TAMED: Wolverine MC (book 2)

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TAMED: Wolverine MC (book 2) Page 6

by Alexi Ferreira

  “How dare you touch my phone without my say so.” At my question he slants his head, a frown appearing on his face.

  “Why is there anything in there that I shouldn’t see?” What does he mean? I see his body tensing as he looks at my phone and then at me.

  “What do you mean?” I lift my phone, “Whatever is on my phone has nothing to do with you.”

  “Do you have another man in your life?” I see a muscle ticking on his jaw and his body is tense

  “I don’t have any man in my life!” I state as I lift my chin, I see his shoulders relax, his eyes intense as he looks at me. He approaches me slowly, when he is but a step away, he stops, his hand lifting he holds my chin between his index finger and thumb.

  “You are wrong vixen; you have a man in your life now, the only man in your life.” I can see his eyes lower to my lips and I know he wants to kiss me but then he lets go of my chin and is stepping away.

  “Dream on.” I mutter breathlessly, but honestly his words have my stomach knotting in excitement. “What did you mean you were leaving? Are you going to go looking for Linda?” He turns, I notice that he has Cat’s on, which tells me that he is nearly ready to go, he just needs his t-shirt.


  “Wait, I’m coming with you” He stops and then turns.

  “No, you are not.”

  “Look here, I told you that I wanted to be involved in finding my sister. If you don’t let me come, then I am going to go looking for her by myself.” At my words he snaps around a scowl on his face.

  “This is dangerous, it’s not like going shopping.” He places his hands low on his hips as he looks at me.

  “Really,” I say sarcastically, “I didn’t know that.”

  “You are going to be a handful, aren’t you?” I shrug, “fine, but you have to do everything I tell you when we are out there.” At his words I frown, I’m not very good at following someone else’s instructions but he doesn’t have to know that yet, I’m sure he will find out soon enough. “Now get ready, we need to meet the others soon.”

  I don’t reply as I hurry to take a pair of jeans and a clean t-shirt out of my traveling bag before I hurry into the bathroom. I hear Hawk moving around in the room as I get ready, tying my hair back in a ponytail, I look in the mirror to see myself, pulling the mascara out of my makeup bag. I darken my eyelashes before zipping up my bag. When I finally walk out, I find Hawk in the corner of the room texting. When he sees me, his eyes travel over my clad body, and I see what looks like approval on his face which for some weird sense gives me pleasure.

  “Let’s go.” He starts making his way towards the front door and I follow. We make our way out of the cottage and then Hawk is guiding me up the path towards the main house. When we break through the forest, I see four guys standing outside the main house and all of them are looking at us approaching.

  “About time, I thought I had to come down there and get you out of bed.” One of the guys quips.

  “Fuck off!” Hawk mutters and I feel his thumb stroking my lower back comfortingly. “Onix, big mouth over there is Dash”

  “Hey beautiful, welcome to the family.”

  “What?” I must have heard him wrong; do they all think that I’m Hawks mate? I see the men look at Hawk with a questioning expression.

  “She knows but she doesn’t want to accept it.” Hawk states with a shrug which has me glancing at him and glaring.

  “Well she will soon realize once you bonded there is no going back.” Another man says.

  “You must really suck in bed if she doesn’t want you as a mate.” Dash states which has my anger rising, how dare they judge Hawk just because I don’t like to be coursed into things and have a mind of my own.

  “For your information he is great in bed!” I state as I frown at Dash, I see him grin and then wink at Hawk. Why is it with men that it always comes down to sexual prowess?

  “I’m just messing with him.” Dash says with a grin which has my anger diminishing as his light green eyes crinkle in amusement.

  “Where’s King?” Hawk asks.

  “Left a few minutes ago.” One of the guys states.

  “I’ll introduce you to King later, he is our Alpha and the President of the Wolverine MC,” he then points to a big mountain of a man, his hair flowing around his shoulders as he sits relaxed on a Harley, his amber eyes taking everything in. “That there is Goliath.” He inclines his head in greeting but doesn’t say anything.

  “That one over there is Hunter and Dakota’s mate.”

  “Hi Sweetheart.” He murmurs with a wink, as I look at the men before me, I see how very different they are from each other, but all are drop dead handsome in their own way.

  “This here is Fang, and the enforcer for the Wolverine MC.” Fang smiles, and the smile transforms his face from the dangerous looking biker to a carefree boy. Hawk points to the man standing next to Fang, “and this is Blue, he’s our entertainer.”

  “Hi guys” I murmur as I continue looking at Blue, “I’m sure I have seen you somewhere before.”

  “Blue is a musician, a well-known one at. . .”

  “Oh, of course.” I interrupt Hawk as I realize who Blue is, “I love your music.” I hear Hawk grunt from next to me, but I don’t glance at him as I see Blue grin.

  “I will serenade you if you like.” Blue says in a deep baritone that makes me smile.

  “Not if you want to carry on breathing.” Hawk states, which has me back handing his stomach. I hear him humph at the contact, as the men grin at my action.

  “Dakota tells us that you are a lawyer?” Hunter asks with a raised brow.

  “Yes, I am.”

  “Looks like your mate isn’t just beautiful but has a sharp brain on her too,” Fang states,

  “I’m not his mate.” I mutter, which has the men frowning.

  “Well sweetheart that mark says differently.” At Goliaths’ comment I instinctively raise my hand to cover the mark. Damn wolves, why couldn’t he just kiss me like normal men do. Just then a young woman walks towards us, there is a haunted look in her eyes as she looks at me. She stops and her eyes move towards Hawk, a smile lifts her lips, but her eyes are still sad.

  “We better get going.” Hawk suddenly says as he guides me towards a matte black Harley.

  “Is Onix coming with?” Hunter asks with a frown.

  “Yes.” Hawk replies as he hands me a helmet, helping me tie it.

  “Is that prudent? We don’t know what we might run into.” Dash states as he too mounts his bike. I notice that only Hunter and Dash are getting ready, Goliath, Blue and Fang don’t seem to be coming.

  “There is still time for you to wait here.” Hawk states but I shake my head, I don’t care if this is dangerous all I know is that I have to be out there looking for Linda because at the moment I feel like I haven’t hardly done anything to help find her.

  “I’m coming!” I state firmly, Hawk doesn’t reply he simply takes his helmet adjusting it he gets on the bike.

  “Get on.” He says as he leans the bike slightly towards me so that I can hitch my leg over the bike. When I am sitting closely behind him, I place my hands loosely on his waist, but he takes my hands and pulls gently until my arms are wrapped around his waist. “Hold on tight,” he murmurs before the bike is roaring to life and then we are riding away from the clubhouse and down the driveway to the main gates. I see two men standing by the gates, when we approach, they open them for us, and then Hawk is turning onto the main road and speeding towards Town.

  HAWK 8

  Having my mate riding with me is something that I have craved for a very long time, but the fact that we might be going into situations that are dangerous has the moment diminished. Onix is strong headed and I will entertain her stubbornness but only where prudent. If I see that a situation is volatile, I will not allow her to be there no matter if I must lock her up in a room to keep her safe.

  I think of last night and how peaceful she looked when
I went to bed. All I wanted to do was kiss her and make love to her perfect body but the fact that she is fighting our bond held me back. I know that she won’t be able to resist me for long, the question is how long I will be able to hold back. She’s my mate, my woman and as such I find it hard to keep my hands away from her.

  Feeling her soft breasts rubbing against my back has my cock as hard as steel which is not comfortable to ride with. Her hands so close to where I want them to be stroking have my thoughts back to the moment I first saw her and the way her hair flowed around her in the breeze.

  “Where are we going?” I hear Onix asking from behind me, which makes me smile. Another trait that I have noticed about my mate is that she is impatient.

  “We are going to speak to someone that is tight with the Hades MC, if your sister was there at any time, he will know. He might even know where your sister is.” She doesn’t respond but I feel her arms squeeze my waist in reply. I will find her sister no matter what, and I will bring her and her mother the peace that they need. Riding up to the trailer I stop the bike, Dash and Hunter parking right beside me.

  “Whatever happens you stay behind me, and you listen to everything I say.” I help her off the bike, my senses, my hearing and my vision is at high alert. I can hear one heartbeat inside the trailer which tells me that Stephen is alone. The trailer door opens, and he walks out, he is high. Great, trying to take information out of a junkie is a pain.

  “Stephen,” Dash calls as he walks towards us with a glazed look in his eye.

  “What brings the high and mighty Wolverine MC to see me?” He asks as he smiles at us leaning against the side of the trailer.

  “We need information,” Hunter says as he leans against the trailer next to him. Stephen shrugs as he smiles.

  “You know information costs money.”

  “We will pay you depending on what you can tell us.” I state as I go to stand before him. He nods smiling and then looks behind me at Onix. “Look at me,” I mutter, not liking the fact that he is looking at Onix. “We are looking for someone,” pulling the photo of Linda out of my inside pocket I turn it to him. “Have you seen this woman?” Stephen looks at the photo and squints.

  “mmm, don’t know,” he says as Dash goes to stand on the opposite side of Hunter.

  “Look closer,” I mutter holding the photo closer to him.

  “Yes, I think I might have seen her a time or two.” He says and then laughs, “why do you want to know?”

  “Doesn’t matter why we want to know about her, just answer the questions.” Hunter says.

  “Where is she now?” Dash asks.

  “I don’t know, haven’t seen the bitch in a while,” I hear Onix gasp in anger which has me grabbing Stephen by the throat as I pull him forward and then bash him hard against the trailer. “What the fuck man?” He says angrily

  “You don’t call women names.” I state bashing him against the trailer again but this time less forceful as I need him to speak.

  “Fine, fine,” he mutters, “but you don’t want to mess with Jericho.” He mutters

  “Why not?” Dash asks.

  “He’s nuts man, you mess with Jericho and you are dead.”

  “What has Jericho got to do with this woman?” I ask.

  “She was his piece for a while man,” he mutters, his eyes glazed, I can tell that we won’t be getting much more out of him. Taking my hand from around his neck I slap him enough to get him out of his daze. “Okay Stephen, you did good.” I pull a couple of notes out of my pocket and then slip them into his jeans pocket.

  “Go eat,” I mutter as I turn only to see Onix standing a couple of feet behind me, her hand over her heart and a worried look on her face. This is something I would rather she not have to face but she insisted, maybe now she will let us do this and she will stay with Dakota. “Let’s go,” I say gently as I take her arm turning her towards our bikes.

  “Do you know this Jericho he was talking about?” She asks when we are back on the road.


  “Is he as mean as Stephen said?” I can hear the worry in her voice, and I wish I could lie but I won’t.

  “Yes.” She doesn’t say anything else until we are stopping at one of the bars where the Hades sometimes come and hang out. “Stay close to me,” I mutter as I take her hand, Hunter and Dash fall into step behind us. I need to order a kutte for Onix, I want everyone to know that she is mine. Opening the bar door, we walk in, I can smell the alcohol, dirty bodies, and sex as I walk in. I hate bars, the scents in here is quite revolting.

  The noise inside the bar starts to dwindle until there is dead silence, “Well, well look what we have here.” Tim, one of the Hades assholes says from the table where four others are sitting. We know each and every one of the Hades, we make sure to know who they are, but these assholes are so rotten that it is difficult to keep track of their foul play.

  “We are just here for a drink,” Hunter says as we slide up to the bar.

  “Don’t they have drinks on your part of town?” John asks as he gets up and walks towards us.

  “I don’t want any problems in my bar,” Sam says as he comes to stand before us.

  “We are not here to create problems,” Dash says as he slides a bill across the counter. Hades don't know but Sam reports everything to us, there is a note under the bill which tells Sam what we need.

  “I asked you a question?” John says as he comes to stand a few feet away. I glance over at him and frown. I have placed Onix between me and the counter, they will have to get through me before getting to her, but I still don’t like the idea of her insisting on accompanying us. If one of these fuckers decides to start shooting, she will be in danger.

  “This isn’t your side of town; this is neutral ground as you know.” I state as I take my beer, I see Onix has asked for a bottle of water which she is sipping.

  “Technicalities,” he states, “Sam another round for our table. Hey beautiful why not come join us, you will have more fun.” I tense, my anger rising at his words.

  “No thanks, I have all the man I want right here.” Onix states not once looking at the fucker, I feel her hand stroking my arm that is holding my beer and her simple touch calms me which surprises me.

  “Your loss, you don’t know what you are missing,” he shrugs as he turns making his way towards the others.

  “Ass.” I hear Onix mutter under her breath which has me grinning. Looking over at Dash that has gone to sit at a table with one of the women that usually hang around at the bar I see her go to sit on his lap.

  “What are we doing here?” Onix asks quietly as she turns around to face me, it would be so easy to just bend my head and kiss her, but I promised myself I wouldn’t touch her until she came to me therefore, I will hold back.

  “Gathering information,” I see her frown as she glances towards Dash and then over at Hunter that is standing next to us drinking his beer in silence. Leaning down I whisper against her ear “we are listening.” I see her eyes widen before she smiles.

  “Guess certain things come in handy after all.” She quips with a quirk to her lips before she turns around to continue facing the counter. We hang around for a half hour before we are ready to leave, when we are stepping out of the bar that is when I see Jericho and Tim riding up.

  “Go stand by the bike.” I tell Onix and see her tense, but she does as I ask. When they stop both men get off their bikes and head straight for us.

  “We heard we had some trash here.” Tim states

  “Really, because it has only started to smell since you guys arrived.” Hunter states

  “You boys looking for trouble?” Jericho asks with a raised brow; Jericho is a mad fuck and out of all the men at their club Linda went and choose one of the worst. Unlike some at the Hades MC that are impulsive, Jericho is pondered and takes his time analysing situations.

  “Nope we were just heading out, but a good thing that you are here we are looking for a woman which you hook
ed up with.” Hunter states

  “Really, after our leftovers again?” He asks with a raised brow

  I pull the photo out of my pocket and turn it so he can see it, “recognize her?” He glances at the photo and then up at me.

  “No.” Of course he wouldn’t confess to knowing her, but I can see that he does.

  “We are looking for her, and we won’t stop until we find her,” Jericho smirks and shrugs.

  “Good luck,” he says as he steps around Dash and makes his way towards the bar, Tim gives us the finger as he follows Jericho.

  “Assholes,” Dash mutters, “if it wasn’t for your woman, I would have loved to show them a thing or two.”

  “Dave was in there.” Hunter says as he inclines his head towards the door. Dave is one of the Hades MC members that shot Fang a couple of months ago, we have been looking for him, but he vanished, looks like he is back now.

  “Have you told King?” I ask knowing that King will want to plan his capture, we want to know why he shot Fang. We also need to make sure that Fang doesn’t get to him first because he will rip his head off with no second thought.

  “He has just replied, told us not to lose him.” Hunter replies which has my anger rising, fuck, I don’t want to be hanging around here with Onix.

  “We can’t wait outside; they will know we are up to something.” Dash says as he gets on his bike. I walk towards my bike and see Onix frowning at me.

  “Wasn’t that the man in the photo with my sister?” She asks as she looks up at me


  “Then why didn’t you make him tell you where my sister is?”

  “He won’t say anything out of his own free will, I got what I wanted.” I say as I hand her, her helmet. She takes the helmet but doesn’t place it on her head.

  “And what is that?” She asks placing her hand on her hip

  “That your sister isn’t with Jericho any longer, wherever she is, they don’t have her.” I say as I place my helmet on.

  “How do you know that?” I lift my hand and stroke her cheek seeing the worry in her eyes.

  “You need to trust me Onix, I told you I would find your sister, but you need to let me go about it the way I do best.” I can see her look of uncertainty, but she finally nods.


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