TAMED: Wolverine MC (book 2)

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TAMED: Wolverine MC (book 2) Page 7

by Alexi Ferreira

  “Hey lovebirds, do you mind if we make a move?” Dash asks.

  “Let’s go, it’s not safe here,” I help her on the bike and then we are making our way down the road. When we pull up down the road Onix starts to get off the bike, but I place my hand on her knee. “We are just waiting for the others.”

  No sooner am I telling her that, then we start hearing bikes in the distance. A couple of minutes later King, Goliath, Frost and Fang pull up. “Are you sure the fucker is there?” Fang asks, his voice is low and gruff.

  “Yes, I saw him myself,” Hunter says, “He is sitting at the back table.”

  “I’m going to kill the son of a bitch.” Fang says angrily.

  “You are going to be patient until we finish questioning him.” King states looking at Fang.

  “King, I want that fucker.” Fang states.

  “He will be yours, but first we are questioning him.” Fang slaps his handlebars but doesn’t say anything. “Hawk, take your woman back.”

  “Will do.” I reply, I am about to start the bike when King’s next words stop me. “your initiation will be tonight, but before that you will introduce the rest of us to your mate.” I nod before I start the bike and make our way back. Tonight, our bond will be fully interlinked, but even without the Initiation Onix is already mine.

  ONIX 9

  “I really need to pee.” I state as soon as Hawk stops the bike.

  “Let’s go into the main house I will show you around after you use the bathroom.” We make our way inside; I don’t pay much attention as all I want to do is find the bathroom. “Over there,” Hawk says as he inclines his head towards a corridor. As I hurry towards the bathroom, I see the woman that approached us earlier walking towards us but before she reaches me, I am turning into the bathroom. Once I’m done, I wash my hands, look in the mirror to pull my hair back into a ponytail and take a deep breath.

  This is beyond anything I have ever dreamed of doing before, going around on the back of a bike talking to criminals has never been one of the things to do on my bucket list. I am worried after seeing the man that Linda was with, it is clear that he is evil, clear that he is surrounded by hardened criminals and the only way that we are going to find Linda is with perseverance and a clear head.

  Walking out of the bathroom I start making my way back to the front of the house when I see Hawk standing in the centre of the sitting room with the woman from earlier before him with her hands on his chest. I feel my stomach knotting when I see another woman with her hands-on Hawk, how dare he say that I am his mate and then he romances another woman as soon as I’m out of sight.

  Hawk glances my way and then tenses as he takes a step back breaking the woman’s touch. “Don’t let me stop you guys, I’ll just make my way back to the cottage.” I can hear the anger in my voice and no matter how much I try to tell myself that I am leaving soon, and Hawk is just a sweet talker, it hurts more than it should in such a short time.

  What’s wrong with you Onix, it was just one night of hot sex? “Onix.” I hear Hawk call, but I have already turned and am making my way towards the outside door. He can go to hell; he is just all talk like all the men I have ever met. I am about to walk out of the door when Hawk grabs my upper arm stopping me.

  “Get your hands off me!” I say angrily as I try to pull my arm away, but his fingers tighten.

  “Listen to me,” he grunts, “Sam and I were just talking.” I try to pull my arm away again, but he holds tight.

  “Not my business,” I mutter.

  “Then why are you angry?” He asks with a raised brow which just has my anger rising.

  “You’re an asshole.” just as the words leave my lips Hawk is pushing me against the door, his body flush with mine.

  “We were just talking.” He growls, and then his head is lowering, and his lips are on mine. I try pushing him away but to no avail his body pushes into me and his lips take full control of all my senses. I try fighting him especially every time the image of Sam with her hands on his chest crosses my mind, but he overpowers all my thoughts, all my senses.

  I don’t know how long he has me against the door, kissing the thoughts out of my mind but suddenly he is lifting his head and pulling me away from the door just as it opens and Dakota walks in.

  “Oh,” she mutters, stopping in her tracks, “I’m sorry.” I can feel my cheeks burning with colour.

  “Don’t worry about it.” Hawk mutters as he takes a step back to let Dakota pass. Just as Dakota walks past I slip past her and outside, hurrying on my way outside I am about to walk towards the woods when I feel Hawks arms slip around my waist and lift me off the ground .

  “Put me down Hawk!” I scream but he just grunts at my wiggling.

  “Stop it you Vixen, let’s talk about this like adults.”

  “Argh!” I scream, “are you calling me a child?” Suddenly his arms are falling away and then he is standing before me.

  “You are my mate Onix, I don’t want any other woman except you.” I glare at his lying face.

  “Stop lying, I saw that woman with her hands all over you and you didn’t seem to be stopping her.” I see a nerve ticking in his jaw, “looks like you have lots of mates.”

  “Sam doesn’t mean anything to me, she feels safe with me that is all.” I glare at him.

  “Really, is that why no one introduced us when she approached this morning?” I ask sarcastically, “or maybe because you men stick together and hide each other’s misdeeds?”

  “There is nothing between Sam and me. I won’t lie to you Onix,” Hawk mutters, “come, I will introduce the two of you now.” I glare at him suspiciously, I know what I saw and maybe I will give Hawk the benefit of the doubt and he has no feelings for this Sam but I saw how she was looking at him and she definitely has feelings for Hawk.

  “Why do you care what I think?” I ask angrily.

  “Believe it or not you are my mate and I will always be true to you, you will understand but it is still too soon, our bond will grow and you will know that I won’t ever do anything to jeopardize that bond.” Men in my experience are sweet talkers and they will say anything to not be caught.

  “Fine, introduce us.” I say as I see Sam standing by the door looking at us.

  “Sam, come here.” Hawk says without looking around which tells me that he sensed her approach. I see Sam’s uncertainty, but she complies and approaches.

  “Yes?” Her voice is soft and melodious

  “Sam, I want you to meet Onix. Onix is my woman and as such you will treat her with the respect she deserves.” Hawk doesn’t glance at Sam instead he keeps his eyes on me which gives me some sense of calm. “Onix I want you to meet Sam, she helps around the club.”

  “Hi.” Sam greets, her eyes lowered.

  “Hi Sam, are you and Hawk sleeping together?” Sam’s eyes snap up to mine a look of surprise on her face.

  “No,” she murmurs, “Hawk is my friend.” I look at Hawk and see his eyes boring into me.

  “Nice meeting you.” I murmur before turning, I am about to make my way towards the woods again, but Hawk takes my hand to stop me.

  “I want to show you something,” I glance at Hawk to see his serious expression. I am still upset but if I have to trust what Sam said they are just friends, something that I don’t like but which I have to believe.

  “Okay.” Hawk nods as he pulls at my hand gently guiding me back inside the house, Sam has stayed outside which in a way is good because even though they are apparently friends I am still suspicious of what I saw.

  “I would like you to be at the Initiation tonight.” He says suddenly as he guides me down the corridor again, I hear male voices from ahead of us, but I can’t see anyone yet.

  “What is the initiation?”

  “It is my initiation in becoming a mated wolf, even if you don’t believe in it, I have found my mate and as such I have to be initiated.” I can feel myself frowning at him, why is he being so stubborn?

hy do you insist on this, I can’t stay here.” I have too much to lose, I have worked really hard to get to where I am in my life, I can’t just throw it all away because of a mad occurrence.

  “I’m not forcing anything on you Onix, but the truth is that you are my mate, and nothing can change that fact, as such the bonding was completed.” He stops just as we come to the end of the corridor, “This initiation is a formality for us, as a mated wolf I need to be marked as such.”

  At his words I frown, “what do you mean by marked? Are you going to have a mark like the one you gave me because I’ll tell you something it will serve you right?” He shakes his head and I see his lips twitch.

  “Something like that.”

  “Okay, fine.” I mutter but to be truthful I am quite curious to see what happens at this initiation that he is speaking about. Maybe they make him get drunk or dance naked or something.

  “Now let me show you this.” Hawk says as he guides me forward and I see what looks like an office, there are computers and screens and I see photos of various people on a board.

  “What is this?” I ask as I walk forward seeing Goliath looking through a file.

  “Welcome Onix.” Goliath says as he smiles at me, one thing about these men they are as hot as hell.

  “Thank you, Goliath,” I say as I continue looking around, “What do you do here?” I ask again.

  “We have a courier company,” Hawk says, he places his hands on my shoulders and turns me until I’m facing the board with the photos, “but it is only a cover as we catch bad guys.”

  “Is that Jericho?” I ask pointing towards a photo on the board.

  “Yes, we have been tracking the Hades MC for a while, they are in the drug trade and the skin trade which we are trying to close down.” At his statement I tense.

  “Do you think they might have sold my sister?” I ask looking at both men, I feel my heart racing at the thought that Linda might be long gone.

  “No, she’s not the type they usually transport.” Goliath says.

  “What does that mean?” If Linda isn’t their type then what have they done with her? Hawk says that she’s not with Jericho anymore, then, where is she?

  “It just means that they prefer younger women, sometimes young girls.” Hawk says, his hand on my shoulder massaging gently.

  “But you said that Linda isn’t with the Hades anymore, and if they haven’t sold her, then where is she?” Hawk shrugs at my question.

  “At the moment we still don’t know, but we will find out.” Goliath says with a smile, just then Hawk receives a text.

  “They are on their way back, and they have Dave.” Hawk says to Goliath.

  “Is he the one that shot Fang?” I see Hawks surprised look, but he nods, “What are you going to do to him? King said to Fang that he could have him afterwards.” I see Hawk look at Goliath.

  “We are going to question him, and then Fang can give him a lesson before we hand him over to the cops.” Goliath says with a shrug.

  “You’re not going to kill him?” I ask, I will not be privy to any deaths. I took an oath when I became a lawyer and I intend to abide by it.

  “No sweetheart we don’t kill unless one of ours is killed but the fucker sure does deserve it with how he shot Fang.” Goliath says with a frown.

  “Well I’m going to show Onix around, when they arrive I will introduce her to those she still hasn’t met and then we have my Initiation which King had the pleasure of reminding me.” Hawk states sarcastically which has Goliath laughing.

  “I think he enjoyed Hunter’s way too much,” Goliath teases which has Hawk frowning.

  “Hunter had to cut his hair.” Hawk mutters which seems isn’t something he would want to do, I don’t blame him, I don’t want him to cut his hair either as I can still remember how my fingers felt as they entwined in the silky strands of his hair when he was kissing me. The dark brown a rich chocolaty colour like his wolf.

  “Are you going to have to cut your hair?” I ask with a raised brow.

  “No, it is different with each one and Hunter didn’t have to cut his hair, but it was in the way.” At his cryptic reply I am about to ask him in the way of what when we hear footsteps.

  “They are back,” Hawk mutters as he comes to stand next to me. The first one I see entering is King, right behind him is Frost. I haven’t seen Frost since I arrived, but he still seems to be in a bad mood as he frowns when he sees me. There are another two men that come in that I haven’t met yet. As I look around, I tense, these men might be handsome as hell, but they are every drop as dangerous.

  King looks at me and stops, then his eyes turn towards Hawk. “King, I would like you to meet my mate Onix.” King approaches, when on his bike I hadn’t seen him clearly but now I want to hide behind Hawk. I have never been one to fear anyone, but King has a predatory air about him that has every flight sense in me on alert. I don’t know what it is about him, it’s not that he exerts an evil feeling because he doesn’t it's more one of power, a power that he can overpower me without any effort.

  “Onix,” King says, “I hear that you don’t want to be mated to Hawk?” He makes it sound like I am doing something wrong.

  “It’s not that I don’t want to be his mate.” I say trying to appease him.

  “Then why?” His eyes bore into my very soul as if trying to sense the truth.

  “I have a life back home, a job that I have worked really hard to get. I can’t just leave everything for someone that I don’t even know.”

  “You need to decide what is more important, to be happy or to achieve a goal.” He states and then shrugs, “but I must warn you,” and then he inclines his head towards where Hawk marked me. “You are Hawk’s true mate and as such you will find it very difficult to be away from him. I have not met anyone that has been able to resist a mate yet.”

  I know that what he says is true as I am having more and more difficulty keeping my hands away from Hawk, what occurred earlier is proof that I am becoming increasingly possessive of this man, a man that until yesterday I didn’t know existed but that now I feel that we gravitate around each other. “You are now aware of who we are and what we are, do you swear to hold that knowledge to yourself and not share it with anyone?” I frown, of course I won’t tell anyone, who would believe me anyway?

  “Yes, I do.” I say.

  “Good, then you are welcome into our pack.” He states and then he shoots me a smile that would melt my panties if he wasn’t so scary.

  “That over there is Dixon.” I turn and see the one with Honey blond hair smiling at me, his dark blue eyes friendly.

  “Hi.” I murmur which has him winking.

  “And that is Gunner,” looking at the guy that is now leaning against one of the desks with a notepad in his hand, he glances at me and nods. His light brown hair falling over his face, his blue eyes taking everything in at a glance.

  “We have Dave in the back, do you want to question him before Fang gets his hands on him?” King asks of Hawk as he turns to leave.

  “I’ll be there,” Hawk replies to his departing back, “Come on, let’s go find Dakota. I want her to show you around.” We make our way out of there only to find Hunter and Dakota walking towards us. Hunter’s arm is around her shoulders and he is nuzzling her ear as they walk.

  “Hey Onix.” Dakota greets as they approach.

  “Dakota will you show Onix around while Hunter and I do something?” I see Hunter raise an eyebrow at Hawk, but he doesn’t say anything.

  “Sure,” she raises on her tiptoes and kisses Hunter on the lips before walking towards me, “come on, let me show you how beautiful it is around here.” I look up at Hawk in time to see his hand rise and then he is stroking my cheek.

  “I’ll come and get you when I’m done.” I nod, I can see that he wants to kiss me and wish he will but then he turns, leaving me with Dakota. I have a feeling that I am losing my battle, but how can I possibly leave everything that I have ever worked for beh
ind for something that I have only now found.

  HAWK 10

  “You want to talk about it?” Hunter asks, I glance over at him to see him looking at me and I know that he is asking about Onix and me.

  “Nothing much to say except that it is becoming more difficult with each minute that passes to not touch her again.” I mutter, suddenly Hunter stops which has me also stopping and looking back at him.

  “You have stopped touching her?” There is surprise on his face.

  “Yes, I told her I wouldn’t touch her until she came to me.” I don’t tell him that I kissed her earlier on when she wasn’t listening to me, he starts shaking his head, a frown on his face.

  “You can’t stop touching her, that’s what entwines our essence to our mates.”

  “She didn’t want this Hunter; I can’t force her to be mine if she doesn’t want to be.” I mutter and feel a weight in my stomach, I can’t lose her now that I have found her.

  “That’s not what I heard earlier on when she was talking to King or didn’t you hear the same as me?” I frown at Hunter's comment. “She said that she wanted to be your mate, but that she has a life back where she’s from.” He shrugs, “all you have to do is make her want you more than whatever she has left behind.”

  “Yes, and how the fuck do I do that?” I ask with a scowl.

  “Come on brother, you are her mate, let your senses guide you.” The only thing my senses are guiding me to do is bed her again and again. Fuck, I knew that the passion between mates is irresistible, but I didn’t think it was this intense. Hunter approaches, placing his hand on my shoulder he inclines his head. “Come on, let’s go see what Dave knows maybe get some of the frustration out of your system.”

  “Fang wouldn’t have anything left of him if I have to get the frustration out of my system.” I quip.

  “You know he will kill him if we don’t stop him.” Hunter mutters as we make our way to the back where we keep prisoners sometimes.


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