Book Read Free

Broken Enagement

Page 88

by Gage Grayson

  “Here, have a coat…I need a drink.”

  “Is that a poem?”

  “I hope not,” says Maddie, already on her way to the bar.

  Charles has two stouts ready for us by the time we sit down. He disappears before we can thank him.

  “I like how I don’t have to order anything here,” Maddie comments, taking a big first guzzle.

  “Is that still good cold out of the tap?”

  Maddie looks at the pint glass for a long moment. “It’s no Captain’s Demise, but it’ll do.”

  Captain’s Demise—my favorite drink for a one-week period of my life.

  Since Maddie’s reappeared in my life, she’s made it clear that Hawaii is off-limits. No references to that week will be tolerated, and certainly no actual fucking discussion.

  No acknowledgement of it, even.

  Until now, that is.

  I leave it there, though.

  It’s not like I’m eager to talk about it. For the first time in years, I’m not even thinking about it.

  That was then.

  And this is now.

  We finish our beers, which gives us the perfect boost for the walk back to my place.

  “Wait, did you even pay?” Maddie’s yelling tempers the eeriness of City Hall Park.

  “They know I’ll be back, and I’ve got a tab open.”

  At this point, Maddie’s moving backwards, trying to walk and have a conversation at the same time.

  “You must know your way around here pretty well to walk like that.”

  “Hey, I don’t live in Boston anymore. I know my way around.”

  “Let me get this straight...”

  I put my arm around Maddie’s back to keep her steady, and another kiss blossoms instantly.

  “…but we keep getting distracted,” she mumbles.

  We kiss again after exiting the park. Maddie’s still walking backwards.

  “…fuck, and now I forgot what fucking street we’re on again,” I mumble back, against her lips.

  “We’re on Broadway, genius, and your apartment’s like two feet away.”

  We make the transition from walking slowly to stopping entirely. Our next kiss engulfs us. It’s as if someone poured gasoline on all the little blazes this evening has sparked, combining them into a massive fucking fireball.

  “How close did you say it was?” With that, I kiss Madeline’s neck, down toward her shoulder, and around to the other side of her neck.

  “Not fucking close enough,” Maddie gasps.

  This time, we both fucking run.

  It’s a good thing it’s such a ghost town here on Friday nights, because we throw caution to the fucking wind with this mad dash.

  Straight across Broadway, down Barclay, through the lobby, and to the elevators without stopping for a goddamn thing.

  After we finally need to stop—to wait for the elevator—Maddie mashes the up button with her fist. “I know it’s your building and all, but, fuck, I just want that fucking thing to get here. Why do you need to live so high up?”

  Maddie and I are kissing again before I can answer, and our kiss continues in the elevator.

  The elevator up to my floor is fast, but not that fast. By the time we reach the twentieth floor, my coat, Maddie’s jacket, and my own suit jacket are on the elevator floor.

  By the time we reach the fortieth floor, Maddie’s frantically undoing my belt buckle.

  By the time the elevator door opens on my floor, we’re still locked into a desperate kiss, our hands exploring the contours of each other’s bodies.

  With our lips remaining stubbornly locked, we sidestep out of the elevator just before the door closes again.

  After the elevator door closes with a ding, our kiss ends for a moment, and we regard each other.

  We don’t say a word, but Maddie’s emerald eyes continue to set me on fucking fire.

  We bolt down the hallway, and I fumble with my apartment key after we stop for another kiss just outside my door.

  Our current kiss end as soon as we’re in the privacy of my apartment. Simultaneously, we drop to the floor.

  Maddie gently falls onto her back as I work my lips around the side of her neck. I fall with her, moving down to her shoulder again, and towards her chest, as she unbuttons the top of her suit.

  Maddie pushes firmly on my shoulder, encouraging me to stop dawdling and get to the task at hand. I comply, sliding myself down past Maddie’s legs while she wriggles out of her skirt.

  I don’t stop sliding until I’m face to face with Maddie’s black leather loafers. As I gently remove her left shoe, then her right shoe, Maddie sighs and squirms mildly in anticipation.

  “Mm-hmm,” Maddie grunts approvingly as I massage her feet. Moving onto her calves, I feel her tension draining slowly yet steadily. “Now take off your fucking shirt so I also have something to look at,” she demands.

  With my right hand gradually moving up her lower leg, I use my left hand to unbutton my shirt. Maddie props her head up slightly with her hands to get a better look.

  Keeping the massage going while slipping out of my shirt requires a delicate balance of switching hands and sustaining a steady rhythm.

  As soon as I’ve finished slithering out of my dress shirt, Maddie lifts a hand to point at me insistently.

  “Arms in the air.”

  I do as she insists. “Okay, okay—that thing’s not loaded, is it?”

  Maddie grabs the sides of my undershirt, pulls it straight over my head, and throws it clear across the room behind her.

  “Ooh, that’s so much better,” she coos. “As you were.”

  As I was—massaging the stress and strain out of Maddie’s wonderful legs, now with both hands working tirelessly. Maddie’s eyes are filled with a contented calm as they roam all over my chest and abs.

  When my massage begins making its way up past her knees, Maddie closes her eyes and lets out another sigh. I maintain the same gradual tempo I started with—although that becomes challenging for both of us as I travel further up her thighs.

  “Okay,” Maddie says at last, taking hold of her tan panties and starting to slide them off. I help Maddie finish the job, gently slipping her panties down past her feet before throwing them in the general direction of my shirt across the room.

  “Now for another slow massage,” I announce.

  “Very funny.”

  “I thought it was.”

  “Sure. Now quit stalling and eat my fucking pussy.”

  Hearing those words makes me lose all coordination, and I nearly trip over myself to get to what is now my favorite place to be in the world.

  I nestle my head between Maddie’s thighs, and she spreads her legs slowly. She’s so fucking wet that I can’t even entertain the idea of coyly teasing her inner thighs with my lips or tongue or any of that teasing shit.

  I go right to work, starting with a slow, all-encompassing lick of her pussy lips from bottom to top. Maddie releases a deep, primal moan. When I begin my second lick, Maddie’s body stirs chaotically as she lets out a low-pitched groan.

  Maddie presses herself firmly into my face. I get more creative with my tongue, shifting into different patterns, circling around her lips, and...

  Maddie comes uncontrollably, well before I expected. My cock is now throbbing eagerly in my pants, and I move my head back for a second.

  “Get back in there,” Maddie instructs in a whisper.

  Picking up right where I left off, I run my tongue around Maddie’s pussy lips in a figure-eight pattern, slowly and repeatedly until I let it devolve into more of a circle.

  Maddie wriggles and trembles as my circles get nearer and nearer to her clit. I slow down as I get closer.

  “Oh, fuck, fuck, fuuuuuuuck, yes!”

  Maddie comes again.

  I push myself up off the floor. Maddie glows as she reclines blissfully, her green eyes full of tranquility.

  “Okay,” she says, “now let me see that fucking cock.”

/>   Ethan

  “This is the best fuckin’ seat in the house. I don’t even have to sit up!”

  Madeline’s eyes are happily focused on the front of my Michael Andrews Bespoke suit pants. She’s waiting for the full package to come bursting out.

  As ready as I am to rid myself of these pants, I believe in showmanship—and I can see the anticipation still building in Maddie’s face.

  I can also see the anticipation in the way that Maddie’s softly running her fingers around the edge of her bra.

  My left hand unhurriedly travels in the direction of my fly. The voyage is indirect, leaving my audience wondering about its destination until it decisively arrives just over the top button.

  My thumb and forefinger work the button gradually, the process getting slower as it goes on. When this culminates with the top of my fly finally opening, Maddie tears the bra cup down from her left tit, so her fingertips can knead her nipple.


  “We may be in disagreement about that,” I remark, measuredly unzipping my fly.

  “On what?” Maddie asks, her stunning face framed in a pool of golden hair.

  “I believe that I have the best seat in the house.”

  “But you’re standing.”

  That’s enough escalation—it’s time for the showstopper.

  In one swift movement, I yank my trousers and my boxers straight down past my knees. Suddenly, my powerfully rigid, pulsing member is out in the open and fully visible in my well-lit living room.

  Maddie gasps, then squeaks in delight.

  “Showmanship,” I remark.

  “Real proud of yourself, huh?”


  “Well, now it’s my fucking time to shine.”

  In the bat of an eye, Maddie goes from sprawling leisurely on the floor to knocking me off my proud feet and pinning me to the carpet.

  “Jesus, Maddie.”


  Maddie rips off her bra and launches it at the growing clothes pile across the living room. Maddie goes further to demonstrate her own showmanship by shoving her tits right into my fucking face.

  I roll with it, softly kissing and licking around her nipples for a precious few seconds until she slides her tits away.

  I’m about to lament that development—until I feel her tits grazing lightly yet magnificently down my chest, then my abs, then...

  Feeling the warm ampleness of Maddie’s tits approaching my starving cock is more than enough to elicit a resonant groan of ecstasy from my lips.

  “Shush, I said. This is my show, now.” With that, Maddie grips the base of my member and begins licking up and down my shaft. Not wanting to interrupt the show, I bite down on my fist in an attempt to stay quiet.

  But when Maddie’s tongue starts exploring the tip of my cock, that attempt starts to break the fuck down. As I feel her lips enclose my shaft, the low, ecstatic moan building within me becomes inescapable.

  And when Maddie takes my cock readily into her mouth and throat, I give the fuck up completely and snarl like a wild fucking beast.

  Maddie releases my cock from her mouth with painstaking slowness.

  “Now that’s the kind of sound I want to hear,” Maddie comments before running her tongue up my shaft and taking the whole thing right back into her mouth.

  The abrupt, intense carnality provokes another primeval snarl. Maddie responds with a throaty snarl of her own, sending seismic vibrations through my cock.

  It’s just too fucking much.

  My vision goes blindingly white for a moment. I hear myself producing bass-heavy moans, which quickly grow into an untamed roar.

  The sound of my voice is still reverberating around my living room when I notice that Maddie’s now lying next to me on the floor.

  Maddie just fucking transported me to another universe, and I didn’t even notice the blowjob ending.

  Simultaneously, we turn on our sides to face each other. Her fingers are delicately caressing my cock as it throbs with monumental yearning.

  “Showmanship,” Maddie says coolly.

  My fingers find the warmth of Maddie’s waiting pussy. As I brush my fingertips gently along her lips, her green eyes shoot blistering sparks of passion in every direction. When I massage my forefinger gradually into her pussy, Maddie’s fierce eyes go blank with pleasure.

  My forefinger moves tenderly up and down her lips as my middle finger enters her gently.

  Maddie shudders with the start of another orgasm.

  The fierceness returns to Maddie’s eyes as she comes. Once she finishes, a look of determination dawns across her face, and my heart starts pounding wildly. She then grips the middle of my shaft tightly. Her lips curl into a crazed smile, and her grip grows tighter.

  Maddie’s pussy is tremendously wet—I’m moving my fingers around the vicinity of her clit. She sighs, then squeals as I draw closer. She clasps her other hand around my shaft, holding on as if it’s about to float away.

  My eyes stay glued to Maddie’s, and her eyes stay right on mine. Those eyes contain volumes, multitudes, the enormity of this amazing woman’s heart and soul. It’s like she can communicate more to me in a tiniest glance than most people could in a million words, and I’m reading everything she’s trying to tell me loud and cl—

  “Come on, Ethan. Do I have so spell it out for you?”

  “What?” That’s the dumbest I’ve fucking sounded in a while, but Maddie knows how to take me by surprise in so many ways.

  “Just fuck me already...with this giant fucking cock, holy shit.” Maddie grins as she releases her grip on my shaft.

  She laughs, and so do I.

  Maddie rolls onto her back, giggling, and I rotate with her.

  Like one of our kisses, it just starts to happen. The waves of immense pleasure begin as I look into Maddie’s eyes, just inches below me.

  The first couple times, I only let the tip of my cock go in. It’s not even showmanship at this point—the feeling is so intense that I’m afraid of passing out or losing my mind entirely if I don’t ease into it.

  More wild snarls and growls fill the air from both of us, and our appetite takes over.

  Steadily, I go almost all the way in.

  “Almost, Ethan,” Maddie sighs.

  Maddie rolls her eyes and grins with irrepressible joy as I thrust in as far as I can go.

  “That’s fucking iiiiiit!” Maddie’s last word rises to a frenzied crescendo.

  She’s fucking right, too. My visions grows brighter again, and I let out a loud, unruly moan.

  The feverish currents of pleasure are almost too much to process, but the desire coursing through both of us is even more powerful.

  As we keep going, and our tempo increases, and my eyes shut, almost by their own volition. I get lost in this indescribable, all-encompassing sensation.

  Part of me wants to tame this feeling, to get a handle on it. But that would be impossible. And besides—I would never dare to try and diminish or change anything about this feeling.

  This is our feeling.

  The feeling of Madeline and me.

  It’s unlike anything else I’ve felt or experienced.

  It’s unlike anything else in the world.

  And right now, I’m lost in it. I’ve never been so fucking happy to be lost anywhere.

  I’ve never been so...


  Madeline’s piercing, squealy sound brings me back to reality—or as close to reality as possible. The currents of unimaginable bliss are still surging boundlessly.

  I open my eyes to see Maddie below me, her eyes rolled upwards in ecstasy.

  “Ooh. Ooh!”

  The noises are just escaping her. She grabs a fistful of her own hair and closes her eyes.

  “Argh! Ach!”

  Okay, that was me. It can’t be fucking helped.

  Maddie opens her eyes and shoots me one of her fierce gazes. I hear myself grunting—it really is becoming
too much to take...


  Did she just say harder?

  “Harder,” Maddie repeats.

  Just as I’m beginning to process the word, Maddie releases the hair that she still had gripped in her hand. I watch the soft, golden strands tumble gently across her face, and I summon all my concentration to do what Maddie wants.

  “Yes,” Maddie whispers. “Yes.”

  Maddie spreads her arms angelically across the floor as we moan in unison. Just as my eyes begin to shut again, a fresh wave of sensation erupts out of nowhere.

  I let out a coarse shout. It takes me a second to pinpoint the feeling of Maddie squeezing me hard with her cunt.

  “That’s right,” Maddie growls, wrinkling her nose in aggression. Her hands leap up to grab my ass.

  I bellow raucously, Maddie screams like a banshee, and the world around us takes on a bright, warm glow.

  The final surge of shining, cosmic euphoria comes on slow—and seems to last for a wondrous eternity.

  I come, and Maddie comes, and I collapse next to her on my living room floor.

  “So, after that,” she says, panting, “what’s your dream now, Ethan?”

  Floating down from that rapturous cloud, I consider my answer. I could tell Maddie my dream is to stay here, where we are, on my living room floor forever.

  Instead, I decide on something a bit more mundane.

  “I could use a drink.”

  “Hmm. Not a bad dream. I could get on board with that.”

  Maddie and I go to enjoy a quiet glass of single malt scotch while taking in the nighttime view through my living room window.

  And then we go to bed, together.


  “Why good morning, Mister Barrett.”

  I can’t speak for the way things are going in general—but in my bedroom, on this

  Saturday morning, I’d say things are working out pretty fucking great.

  The heavenly, golden light of the early morning sun is framing Maddie’s heavenly, golden hair in an ethereal glow. A curtain of her blond locks rests on the pillow in front of her smiling face.

  “Maddie? Is that you? Fucking pinch me, please.”

  “This isn’t the first time you’ve asked me to do that.”


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