TAMED: Wolverine MC (book 2)

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TAMED: Wolverine MC (book 2) Page 10

by Alexi Ferreira

  “Don’t you dare th. . .” Before she can finish her ranting my hand has snapped up and around the back of her neck. Pulling her towards me I turn my head so that I can take her lips in a blistering kiss, it’s not easy with the open-faced helmets on but I manage to shut her up.

  She pushes at my chest, but I give no quarter as I overpower her senses, after a few minutes she relinquishes her fight and kisses me back with blistering passion that has me as hard as a fucking steel rod.

  I hear a sharp whistle, snapping back I look towards Dash and Hunter, and then I hear bikes riding towards us. Facing forward again “Hold on.” I mutter before I’m revving off after the other two. If it were only the three of us, we would face whoever is coming but with a woman in our midst we will first assure that she is safe before facing a threat.

  “What’s wrong?” Onix asks as we speed towards the club.

  “At least five bikes are heading our way.” She doesn’t ask anything else, but I feel her arms tightening around me. The prospects are opening the gates as we ride through them making our way up the drive to the club. When I stop the bike Onix is getting off and pushing her helmet into my hands before I even get off.

  Then she turns around and is hurrying towards the main door, “Onix,” I grunt but she doesn’t listen as she carries on. Placing my helmet and hers on the handlebars I chase after her, she still hasn’t learned that you don’t run from a wolf because he will always chase you, well she will one day. I have her up in the air and over my shoulder before she’s reached the stairs.

  “Put me down you caveman!” She says angrily but my reply is a spank to her very provocative ass.

  “Ohhh, you didn’t!” she screeches as she starts to wiggle, but my arm is like an iron brace around her body not letting her slip.

  “Be still or you will get more,” I mutter only to hear her gasp and then I feel her palm flat against my ass. What the fuck? The surprise has me stopping halfway up the stairs and then the humour of what she has just done has a shit eating grin splitting across my face. “You vixen.” I mutter once again making our way up to the room. Walking into the room I push the door closed with my boot, approaching the bed I let her drop onto the mattress.

  I am on top of her before she can get up, “You will not place yourself in danger, do you hear me?” Her hands come up to push me away, but I grab her wrists in my hands and pull her arms over her head before my head lowers and I am kissing her. It starts out as a duel, her trying to turn her head away from the kiss and me deepening the kiss at every turn until she is kissing me back with passion that leaves me in a frenzy to conquer her body.

  I let go of her hands and then I am pulling her t-shirt off, her hands hurry towards her jeans unbuttoning them. I strip off her bra, my fingers itching to twitch her perfect nipple. Jumping off the bed I strip watching as she wiggles off her clothes. I want to go slow and savour every second but my body is pushing me, my passion on overdrive as I see her perfect body, her skin as smooth as silk, her hair sparkling in the light from the sun that is shining through the window.

  I push at her shoulder gently until she is once again laying on her back, kneeling next to her I start by kissing her neck, my fingers stroking softly up her calf to her hip, up her stomach until my hand is over her perfect breast. Squeezing gently, I hear her moan as her hand entwines in my hair as I continue kissing down over her breastbone until my lips are over her nipple. My tongue flickering over the nipple hearing her gasp of pleasure.

  “Mmm, I like that.” She murmurs as she lifts her torso slightly when I pull gently with my teeth at her nipple. Her hand moves down my neck to my back and then her nails are digging into my back when I suck hard. “Ohhh” she moans.

  Moving my hand down her body I cup her womanhood in my palm hearing her moan as she raises her pelvis into my hand. My woman is so responsive, it drives me crazy to be taking it so slow, but I will not rush this, I want her out of her mind with passion like she makes me.

  “Hawk, take me,” she states her voice hoarse with passion, “now, don’t make me wait.”

  “Fuck Onix, I wanted to go slow but you have me so wound up.” Taking both her ankles in my hand I pull at her legs which has her sliding on the bed until her legs are before me, her beautiful round ass aligned with my pelvis, her wet hot woman bits glistening with passion for me. Placing both her ankles on one of my shoulders I lean forward slightly which has her ass lifting from the bed as I slide deep into her body.

  “Hawk,” she gasps when I am fully buried in her body. Her heat surrounding me, her wetness heightening my passion. I slide nearly all the way out and then plunge in again faster, harder. “Ahhh” she gasps, my movements quicken, my thrusts deep, hard, all consuming.

  I lean forward further and hear her gasp, and then she is tightening all around me, her legs start to tremble with the force of her release. I let go of my control feeling my orgasm explode, pumping into my mate. My back tingling, my breathing raging, I slow my thrusts until she has received every single drop of my essence.

  I sit up to let her legs drop to each side of me, her body exposed fully to my view. My mate is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, and I have seen many, more than I will ever confess to her. Her passion is fiery like her personality, her responses please me, they are honest and direct not hiding anything. I see her eyes close in pleasure as I stroke my fingers up her thigh, torso, around her breast to her arm and then down her arm to her hand, finally entwining our fingers. She smiles, not opening her eyes and I know that soon she will be resting.

  I sit like this gazing at her perfection until I am sure she is sleeping and then I slide out of her body, sighing in pleasure at the movement. Stepping off the bed I dress, hearing Onix murmur as she turns on her side, when I am fully dressed again, I lean over the bed, grabbing the cover I slide it over her body before making my way downstairs.

  “Is that a smile on your face Hawk?” Dash asks from where he is leaning against the doorframe to the workshop. “I was certain you wouldn’t make it back down again the way your woman was angry at you.” He teases.

  “I didn’t know you were into kink, but man, when I saw her spank you and you grin like you did.” Blue holds his hands up exaggeratedly. I can’t help myself and grin, she sure does have fire in her blood when I think of her spank. I lift my hand showing them the finger which has Blue clutching his heart.

  “You wound us, no titbits?”

  “Nothing to say.” I murmur.

  “I bet,” Hunter says as he approaches from outside.

  “Are you ready?” I ask, knowing that it’s still not dark but the sooner we do this the quicker we can find Linda.

  “Sure,” Hunters says, “Are you coming?” He asks Dash, who nods in confirmation.

  “I’ll join you guys; I need a run.” Blue says as he drops the cloth he had in his hand from cleaning his bike.

  “Okay then, let’s go see what we find.” I pull off my t-shirt, no use getting undressed in the woods.

  “Well she sure is a wildcat.” Dash says as he slaps me on the back, I’m sure there are still scratch marks from Onix but those will be gone soon, I enjoy her wildness, her complete abandon. As soon as we all undressed, we change, my senses become sharper, Blue howls and then we are on the run.

  The colours are more vibrant, the smells more intense, I can sense everything from a mile away. When we start to get closer to our destination the smell starts to change, a putrid odour permits the air. Stopping close to the bottom of the hill I change; Hunter does the same, but Dash and Blue remain in their wolf form. “Something is fucking dead around here.” Hunter mutters as he looks around.

  “Could just be the cemetery behind the church, maybe they didn’t embalm a corpse correctly or someone decided to add an extra corpse to the collection.” I suggest but this smell seems too intense to be just from one corpse.

  “Shit, I’m going to have this fucking smell in my nostrils for days.” Hunter mutters before he changes back
into his wolf form. Well, we are here now might as well go see the top of the hill for any trace of Linda and then see where this smell is coming from. Fuck, I’m not relishing the last. We start making our way up the hill, the closer we get the stronger the smell which tells us that it must be coming from there. Just before the rise I stop and change again, the others do too.

  “Fuck me,” Dash mutters as he covers his nose and mouth, “you going to owe me big time.” I start walking up the rest of the hill listening for anyone but there is no one about. When we get to the top it is deathly quiet, the town visible from up here. I understand why her sister liked coming here as it is pretty with all the lights at night.

  “The earth has clearly been tampered with in some places up here.” Blue mutters as he stands over one such area.

  “I’m not liking the conclusion I’m coming too.” Hunter mutters.

  “Well we are going to have to dig one of these areas to see.” I mutter.

  “Might as well be here, seems like the latest,” Dash states, as he leans down and starts to move the soil back with his hands. The rest of us approach and begin helping him, “Whoever is digging these holes has to bring a car up here, they need a shovel.”

  “Yeah, and I bet the fucker isn’t digging with his bare ass in the air.” Blue mutters which has me smiling, we must look like quite a sight. Four men completely naked kneeling over a piece of earth while digging at it with our hands. “Shit,” Blue suddenly grunts, “I think I’ve just touched something.” he starts moving the earth more gently around what he has found.

  “Fuck,” I mutter when I see it is plastic. “I think we have just found a sick motherfucker’s graveyard.” I just hope this isn’t Onix’s sister. We move the earth until we can pull the body out of its shallow grave, and then Hunter unwraps the plastic.

  ONIX 13

  Walking downstairs I frown at the silence in the place, I think it’s the quietest that I have ever heard it. I walk towards the comms room to find Gunner there; his back is to me when I approach the room, but he glances back and smiles, “Hey Onix.”

  “Hey Gunner, do you know where Hawk is? I fell asleep earlier and just woke up.” I hardly ever sleep in the day, but it looks like Hawk exhausted me. I can feel my cheeks heating when I see Gunner’s grin, I’m sure he knows why I was knocked out.

  “Yeah I know, I could hear you snoring from here.” At his words I gasp horrified, was I snoring? And then he throws his head back and roars with laughter. “That look was priceless, don’t worry I won’t tell.”

  “I was snoring?”

  “No, I’m just teasing you.” He says with a wink as he looks back at the screen which he was looking at before I interrupted him.

  “Ohhh, you are mean.” I say with a laugh at his teasing, approaching I go to stand next to him looking at the photos that he is looking at, they all look like photos of the Hades men, and on the other side is a dozen photos of women and some girls which I’m guessing are women that have either been taken by the Hades or are with them like Linda is, or was.

  “He went out with Hunter, I’m sure he will be back soon.” I nod as I see one of the men that was at the bar we went to; I think his name was John.

  “Are those all the Hades men?” I ask with a frown.

  “Most of them.” He mutters.

  “And those?” I ask pointing at the photos of the women and children.

  “Their victims.” He mutters as he turns away walking toward his desk.

  “Linda really got herself into trouble this time.” I mutter, my heart heavy as I think of the life she has been leading. How can such a beautiful soul be so lost? I wish there were something that could erase all her bad memories and bring back that sunny, happy sister that I remember before everything that happened with my father and the drugs.

  “Onix.” I jump startled as my mind was miles away and I didn’t hear Frost approaching.

  “Frosty, hey.” I greet only to see him frown at my greeting, but he doesn’t comment.

  “Come with me, you have a visitor.” I frown, did they find Linda? Who else would be visiting me here? I fall into step next to him as we make our way to the bar area at the club. I stop at the door, frowning again when I see a woman and a girl that must be about nine sitting at one of the tables and then I see the man at the bar.

  “Jasper.” I greet him, he turns holding two bottles of water and a beer in his hands.

  “Hey, I said I would be back.” He greets, “are you still okay to help my old lady?” I look over at the women seeing a look of hope, a look that I have encountered many times before in the women that I help back home.

  “Hello,” I greet, “I am Onix.” I stop by their table and smile at the girl that is looking up at me.

  “Hi,” the woman greets, “I’m Charlotte and this is my daughter Aimee.”

  “Well Charlotte before I can help you I need to ask you some questions,” looking around I see Sam behind the bar and Frost sitting on one of the chairs, his back to the bar looking at us, he is making no effort to hide that he is purposefully listening to our interaction. “Jasper, would you mind taking Aimee outside? I’m sure Frost will accompany you.”

  At my statement I see Frost raise a brow and then he is folding his arms over his chest clearly ignoring my subtle hint. “Come on Aimee, let’s go explore outside.” Jasper says taking a sip of his beer before standing. “I’ll be just outside.” He murmurs to Charlotte before taking the little girl’s hand and making his way outside. I see him look at Frost, but at Frost’s determined stance he walks outside alone.

  “You know Frost, there is such a thing as Client confidentiality.” He glances back towards where Sam is and inclines his head which has Sam immediately leaving what she was doing and walking out of the room, he then faces me again, his look telling me that, that is as good as it's going to be.

  “Charlotte, do you mind talking to me with Frost present?” I ask.

  “No, it’s okay.”

  “Tell me about your ex-husband.” I see her hands turn to fist and the tremor on her lips, a typical sign of someone trying to be brave after months, sometimes years of abuse.

  “I was married to him for seven years, at first he was amazing but then as time passed, he changed.” She takes a deep breath and I cover her hand with mine giving her the little comfort that I can. “It started with him swearing at me, telling me how useless I was as a wife, as a mother but it became progressively worse.” She looks up at me, the turmoil of the past clear on her face. “He started by slapping me and then it just escalated. If I hadn’t left, I would be dead now. I ran the day he slapped Aimee because I knew he wouldn’t stop there.” My heart goes out to this woman, to all the women that go through this and that are strong enough to get out.

  “Did you go to the hospital, or to see a doctor at any time?” Charlotte nods, looking down she pulls out an envelope that she had in her pocket.

  “I have this, I went a few times, but they never suspected any of it and if they did, I’m sure he paid them off as he has money.” I look down at the two photos she has and a prescription for an ointment and pain medication.

  “That’s fine, we can get the medical records from the hospital if you give your permission.” She immediately nods her acquisition.

  “Does this mean that you will help me?” Even if I didn’t want to, I can’t say no, how can I leave a little girl at the hands of an abusive man like her father.

  “Yes, I will help you.” I hear a grunt, glancing at Frost I see a bland expression on his face, but I know it was him. “I want you to go home now, I am going to look into everything that you have told me and once I have what I need I will contact you again.” Just then there is a commotion by the side door, and I see Dash walking in, he looks like he has been rolling in the mud. Right behind him is Hawk and then Blue and Hunter. All four of them are in the same state, are they like this because they were in their wolf form?

  The others continue making their way to the bac
k, but Hawk walks up to me then in front of Charlotte he leans down and kisses me. It is a tender, heart-warming kiss that I would gladly continue but he pulls back. “We’re going to have a meeting, talk later.” He knows that I will be dying to know if he found something, so it is good of him to come and let me know.

  “Okay.” I murmur, he strokes my cheek before standing up straight and glancing at Charlotte, he nods in greeting and then he is turning and leaving. I see that Frost continues sitting by the bar watching us even though Hawk is back.

  “I’m sorry about that.” I murmur only to have Charlotte smile at me

  “That’s the one thing about bikers, they are possessive as hell about their old ladies.” She murmurs before standing, “I just wish I had met Jasper before meeting my husband, they are so different.” With those words she leans forward hugging me unexpectedly, “thank you” she murmurs. When she stands up straight and turns to leave, we both jump in surprise as Frost is standing right behind her. “Oh, you startled me.” She murmurs stepping around him hurriedly and leaving.

  Frost is standing with his arms folded across his chest, following her with his eyes until she leaves. When he finally looks back at me, he finds me grinning at him. “Frosty, were you looking out for my welfare?” His usual frown is back in place, instead of answering he turns and starts making his way to the corridor.

  “Hey.” He doesn’t stop so I get up and rush after him, when I am but a step behind him, I place my hand on his arm to stop him. His whole-body tenses but he stops, stepping before him I look up. “Thank you, I was teasing you.” He grunts, before he continues on his way.

  “Don’t take it too hard, he takes a while to warm up to people.” I snap around in surprise to see Dakota leaning against the door that leads to the kitchen, I didn’t even see her there.

  “Are you saying that he will actually have a conversation with me?” I quip with a wink.

  “Well, I wouldn’t go that far,” she teases, “come on, let me show you something.” She suddenly takes hold of my hand pulling me behind her.


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