered, stubborn and possessive as hell. Put a group of them together and sooner or later there will be trouble unless there's a strong alpha to keep them in line. Being his beta is enough of a headache for me."

  "What does a beta do?"

  "In a nutshell, I make sure the alpha's orders are carried out," he explained.

  "Sounds like a lot of responsibility," she deduced.

  "It's what I do," he said with a shrug of those broad shoulders and she knew he was being modest. Yet another charming facet of his personality was revealed.


  Dane wasn't being modest as much as he was discrete.

  He wanted Shana to get to know him before she found out exactly who he was. His brother was the Supreme Alpha wolf shifter of the United States, and as such, Reece represented America in the Paranormal United Nations. Every pack in the country was under his command so Dane's position as his beta held a hell of a lot more responsibility than he'd let on.

  He was the second most powerful wolf shifter in the country.

  And one of the wealthiest in the world.

  He and his brother had learned at an early age that women were drawn to wealthy, powerful men. In some cases, for monetary gain. Their mother had been a prime example of greed at its absolute worst. There had been nothing that she wouldn't do, or force them to do, just to get her hands on someone else's money.

  Which was why Reece had ripped the bitch's throat out.

  Needless to say, Dane had good reason to keep his identity to himself. If he didn't, he'd never know for certain if Shana was interested in him or his money. Not that she seemed the rapacious sort, and if all else failed, he had no qualms about using his wealth and position to secure his mate.

  He'd do whatever it took to keep her.

  And to make her love him.

  But for now, a change in topic was required so he ordered dinner from room service. When it arrived, he lit a fire in the fireplace and they ate sitting on the floor in front of it. Afterward, they sipped vintage wine while watching the sun slowly fade from the sky. Soft music played in the background and the atmosphere was casual, relaxed and romantic.

  Shana was stunning in firelight and he couldn't keep his hands off of her. He kept it light though. Gentle caresses filled with affection that pacified both man and beast. She seemed to enjoy them as much as he did. That pleased his wolf greatly since he wanted to give their mate all the pleasure she could handle.

  And then some.

  When the sun sank into the horizon, she broke the companionable silence to say, "You sure do know how to show a girl a good time, Dane."

  "Not bad for a first date, huh?" He replied in a teasing tone.

  "Not bad at… date?" Shana squeaked in surprise as her wide-eyed gaze met his. "Is this a date?"

  His heart began to race and Dane fought down panic to ask evenly, "Do you want it to be?"

  Her anxious expression disappeared and a smile curved her lips before she replied, "I believe I do."

  He released the breath he'd been holding and barely resisted the urge to do a fist pump. His wolf wanted to howl in triumph. Shana was interested in him. Thank the gods. "Good. I'd hate for this romantic atmosphere to be wasted on buddies night," he said and shot her a playful wink.

  She laughed and replied in a teasing tone, "Don't get any ideas, big boy. I don't put out on the first date."

  Keeping his tone just as light and playful, Dane checked his watch and replied, "Since the average date lasts three hours, by my calculations we're on the equivalent of our fourth."

  "Oh. Well, in that case, you can kiss me goodnight," Shana replied and batted her eyelashes in a dramatic fashion.

  He couldn't help it. He was dying to taste her lips. Dane slowly closed the distance between them, giving her ample opportunity to stop him. She didn't. Her lids lowered to half-mast and she parted her lips in anticipation. He whispered, "Goodnight, beauty," before his lips conformed to the luscious contours of hers.


  Shana's entire body sighed with pleasure at the gentle pressure of his lips on hers. She'd been trying to imagine what it would feel like all day, but soft and sweet hadn't even entered her mind. She had thought a shifter would be aggressive and dominant but his kiss was almost tentative. As if she were fragile.

  Or frightened.

  Nothing about Dane frightened her.

  She was actually more afraid of herself and the things he made her feel. The things he made her ache for. She wanted those gentle caresses on her most intimate parts. The feel of his arms holding her close. His muscular body moving over her. In her. To see those golden eyes filled with hunger. For her.

  It had been so long since a man wanted her. Lawrence had said that he wanted to wait until they were married before they had sex. At the time she'd thought it was a ridiculously romantic gesture. Now she knew it was because his taste leaned toward the opposite sex. Yeah, she'd been a blind, gullible fool.

  Shana hadn't protested because he'd never set her on fire with desire. Unlike the man currently kissing her so tenderly. With that thought firmly in mind, she twisted until she was sitting astride his long legs, her aching core pressed against the hard ridge of his arousal. Dane pulled his mouth away from hers and stared at her in surprise at the unexpected move.

  Yeah, she was a little surprised herself, but not enough to stop now. She grasped his head in her hands, tunneling her fingers through his silky blonde hair and breathed, "I want you, Dane."

  She felt his entire body go preternaturally still even as his golden eyes glowed with a savage hunger that took her breath away. His voice was guttural when he asked, "Are you absolutely certain, beauty?"

  "Yes," Shana confirmed as she leaned forward and gently nipped his bottom lip with her teeth. The action seemed to unlock the wildness inside of Dane. His response was instantaneous and all consuming. He grasped the back of her head with a firm grip a split second before his mouth devoured hers.

  Yes, her inner vixen screamed in triumph. This was what she wanted. What she
needed. Passion, raw and fierce. Desire wild and untamed. The intensity of her need spiraled out of control. She craved his touch with an intrinsically elemental need that seemed to transcend the physical. As if her soul was crying out for his.

  Her body had taken on a life of its own, beyond rational thought. Shana had become a creature driven by instinct alone. Her hips began to shift of their own volition, her clitoris riding the hard ridge of his cock through the layers of clothing that separated them. His hands grasped her hips, moving her harder and faster.

  She tore her mouth from his, a mewl of pleasure escaping her parted lips. Her nails dug into his shoulders, knees clamping tight around his hips. Her back arched, pressing her breasts firmly against his rock hard chest. The additional friction to her nipples left her panting, gasping, and whimpering for release.

  Dane's voice was a low growl as he commanded, "Take what you need, Shana. Let me see you come apart for me."

  That had been all the encouragement she needed. Her body stretched taut, eyelids springing open to meet his burning golden gaze. The orgasm slammed into her with a strength she'd never felt before. A low keening wail slid from her throat as a ball of pure energy exploded inside her abdomen, bathing her in pleasure from the inside out.

  Shana collapsed bonelessly against his solid strength. Dane held her in a fierce yet tender embrace, his hands stroking her quivering body soothingly, his lips pressing gentle kisses over her neck and shoulders. Words of praise fell from his lips as he told her how beautiful she was in the throes of passion.

  A slight smile curved her lips. Once again, Dane knew exactly what to say. She should have been mortified that she'd just dry humped this big beautiful man until she'd climaxed. An action like that surely smacked of desperation. Instead, he'd somehow made her feel like she was some kind of sex goddess.

  "You're amazing," she said lightly as she lifted her head to look at him.

  His hand lifted to tenderly caress her cheek yet his eyes burned with more heat than an active volcano. "Beauty, we haven't even gotten started yet," that growly voice promised and her womb clenched in response.


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