Book Read Free

Deep End

Page 8

by Michelle Iannarelli

  Cassidy really wanted to steer clear of Grady physically but before her brain could kick in, she found herself taking off her clothes. “Ok but remember I can’t swim.”

  “I know. I also remember you making a deal with me that once I got my sight back that you’d allow me to teach you.”

  Cassidy had climbed down the ladder and was almost at Grady’s side. “I was hoping you would forget.”

  Grady lifted his hand to feel for Cassidy. “Come here.”

  Cassidy took Grady’s hand. “I’m here. Naked and feeling quite embarrassed.”

  “Maybe I can help with that.” Grady slid off his swimsuit.

  Cassidy’s eyes went right down Grady’s body to his family jewels, her mouth dropped open and her mind ran straight to the gutter. “God, Grady!”

  “I want you, Doc, right here, right now.”

  “In the pool?” Cassidy stared at Grady.

  “Yeah.” Grady grabbed Cassidy’s ass and lifted her up. “Wrap your legs around me.”

  Cassidy no sooner had her legs wrapped around Grady when he slammed his throbbing cock inside her. “Oh God!” Cassidy bit down on Grady’s shoulder as he pounded her like a jack hammer.

  After Grady came and caught his breath Cassidy led them out of the pool. Grady picked up a towel, wrapped it around his waist and then took another and wrapped it around Cassidy. “Stay the night with me?”

  “I live here. What do you mean?”

  “Come back to my bed. I want to hold you in my arms.”

  Cassidy could hear her better judgement screaming. SAY NO! SAY NO! “I’d like that.” So much for her better judgement.

  Grady scooped Cassidy up and carried her to his room.

  Grady made love to Cassidy several times during the night until they finally passed out from exhaustion well after the sun came up. The two of them were twisted up together like a snoring pretzel when Grady felt a hand on his shoulder.

  “Grady, it’s after two, what the hell?”


  “No, it’s Snow White.”


  Annie could hear the uncertainty in Grady’s voice and then she suddenly realized it was indeed a question. He couldn’t see her. “Yes, yes, it’s me, little brother. I forgot that…”

  “You can say it. I’m blind.” Grady tried as gently as he could to untangle himself from Cassidy without waking her and rolled over to get out of the bed.

  “Stop right there. I don’t need to see your junk. I will be waiting in the kitchen. I am in desperate need of some good homemade coffee.”

  “I’ll be right out.”

  Annie pushed start on the coffee maker and Grady came stumbling into the kitchen. “Welcome home, Sis!”

  Annie reached out her arms and hugged Grady. “You scared the hell out of us.”

  “I know and I’m sorry that I put a damper on your trip.”

  “Damper! We celebrated you being alive in every country we visited.”

  “Here I always thought that you hated me.” Grady grinned.

  “Never. I may have said it a few times, but I never meant it.” Annie hugged Grady.

  “I thought you were coming home tomorrow?”

  “We are…well they are. I gave up the night’s sleep and jumped on a redeye. I couldn’t wait to see you.”

  “I’ve missed you all. It’s been kind of lonely here.”

  “Grady, I’m sorry about Rylan.”

  “Don’t be. It’s for the best. She never really cared about me.”

  “Good, because I hated her.”

  “Thanks for mentioning it, Sis.”

  “You seemed happy.”

  “I was or at least I thought I was.”

  “Well it looks like you moved on.”

  “Yeah, I guess I have.”


  “Yes, thank you.”

  Annie placed the coffee down in front of Grady. “Still drink it black?”

  “Yes.” Grady took a sip. “Mmm. This is good coffee.”

  “When was the last time you had a cup?”


  “Same machine, same coffee.” Annie giggled.

  “Doc has been making the coffee and she has no clue. She can’t really cook either.”

  “Speaking of your doctor, where is she? I wanted to thank her for everything she’s done for you.”



  Cassidy’s body was sore and ached in places she never knew existed. She couldn’t lie to herself anymore. She was totally and completely in love with Grady. She needed to keep from falling apart until she was back in her own home.

  Cassidy walked into the kitchen to find Grady sipping coffee with another woman. A pang of jealousy ran though her. “Hi!”

  Annie looked Cassidy up and down. “You look as worn out as my little brother.”

  Cassidy was relieved to hear her say that Grady was her brother, but she got a bad vibe from her. “We didn’t get much sleep last night.”

  “I had a rough night and she saved me.” Grady smiled.

  “I’m sure it was rough.” Annie got up to refill her cup. “Can I get you some coffee?”

  Cassidy was feeling embarrassed. “No thank you.” “Grady, I’m going to shower.” Cassidy left before Grady had time to answer.

  “What the hell, Sis?”

  “Oh Grady, come on, it’s not like she’s anyone important.”

  “And you know that, how?”

  “Well you just broke up with Rylan and she isn’t really your type so…”

  “So, you insulted her and made her feel unwelcome.” Grady stood up. “Great going, Sis.”

  “Grady, I’m sorry.”

  “It’s not me that you should be apologizing to.”

  Cassidy decided to pass on the shower and to just pack up and leave. The sooner she got home the better. She pulled on some clothes and started filling her suitcase.

  “Doc, can I come in?”

  “Just a sec.” Cassidy wiped the tears from her face and cleared her throat before she opened the door.

  “I’m sorry about that.”

  “You have nothing to be sorry about.”

  “Annie does.”

  “Grady, it’s ok, really. Why don’t you go visit with your sister? I’ll come say goodbye before I leave.”

  “You’re leaving?”

  “That was the plan wasn’t it?”

  “It was but…”

  “Grady, we both have lives to get back to.”

  “Please, don’t go. I can’t lose you.”

  “You’re not losing me. I told you that I’d get you your sight back and I meant it.”

  “What about us?”

  “We…I crossed a line I never should have as your doctor and…”

  “If you weren’t my doctor then would it be different?”

  “Maybe, if you weren’t blind, you’d have more options so who’s to say you’d even want me.”

  “You’re kidding right?”

  Cassidy zipped up her suitcase. “Call me tomorrow and we can set up an appointment.” Cassidy had to look away from Grady’s sad face. It broke her heart even more to see him upset. She picked up her suitcase and headed out the door.

  “Hey, I wanted to apologize for the way I treated you.”

  “No worries.”

  Annie extended her hand. “Annie O’Malley.”

  Cassidy put down her suitcase and shook Annie’s hand. “Cassidy Scott.”

  Annie squinted her eyes. “Scott as in Dr. Scott?”

  Cassidy nodded. “Yes.”

  Annie pulled her hand away. “What kind of doctor has sex with her patients?”

  “Annie, leave her alone. It’s my fault.”

  Annie looked over at her brother. “Grady, you’re the victim here.”

  “I’m not a victim. I forced myself onto Doc…more than once.”

  “She didn’t look like she was bei
ng forced when she was asleep between your legs.”

  “I regret what happened, it was unprofessional and if you want to report me to the medical board, I will take full responsibility.” Cassidy looked over at Grady one last time before leaving.

  Grady’s heart broke the minute he heard the door close. He’d never felt the way he was feeling right now about losing someone.

  “I will call your doctor and have him find you a new psychotherapist.”


  “Grady, it’s obvious that she only wanted one thing.”



  Grady looked down. “No, I’m not seeing anything!”

  Annie grabbed Grady’s hand. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. It was insensitive.”

  “Annie, I’m scared every minute of every day. The darkness consumed me, but Doc showed me how to fight.”

  “Any doctor would want you to fight.”

  “Weston called her before she was my doctor and told her what was going on and she came right over. I puked all over her and she stayed with me until I was out of danger and asleep.”

  “Danger? Grady what happened?”

  Grady dropped down onto the couch. “The day Rylan left me I tried to kill myself.”

  Annie burst into tears. “Oh my God, Grady.” She grabbed Grady and hugged him. “We shouldn’t have listened to you; we should have come home.”

  “She saw me at the lowest point of my life and stayed. My feelings for her grew and I initiated things. She said no but I tried until she gave in. This is all my fault.”

  “I really am sorry.”

  “It doesn’t matter now, nothing does. She left me and I heard her tell you that she regretted what happened.”

  “I don’t think she regrets you; I think her regret is that you are her patient.”

  “I don’t want to talk anymore. I want to go back to bed.”

  Cassidy’s suitcase was still sitting inside her front door. She got as far as the living room couch before she sat and broke down. She must have cried herself to sleep because it was now morning. The phone vibrated and as she reached for it the doorbell rang.

  Cassidy walked over to the door. “Who’s there?”

  “I have a delivery for Dr. Scott.”

  Cassidy opened the door. The delivery man came in carrying an enormous vase of flowers.

  Cassidy’s eyes opened wide. “Oh my.”

  “Can I put them down here on the coffee table?”

  “Yes.” Cassidy grabbed her purse, pulled out some cash and handed it to the man. “Thank you.”

  “Have a good day!”

  Cassidy closed the door, walked over to the flowers, and pulled out the card. She wasn’t sure if she wanted them to be from Grady or not. She pulled the card from the envelope and a check fell to the floor. Her eyes almost fell out of her head when she saw the dollar amount. She sat and read the card.

  Dr. Scott,

  The enclosed check is to cover your billable hours with a sizeable bonus.

  I want to take this opportunity to apologize for the hurtful words and my poor behavior.

  Thank you for caring for my brother.

  Annie O’Malley

  Cassidy placed the card down onto the table. She knew by her disappointment that deep down she wanted the flowers to be from Grady.

  “Grady, I made us some breakfast.”

  “I’m not hungry.”

  Annie had never seen her brother look this way. Grady was always a no fear type of guy who went after what he wanted. The man she saw in front of her was weak and hurting. “Hey, you need to eat and shower. Mom and dad will be here soon.”

  “What I need is Doc.”

  “Grady, why don’t you worry about your eyesight and then…”

  “I want to be alone.” Grady laid down and rolled away from his sister.

  Cassidy found it very hard to concentrate on her patients. Between each patient she checked her messages to see if Grady had called. So far, he hadn’t. She decided that maybe since it was her who walked out that maybe she should call him. The last thing she wanted was for him to regress.

  The phone rang three times before Annie answered it.


  “Annie, it’s Cassidy Scott.”


  “I want to thank you for the lovely flowers and the note. It was more than kind of you.”

  “I was a bit jet lagged and overprotective of my little brother. I am sorry that you were on the receiving end of that. I hope the check was enough?”

  “It was more than enough, in fact, I don’t feel comfortable accepting it.”

  “From what Grady has told me you earned every penny.”

  “I was happy I could be there for him.”

  “Do you have feelings for my brother?”

  “How I feel doesn’t matter. What matters is that Grady regains his sight so that he can get on with his life. That’s why I’m calling. He was supposed to schedule an appointment and hasn’t.”

  “Good luck with that. I can’t even get him out of bed, and he refuses to eat or shower.”

  “Oh no.”

  “I’m hoping when our parents arrive that he will finally get out of bed.”

  “Annie, can you let him know that I’m on the phone.”

  “Sure. Hang on.”

  Cassidy heard Annie knock on Grady’s door.

  “Go away!”

  “Grady, Dr. Scott is on the phone.”

  “I don’t want to talk to her.”

  Annie shook her head and looked down at the phone.


  “I heard.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s ok.”

  “I’ll make sure that he calls you tomorrow.”

  “Annie, maybe you should suggest he find a new doctor. I never meant…”

  “I know.”

  “Please just do what is best for him.”

  “I will.”

  Cassidy hung up. She felt worse now than she did before the call.

  Grady heard the doorbell and then his parents talking to Annie. He knew that in a matter of minutes they’d be hovering over him. It wasn’t that he didn’t miss them, but he wasn’t in the mood to see anyone today.

  “Grady!” Grady’s mother, Maggie, popped her head inside Grady’s room.

  Grady sat up. “Hey, Mom!”

  Maggie took one look at her son and her heart broke. She rushed to his side. “Oh, Son.” She hugged Grady. “I’m so sorry that we weren’t here for you.”

  “It’s ok, Mom.” Grady squeezed his mother in his arms.

  His mother ran her hand over his hair and then kissed his forehead. “I didn’t realize how bad things were for you. I was so relieved that you had survived that it never crossed my mind that you would be struggling so much.”

  “I’m ok, Mom.”

  “Grady Andrew O’Malley, you can lie to yourself, but you cannot lie to your mother. You are far from ok, Son.”

  “I’m not ok, Mom. My life is a mess.”

  “No matter how big of a mess you feel it is, you must remember that God gave you a second chance, Grady.”

  “I know and I should be grateful.”

  “Why don’t you go take a shower and then come out and visit with us. Margot should be here in about an hour.”

  “Will you make me some hot cocoa?”

  “Anything for you.”

  “Thank you, Mom.” Grady smiled.

  “Oh, how I’ve missed that smile of yours.”

  “I’ve missed you, Mom.”

  “Go shower and meet me in the kitchen.”

  Grady headed to the shower.

  Cassidy agreed to meet Jess at the bar after work. She wasn’t in the mood to be out socializing but she knew that if she went home, she’d only be hosting her own pity party.

>   “Can I buy you a drink?”

  Cassidy turned around and Jake, one of the other doctors from the hospital was standing there. “Thank you but I’m waiting for my girlfriend.”

  “I can buy you a drink now and your friend a drink when she arrives.”

  “Jake, you really don’t have to do that.”

  “Please, you’d be saving me from that trashy blonde over there.” Jake tilted his head.

  “Oh.” Cassidy laughed. “Why didn’t you just ask for help in the first place?”

  “I guess I kind of wanted to know if you’d allow me to buy you a drink.” Jake shrugged.

  “Have a seat.”

  “So, is that a yes or a no?”

  Cassidy smiled at Jake. He was smart and handsome but certainly not Grady. “I have a policy about not getting involved with anyone I work with.”

  “I understand.”

  “Cass!” Jess hugged Cassidy and then she stared at Jake.

  Jake stared back. “Do friends of co-workers have the same policy?”

  Cassidy looked at Jess who was practically drooling. “Jess, this is Jake we work together, he’s a doctor.” “Jake, this is Jess, my best friend.”

  Jake extended his hand to Jess. “Pleasure to meet you.”

  Jess shook Jake’s hand. “I think the pleasure is all mine.”


  “Oh, it’s quite alright. Can I buy you ladies a drink?”

  “I’d love a beer.”


  “I think I’m going to head home and let you two get acquainted.”

  “Cass, no, stay.”

  “Stay, Cassidy.”

  “Really, I’m exhausted. I’ll see you two tomorrow.” Cassidy hugged Jess before picking up her purse and heading out the door.

  Grady’s family wore him out. His mom always knew how to make him feel better and he was in a much better place now mentally. His mother suggested he work with Cassidy to regain his sight and then he could pursue a relationship with her if that was what he still wanted. Grady reached for the phone to call Cassidy and apologize for being a dick earlier. The phone rang several times before going to voicemail. Grady hung up without leaving a message. He assumed she was ignoring him as he did her.


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