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The Sauvignon Secret wcm-6

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by Ellen Crosby

  The Sauvignon Secret

  ( Wine Country Mystery - 6 )

  Ellen Crosby

  When Lucie Montgomery finds the body of prominent wine merchant Paul Noble hanging from a beam in his art studio not far from her Virginia vineyard, she is unwittingly dragged into Noble’s murky past. Once a member of the secretive Mandrake Society, Noble might have aided in a cover-up of the deaths forty years ago of a disabled man and a beautiful young biochemist involved in classified government research.

  A seemingly innocent favor for an old friend of her French grandfather sends Lucie to California, where she teams up with Quinn Santori, who walked out of Lucie’s life months earlier. Soon Lucie and Quinn are embroiled in a deadly cat-and-mouse game that takes them from glittering San Francisco to the legendary vineyards of Napa and Sonoma, and back home to Virginia, as they try to discover whether a killer may be seeking vengeance for the long-ago deaths. As Lucie and Quinn struggle to uncover the past, they must also decide whether they have a future together. Blending an intriguing mystery with an absorbing plot, vivid characters, and a richly evoked setting, The Sauvignon Secret should be savored like a glass of fine wine.

  Ellen Crosby

  The Sauvignon Secret

  For Tom Snyder

  We are all mortal until the first kiss

  and the second glass of wine.

  —Eduardo Galeano, Uruguayan journalist, novelist, writer

  Chapter 1

  I didn’t want to kill Paul Noble. Yes, I said I did. Worse, I said it in a public place. In my defense, half a dozen people at that same meeting chimed in. “Get in line” or “join the club” or “you and me both.”

  It was a figure of speech, and everyone in the room—twenty-five northern Virginia winemakers like me—knew it. At least that’s what I thought at the time. So when I found Paul hanging from a beam a few weeks later in the old fieldstone barn he’d converted into an artist’s studio, the first thing I thought was, “Oh, my God, someone really did it.”

  My second thought was that I could see my breath because the room felt like I’d stepped inside a refrigerator, which was odd on a sweltering July day. A blast of arctic air blew down my spine, bringing with it the faint but unmistakable sickening-sweet stench of death. How long had he been here? A few hours—maybe more— based on his mottled face, bugged-out, vacant eyes, and the slightly blackened tongue protruding from his mouth. I put a hand over my own mouth, swallowing what had come up in my throat. At least the glacial temperature had slowed down decomposition.

  A paint-spattered stool was overturned in a wet spot on the carpet underneath Paul. He’d soiled himself—his khakis were stained—but the rug was damp from something else. An empty bottle of wine lay on the rug on its side next to a broken wineglass. I didn’t need to lean in to see what he had been drinking. A bottle of my vineyard’s wine, Montgomery Estate Vineyard Sauvignon Blanc. We’d won a couple of awards for it.

  It was still possible to make out something in faded gold silk-screen on the wineglass. Nothing I recognized. No logo, no fancy calligraphy of a vineyard’s name or a commemorative occasion, just a cartoonish figure of an empty-eyed man whose hands were clasped over stubs of ears, mouth open in the perfect round O of a scream.

  My stomach churned again. I reached out to steady myself on the glass-topped table Paul used for his tubes of paint, palettes, and jars of brushes, pulling my hand back in the nick of time. The Loudoun County Sheriff’s Department would be all over this place as soon as someone—meaning me—phoned in a suspicious death, and they’d check for fingerprints, fibers, and whatever they could find that would tell them who Paul’s most recent visitors had been. No point contributing evidence I’d have to explain later.

  I backed out of the barn into a wall of triple-digit heat. Though Paul had made many enemies with the way he did business, that kicked-over stool looked like suicide. Talk about an unlikely person to kill himself. Only two days ago I’d been on the phone with him and he’d been as ornery and mean-spirited as ever.

  The only remaining brother of Noble Brothers Fine Wine Importers and Distributors, Paul Noble had the exclusive contract to distribute my wines to restaurants and stores, a monopoly he ran like a tin-pot dictator and the reason so many vineyard owners hated him. If you wanted your wine sold anywhere outside your tasting room, it worked like this: Paul told you what he’d pay for it, and you said okay. Tell him no or “if you think I’m giving it to you for that price, you’re out of your mind,” and no one else would, or could, buy it. Hence the word “exclusive” and the reason he got away with rock-bottom offers that forced more than one small family-owned vineyard to throw in the towel after their profit margin flatlined.

  These were hardworking people—friends, not some faceless business ventures. Paul was nothing more than a wholesaler middleman who pocketed a share of someone else’s blood, sweat, and toil. For that we could thank the Twenty-First Amendment to the Constitution, which repealed Prohibition but kept a choke hold over the distribution of “demon alcohol,” spawning the Paul Nobles of this world. It wasn’t fair, but it was the law.

  Paul had called me two days ago. A Tuesday. The minute I saw his name flash on my phone’s caller ID display, I knew I was in for it. He didn’t waste any time telling me he could no longer buy my Cabernet Sauvignon for the price we’d agreed in the spring, and if I wanted him to take it now, I had to throw in my Sauvignon Blanc, medals and all, for another fire sale price.

  “We had a deal,” I said. “You promised.”

  He’d caught me as I was walking through the courtyard that connected the barrel room where we made wine with the tasting room where we sold it. In the distance, the vineyard was summer-lush and green, framed by the soft-shouldered Blue Ridge Mountains. I loved this view, especially at sunset when the honey-colored light spread across the fields and gilded the vines like a scene out of a dream.

  “Look, Lucie, it’s not my fault the economy’s in the toilet,” he said. “I can’t sell it if I buy it at that price now.”

  I deadheaded flowers in a wine barrel planter filled with rioting petunias and variegated ivy, snapping off wilted blossoms and thinking evil thoughts about Paul. He could keep our agreement and sell it at the old price, but it meant cutting his own profit.

  “Paul,” I said. “Please.”

  “Sorry, kiddo. No can do.”

  “I can’t even cover my costs if I sell it to you for that price.”

  “It’s just for now,” he said. “Things’ll improve and we’ll do better next year. We all have to tighten our belts, you know.”

  Paul’s belt went around a waistline that was forty-plus inches. He flew to Europe regularly to negotiate deals on the wines he imported, where he also bought his handmade shirts on Jermyn Street and his bespoke tailored suits on Savile Row in London, his favorite tasseled loafers at Gucci in Rome, and his silk bow ties from haute-couture designers in Paris.

  “Maybe we can talk about this,” I said. “Sweetheart, come on. I’m trying to help you here.” He sucked air through the straw of whatever he was drinking. A perfect metaphor for our conversation and the way I felt. “You know as well as I do that unless you meet my price, your wine will just sit in the warehouse. No one will touch it. They’ll buy something else.”

  “That’s not true.” I rubbed a small spot between my eyes where my pulse had started to pound.

  I knew this game. He muscled me to cut my profit and then he did the same thing to the retailer. Everybody bled but him.

  “Look, I gotta go. Someone just walked in. Think it over. You’ve got two days.” He hung up before I could make a stunned reply.

  One of the threadbare jokes about owning a vineyard is that it’
s a surefire way to make a small fortune: all you have to do is start with a large one. I didn’t have a large fortune when I took over the family business four years ago, thanks to Leland, my father, who never met an investment opportunity—or get-rich-quick scheme—that hadn’t called out to him and his wallet until he died in a hunting accident. After his death, an inheritance from my mother’s estate helped me get back on my feet, but that money was gone after fixing what Leland had let get run down and planting more vines. Throw in a rough spring earlier this year when my winemaker took a break to wrap up personal business in California, and an unexpected hard frost in May that killed half our crop, and I was teetering on the precipice again. Paul’s phone call couldn’t have come at a worse time.

  For the next forty-eight hours I’d stewed about that ultimatum and the unfairness of what he was trying to do to me. Finally I decided to drive over to his home outside the pretty Quaker village of Waterford, rather than meet him in his Georgetown office, and tell him to go to hell. That was before I discovered him hanging from a rafter in his barn above a pool of my Sauvignon Blanc.

  I shaded my eyes against the hard slant of the noontime sunshine and looked across Paul’s golf-course-perfect lawn to the fields and woods beyond. The main road was a half mile away at the end of his long driveway—more like a private road. A car could have come and gone easily without being noticed, certainly not by any neighbor since the nearest one was down the road apiece. The only vehicle I’d seen after driving through the tree-lined streets of Waterford had been a John Deere tractor on the outskirts of town. The farmer pulled over and waved so I could pass him near the cemetery entrance on Loyalty Road.

  Had someone else come by earlier, before I got here? What if he—or she, or they—killed Paul and then staged the hanging so a murder looked like suicide? And what if they were still here, waiting? Was I alone now?

  I shuddered and took a long, slow look around the house and grounds. Except for the twittering of birds hidden in the trees and the faint buzz of the cicadas, the place was as hushed and silent as a cathedral.

  I pulled my phone out of my purse. Once I called the sheriff’s department, I’d be halfway down the slippery slope, letting myself in for a heap of trouble. First, I was the one who found Paul. Then there was that argument we had the last time we spoke and the fact that I recently said in public that I’d like to kill him—even if it was in jest. Throw in my wine bottle at the scene and the reason I’d come over here unannounced: to have a showdown with the deceased.

  On the plus side, I didn’t murder Paul Noble.

  I punched in 911 on my phone and made the call.

  Chapter 2

  Loudoun County, Virginia, stretches across more than five hundred square miles of winding country lanes, villages plucked from a sweet, nostalgic memory, and rolling hills dotted with farms, weathered barns, and pastures where Angus cattle and expensive Thoroughbreds graze. It is also the fastest-growing county in the United States, thanks to a burgeoning high-tech industry that brought with it pockets of high-density subdivisions, strip malls, and multilane highways. Still, it would be awhile before I heard the sound of sirens in this rural corner of the county.

  As I sat on the steps of Paul’s barn to wait for the first cruisers to show up, the tip of my cane caught in the chink of a broken stone. I pulled it out and laid it next to me.

  Six years ago a car driven by a former boyfriend missed the turn at the rain-slicked entrance to my vineyard late one night, plowing into one of the pillars that had guarded our front gate since before the Civil War. The boyfriend walked away. I did not.

  After a couple of months in the hospital and two surgeries, the accident left me with a deformed left foot and a limp. A cane helped my balance. One day I planned to ditch the stick despite what my doctors said about it being permanent, which was why I still used the adjustable metal one the hospital gave me. If I ever moved on to a wooden cane it would feel like I’d given up hope.

  From somewhere in the magnolia came the chipping sound of a cardinal. My disability had been the consequence of poor judgment, excessive speed, and one too many beers on that memorable night, but it still had been an accident.

  This felt different. Had Paul deliberately taken his life? And if so, what pushed him over the edge? The empty bottle—my wine— and the broken glass looked like he might have taken his time with one final drink, or a couple, before putting a knot in that rope and climbing up on that stool, so it seemed as if he planned this. Not that I wanted to go back into that barn, but if he had been murdered, surely the room would feel different? The presence of the other person, or persons, who killed him would linger or somehow be felt, like a vibrating hum that disturbed the air. Instead Paul’s death seemed quiet—a sad, whispered goodbye, not an end that screamed violence.

  I heard the first wail of sirens in the distance. A few minutes later, a tan-and-gold sheriff’s department cruiser pulled up in front of the barn. A large, well-built African-American deputy unfolded himself from the driver’s seat and looked me over, none too happily, as he got out of the car.

  “Well, well, Ms. Montgomery,” he said. “What are you doing on this side of the county? You the one who phoned in a suspicious death?”

  Deputy Mathis, known as Biggie to his fellow officers, had also been the first on the scene at my vineyard a couple of years ago when a tornado unearthed a human skull. Mathis had a shrewd stare and a laserlike way of zeroing in on a person, as though he saw right through your head to where your brain was rapidly trying out and discarding explanations and excuses and alibis. I had done nothing except stumble on Paul’s dead body and I wasn’t guilty of anything, but already he made me squirm just as he had that day at the vineyard.

  “Yes,” I said. “In the barn. He hanged himself … he’s been dead awhile. There’s a horrible smell.”

  Mathis lifted his eyes to the sky like he was offering a silent prayer and shook his head as if lamenting another senseless death.

  “Friend of yours?”

  I hesitated. “Business acquaintance.”


  “Paul Noble.”

  “Anything else you want to tell me?”

  The question was conversational, but I felt the prickle of electricity running through his voice.

  I looked him in the eye. “Nothing, other than I found him like this when I walked into the barn.”

  Mathis tilted his head and considered that. “I see.”

  He called for backup, the crime scene team, and the EMTs as he pulled on a pair of latex gloves retrieved from the cruiser, knowing full well he’d left me like a kid waiting outside the principal’s office trying to figure out if outright suspension or just detention hell was next for me. Just wait until he started asking the serious questions, like what I was doing here, and the details concerning my dispute with the deceased.

  He pushed the barn door open. “You touch the door handle?”


  “Anything else?”

  “I don’t think so. No, nothing else.”

  I followed him inside because he didn’t tell me not to and heard him swear quietly when he saw Paul.

  “Don’t come any farther and don’t touch a thing.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  I wrapped my arms around my waist against the bracing cold and watched him walk over to the body. He started to bend down to get a closer look at the bottle and the wineglass.

  “Before you do that, there’s something you ought to know.”

  He straightened up and his knee joints cracked. “And what would that be?”

  “That bottle of wine is from my vineyard. Right now that’s the only place you can buy it. Paul’s a wine wholesaler. We have an exclusive contract and he sells my wine to restaurants and stores.”

  “Did you give him this bottle?”


  Mathis’s mind worked fast. I knew he was way ahead of the game, but he asked me anyway. “Care to characterize the natur
e of your business relationship?”

  Here it was. “This is going to sound awful.”

  “Try me. You’d be surprised how much ‘awful’ I hear.”

  “He gave me two days to make up my mind whether I’d sell that wine—Sauvignon Blanc—and my Cabernet Sauvignon at a price where I was practically giving it to him.”

  “So you drove all the way over here to have it out with him?”

  “He was dead when I got here.”

  “You didn’t answer the question. And unless you’ve been sitting here since, say, midnight, I know he was dead when you got here. It’s cold enough to hang meat in this place.”

  “We didn’t actually have an argument. He gave me an ultimatum and I wanted to see if I could change his mind if we met in person,” I said.

  “You come by here often since you two do business?”

  In spite of the temperature, I felt the heat rise in my face. “No. This is the first time.”

  “Great,” he said. “Just great.”

  Outside the barn more vehicles pulled up and car doors slammed rapid-fire like gunshots. The barn door swung open, letting two uniformed men and a woman into the studio.

  A minute later the door opened again, and before I could turn around someone said, “Hey, Biggie, what’s shaking? Who’s the vic?”

  The memory-laced familiarity of that voice was a shot of relief, as if the cavalry had arrived. Bobby Noland was my childhood friend since the time he and my brother, Eli, let me hold the shoe box they used to keep the frogs they caught in our pond. The innocence of our relationship grew strained when I tutored him for honor society service hours in high school because he was flunking almost every subject. He bolted after graduation to join the army, and by the time he came back from two wars he was different, changed, scarred by locked-away stories. Every so often I’d see a haunted look in his eyes and wonder what still tormented him—an enemy soldier he’d killed or a buddy dying in his arms? But he’d returned to the old hometown, and the first thing he did was surprise us all by joining the sheriff’s department. Everyone always figured Bobby would be dealing with the law when he grew up—just from the other side of the jail cell.


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