TAMED: Wolverine MC (book 2)

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TAMED: Wolverine MC (book 2) Page 11

by Alexi Ferreira

  “Where are you taking me?” I ask in surprise; I have only known Dakota a couple of days, but she has been amazing. I know that I could become good friends with her as she is easy going and unpretentious.

  “Wait and see,” she quips with a laugh as we walk into a room at the back of the building. And then I see it, looks like a little puppy dog he is so small.

  “Aww, look at him!” I murmur as I walk towards him seeing his eyes open from his nap.

  “Actually, it’s a she,” Dakota says with a splitting smile, “Isn’t she just beautiful?” I start to smile and then I tense.

  “Is she yours?” I can hear the surprise in my voice, is it possible, no, it cannot be possible. Dakota is stroking her little body, a tender smile on her face.

  “Yes, she. . .” She looks at me as she speaks and then stops her eyes opening wide and then she starts to grin, the grin turns to outright guffaws, tears running down her cheeks in merriment. “You thi. . .” She starts but then she is off again.

  “Mmm, sorry,” she murmurs finally, “did you think I had this little cutie?” She asks with an amused look which has me shrugging, my cheeks warming in embarrassment.

  “I am in unchartered waters; I don’t know how this works; they are half wolves after all.” She smiles as she strokes the pup. “Is she like them?” I ask wondering if maybe the pup is one of theirs.

  “No, this cutie here is all wolf she was born a month or so ago. Hunter found her; her mother died so he brought her here for me to take care of. He said that she will grow up to protect me.” That’s cute, I always wanted a dog, but my father didn’t want any animals when we were young, and after he was incarcerated, we moved around quite a bit so never had a life to have any pets.

  I sit down on the ground cross legged pulling the little pup into my lap, “she’s a beauty,” I murmur as I scratch her between her ears. Dakota smiles as she leans back resting her weight on her arms. “Did you see Hunter when he arrived? All of them looked like they had been rolling on the ground.” Dakota raises her brows at my comment.

  “No, I didn’t know he had already arrived.” She says, “Wonder what they were doing to be in that state?”

  “So, when they turn into their wolves, don’t they get dirty like that?” I ask glancing at her.

  “Not like that, no.”

  “Well Hawk said they had a meeting and afterwards he would come find me.” Dakota nods looking at me, her eyes curious.

  “You know, Hawk is a great guy.” She says suddenly, “a couple of months back we were attacked by the Hades MC, they killed two of our guys and kidnapped three of the women that were at the compound. I was lucky as I had gone for a walk and was in the woods, but the women were not. They killed two of them, the men found Sam and brought her back, but she was emotionally broken. Hawk was patient with her and one of the main reasons why she pulled out of her depression and is on her way to being the girl she was before.” That is why they are friends, I feel bad now the way I questioned her.

  “That must have been a traumatic time.” I murmur.

  “You have no idea; I had just met Hunter and was only here for a couple of days when all of that happened.”

  “That wasn’t a very good start,” I murmur just as I hear a noise behind me, glancing back I see Sam looking into the room, when she sees me, she turns to leave. “Sam.” She glances back.

  “Come sit with us,” I see her surprise and the way she hesitates but then she nods and comes to sit between the two of us. “Would you like to hold this little ball of fur?” She smiles and nods. When she is holding the pup, I decide that it is time that I apologize to her for my unreasonable questioning.

  “Sam,” she looks up at her name, “I’m sorry about the other day, I shouldn’t have questioned you the way I did but I needed to make sure that Hawk wasn’t lying to me.” I see her cheeks darken with colour before she lowers her head again.

  “It’s okay, I understand.” She murmurs

  “Can we be friends?” I ask and see her head snap up, then she looks over at Dakota before she looks back at me and nods. I don’t know what Sam’s story is but I know that she’s a good person and whatever happened to her she didn’t deserve it, I want to build a relationship where she knows that if she needs anything I will be here for her. I have learned that sometimes the best way to help someone is to be there to listen.

  HAWK 14

  “Okay I’m here, what’s up?” King asks as he walks into the meeting room still pulling on a t-shirt. After arriving back, I called a meeting, we need to discuss what we are going to do moving forward.

  “We have a fucking problem, and we need to decide on the best way forward.” King walks towards his chair, sitting he leans back waiting for me to continue. The others are also sitting waiting for what we found.

  “We went up behind the old church near the Hades MC territory, we were told that Linda liked going there at night. The closer we got to the hill the more we were hit with a rotting smell,” there are grunts and angry comments from the men and they don’t know the half of it.

  “Did you find her?” King asks as he leans forward, a scowl on his face. We all know what a rotten smell means.

  “You have no idea what we found.” Hunter mutters as he rubs his hand over his face

  “Someone has been killing women, there are at least nine shallow graves up there.” I mutter

  “Fuckers” Frost grunts

  “That is the problem, we don’t think it was the Hades MC or at least all of them. This looks like it is one man doing the killings and he takes trophies.” At Blue’s statement I see the men looking at each other in surprise.

  “Are you saying that there is a serial killer on the loose in our area?” Fang asks.

  “Yes, that is exactly what he is saying.” Dash mutters.

  “Fuck,” King mutters, “that is going to bring all sorts of heat down in this area that we really don’t need right now.”

  “We covered those graves again, and now need to know what the best way forward is.” I state pulling my fingers through my hair. The site of those women in those shallow graves, has my anger ready to erupt, whoever the fucker is he is sick.

  “I think we should tip the cops that they must look up there,” Goliath suggests, “maybe that will drive the fucker away which will let us pick up on who it is.”

  “He is keeping souvenirs, the women we uncovered all had a chunk of their scalp missing.” Dash says in disgust.

  “I think I will talk to the commander, tell him the truth that we are looking for your woman’s sister and that it lead us up there that in turn lead us to finding those women.” King states.

  “Are you sure you want to involve us in an investigation of that proportion?” Fang asks as he places his elbows on the table looking at King. “You know they will be on us until they find us completely innocent, and if they dig enough, they will find stuff which they might think we are not all that innocent.”

  “If we don’t tell them what we have found then sooner or later they will suspect us, I would rather they do it while we have an alibi which is looking for Hawk’s woman’s sister.”

  “By the way, did you find her?” Gunner asks from where he is sitting.

  I nod, the knot in my gut tightening. “She was the first corpse we uncovered.” I mutter, I have no idea how I am going to tell Onix that her sister was killed.

  “Fuck,” Dixon mutters, “that’s messed up, I’m sorry brother.” That thought that I must tell her that her sister is one of the women up on that hill has me wanting to kill someone. She is going to be devastated, I can sense the love she holds for her sister, to now be told that she is gone and in such a violent way is unforgiving.

  “Have you told your mate?” Gunner asks.

  “No, and I don’t know how to fucking go out there and break her heart.” I grunt angrily, knowing that I am going to break her heart with this information has me feeling powerless, something that I am not used to feeling. She came
all this way to find her sister, I promised to find her. I just wish she had still been alive. Fang’s phone beeps which has him looking down at it and frowning.

  “There are cops at the gate wanting to come in.” Fang mutters as he stands.

  “What now?” King asks angrily, we all stand making our way out to the front of the club.

  “What’s going on?” Dakota asks as she walks towards us from the back of the club, Onix right behind her. Hunter cocks his finger for her to approach him.

  “Stay by my side, the cops are outside.” He mutters, as he guides Dakota behind the other men

  “The cops are here?” Onix asks as she comes to stand beside me, a frown appearing on her face. Lifting my arm, I place it around her shoulders bringing her close until my lips are on hers and I am kissing her gently. How can I tell this woman that the sister that she loves is dead?

  “Looks like it,” I say against her lips as I break the kiss, “let’s go see what they want.” I start making my way towards the front and out of the club, my arm still around Onix just as two police cars approach and come to a stop.

  “To what do we owe the pleasure of your visit?” King asks as he stands facing the police, his arms crossed over his chest, his biceps building, his legs slightly spread.

  “I’m afraid to say that we are here to take two of your men down to the station for questioning.” What the hell?

  “Questioning for what?” King asks.

  “We have a witness that saw your men leaving the house of Cristina Perez this morning.” The detective says.

  “What about it?” Hunter asks with a frown.

  “Cristina Perez was found dead in her apartment a couple of hours ago.” Fuck me, that is all we need right now to be pinned for murder.

  “My men did not kill anyone.” King states, his arms have uncrossed and are now low on his hips as he glares at the detective.

  “Are they talking about the woman you went to see this morning?” Onix whispers from next to me.

  “Yes.” I reply.

  “Did you kill her?” My head snaps around to face her, I will not have my woman think that I am a murderer.

  “No, we do not hurt women. When we left there, she was still breathing.” I hear the detective talking to King, but I don’t pay attention to what is being said as I need to make sure that Onix believes me before anything.

  “Fine, then you have nothing to worry about.” She murmurs just as I hear the detective calling my name. I feel her tense beside me, but she doesn’t show any outward sign.

  “That’s me.” I state.

  “We need you to come down to the station with us.” I will not have Onix see these motherfuckers putting handcuffs on me when I am innocent.

  “Who is the other man that was with you?” The detective asks.

  “Me.” Hunter states as he faces the detective. I lean down kissing Onix forehead before lowering my arm from her shoulders.

  “Don’t say anything to them without a lawyer present.” She states, which has me raising a brow at her, but I see her agitation, so I nod in response.

  “I need both of you to come with us.” The detective says, and I can sense his nervousness.

  “Are you arresting us?” Hunter asks as he joins me.

  “No, for now we would just like to ask you some questions.” We are shown to the back of the police cars, Hunter in one and me in another, funny but it sure feels like we are being arrested. I see Onix talking to King from where I am sitting in the car and then he nods and inclines his head to Fang and Gunner. The men walk towards the garage and Onix follows them. Where are they going?

  One of the cops that accompanied the detective is driving the car while the detective sits in the passenger side. If I was guilty of this crime, I could easily overpower the two of them and get away. Maybe whoever killed Trina is the same person that killed all the other women. The car stops at the station and I am ushered into a questioning room where I wait for at least half an hour before the detective comes to interrogate me.

  I am surprised to see a man walking in behind him that doesn’t look like a cop, “Hawk, I am Thomas Gree and I have been appointed by your club to represent you.” Wow that was quick, I guess Onix wasn’t joking when she said I mustn’t talk without a lawyer.

  “You know, we are not accusing him of anything and simply questioning.” The detective mutters as he takes a seat opposite us.

  “If you were just asking him questions you could have done that at the club instead of dragging him down here detective.” Well looks like I will just sit back and let the two of them dance around each other.

  “Why were you at the deceased woman’s home?” The lawyer nods at me which must mean that I can answer.

  “I am looking for my old ladies’ sister, I was told that Trina might know where she is.” I see the detective frown.

  “What happened when you were there, didn’t she give you the information you wanted so you had to get rough?”

  “No.” I grunt, I would never hurt a woman the thought is abhorrent to me. The lawyer places his hand on my arm.

  “Are you saying my client is responsible for the death of this woman?” The lawyer asks.

  “No, for now I am asking him what happened when they went to the deceased woman’s home.” The detective replies with a frown at the lawyer, the lawyer is about to argue but I place a hand on his arm. I didn’t kill the women, so I don’t have a problem stating what happened while I was there.

  “I did not kill the women; we went there to ask her if she knew where my woman’s sister was. She told us what she knew, I gave her some money to thank her and gave her the clubs contact details if she ever wanted to get help.” he looks down at the file before nodding at my comments.

  “Did you see anyone else there?” the detective asks.

  “No,” I state but then I remember what Dash said, “but one of our men was sitting outside and he saw a member of the Hades MC ride past, could be that he came back when we left.” The detective looks at me and frowns.

  “Why would you think a member of the Hades MC would do that?”

  “She belongs to the Hades, if they drove past and knew that we were there to talk to her they might have come back, and things might not have gone as smoothly as they could.”

  “We could say the same about you, couldn’t we?” The detective states as he leans forwards, “after all you are a member of the Wolverine MC, I’m sure her belonging to the Hades doesn’t sit well with you.”

  “Don’t answer that.” The lawyer states as he frowns at the detective, “If you are going to be accusing my client, then we are leaving right now.” The detective lifts his hands in resignation.

  “Is it true that the Wolverine and Hades are at war?” I frown at that question.

  “I don’t see how that has anything to do with the questioning.” The lawyer says, “If you have nothing else then my client is going to leave now.” The detective closes his folder and looks up at me.

  “Don’t leave town, we might have further questions.” What a waste of time, they could have asked me these questions at the club. Standing I make my way out of the interrogation room, I can sense that Hunter is somewhere to my left, and I’m guessing that he is still being questioned. I also know that Onix is close, as I can feel her pull as if she was right next to me. Walking towards the stairs I make my way downstairs. I see Onix standing to one side, Fang and Gunner standing beside her.

  Gunner and Fang their eyes are on me as I descend, Onix senses me later and her head turns, her eyes rise to clash with mine and then she is rushing towards me. “Are you okay?” She asks as her arms wrap around my waist and her head is flush against my chest. My arms wrap around her and everything seems to calm.

  “I’m much better now.” I murmur against the top of her head.

  “King is talking to the commander,” Gunner says as he comes to stand before me, “What did they ask?”

  “If I killed the women?” I hear Onix gasp a
s she leans back her arms still around my waist, but her face is raised up towards me.

  “Did they actually ask you that?” She asks with a frown.

  “In a roundabout way, yes,” I state, “I think it was the Hades that Dash saw riding past, he must have gone back and killed her.”

  “A shit storm is coming, especially now when . . .” I glare at Fang, which immediately has him cutting off what he was going to say, I don’t want Onix suspecting anything until I tell her. I need to break it gently to her, and even like that it might break her.

  Onix glances over her shoulder at Fang, “especially now?”

  “Are you all waiting for me?” Hunter asks as he comes down the stairs, just in time to interrupt Onix’s question. It is time to go home as soon as King joins us, and then I need to find a way to tell Onix what I found. Am I going to lose her, is she really going to leave as soon as she knows that we have found her sister's body, or will she see that we are meant to be together and stay?

  ONIX 15

  Today has been tiring, with one thing and another I am feeling exhausted even though I slept the day away after Hawk made sweet love to me, but the fact that the police suspect Hawk of murder has my nerves on edge. I don’t know why I am so certain that he didn’t do it, but I am. If for some reason they do arrest him then I will do everything in my power to find the evidence that he is innocent.

  Stepping out of the shower I yawn; I want to wait up for Hawk to know what they found when they went up to the hill but since coming back here they have once again locked themselves in the meeting room. Hawk seems on edge but who can blame him, after everything that has happened today anyone would be on edge.

  I can’t believe that I am in a motorcycle club, surrounded by wolf shifters and that I am at peace with it. I know that the circumstances that brought me here are not the best, but it feels like fate brought us together. I wish Fate hadn’t used Linda to get me here, but I don’t see which other way I would have travelled all this way to meet Hawk.


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