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Broken Enagement

Page 111

by Gage Grayson

  “Standard procedure?”

  “Yes, sir. Standard policy for any prisoner who manages to escape. You must be incarcerated in maximum security for the safety of all involved—including yourself, of course.” The cunt has the nerve to look contrite.

  “But I didn’t escape. I was let out by my doctor.”

  “Your doctor was not authorized. It’s been officially recorded that you influenced her. Isn’t that what you said in your statement?”

  Fuck. I did say that. I wanted to take the heat off Ali.

  Shit. Okay. It’s time to tell the truth again. Nothing works like the truth.

  “Have you met Alison Hughes? Do you know what sort of woman she is? I couldn’t influence her to do anything. Trust me.”

  The guy sighs. He’s tired of this. Probably wants to get the first job done for the day so he can go get a box of donuts or something.

  “You’re preaching to deaf ears, buddy. We got our orders. You’re getting moved, and that’s all there is to it.”

  He starts to haul me towards the truck by the chains. I’m not struggling, but I’m not giving in, either. One of the guys from behind shoves me hard, and I fall forward. I look furiously over my shoulder at him.

  He’s not wearing glasses, and he’s giving me the worst ‘fuck you’ look I’ve ever seen. He’s chewing gum and sneering at me as his jaw pops and crackles.

  “Think you’re fucking good, don’t you? You lily-assed little prick. You’re going to the big house now, fucker. Someone’s going to make use of those soft white hands, for sure. You’ll be in there a long time, Jack old boy.”

  My mind goes icy calm. I feel the rage streaking through me. I can feel the grin creeping across my face as I start to turn around.

  My hands jerk, jingling the chains, and I’m furious at being restrained.

  I’m getting ready to head butt him and get the fucking chains around his throat when I see Alison.

  She’s running towards us, breathless, almost crying.

  “Stop!” she calls. “Stop!”

  I clasp my hands to stop my fingers reaching out for the prick and bow my head, trying to relax my body.

  I think of Ali. Her skin under my hands. Her eyes looking up at me.

  Images of blood and violence still play out inside me, but I don’t react. I don’t move.

  The guards all stop and turn around, looking at Ali and at each other. She’s waving a piece of paper.

  “Stop! Right now.” She gasps as she comes to a halt, catching her breath.

  She looks at me, and it’s like the world has melted away. She smiles, and my hands jerk again, involuntarily. I want to hold her. God, do I want to.

  “I have an official order here. Jaxon Covington is to be released immediately. You have to bring him back inside. He’s not going anywhere.”

  “Well, fuck me.” The words just burst out of me with a ripple of laughter. “Check this out, boys! Looks like we’re not going for a ride, after all.”

  “I need to see that, miss,” says Mirror Glasses. Alison hands him the paper. He takes his time reading it over.

  “All we have here is an official medical report. I need orders from up top before I can unlock the chains. It’s my ass on the line, and I certainly can’t do it here in the carpark. It’s against every regulation.”

  “So bring him inside then,” Alison snaps at him, and I can’t hold in a chuckle.

  She’s really becoming a bit like me. I guess some of my impatience with the lesser beings of humanity has rubbed off on her. That’s perfectly okay, since some of her control has rubbed off on me, too.

  Made for each other. Meant to be.

  I take a deep breath. It was just another test—a stupid fucking test. I know I’m right. I know it.

  The guys close up the truck and start walking me back to the building. I’ve got sweat running down my sides in the heavy jumpsuit, even in the cool air. Holding in my rage is a conscious effort of will, and it’s physical, as well as mental. Alison walks nearby, holding her paper like it’s the most important document in the world.

  “What the fuck did you say to Prof?” I ask, grinning.

  She turns her head towards me and smiles. “I had to pull in every technical term I could think of. He tried to convince me I was biased, but the worst thing you can do to a sensitive patient is put him in a situation where he might get worse. Especially if he has shown significant signs of improvement, which you have.”

  Her expression softens further. “You’ve come so far, Jaxon. You’ve overcome your trigger. All I did was convince Doctor Gardener that if we didn’t salvage the progress we’d already made, we would rob society of a very special and influential person who could do a lot of good.”

  “You’re amazing, Ali. I love you,” I whisper, and I know she hears me, even though my voice is soft.

  I look up at the dull, concrete building and I can’t quite believe that in a matter of moments, I’ll be free. I’ll have Ali in my arms.

  Like I said, someone up there really likes me. Don’t they say God protects the mad?


  It’s been a few months now since that hard day in the prison parking lot. Jaxon bought a new place for us, closer to the city central, for me to get to work more easily.

  I insisted on paying my share and having my name on everything. He said he wanted to take care of me, but I said it was my job to take care of him.

  I’m sitting by the wide bay window overlooking the covered garden. I’m pulling various things out—picture frames and books—as a few removals guys cart the last boxes into the living room.

  Jaxon’s sitting curled up in an armchair like a cat, watching me.

  “Are you going to do any work?”

  He grins, sipping his coffee. “Nope. I told you I don’t do manual labor.”

  I laugh at his innocent, wide-eyed expression. “It’s not manual labor. It’s setting up our home, the place we’re going to live in together and build our life in. Surely you don’t want me to do everything?”

  He puts his coffee down and unfolds his long legs from the chair, coming over to me. “When you put it like that, I suppose I should get off my ass.”

  “Fine ass it is, too.”

  He grins and settles behind me as I pull out a silver frame holding a picture of us. It was taken a few days after his release, at a charity benefit.

  Jaxon supported the event—from prison no less—and was able to appear there only because of my quick talking. His name is still famous all over town for his charitable events, which continued even throughout his stay in jail.

  We’re both smiling on the red carpet. I’m wearing a pale green dress, and Jaxon’s wearing a tux with a matching silk green shirt. He places his chin on my shoulder.

  “That’s a great photo.” His voice is soft. “That night, it was like dancing with a princess from a good fairy tale.”

  “Get off it,” I scoff at him.

  He squeezes me gently around the waist. “No, I mean it. You were so surreal to me, Ali. My whole world was tipped upside down. Then you were there. And everything made sense. Everything.”

  He gives me another squeeze. The big lumbering guys haul in a few more boxes.

  “That’s about it there, Mr. Covington. Anything else you need for today?”

  “No, none,” he says with a wave. “Just shut the door on your way out.”

  I lean back into Jaxon’s hard body as the movers leave the room. The house we bought together is a decent size but is much smaller than his other places. He’s currently working on a few plans to have them rented out or sold.

  He wants to run proper rehabilitation programs for prison inmates—including book selections and basic life skills. His time in the joint has only improved him.

  “Hey, that’s a nice one.” He reaches past me into the box, pulling out an old photo of me getting my diploma.

  “Yeah, that was a great day. I felt like I achieved so much. It’s all going nowhere no
w, though.”

  “What do you mean, honey?”

  “I had it all ahead of me. I worked so hard to get ahead as fast as I could. Now I’m stuck in place, while Doctor Gardener drags his feet finishing my residency.”

  “Oh, really?”

  “Yes, really. It’s a fucking joke. Even after personally solving the hardest, highest profile case there ever was for the department, he’s just fucking around, saying I’m not competent for private practice.”

  He turns me around and wriggles so our knees are touching.

  “So, Ali, how does that make you feel?”

  I have to laugh. He makes a joke of head shrinking me every chance he gets.

  “Frustrated, Doctor Jaxon. I feel frustrated.”

  “Hmm. It’s a good thing your own private practice will be finished soon.”

  It’s like the silence in the room amplifies into empty spaces. I’m not sure I heard right. I just stare at him.


  He grins widely and happily. “I’ve had the plan in motion for quite some time now. I didn’t want to tell you until it was nearly done. It’s part of my project for improving the rehab for criminals. Your office and private practice is going to be attached to the program.”

  He has that look on his face men get when they know they’ve done well. When they’re sure a reward is coming.

  “Jaxon!” I shriek in delight, throwing my arms around his neck. I push my body against his and let myself fall back into his lap, one hand behind my head, the other on my back.

  “Jaxon.” I whisper as his lips meet mine.

  He’s like electricity…free and wild and contained in hard packaging. Always unpredictable. Always thrilling.

  As his kiss gets deeper and harder, I feel those tingles deep inside. Familiar now, but new and different every time.

  My hands reach up around his neck. I love that spot just under his hair. He’s sensitive there, and when I drag my fingertips across it, he shivers, goosebumps flaring on his arms.

  One hand reaches down and slides up my thigh. As his fingers probe into the hot, wet den there, he laughs against my open mouth.

  “When did you take your panties off?”

  “On the way here.” I kiss him deeply. “On that last run, when you promised to touch me up in the car.”

  Through the slippery movements of our lips, he laughs softly. “I forgot. Helping the guys move the big bookshelf took it out of me.”

  “Not too much, I hope.” I lean my tongue back in, swallowing up as much of him as he will give.

  Spread across his lap, I rock my hips back as he fingers deeper. Two fingers slide in and tease my pussy. He slides me to the floor, crouched over me like a jaguar with its prey.

  He runs his lips over my breasts and stomach, still covered in my light dress, until he reaches my pussy. He raises the skirt up my thighs and gasps softly, reaching out to tease my clit as he watches.

  “You just going to look?” I tease.

  “Why wouldn’t I?” He’s breathless, eyes wide.

  I love that look. To him, I’m the most important person in the world. It’s just as I thought from the beginning—he needs me like no one else possibly can. What a surprise—a nice one—to find that I need him, too.

  He leans in, finally pressing his lips to my clit. I gasp, head rolling back, trapped by dozens of cardboard boxes. I’m crushed between them on the floor, legs crumpling the cardboard as I try to get my legs open.

  He grabs my hips, sliding his tongue in, deeper and deeper, lapping at the slit and pressing his top lip to the clit. I start to shake from the hips up, feeling those deep tremors inside. I feel myself getting wetter and wetter with each explosion.

  My muscles spasm, and I grab his head, holding his mouth on my clit as I shamelessly come all over his face. As the orgasm subsides, I let go of him, falling back on the floor. He crawls up my body, slowly, savoring me, taking his time as he goes.

  He’s so big and hard, he doesn’t even have to guide it in—his cock just slides straight into me. I’m tight even after the orgasms loosened me up. He gasps as my muscles reach for him, gripping him, as if guiding him deeper and pushing him away at the same time.

  “Oh, Ali,” he whispers, and just the sound of that gasp, his reverent breaths starts my inner muscles trembling all over again.

  His need for me is what makes me come. He touches me as if I’m a sacred object, infinitely delicate. I reach up, caressing the back of his neck with my nails again, feeling him shiver.

  I pull his head down and graze my lips across his ear. “I love you, Jaxon.”

  He groans, not looking at me, burying his head in my neck. He starts to thrust, harder but not faster, drawing it out, until electric charges of excitement keep happening inside me. I’m trying to buck and writhe, but I’m so trapped by cardboard boxes, I almost laugh.

  Then he pulls back and looks into my eyes, body flush against mine. In as deep as he can go. I feel his cock trembling within me.

  The pressure of his eyes is almost as intense as his cock. I don’t look away, I just let him fall. Let him drown.

  My eyes will never close themselves to you. In my eyes, you are home, you are safe. I want to see you, all of you, now and every day, until the end of time.


  She’s staring deeply into my eyes, the gaze as deeply piercing as my cock is inside her. No matter how hard I penetrate her, she penetrates me with that gaze far harder.

  I’ve never known anyone that can pierce me with their eyes. Eye contact and its complexities are for alphas only—you can instantly tell an alpha dog in any room. I’m used to being the only one.

  But now, there’s Ali.

  She looks into me, and I thrust against her slowly but harder. I can feel her hot, wet pussy gripping me, and I marvel at how far she’s come.

  Shy little virgin. Horny little sex queen.

  I slip out of her, crawling up her body and getting on my knees. She grins—oh, she’s gotten so good at this. All it took was a bit of practice.

  Okay, a lot of practice. But when it comes to getting your cock sucked, a guy is going to take every single chance he gets.

  So I pushed the truth a bit and said most women can perform oral on a cock like this multiple times a day. It worked.

  She’s gotten so limber through the jaw; she takes the whole thing easily into her mouth. Kneeling carefully, legs at both sides of her head, I slide my cock in and out of that perfect, delicately red mouth.

  Every stroke, combined with that delirious, happy look on her face just makes me bigger and harder. She gulps at my cock even more, sucking as hard as she can, letting me pound her head into the carpet.

  Then she reaches around my leg and grabs my balls. Shock goes right up my spine, and I jerk in her mouth. I look down at her, and she’s smiling, eyes closed, pinning me between her mouth and her hand.

  I wait for the tingles to settle before I start thrusting again, driven by the pressure of her soft, sweet mouth and the gentle touch of her fingers on my sticky balls.

  She slides her fingers around as her tongue works, squeezing them gently. I go still, cock right down her throat. Finally, I can’t take it and scuttle back.

  “Jaxon?” She doesn’t get up. “Are you okay? Why did you stop?”

  “You’re too hot, Ali, too fucking hot.” I’m almost completely out of breath.

  “But I wanted to taste it.” She sits up, deliberately pouting. Her mouth is in that perfect little pout of a girl denied a treat, her eyes sparkling and mocking me.

  “Come on! I want to drink your juice.” She grabs for my cock.

  I get up on my knees, giving her a shove. “And I want to fuck you from behind!”

  “Oh,” she says innocently, getting down on her elbows and pointing her ass up high in the air. “You mean like this?”

  That look again. Pouty mouth. Sparkling, cheeky eyes.

  “Yes.” My voice almost totally stuck in my throat. “Just like

  I can’t spare a look anywhere now except on that gorgeous, swollen pink pussy, leaking slippery juice. I touch her ass gently and slide my tongue inside her. She moans, leaning back into me.

  I sit back up on my knees and start teasing her pussy with my cock. This is my favorite part.

  I slip the head in, then back out again. She groans, pushing back with her hips, but I grab her and stop her sinking backwards.

  “Nope,” I whisper, grinning at her struggles. “You can’t have it yet.”

  One hand on her hip, the other on my cock, I tease her pussy some more. Sliding in and out. Running it up and down the wet lips.

  She’s trying to rock back on it. She’s dripping wet. God, she must be aching deep inside.

  It’s hard for me, too—my poor cock is turning every shade of purple with the intense pressure.

  But I’m not giving it to her until she begs.

  Finally, she throws herself down on the carpet, clawing at it with her nails, jerking from the hips.

  “Give it to me! Give it to me now! Fuck me, Jaxon!”

  “As you wish.” I smile slowly as I put my cock in slowly, so slowly. She claws the carpet some more, jerking from the hips, pussy going into sharp spasms as my hardness fills her, pushing against all that hot softness.

  Once I’m in all the way, I hold still, just for a few seconds, enjoying the sensations bombarding my cock as her pussy goes berserk. She’s crying out and nearly screaming. This is it.

  Hands on both hips, I start slamming my cock into her, thrusting with the full length of my dick. She goes limp under me, hips loose and rocking against my rhythm. She tries to get her hips open as widely as possible, pointing her perfect pink pussy upwards to be punished by my hard cock.

  She’s screaming into the carpet now. Maybe my name. Could be anything.

  I grip her hips even harder and slam my cock in harder, faster. I slip out a few times at the end of each thrust, but she’s so wet, and I’m so hard we join back together seamlessly.

  I feel her multiple orgasms starting, and she goes still, back jerking. I slam once, twice, a third time, and then moan, falling on top of her, pushing her to the floor as we both fall flat, cock jerking and jerking inside her.


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