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Fair Catch

Page 20

by Anderson, Cindy Roland

  Her knees weakened at the slow grin he gave her. “Thanks.” He reached for her hand, weaving their fingers together. “My parents are excited to meet you.”

  “I’m anxious to meet them.” She leaned into him as they stepped off the porch. “But, Nick? Please promise you won’t leave me alone.”

  He looked at her sidelong with one eyebrow raised. “That’s an easy promise to keep.” He squeezed her fingers with reassurance. “Don’t worry. Tonight will be okay.”

  The knot tangling her stomach made her think otherwise. Ellie wasn’t prone to throwing up—she hoped that was still true. How embarrassing would it be to throw up all over Nick’s new oriental carpet?

  They entered his house as workers bustled around, laying out a buffet that rivaled something out of a Vegas casino. She was going to be so mad if her nerves made it impossible to eat. The food looked incredible.

  Nick’s parents stood in the great room just off of the dining area. Judging from the way his dad appeared, Nick was going to look very good in thirty years. He’d inherited his indigo eyes from his mother. Ellie gripped Nick’s hand tighter as he introduced her. “Mom and Dad, this is Ellie.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Two sets of eyes rested on Ellie. Her stomach dipped down to her knees. What if they didn’t…

  A soft smile spread across Mrs. Coulter’s face. “Goodness, you are just as beautiful as Nick said you were.” She stepped forward and embraced Ellie. A light exotic scent swirled around her as Nick’s mother said, “I can’t tell you how happy we are that Nick found you.”

  Her acceptance made Ellie’s anxiety dissipate. “Thank you.” Ellie looked up at Nick. “I’m glad he found me too.”

  Mr. Coulter gave Ellie a familiar crooked smile that was so much like Nick’s. “I can see why my son is so smitten. You are very beautiful, Ellie.” He circled his arms around her, giving her a gentle hug. He smelled just as good as Nick, but his body was much softer.

  When she pulled away, Nick’s palm came to rest on her lower back. “Thank you,” she said, overwhelmed by their kindness. “I’m glad to finally meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Coulter.”

  Nick’s mom grinned as she shook her head. “Please, call me Carolyn.” She pointed to her husband. “And this is Frank.”

  “Okay. Thanks, Carolyn.” Ellie looked at Nick’s dad shyly. “Frank.”

  They visited for a few more minutes until it was time for the party to start. Alec was the first to arrive. His date was super-model gorgeous, wearing a black strapless evening gown and clutching a black sequined purse with blood red fingernails.

  Ellie felt a little plain compared to the woman. However, Alec’s eyes blazed with male appreciation as he scanned Ellie from head to toe. “Hello, again.” He took her hand and placed a warm kiss on her knuckles. “You look absolutely enchanting.” He leaned in and whispered in Ellie’s ear, his voice low and seductive. “If you ever get bored with Nick, you know where to find me.”

  Alec’s cologne was a tad overpowering, and while he looked devilishly handsome, he didn’t tempt Ellie in the least. She pulled away, wrapping one arm around Nick’s waist. “Who is your lovely date?”

  His mouth curved up in a wry smile. “Pardon me. This is Celeste.” He pulled the woman close to his side.

  Celeste gave them both a cool greeting. Then her cell phone buzzed and she excused herself to take the call.

  Alec watched her leave and then leaned in close to Nick. “Please tell me you have an open bar.”

  Nick laughed at him. “Okay.”

  Alec’s dark eyes lit up in surprise. “You do?”

  “Sure. But the strongest thing I have is Mountain Dew.” Nick patted his manager on the shoulder. “Sorry, pal. You’ll have to be charming all by yourself tonight.”

  “Fabulous,” Alec muttered as he moved on to greet Carolyn and Frank.

  Nick kept his word, remaining close to Ellie throughout the evening as the rest of the guests arrived. The company was a mixture of political, wealthy and local celebrities. Ellie recognized quite a few news reporters from Colorado’s local stations. Everyone seemed nice—until Ellie was alone in the bathroom.

  The main level guest bathroom had a large powder room. Ellie came out of the bathroom to wash her hands and found she wasn’t alone. She immediately recognized the tall blonde asTiffany Burke, the perky reporter from Channel Eight news.

  Tiffany touched up her lipstick, peering closely into the mirror and ignoring Ellie.

  “Hello,” Ellie said, turning on the faucet.

  The woman’s gaze flickered to Ellie as she expertly arched one eyebrow. “How convenient to live next door to Nick.”

  Ellie was taken aback by her harsh words. She stuck her hands under the warm water and tried again. “Are you having a nice evening?”

  Tiffany glared menacingly. “I understand you were married before. What happened to your husband?”

  For someone who made a living out of communicating with people, Tiffany sure didn’t know how to carry on a conversation. Before Ellie did something childish like fling water all over Tiffany’s pink silk dress, she turned off the water. Drying her hands, she figured two could play this game and thought of something totally random. “Don’t you just love The O’Reilly Factor?”

  Tiffany’s brows drew together. “Huh?”

  “I know. I completely agree.” Ellie started for the door. “Well, nice to see you again.” She tilted her head to the side, smiled and wiggled her fingers goodbye.

  As she emerged from the bathroom, Ellie glanced over at the food-laden tables. She had been too nervous to eat anything before, but after her run in with the jealous reporter, she felt ravenous. Once she found Nick, she planned on sampling the delicious food.

  * * *

  Nick laughed at the punch line a local radio talk show personality told. Clapping a hand to the man’s shoulder, he excused himself and stepped away from the group to search for Ellie. His eyes scanned over the lively crowd who all seemed to be having a nice time. He spotted his parents in the corner and felt grateful for their presence. Betsy and his mother were talking to the wife of one of the states congressmen. His dad was engaged in a serious conversation with several men.

  Looking beyond his parents, he finally saw Ellie as she pressed through the crowd. She was breathtaking tonight. And Nick wasn’t the only man to notice. Several men tracked her progression, their eyes filled with admiration. If anyone tried to waylay her, Nick was prepared to step in.

  However, when Alec stopped her, Nick sat back to watch. Usually women fell all over themselves at Alec’s roguish good looks. Ellie was the exception and had put him in his place several times. It was something Nick enjoyed.

  Alec said something and succeeded in making Ellie laugh. As they continued to talk, Nick noticed a tall blonde standing behind Ellie, glaring maliciously at her. It wasn’t Alec’s date. Celeste had been on the phone most of the night.

  The blonde looked familiar, but Nick couldn’t place her. All at once Ellie took Alec by the arm and introduced him to the sullen woman. The second Alec turned on the charm, the blonde lost the surly attitude. Ellie slipped away, a smug smile on her lips.

  When she reached Nick’s side, he leaned close to her ear and whispered, “Very clever.”

  Ellie’s eyes held a mischievous gleam. “I met her in the bathroom, and she seemed perfect for Alec.”

  “Do I even want to know why she is perfect for him?”

  One slender shoulder lifted in a delicate shrug. “Let’s just say they might enjoy conversing with one another.” Ellie flashed him a playful smile. “You know, I actually feel like eating something now.”

  That was a switch. He’d been trying to get her to eat all evening, but she claimed to be too nervous. “All right.” He led her across the room, loving how it felt to have someone with him at a party. She filled a void in him, completing him in a way he had always dreamed about.

  The rest of the night was wonderful. Ellie had relaxed eno
ugh to actually enjoy the party. As the evening came to a close, they stood together to bid the guests goodnight.

  One of the last visitors to leave was the pretty blonde Ellie had introduced to Alec. Before Nick could say anything, the woman leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. “Nick, it’s been wonderful seeing you again.” She pulled away, offering him an alluring smile. “We need to get together and catch up on everything.”

  Nick shifted his stance, trying to remember who she was. He came up short. “Thank you for coming…Uh…I’m sorry, I don’t recall your name.”

  The woman flattened her lips into a tight smile. “Tiffany Burke. I’m a reporter with Channel Eight news.” Her eye twitched slightly as she continued to hold his gaze. “I’ve interviewed you on several occasions.”

  He was vastly relieved he hadn’t ever dated her. “I’m sorry. I’ve…done a lot of interviews.” Nick gave her what he hoped was a friendly smile. “I trust you had a nice evening?”

  Her eyes twitched again, flickering briefly to Ellie. “I did. Good night.”

  Tiffany whirled around and stomped away. Nick blew out a short breath and glanced down at Ellie. “I think I offended her.”

  “I’m sure she’ll be okay.” Ellie reached up, rubbing her thumb against the lipstick mark Tiffany must have left on his cheek. “You can’t be expected to remember everyone who has ever interviewed you.”

  Nick stared into her beautiful eyes, the warmth of her touch stirring up strong emotions inside his chest. The love he felt for her intensified with each breath he took.

  Her fingers stilled as she returned his gaze. “What?”

  He took her hand and brought it to his lips. “Nothing. I just like having you with me.” His mouth lingered against her fingers. “I love you.”

  Ellie’s eyes softened. “I—”

  Alec cleared his throat. “I hate to break this magical moment, but Celeste and I are leaving now.”

  Nick gave her a slow smile and winked at her before turning his attention to his agent. “Thanks for sticking around. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

  “Perfect,” Alec said, sardonically. Then with hooded eyes, he took Ellie’s hand. “Let me know if you’re ever bored.” He placed a prolonged kiss to the back of her hand.

  Ellie tried to hide a smile as she took her hand back. “Have a nice night, Alec.”

  * * *

  Returning to his hotel room, Nick kicked off his shoes and sank down on the bed. He was so tempted to lie down and go to sleep, but he still had to pack, return his rental car and make his flight, all within two-and-half hours. Plus, he needed to call Ellie to try and persuade her to meet him in L.A.

  Drawing his phone from his pocket, he dialed her number. The minute she answered, his pulse kicked up a notch. “Nick, are you home early?”

  The longing in her voice made him smile. If she missed him bad enough, convincing her to be his date would be so much easier. “I wish. I’m still in Sacramento, and then I have to fly to L.A.”

  “Oh. I had hoped you wouldn’t have to go there.”

  “You sound like you miss me.”

  She laughed. “Just a little.” Then she let out a soft, feminine sigh. “When are you coming home?”

  “Not for a few days.” Nick stood up and walked over to look out the window. “But I thought of how we can see each other sooner.”

  “Oh, yeah?”

  Her interested tone was encouraging. “Yeah. I have this party I need to attend and I want you to go with me. You and Cade can fly out tomorrow, and Mom and Dad will watch Cade for us.”

  “What kind of party?” Now she sounded leery.

  “If you’re with me—a really fun one?”

  “Nick, what aren’t you telling me?”

  He ran a hand through his hair. “It’s some Hollywood premier, and I really need to be there. I don’t want to go alone. Please come with me.”

  “Uh,” she said in a shaky voice. “I don’t think so.”

  He knew he could talk her into it if he was there in person. But since he wasn’t, he resorted to begging. “I miss you and want you with me. Please, baby, come with me.”

  “Hollywood?” she asked incredulously. “Can’t Alec go with you?”

  He snorted. “Alec? He’ll be there, but you know what he’s like.” Nick drew in a deep breath and played his last card. “Ellie, if you don’t want to…I won’t make you.” He sighed heavily. “I miss you and I really wanted…well, don’t worry about it. It doesn’t matter.”

  He heard her let out a long breath. “I can’t believe I’m saying this. Okay. I’ll go with you.”

  He grinned and punched his fist in the air. Yeah, he had played on her sympathy, but it worked, and he would make it up to her. “Thank you, Ellie.”

  “You’re welcome. I think.” She exhaled noisily, making him feel slightly guilty. “So, your mom and dad don’t mind watching Cade?”

  “Mom’s the one who suggested it. She hates all the tabloid pictures and said it would be a nice change to actually like the woman I’ll be romantically linked with.”

  She let out a soft laugh. “Okay. How do we get there?”

  “Your plane leaves in the morning around ten. I’ll text you the exact flight information. My dad will pick you up to avoid any paparazzi.”

  “All right. I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  She didn’t sound as excited as he’d hoped, but he wasn’t about to complain. “Hey, I wanted to stay through the weekend. Do you think you can get someone to take your place in the nursery?”

  “Without you there as the incentive?” She chuckled dryly. “It’ll be hard, but I’ll see what I can do.”

  Now he did feel guilty. “I’m sorry. Look, I know I pressured you to come, but if it’s too stressful—”

  “Don’t worry about it.” Her voice had softened again. “I’m sure I can find someone to fill in. Most likely Betsy.”

  “I love you, Ellie. Thanks for doing this for me.”

  “Coulter, you are very hard to say no to.”

  * * *

  “I can’t believe I told you yes,” Ellie said, her voice shaking with terror. They were a few minutes away from the party. Looking out the window, she noticed countless photographers lining both sides of the street. Was there going to be a red carpet? If someone asked her who designed the dress she wore, she’d have to confess she found it at Nordstrom’s earlier this morning. The pale pink dress reminded her of something from the 1930’s. Simple, modest and it fit her perfectly.

  “You look beautiful,” Nick said as the limo started to slow.

  She smiled at him. The guy looked so great in a tux. “Thanks.” She caught another glimpse of the crowds lining the streets and clamped a hand over her belly. “I think I’m going to be sick.” Her stomach felt like a hive of bees had just been let loose.

  She almost laughed at the look on Nick’s face as he frantically searched the limo for something she could throw up in. “Hang on, I’m sure there’s a bag or bucket somewhere.”

  She giggled. “I’m not that sick.”

  He blew out a breath and sagged back against the seat. “That’s good. I kind of have a weak stomach.”

  She was just plain weak. How on earth had she let him talk her into this?

  She grabbed his hand as the limo came to a stop. “Okay, so you remember the rules?”

  “Yes. I will not leave your side all night,” he repeated with a wry grin.

  She narrowed her eyes. “That’s only one rule, what about the other one?”

  He leaned in close and whispered in her ear, “Ellie, I won’t let anyone corner you, and you won’t have to do or say anything that you don’t want to.”


  He kissed the tip of her ear, sending a delightful shiver through her. “I promise.”

  Before she knew it, the driver got out to open the door.

  Nick must have noted the panicked look on her face. He gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. “Hey, this�
�ll be easy. All you have to do is smile and look gorgeous.”

  He made it sound so simple. She prayed she really wouldn’t throw up.

  Cameras flashed all around her as voices shouted out celebrities’ names, asking them to stop and pose. Nick kept his hand firmly pressed to the small of her back and didn’t stop, even when someone hollered out his name.

  Ellie kept smiling—only because her face was frozen that way—and concentrated on not tripping or doing something that would embarrass her or her celebrity date. They passed a few actors and actresses who had obliged the screaming crowd and stopped to pose for the cameras.

  Was that Sandra Bullock? She didn’t dare take a second look. It would be so embarrassing to be the woman who fell flat on her face while gawking at a movie star. She was grateful Nick kept a steady pace toward the double doors.

  They stepped inside, the buzz of the room energized by the sound of people talking and laughing with one another. Ellie stopped and stared, totally star struck. Everywhere she turned, she recognized somebody famous. This was better stargazing than at the planetarium. She tried not to gape, but it was difficult. Across the room she saw the entire cast of the Sunday night drama, Reckless Homemakers.

  She felt completely out of place as her eyes scanned the famous crowd. Her breath lodged in her throat when her eyes landed on Jake Kelley, the popular actor that seemed to be the leading man in all the latest chick flicks. Ellie felt her cheeks heat up just looking at the dark-haired heartthrob.

  “How are you doing?” Nick whispered.

  She snapped her gaze up to his, feeling a little guilty for checking out the handsome actor. “I…um…well…” She swallowed and finally said, “Okay.”

  If he introduced her to anyone and she couldn’t make her brain function, it would not turn out to be a pleasant evening.

  Nick smiled and pressed a kiss to her temple. “Relax, I’m not going to let anything happen to you.”

  Her mouth was too dry to even attempt a comeback. She simply nodded her head and told herself she could do this for the man she loved.


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