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Sweet Seduction Surrender (Sweet Seduction, Book 4)

Page 3

by Claire, Nicola

  His hot breath against the bare skin at the nape of my neck was the only warning I got that he'd moved. I jumped slightly, unable to prevent my reaction to the nearness of him.

  He chuckled, then purred, "You seem to need something to make you relax."

  His hands came down on my shoulders and I just about squeaked in utter surprise. He began to to knead my muscles, his fingers firm and persistent in their pursuit of my body's capitulation. I couldn't have relaxed now if my life depended on it. This was so intimate, so close.

  So nice.

  My head rolled back on my neck, an uncontrolled movement, completely involuntary. If he kept this up I'd moan or make some equally embarrassing noise to let him know how much he was getting to me. I should have moved out of his reach. I should have bit back, slapped his hands away. But no, I just stood there and let him massage my shoulders for a good two minutes. The sauce bubbling away making steam rise up from the stove and the aroma of tomatoes and basil wafting through the air.

  He moved closer all of a sudden. The heat from his chest washing down my spine. His fingers and hot palms never stopped rubbing, kneading, almost stroking. I think I might have made a purr.

  His cheek brushed against mine as he leaned over my shoulder, his larger frame completely engulfing my own. The sink was in front of me, his body was behind, and his hands on my shoulders made escape to the sides impossible right then. Not that my mind would have considered that a viable option. No, my mind had packed up shop and my hormones had moved right on in.

  I leaned back into him, appalled at myself for showing this blatant sensual response.

  "Mmm," he murmured in my ear, his face and nose nuzzling my hair. "Maybe I will spice things up a bit with a brunette for once."

  I jerked still at his words. He'd definitely heard everything Nick had said on the phone. And he was angry. I would be too, if someone pigeon holed me like my brother just did him. It would have been easy to let him continue this little game; to torment me because he was lashing out. That was Jason; a trained killer. That didn't just mean he could take someone's life with his bare hands, it also meant he could destroy them with words as well.

  But as much as the man infuriated me, I wasn't going to let him do something he'd regret. Nick's warning to me was still forefront in my mind. But rather than heeding his advice and protecting myself, I felt compelled to protect Jason instead.

  "Don't let him make you do this, Jason," I said softly. I felt his body stiffen. "I know we walk in different worlds. I know you despise all that I appear to be. But that doesn't mean I don't respect who you are. Nick doesn't know you, he thinks he does. And likewise, you don't know the real me."

  I turned to face him then, he'd taken a step back, utterly stunned at my speech. I don't know if the words meant anything or not, but his breathing was quick and the pulse at the bottom of his neck fluttered with increased speed. Whatever I'd said had done something.

  I held his gaze for several long seconds and then turned back to the stove to serve up the meal. By the time I had our plates ready, Jason had returned to his earlier self. Wine glass in hand, steady look in his eyes. I placed the laden plates on the table, organised cutlery and napkins and then took a seat.

  I'd already begun my meal before he finally sat himself down in the chair opposite me. I took a sip of wine and lifted my gaze to his face. He was still watching me, a strange puzzlement to his features that hadn't been there before.

  "You are a complex woman, Kate," he said, picking up his fork at last and taking a bite of his meal.

  I relaxed, realising the moment had passed and Jason was once again the cool, calm, collected soldier I knew so well.

  Then he murmured, wine glass to his lips, "But you're wrong."

  Wrong about what? That he doesn't know the real me? Or that he despises all that I appear to be?

  Chapter 3

  Have I Been On His Too?

  Jason offered to stack the dishwasher and because I still felt so off kilter around him, I agreed. Slinking into the lounge and surfing channels on the TV. I finally settled on a wildlife documentary. It seemed the safest route to take. I didn't think he'd appreciate home makeover shows, and I couldn't quite stomach a crime story. Nature seemed, well, natural.

  Until the lion caught the gazelle and the zebras started mating.

  I must have made a sound of disgust. It wasn't so much because of the scene playing out in full colour on my larger than life TV screen, but more because I'd clearly chosen poorly. Couldn't it have been about the eating habits of flamingoes or something?

  "Not a horse fan, Kate?" Jason asked as he slid into the armchair off to my side. I forced myself not to stare at the small expanse of naked rock hard abdomen that peeked out from under his t-shirt. It was difficult, but I managed.

  "Equid," I replied distractedly.


  "Zebras are part of the equidae family. So are horses. But they are technically not a horse."

  He huffed out a laugh. "Is that so?" he asked, but he clearly wasn't interested in an answer.

  I flicked a gaze towards his face to see if I could determine what he was thinking from his expression. His eyes were on the zebras. Head cocked to the side as he watched them do their thing. Unlike most wild animals, it seemed to go on for much longer than necessary.

  "I can see why you'd watch this," he muttered eventually. "I wouldn't," he added. "But, yeah, I can get why you would."

  "Excuse me?" I asked, a little taken back. Why would he think zebras mating would be my thing?

  He flicked deep chocolate brown eyes to me, that smirk in residence again. Then waved an arm loosely at the screen. The zebras had thankfully completed their moment of abandonment, but the narrator had not finished dissecting every single move.

  He held my gaze for an extended period of time, then said, voice low, "It's clean." What? "Don't have to get your hands dirty. Voyeuristic even," he added, then turned back to the TV.

  What the hell?

  "Er, you're not making any sense, Jason," I pointed out.

  "OK," he said, shifting in his seat so he could face me.

  I didn't like the change of position, the fact that I now had his undivided attention. Any attention from Jason set my blood boiling, but to have the weight of his complete concentration and gaze on me was almost too much.

  "Zebras aren't the real issue. But I guess, as a metaphor, they'd suit you."

  He'd completely lost me. It must have shown on my face.

  "You watch a lot of TV?" he asked, apropos nothing.

  "Some," I admitted. It was a good way to switch off from designs and the day to day drudgery of life. A distraction that required little effort.

  "I thought so," he said in a superior way that made my hackles rise. "You don't go out much, do you, Kate? Not many drinks with friends or dates with handsome men."

  Oh, and now I was feeling rather uncomfortable. Jason Cain psychoanalysing me. This was so wrong.

  "Some," I murmured, aware I was repeating myself, but for an entirely different reason.

  He nodded. Sanctimonious man.

  "Haven't seen you with a boyfriend. Not once. Not at any of Gen and Dom's gatherings."

  "Is there a point to all of this, Jason?" I asked, starting to get a little miffed with the line of conversation.

  "You asked," he pointed out with a shrug. "You watch life, Kate. You don't dive right in. You sit back where it's safe, where you won't get mud on your designer shoes or a tear in your expensive silk skirt. You're a spectator, not a participant."

  His hand flew back to point at the TV screen.

  "I bet half of what you know is from television or books. Have you ever seen a zebra in the wild?"

  "Have you?" I shot back, noticing my arms had crossed over my chest as though I could defend myself with that move alone. I forcefully unravelled them and rested my clasped hands in my lap.

  "Did a safari in Africa when I was nineteen," he said casually.

sp; I felt about two inches tall. Jason had seen and done a lot of things, I was sure. What had I done? A few European and North American holidays with my parents. The obligatory overseas experience, or OE, for young Kiwis to London for a year. But that was about it. The rest of my life had been in Auckland. I attended university here. I started my business and career here. I bought my first home here.

  I suddenly wanted to be anywhere else than in this room with this man, who judged.

  "I'm not sure I understand your point, Jason," I said standing up from my seat. "But I am sure I don't care to work it out right now. I'm going to bed. The spare room is made up, you can sleep there."

  I managed two steps towards the exit before he replied.

  "First, I'll stay awake. Out here. No point protecting you if I'm asleep. But don't let my discomfort worry you, Kate. You just get your precious beauty sleep and I'll keep us safe."

  My fists clenched and I turned to glare at him. What I wouldn't give for a throwing knife right now. His lips twitched at the edges.

  "Second," he added, resting back in the armchair as though my obvious anger was the height of entertainment for him. "My point is simple. You're too wound up. You need to relax. Live a little. Taste life. Take a risk."

  I arched an eyebrow at him.

  "Is that so?" I asked, mimicking his earlier words and tone. "And you would be the expert on living life and risk taking, I suppose."

  He shrugged, an infuriating movement that made me fume.

  "I've lived a little. I could show you how."

  "What?" I spluttered, forgetting to clench my fists, but instead somehow finding them resting at my sides ineffectually.

  His slight lip twitch turned into a sexy smirk.

  "Yeah. I reckon I could teach you to loosen up."

  I felt like the ground was falling out from beneath my feet, the terrain shifting. One step in the wrong direction and I'd lose my footing. Jason looked like he was searching for something, no, that's not entirely right. He was hunting for something. And I had the distinct impression I was his prey of choice.

  God, the man made my head spin, in more ways than I cared to admit. Part of me hated him. Part of me was drawn to him. And part of me wanted to rise to the challenge I could see in his eyes, and shock the living daylights out of the arrogant prick.

  The question was, which part would win right now? Did I go there? Did I carry on this ridiculous conversation and risk further embarrassment? Not to mention increased blood pressure.

  Obviously my higher reasoning was defunct. Or I just wanted that challenge.

  "And how would you achieve that, Cain?"

  "Well," he drawled, rising up from his chair in one smooth move. A glide of muscles and limbs, and a heart palpating show of sensual agility. "It would mean getting dirty. Probably a little sweaty."

  I swallowed, unable to take my eyes off the amused chocolate brown of his. He chuckled. The enticing jerk. And then took a step towards me. I took one back automatically.

  Shaking his head he chastised, "No, no, no, Kate. If you want to taste life, you have to face it. None of this running away. Meet it head on, grasp it. Can you do that?"

  I froze, was this actually happening?

  He took a further step and there was nothing I could do to make myself move away. I hated that he did this to me, stripped me of everything and left a wanton mess in its place. But I was addicted to that sensation he stirred deep inside, a pull low in my belly, a rush of wetness to my core. No man had ever elicited such differing emotions in me before. No man, but Jason Cain.

  "Good," he almost whispered, his voice lowered to such a degree that it sounded too intimate.

  He took another step and came to rest right before me, my head had to tip back to keep eye contact with him.

  "So," he murmured. "Dirty and sweaty." I forced my eyes to remain open and not give in to the delicious image he created. "And most importantly, Kate. I'd want to hear you." Oh, God. "No holds barred." The urge to clamp my thighs together was almost too great. "Let down that wall." I was drowning, gulping for much needed air. He reached up and tugged on my ponytail until the tie came loose and the strands fell about my shoulders. And I just let him.

  I just let him.

  His eyes darkened, heading toward that chestnut colour he usually has when he's angry. He didn't appear angry right now - oh no, angry was not what I'd describe Jason in this second - but then I'd never seen him like this before, so had nothing to go on. I was guessing that darker colour came out when any emotion swelled. Right now, I couldn't tell if that emotion was a good one or not. It felt good, but Nick had said Jason was a player. Was he simply playing me now?

  "Jason," I began, in an effort to sound level headed and in control.

  "Yeah?" he murmured, eyes scanning my hair as he ran a few strands between his fingertips, distractedly.

  This was such dangerous ground. Exciting and exhilarating. Oh dear God, was it exhilarating. But I wasn't sure that I could trust it. Nick's warning rang out in my head and I simply could not ignore that. By shutting this down though, I would confirm everything Jason thought I was. A spectator in life, not a participant.

  But I couldn't risk the fallout if this was all just a game to him. I was not going to put myself there.

  And besides, who the hell was he to tell me what I am or am not?

  "I'm going to bed," I said, voice only slightly shaky. "If you want a cold shower, there's towels in the cupboard under the sink."

  I didn't wait for a reply, but swung on my heels and walked as casually as I could out of the lounge. I couldn't get to my bedroom fast enough, but I made myself walk slowly. Heel, toe. Heel, toe. Heel, toe. The click of the door to my sanctuary was the signal that I could finally breathe.

  I sank back against the closed door and sucked in air; a drowning victim given a second chance at life. Oh good heavens. The man was a stick of dynamite away from an explosion. My heart was racing, my respirations were way too fast. My body ached in all the most delicious places and my skin tingled.

  I had never felt so much at once before.

  A bubble of laughter sprang up my throat, but I resolutely forced the sound back down before Mr Perceptive out there could notice. He was right though. I did watch life. Oh, I had my place in it, one I'd carved out meticulously. One I didn't risk. But in all the years I'd been making a name for myself, building up my business, finding a niche, I hadn't once felt what I felt just now.

  Jason Cain pushed every button I had... and then some I didn't even know I'd been missing.

  I stared across the room in a numb haze, trying to align this new Jason I'd just been introduced to, with the Jason I'd known for several months now. Had I missed what Nick and maybe others had seen? Had I been so distracted by my attraction for him, that I hadn't seen his own for me?

  I'd assumed Jason was indifferent, because that's what Jason had made sure I'd see. But Nick said he looked at me a certain way. What way? Dear God, I wanted to know. Was I crazy to want him to feel the same way? Hell, I'd be crazy not to want him to feel the same way.

  I banged my head back softly against the closed door, not loud enough for him to hear, but enough to clear my head. And then tried to remember every single time I'd crossed paths with Captain Jason Cain. Unsurprisingly, each had been etched into my brain and could be recalled with crystal clarity.

  That first time I'd been caught entirely off guard and Jason had endeavoured to keep me that way ever since. I'd turned up at Dom's house to check on his new woman at the time - Genevieve - and Jason was there. I'd been attempting to lighten the mood, as Gen had been involved with a dangerous and nasty ex-boyfriend receiving injuries to both her physical and emotional self. I'd joked in the usual Katie Anscombe way. It meant nothing, it was all a ruse designed to make people smile. But it had made me look like a flighty socialite without substance.

  Jason had shown his disdain immediately. That scowl I've come to know so very well gracing his handsome face. I'd taken on
e look at him and felt my world alter. One of those strange, inexplicable, but entirely real moments. I literally took one look at the man and I knew my life had changed. I wanted him, from that instant. Despite his unfriendly greeting, despite his obvious judgement of my behaviour. I took one look and decided he was the man I wanted in my life.

  Why? Was it simply a case of opposites attract? He didn't faun all over me, he was strong, potent, in command of his world. God, it gives me goosebumps even now. I can't adequately explain it, but one look at Jason Cain and I wanted to have his babies.

  That bubble of laughter rose up my throat again, and this time I couldn't stop it escaping. At least I kept a lid on the volume. This was insane. I'm an accomplished, independent woman. But all of that was stripped away when presented with a male who met every criteria my subconscious had for a mate.

  Just like that animal programme on TV, we are all subject to evolution in the end. To the procreation of our kind. When stripped of everything else we are just animals. And I had it bad for the alpha of all animals. Twenty-nine years old and my biological clock was obviously ticking.

  I knew how that first encounter had gone, I've played it over and over in my head. But had I missed something? Had I only looked at it from my perspective because he'd bowled me off my feet? I replayed the scene over in my head, trying to remain objective. It was hard. My life had changed that day, the significance of meeting Jason had altered who I thought I was.

  But over lunch he had watched me, his eyes never straying to his plate or the others at the table, until things heated up and he had to defend his sister. The entire time the ASI guys chatted, and Dom kept a proprietary hand on Genevieve's knee, Jason had been glaring at me. I thought it was because he found my presence annoying. The socialite sister tagging along and claiming the men's attention, when urgent matters were needed to be discussed instead.

  Oh my God. He'd been unable to look away. I'd forgotten that. He'd been as drawn to me as I had to him.

  I quickly scanned through my memories for other events when we'd crossed paths. Most of the time it had been at Dom and Gen's barbecues, which were held only fortnightly. Other than that, I'd bumped into him three times at Sweet Seduction, and once outside of ASI.


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