Fair Catch

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Fair Catch Page 22

by Anderson, Cindy Roland

  She answered the door and gave him a smile that took his breath away. As usual, she looked beautiful, even in a simple black dress; the sexy black heels she wore reminded Nick that Ellie had a nice pair of legs.

  Taking a quick look around the neighborhood, Nick pulled Ellie to him and gave her a lingering kiss. Five days was way too long to be apart. He edged back so he could look into her eyes. “I missed you.”

  A soft sigh escaped through her lips. “I missed you too.”

  He stepped back and laced his fingers through hers. “You look beautiful.”

  “Thank you.” As they started to cross the street, she asked, “So, where are you taking me all dressed up?”

  Ellie had already asked him this question when he’d called her this morning. Opening the car door, Nick helped her into the seat. Placing his hands on the frame of the SUV, he leaned down and gave her the same answer as this morning. “It’s a surprise.”

  Before Ellie could ask any more questions, Nick closed the door and went around to the driver’s side. Once he sat behind the wheel, he looked at her sidelong. “You really do look beautiful.”

  Ellie clicked on her seatbelt. “Thank you. So, you never did say where you’re taking me.”

  He laughed. “Nice try. It’s a surprise, remember?”

  She clasped her hands tightly. “Please don’t tell me it’s another party that Alec got you into.”

  “Hey, I thought you liked that party.”

  She looked at him incredulously. “I liked being with you. Besides, I’ve only had a week to recover—I can’t handle another one this close.”

  He reached across the seat, winding his finger in one of her curls. “It’s not another party.” Dropping his hand, he started the car.

  “Let’s see. Do I have to wear a blind fold?” she asked as he pulled out of the cul-de-sac.


  “Will I like where you’re taking me?”

  “I hope so.”

  “How far away is it?”

  He gave her a low chuckle. “You’re full of questions tonight.”

  “Sorry. I guess I’ll just have to wait and be surprised.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “You don’t like surprises?”

  She heaved a sigh. “No. I’m terrible at waiting. My parents had to lock up my Christmas presents until Christmas Day to limit the temptation for me to snoop.”

  “Hmm. That’s good to know.” He pointed to the glove box. “There’s something in there I think you’ll like. Hopefully it will ease your pain.”

  “Is it chocolate?”

  “No,” he said with a laugh.

  She popped open the door and squealed in delight. “This is Phillip Jacobs’ new CD. It’s not even available until next week.” She gasped when she saw the personal inscription. “How did you do this?”

  Ellie was fun to give gifts to. He grinned and merged onto the freeway. “I have connections.”

  “Thank you, Nick.” She slipped the disk in the CD player. The first number was a love song. After a few moments, Nick stole a glance only to find Ellie watching him with soft eyes, her lips tilted up in a thoughtful smile.

  He looked back at the road, grinning. “What’re you looking at?”

  “You. I like your face.”

  “You do, huh?” He veered to the left, settling in the mostly vacant HOV lane and focused on driving. “Maybe I should let you drive so I can look at your face.”

  She slanted forward, giving him a whiff of her perfume. “Ah,” she said with a laugh. “But then you’d have to tell me where we’re going.”


  Ellie reached over and traced her finger along his jaw. “Plus, I’m a little distracted right now and don’t think I’d be a good driver.”

  Nick’s skin tingled from her touch. “And I’m not distracted?”

  “If you are, you’ve been trained to ignore it. Isn’t that what great quarterbacks do?”

  With one hand on the steering wheel, Nick captured her fingers and brought them to his mouth. In a low voice he said, “I’m also very good at making passes.” She giggled as he kept a hold of her hand and lowered it to rest against his thigh. “But I’m still not telling you a thing.”

  Throughout the thirty-minute drive, they held hands, listened to the music and talked until it was time to exit the freeway. Nick released her hand and merged right toward Lakewood, a city about ten miles west of Denver.

  A few minutes later, he couldn’t keep the destination a secret any longer as he pulled in front of Simms, the restaurant Ellie had mentioned was a favorite of her brothers when they visited home. Keeping the car idling, he climbed out and came around to open Ellie’s door.

  A valet recorded the license plate number and handed Nick a claim ticket. “Enjoy your evening, sir.”

  “Thank you.” He pressed his palm to Ellie’s lower back. “No more questions?”

  She shook her head, a little smirk on her face. “Not right now.”

  Nick led her inside, past a crowd of people to an elevator. He was mildly disappointed when two older women, who looked like they had to be sisters, joined them just as the door slid open. He allowed the two women on first and nodded his head in greeting as he and Ellie stepped in.

  Both women studied Nick closely, like they were trying to place his face. The one standing closest to him narrowed her eyes slightly. “I know you. I just can’t think of who you are.”

  Nick gave her a soft laugh. “I get that a lot.” He lifted one shoulder up into a shrug. “I guess I just have one of those faces.”

  Ellie coughed and looked down at her feet. The woman didn’t look convinced, but was polite enough not to push it.

  Once again, the doors slid open, and the two sisters exited, one looking back over her shoulder as if wanting to get one last look at Nick. He smiled and led Ellie the opposite direction.

  “You just have one of those faces, huh?” Ellie whispered.

  Nick gave her a sheepish smile. “I figured it was better not to mention my name.” He settled a hand at her waist and pulled her close as they rounded a corner. “Tonight you are all mine, and I don’t want a crowd of people following us.”

  * * *

  Nick’s words sent a shiver of pleasure through Ellie’s body. She leaned in close, the scent of his cologne adding to the ambience.

  They stopped in front of a set of ornate double doors where a gentleman greeted them. “Good evening, Mr. Coulter. If you and your companion will follow me, I can show you to your table.”

  The doors opened and Nick and Ellie trailed behind the maître d’ into a private dining room. A small table for two sat by a large window that offered a spectacular view of the city. An unoccupied baby grand piano sat off in the corner, the glossy black finish glittering underneath the soft lights.

  She looked up at Nick, impressed by his planning. “We’re dining alone?”

  He gave her a crooked smile. “Yes.” He pulled out the chair for her, his fingers brushing against her back as he scooted the chair in. “I figured this way the menu won’t have any clandestine pictures.”

  “That’s true,” she said as he took a seat across from her. “Well, this is a very nice surprise.”

  He slanted her a smoldering glance. “This isn’t the surprise.”

  “Oh.” A fluttering sensation swelled inside her chest. “I don’t suppose you’re going to tell me what it is?”

  “No.” He laughed and reached across the table to take her hand. “But I promise you’ll like it.”

  His blue eyes held her gaze as he stroked his thumb across her palm. “I hope you don’t mind, but I’ve already ordered the food for you.”

  Her stomach was wound so tightly she wasn’t sure she could eat. “I don’t mind.”

  A male waiter came out with two goblets filled with ice water and placed them on the table. “Ma’am, would you like something else to drink?”

  Ellie’s stomach already had too many bubbles. “The ice water
is perfect. Thank you.”

  The waiter turned to Nick. “And you, sir?”

  Nick smiled. “A Coke, please.”

  A few minutes later, the most amazing smells filled the private room as two servers wheeled in silver-covered trays. Ellie’s appetite returned immediately when the lids were lifted off and the incredible aroma floated on the air.

  While she and Nick were served a variety of dishes, someone had come in and started playing the piano. The lights had dimmed considerably, and with the lid partially elevated, Ellie couldn’t see who sat behind the keys. The music added to the setting, especially when most of the tunes were Phillip Jacobs’ songs.

  During their meal, Ellie frequently met Nick’s gaze. The love she saw reflected in his blue eyes let her imagination run wild. If this romantic dinner wasn’t the surprise, then what was?

  When she couldn’t eat another bite, Ellie set her fork down. “That was wonderful. Thank you, Nick.”

  He raised an eyebrow and pointed to a cart full of delicious looking desserts. “You don’t want any dessert?”

  Ellie truly couldn’t eat anything else. “Maybe later?” she said, hoping to take something home.

  “Sure.” He reached out, taking a mint from a crystal dish on the table. He popped it in his mouth and stood up, holding out his hand. “Do you feel like dancing with me?”

  Ellie quickly took a mint, feeling as if her heart was doing a little dance on its own. She placed her hand in his. “I’d love to dance with you.”

  He gave her a slow smile before drawing her into his chest. The heat from his palm against her back spread through her as they swayed to a Phillip Jacobs’ song. Ellie listened to the strong beat of his heart and sighed. She loved him more than she ever thought possible.

  When the song ended, Nick pulled back, peering into her eyes. “There’s somebody I’d like you to meet.” He took her hand, leading her toward the piano.

  Ellie stopped alongside Nick, waiting to be introduced to the talented musician. Her gaze connected with the man and she gasped.

  The piano player winked and gave her a heart-stopping smile. “Hello, Ellie.”

  Ellie blinked. When she focused on the face again, nothing had changed. Phillip Jacobs—the real thing—in the flesh was still sitting there, smiling at her. She tried to say hello, but naturally, nothing sensible came out of her mouth. “Is…Are…He…” She placed a hand to her head, feeling a little dizzy. “I need to sit down.”

  Nick chuckled softly as he helped Ellie sit on a chair next to the piano. “Surprise,” he whispered in her ear.

  Ellie looked at her “surprise” through hooded lashes. Phillip wore his light brown hair short with his trademark shadow of a beard. His caramel colored eyes were full of laughter as he played the opening notes to Ellie’s all-time favorite song, You’re My Whole World.

  “Breathe, Ellie,” Phillip said, winking at her again. “This song is dedicated to you from Nick Coulter.”

  Nick whispered in her ear again. “Remember me?”

  She looked over at him. Of course she remembered him. She just couldn’t speak at the moment. Nodding her head, she reached for his hand and clasped it tightly.

  Phillip’s mellow voice worked its magic. By the second song, Ellie had relaxed enough to lean against Nick’s shoulder. The acoustic performance lasted nearly an hour. Phillip’s last number was the current hit from his new CD Nick had just given her.

  All at once she was overcome by how much Nick loved her. She angled her face up and met his gaze. “Thank you,” she whispered. “I love you.”

  His blue eyes darkened as he leaned forward. “I love you too.”

  Then Nick gave her the sweetest kiss, one she couldn’t help responding to. Everything else faded until it was only the two of them.

  Well, at least that’s how it felt until the singer said, “Coulter, I think she likes you.”

  She felt Nick’s mouth smile just before he pulled back. “I hope so.”

  Phillip scooted away from the piano and walked toward them. Nick helped Ellie stand, keeping one arm snuggly around her waist, probably to keep her from fainting.

  “Wow,” Ellie said, glad that her voice sounded somewhat normal. “That was incredible.”

  Phillip cocked one brow up and grinned. “Me or the kiss?”

  Ellie bit her lip. “Um…”

  “You don’t have to answer that,” Phillip said with a laugh. He took Ellie’s hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. “I hope you enjoyed yourself.”

  “I did. Thank you.”

  “Yes,” Nick said, shaking the singer’s hand. “Thank you.”

  “It was my pleasure.” Phillip grinned and winked at Ellie. “You two have a very nice night.” He stepped back and gave Nick an impish smile and pointed his finger at him. “I’ll give you a call later on, buddy.”

  He disappeared behind the door, and Ellie turned to Nick. “I still can’t believe I just talked to Phillip Jacobs.” She wrapped her arms around his waist and looked up into his eyes. “This night was wonderful. Thank you, Nick.”

  “It’s not over yet,” he said with a wink.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Nick buried his face in her hair, holding her close. “I’m glad you liked your surprise.”

  She tilted her chin up to look at him. “I did. I still can’t believe you know Phillip Jacobs.” Her nose wrinkled up. “He said he would call you. Does he call you often? How do you know him?”

  She had so many questions. But now it was his turn. “Come over here,” he said, tugging on her hand and leading her to a chair. Nick sat down in front of her so their knees were touching. “Phillip is a great guy. He’s done a few benefit concerts to help raise money for the summer camps.” Nick held Ellie’s gaze, hoping her fascination with Phillip would soon end. “He and I talk occasionally, but not often.”

  He reached inside his suit coat and paused. “The reason he’s going to call me later on is to see what your answer will be.”

  Ellie moistened her lips, her eyes focused on his hand hidden inside his suit coat. “My answer?” Her gaze returned to his and she swallowed. “To what question?”

  Nick withdrew his hand and held out his fist. Slowly, he extended his fingers with his palm up. Ellie’s eyes filled with tears when she saw the sparkling diamond ring in the center of his palm. “Ellie, I love you more than anything in this world and want you to be my wife. Will you marry me?”

  She brought her hand to her mouth and gasped. A tear slipped over her bottom lash, but she didn’t say anything.

  He held the ring out, waiting for an answer. Nick honestly hadn’t thought it through. What if she turned him down? Images of the guy from The Bachelor being turned down on national television crossed his mind. He grew uncomfortable, perspiration beading on his forehead. Please don’t say no. “Ellie?” he asked hesitantly.

  “Yes,” she said so softly, he wasn’t sure he heard her correctly.


  She moved her hand, a smile quivering on her lips. “Yes. I’ll marry you.”

  A surge of relief and joy rushed through him as he took her left hand. “You had me worried there for a second.”

  She hiccupped a giggle as he slid the ring on her slender finger. “Oh, Nick. It’s beautiful.” Her eyes snapped up to his. “You were worried I might say no?”

  Nick raised an eyebrow. “Well, you seemed pretty enamored by Phillip Jacobs.”

  Ellie slanted forward, curling her soft, warm fingers around his hand. “Did I ever tell you I have a thing for football players, not musicians?”

  “Oh, really?”

  She moved in close enough for him to feel her warm breath against his mouth. “Yeah, and lucky me, the hottest quarterback just asked me to be his wife.”

  He inched closer. “And you said yes.”

  “I did, and now I want him to kiss me.”

  Nick complied, covering her mouth with his. Ellie slipped her arms around his neck as he angled his head to
deepen the kiss. A few minutes later they parted, both breathless and Nick even more determined to marry her as soon as possible. “I can’t wait until you’re mine forever. When did you say we can get married?”

  Ellie sat back, a flicker of apprehension flashed behind her eyes. “I…don’t think we talked about it.”

  “Well,” he said with a grin. “I have a plan. My parents and sisters are all for a destination wedding.”

  “Where would this destination be?”

  “How about England?”

  “Really?” Her eyes held a spark of interest. “To be with my parents?”

  “Yes. We can also fly your brothers and their families over. The fourth of July holiday is coming up, so I figure it will be easier for our families to get off of work. Cade will get to be with his cousins, meet his new cousins and spend time with both sets of grandparents while you and I have a honeymoon in France.”

  Two thin lines creased between her brows. She stood up abruptly and walked over to the window. The glow of the city illuminated her tightly drawn features, and Nick could feel the tension emanating from her. “Hey, what’s wrong?” he asked, turning her toward him.

  She looked up at him, her aqua-blue eyes filled with obvious concern. “Thomas emailed me the custody agreement. He’s planning on asserting his rights and taking Cade over the fourth.”

  Thomas. The man was really starting to get on Nick’s nerves. He’d just asked Ellie to marry him in England and then honeymoon in France. The last person he wanted to talk about was her ex-husband.

  “All right. We’ll talk to our families and see if we can go the week after that.”

  “There’s something else. Thomas said he’s moving back to Colorado to be with Cade.” She swallowed and looked away from him. “In the agreement, if Thomas lives near Cade, he gets him every other weekend.”

  Nick felt his gut clench. Thomas’s sudden enthusiasm to be with Cade had nothing to do with fatherhood. The man was set on making Ellie’s life miserable. He wanted to ask how the guy had ever been given joint custody when he’d abandoned both Ellie and Cade, but knew the answer didn’t matter. The irritating excuse for a man was going to be a part of their lives whether they liked it or not.


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