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Myths and Legends: Puma

Page 2

by Judy Mays

  Her nipples puckered.

  “Karrak. What do you want?”

  She could hear the smile in his voice. “To talk. About you. About us.”

  Us? “There is no us.”

  A female voice slipped into her thoughts. There could be. He was naked that night. His cock rested against your ass. Even soft, it was long and thick.

  Moisture trickled between her thighs. No! No! No! she yelled into her mind. Who are you? Get out of my head!

  His voice dropped an octave, became huskier, almost a rumbling purr. “You are destined to be my mate.”

  That got her attention. She felt her mouth drop open. His mate? What kind of deranged fool was he? “The priestesses of the Goddess neither mate nor marry any man,” she blurted out.

  You think not? said the strange voice in her head.

  But the shock in Karrak’s voice demanded her full attention. “Priestess? You’re a priestess?”

  Her sigh was exasperated, and she pointed to the parallel lines on her chin. “Blue, the color of priestesses. What did you think I was?”

  You want him. You want to wrap your arms around him as he buries his cock deep inside of you.

  “You’re a healer,” he blurted.

  Mireya shook her head. She felt like she was listening to two people. “I am a healer-priestess.”


  His voice was shocked, angry -- anguished? Mireya swallowed her irritation and gentled her voice. “I’m sorry, Karrak. I’m not allowed to marry anyone.”

  You want him pumping and thrusting into you until you scream with joy.

  Gritting her teeth, Mireya closed her eyes and screamed silently, Get out of my head! Then, opening her eyes, she said, “Karrak…”

  But his shadowy form was gone.

  * * *

  When the final rays of evening sunlight disappeared from her window, Mireya looked up from the colorful snarl of her weaving board. Not that she’d gotten any weaving done. Muttering a curse, she dropped the board to the floor and pushed herself to her feet.

  Karrak. Just thinking of him drove her to distraction. And she hadn’t even seen him since that night he’d discovered she was a priestess. She snorted. Not seen him! Ha! She’d never seen him. She had no idea what he looked like; he’d always stayed hidden in the shadows. All she knew was that he was tall and broad and full of hard muscles. She shivered. When those arms had been wrapped around her body…

  Muttering more curses, Mireya stomped out the door of her room and headed for the temple’s anteroom. Someone always waited until a few hours after sunset in case any of the townsfolk needed something, whether to worship in the temple or seek medical help and it was her night to fulfill that duty.

  Stopping in the doorway, Mireya stared into the almost dark anteroom. What had happened to the torches next to the door? “Is anyone here?”

  A low voice drifted out of the shadows. “Yes.”

  Taking a deep breath, Mireya closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and said a quick prayer. She must be calm and composed. Then, smiling slightly, she stepped into the anteroom. “You seek aid? I’m Mireya. How can I help you?”

  “I’ve come to bless the Goddess.”

  Mireya stiffened. She knew that voice. “Karrak?”

  “I’m here to bless the Goddess,” he repeated more emphatically.

  “But I…”

  “Isn’t that one of the duties of a priestess? One of your duties? To bless the Goddess with any man who asks?” His voice was filled with poorly disguised anger -- and pain.

  Mireya sighed. There were priestesses whose duties included having their bodies available for those men who wished to offer the gift of physical love to the Goddess, but she wasn’t one of them, at least not very often.

  All women had needs.

  She shook her head. No, she was a healer. She would send for someone else.

  Remember how it felt to be held close in his arms?

  Puffing out a frustrated breath, Mireya closed her eyes. Damn, why did that voice have to come back now?

  Why are you lying to yourself, Mireya? Karrak intrigues you. For the last month you’ve wondered what he looked like, wondered how it would feel to have him deep inside of you. Why deny yourself?

  Opening her eyes again, she stared into the shadows where Karrak stood. Granting his request wasn’t prohibited, and it had been a long time since she’d been with a man. What’s more, the voice in her head was right. She wanted to make love with Karrak. Just the sound of his voice had her nipples hard and her cunt moist. Why fight her attraction? Besides, once she enjoyed his body, she’d stop thinking about him.

  Her mind finally at peace, she smiled into the darkness. “Very well, how do you wish to bless her?”

  First silence. Then Karrak’s voice -- confusion mixed with the pain and anger in his voice. “How?”

  She chuckled and wondered if this was his first visit to a temple. “Do you wish one of the normal positions or something more exotic?”

  “Normal? Exotic?”

  Taking a deep breath, Mireya swallowed her growing amusement and anticipation. “Do you wish to be on top with me lying beneath you, looking into your face? Or would you rather have me bent over so you can enter me from behind.”

  “Like cats?” He sounded excited.

  Mireya nodded. “That’s one way. We could also lie on our sides or you could lie on your back and I could mount you, forwards or backwards. If you prefer, however, I could kneel before you and take you into my mouth.”

  A sharp gasp from the shadows.

  Tilting her head to the side, Mireya planted her hands on her hips. “There are also objects that can be used to enhance our pleasure.”

  A strangled cough.

  Mireya began to enjoy herself. “Smooth, carved wood of different lengths and thicknesses which are inserted into various openings on one’s body,” she continued, not trying to hide the laughter in her voice.

  “No, I don’t need anything extra.”

  She smiled into the darkness. He wasn’t angry anymore. No, now he sounded eager, very eager. “Which position then?”

  “I want to mount you -- like a cat mounts its mate.”

  She nodded once. “Very well. Come with me.”

  “Why can’t we just stay here?”

  Mireya didn’t even try to hide the shock in her voice. “In the anteroom!”

  A hint of arrogance slipped into his voice. “Yes. I like it here.”

  Mireya shook her head. “No. Anyone could walk in. The blessings are given inside the temple, before the Goddess herself, as they should be.” She turned to leave.

  “No! Don’t leave.”

  Even though there was far more of a command in his voice than she liked, Mireya turned back to face the shadows. She was too intrigued, too anxious to touch his body again to leave him. She nodded. “Then come.”

  Low muttering drifted from the shadows, and she shook her head. Karrak seemed to be ashamed of his appearance. If he were terribly disfigured, she had no right to pass judgment on him. “Karrak. Your appearance doesn’t matter. A person’s soul is more important.”

  After one last curse, he strode from the shadows.

  Mireya’s mouth fell open.

  A naked god stood before her -- a tall, golden-haired god with blue eyes.

  Chapter Four

  Snapping her mouth shut, she swallowed once, then swallowed again. “Are -- are you a god?”

  Karrak started then shook his head. “No.”

  “But, your yellow hair and blue eyes…”

  He tensed then held up his hand. He kept his voice low. “Do not make me a god.”

  She shook her head. “Yellow hair and pale eyes showed the gods’ favor. Everyone knew that. The priests teach us that those with yellow hair and blue eyes are marked by the gods for a special purpose.”

  Karrak stiffened. He had to convince her otherwise. “My hair and eyes are a different color, but I’m no more special than you. Wh
y are some children born smaller than others? Fatter? Why do some favor their left hands instead of their right? Why are some born without all their wits? Are they too favored by the gods?”

  Chewing her lip, she stared past him into the darkness.

  Karrak tensed even more, ready to run if need be if she made any attempt to summon the priests. She probably believed the priests’ lies about how everyone with pale hair and eyes was taken to live in the temple so they could be honored properly.

  Clenching his fists, he swallowed a growl. The parents of the small children were always assured they would live happy, comfortable lives, which they did -- until they reached puberty. Then they were sacrificed. The priests said all of them had chosen the honor freely, but he knew they were too drugged to call out any denial.

  Karrak allowed a smile to appear on his lips. Far fewer light-haired children had disappeared into temples since he’d become an avatar.

  She glanced back at Karrak, uncertainty still swimming in her eyes.

  He crossed his arms over his chest. Time to see if she wanted him or not. Slipping a hint of arrogance into his voice, he demanded, “I’m ready. Take me to your sanctuary.”

  A small spark of irritation flared in her eyes, and Karrak chuckled to himself. She didn’t like being ordered about.

  “Follow me, then.” Spinning on her bare heel, she led him toward the sanctuary.

  Tense, eyes constantly moving as the hair on the back of his neck rose, Karrak followed her deeper into the temple. He was a fool. Escaping from this labyrinth of criss-crossing tunnels would be almost impossible even if he shifted to his puma form, something he wouldn’t do unless there was no other choice. Mireya had to accept him as a man before he revealed his true nature. If she saw him shift into his puma form before she got to know him…

  But he couldn’t ignore the urges of his body any longer. He wanted, no, needed her so much, he’d taken a huge chance coming here without knowing whether or not she would report him to the priests who resided in the temple on the other side of the square. The ones who would gleefully cut the still beating heart from his body simply because his hair was yellow and his eyes were blue. “Where are you taking me?”

  She didn’t bother to hide the irritation in her voice. “I told you, to the sanctuary.”

  Karrak followed her into a large, well-lit chamber. Brightly burning torches were evenly spaced around the walls. A light, floral incense floated on the still air. Against the back wall, a large statue of the Goddess stood. Seven shadowed doorways, not counting the one at his back, were evenly spaced around the circular room.

  As he followed Mireya toward one of the doorways, Karrak allowed his gaze to follow the thick, black braid of her hair down her back, swinging slowly from one side of her shapely ass to the other as she walked. Soon, as she bent over, he would have his hands on that firm ass.

  His cock stiffened and rose.

  Her hips swayed beneath her shift, and his cock grew even harder. A fist of desire slammed into his stomach. Finally, he would bury himself deep inside of her.

  Cock bobbing, he followed her through the doorway and into the shadows.

  Chapter Five

  As she entered the small chamber, Mireya set the torch she carried in the holder by the door.

  Karrak inhaled. The night breeze carried the delicate, sweet aromas of rain washed flowers, and the muffled sounds of the night creatures drifted in through the window.

  Reaching behind her neck, she loosened her braid.

  Sucking in a breath, Karrak watched her silky black hair fall over both shoulders almost to her waist.

  Then she turned and shrugged out of her shift.

  Karrak swallowed again as his gaze slid down over her breasts to the juncture of her thighs. His balls began to burn. His cock jerked.

  She smiled. “You wish to mount me?” Turning away, she stepped toward a padded, waist-high bench, and grabbed a pole behind it. Stopping before it, she spread her legs and leaned over. “I’m ready. Or do you wish other stimulation first?”

  The sight of her firm, plump buttocks and the moist pink lips between them galvanized Karrak into action. In two strides he crossed the room, halting directly behind her. Cock and balls aching, he slid his palm down her ass cheek.

  It was smooth and soft, far softer than he expected.

  She pushed back against his hand. “Hmmmmm. That’s nice. A woman likes to be touched and stroked.”

  Encouraged, Karrak cupped her other cheek and kneaded it gently.

  “Oh yes.” She wiggled her ass and spread her legs farther apart.

  Nostrils flaring, Karrak inhaled her musky, sexual scent. She was wet and ready for him.

  “Touch me between the legs.”

  He slipped his fingers between her thighs. “Here?”

  She moaned a bit and shifted. “Yes, there. Slide your fingers inside of me. Oh, yes.” She gasped, shuddered, and swiveled her hips.

  Simultaneously, his fingers slid deeper into her and her ass cheek brushed his cock.

  Her internal muscles squeezed his fingers, pulled them deeper.

  She arched her back. “Ahhhhh.” She ground her hips against his hand and gasped.

  Groaning, Karrak pulled his fingers free, grabbed her hips, and slid his cock between her legs.

  She shuddered then stilled. A sharp gasp escaped her. “Aaah! Bumps?”

  “Nothing. They’re nothing. It’s the way I am,” he gasped as he thrust himself into her, burying himself as far as he could.

  Warm moisture engulfed his cock as her muscles tightened around it.

  He pulled back and thrust into her again.

  Her muscles clasped him more tightly.

  Closing his eyes, he threw back his head, clamping his jaws shut on the shout of triumph that threatened to leap from his throat. The feel of her hot, moist muscles tightly clutching his cock was pure heaven. But a puma screaming triumphantly here, within the temple, would bring every priestess running.

  Karrak opened his eyes and stared down at her as he thrust into her again. Her arms wrapped around the pole, her shoulder muscles straining as she struggled not to lose her grip.

  He withdrew and thrust again, swiveling his hips this time.

  She groaned.

  The musky odor of arousal and sex surrounded them, and Karrak inhaled. When he withdrew and surged back into her, she raised herself up onto her tiptoes and ground her hips back against his.

  “Harder, harder,” she gasped.

  Grunting, he rammed his hips against her ass. He slid a hand down to the small of her back and pushed down gently.

  “Grind your hips,” she moaned as she lifted hers as high as she could.

  Karrak complied. His thrusts were deeper, faster. He began to pant. His balls tightened even more, he felt ready to explode.

  The small section of her brain still working told Mireya that Karrak was ready to climax. His thrusts were harder, faster, deeper.

  She glanced back. His head was thrown back, his eyes closed.

  Both hands gripped her hips again -- hard.

  Mireya closed her eyes a moment and concentrated on the thick cock buried inside of her. The bumps that covered it stimulated her to the depths of her being. Never had she experienced anything like Karrak’s naturally bumpy cock. She wanted more. And she wanted it deeper.

  “More, Karrak! Harder! Deeper!”

  Another thrust.

  He filled her completely. “Oh, yes!”

  He groaned then gasped.

  He was ready to come.

  Mireya sobbed. So was she.

  After an especially deep thrust that almost lifted her feet off the floor, Mireya clenched his cock with her internal muscles. She felt him stiffen. A high keen escaped from his throat.

  The fire that burned deep in her loins exploded through her body, and she grabbed hold of the bench to keep from collapsing. “Ahhhhhhhhhhh!”

  Bright lights exploded before her eyes, and then, for a moment, da
rkness surrounded her.

  The room was silent except for the sounds of harsh breathing. The hot, musky scent of sexual satisfaction surrounded them.

  Mireya felt his cock slide out of her.

  He stroked her back, lightly. He bent and his body rested on hers as he kissed her shoulder. His whisper tickled her ears. “Thank you, Mireya.”

  By the time she gathered her strength, pushed herself to her feet, and turned around, he was gone.

  Closing her eyes, Mireya leaned back against the bench and waited for her racing heart to slow down. Once she’d regained her breath -- and control of her legs, she turned and looked up at the small statue sitting in a niche in the wall. “Holy Mother, if this man ever returns to the temple, please let it be me waiting in the anteroom.”

  Chapter Six

  Growling, Karrak swatted at the colorful parrot sitting above his head. The noisy bird was beyond his reach. Nevertheless, he was tired of its squawking. After one last loud snarl from Karrak, it spread its wings and leaped from the branch in an explosion of bright colors, squawking angrily as it flew away.

  Karrak screamed after it; a low growl continued to rumble in his throat.

  Three days -- and two nights. The amount of time that had passed since he’d left Mireya. The third night was approaching, and here he lay, stretched out on a branch where he could observe the town. But, he was watching for Mireya and not the priest.

  Twice he’d seen her. Once helping an old woman walk from one small house to another and once with a group of other priestesses. He couldn’t keep her from his mind. Waking or sleeping, she appeared before him, naked, desirable, his every fantasy.

  When he was in his human form, his cock remained achingly hard, even if he fisted himself until his seed spurted from it in long, milky arcs. He couldn’t relax in his puma form either. His skin itched, his claws ached. Not even a successful hunt and rich, warm blood could erase Mireya from his mind.


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