Sweet Seduction Surrender (Sweet Seduction, Book 4)

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Sweet Seduction Surrender (Sweet Seduction, Book 4) Page 10

by Claire, Nicola

  Chapter 10

  This Is Only The Beginning, Kate

  When I woke in the morning to his phone ringing on the bedside table, Jason was still there. I'm not sure why that surprised me. My cheek was resting on his chest. My body flush against his side. My leg over his thigh and his large frame curled into mine as his arm draped down the curve of my spine, where it came to rest with his hand cupped possessively around my hip.

  I could not have been more content.

  He rolled over slightly to reach his phone, but before he answered it, returned us both to our former positions. With my ear so close to the speaker I could hear both sides of the conversation.

  "Cain," Jason said into the device with his usual gruff abruptness. From the tone of his voice you wouldn't have known he was naked in bed with a woman, let alone naked in bed with the woman he was assigned to protect.

  I wondered how the rest of ASI - and in particular my brothers - would react to Jason and I getting together while under a lock-down. It wasn't really any different from the way Dominic and Genevieve started their relationship. She'd been under ASI protection too. So had Eva, Nick's fiancée. Both women falling for their saviours when under incredible stress.

  I can't say I was under incredible stress, but the situation had been an acute one. Still, an uneasy feeling settled in the pit of my stomach thinking about both Dominic and Nick's overprotective reactions. Maybe we'd have to fudge the truth a little on the time-line of getting together.

  "Lock-down's been lifted, bro," Eric was saying on the other end of the line. "You'll be pleased to know all operatives are recalled to ASI HQ for a debrief."

  I knew Eric would think it was a relief for me that Jason could now leave, but I felt strangely hurt that he thought Jason would feel the same relief at being able to get away from my company. Of course, all of that was irrelevant now. The situation had changed. Still, it felt discomforting that Eric was aware of Jason's former dislike of me. Had our whole love-hate relationship been so obvious?

  "Good. I'll be there as soon as I can," Jason replied, swiping the phone to disconnect the call before Eric could even reply. Giving the impression he was keen to get going. Maybe Jason wanted to keep how and when we got together from the gossip mongers at ASI as well.

  The phone landed on the bedside table with a soft thunk and then Jason was facing me again, his hand brushing my hair from my face.

  "You heard that?" I nodded. "I should get going," he added, but didn't move an inch away.

  A small smile curved the edges of my lips.

  "You going to be at Gen and Dom's this afternoon?" he asked, appearing as if he had no intention of getting out of this bed for a debrief.

  "Ah, the barbecue," I said, trying to work out the date. Every second Sunday Dominic and Genevieve held a barbecue at their house. It was the only home big enough to take all of ASI, Sweet Seduction, ADK - Dominic's lawyers firm - and our combined extended family numbers. We were a big group now and Gen took great delight in rounding us all up each fortnight to relax and enjoy life. That was Genevieve, a real mother hen with a party attitude. "Yes, as always," I replied, except this time I wouldn't be watching Jason out of the corner of my eye. I'd be with Jason.

  "Good," he said, giving a short nod of his head in approval. "Save a beer for me," he added.

  All I could do was smile.

  He smirked slightly, a wicked grin I was quickly getting used to.

  "Now that that's sorted," he husked in my ear, as his hand started to stroke down my side making me shiver, "Go in the bathroom and turn on the shower." Another instruction. My heart rate sped up and a longing tugged low down in my belly. Wow, he only had to give a command in that soft, steady way and I was already wet. "Step under the spray and place your palms against the tiles. Spread your legs. Arch your back. And wait. I'll come to you." Pause. "Understand?"

  I nodded, and without waiting for repeated instructions, slipped out from beneath his touch and from between the sheets, and walked straight into the attached bathroom. I heard Jason make that low growl of approval from the back of his throat as he rolled over onto his back in the bed. He was as turned on as me, and it seemed he got more aroused when I obeyed his directions immediately, without hesitation or argument.

  For some inexplicable reason that made me moan, a soft sound from deep inside, leaving a flush in its wake as my body temperature rose to match the arousal within. If this was what it was going to be like, there was no question I'd made the right choice. I knew Jason would give me the best sex I had ever had, I knew it from the moment I saw him. From the moment I saw how he acted, how he spoke. The way he moved. Like a panther on the prowl, in charge of the world around him. Determined, focused. Powerful.

  I'd known all of this just by watching, observing, the man. But to have it confirmed now was incredible. Fantastic. An utter turn on. Jason brought out the sex craved woman in me. No matter how much he wanted my body, I wanted his even more.

  I waited only long enough for the water to heat up and then I stepped inside, closing the sliding glass door behind me. I let the water spray over my feverish skin briefly, then wanting nothing more than to have Jason here with me moving things along, I placed my palms readily against the cool tiles, arched my back as instructed, and greedily spread my thighs.

  Water trailed down my back, little droplets that spread like hungry fingers across my skin. The shower spray was forceful, I'd had all the plumbing replaced in my bungalow when I redecorated, so the water rebounded off the tiles on the floor haphazardly. Several drops even managed to make their way up my thighs to land delicately against the tender flesh at the apex.

  It was a beautiful kind of torture. Any stimulation was wanted, but it was so soft and ethereal almost, that it taunted instead of simply touched. I lowered my head and concentrated on breathing, trying to stop myself from panting in need and hunger and anticipation. All the while praying that Jason hurried up.

  I don't know how long it took for the sliding door at my back to open and a waft of cooler air to rush inside the stall before the heat of his body ran down my back and legs. He didn't touch me, just closed the door behind him and when I went to look over my shoulder, instructed in a hoarse whisper that didn't even sound like him, "Don't turn around. Eyes closed."

  I knew, of course, it was him, but the moment took on a surreal element. His voice sounded different, spoken in a way and tone he hadn't used in my presence before. It was entirely intentional, I was sure. That coupled with not seeing who the person actually was who entered the shower behind me, made unusual images flash though my mind. It also made me hotter. Wetter. Hungrier for his touch.

  He stood right at my back for several long drawn out moments, then one finger dipped directly inside, between my legs. He hadn't touched me elsewhere. He hadn't given me any warning. Just the solitary finger dipping in until he could reach no further.

  Panting was the least of my worries now, I'd started to make a whimpering sound that I had absolutely no control over at all.

  A second finger, on the same hand, found my clit and started to rub gentle circles, bringing a rush of blood to the area, making the nerve endings start to scream for release.

  "Don't come," he ordered in the same voice of before. My whimpering got louder. "Not yet," he added, then withdrew the finger and returned with two instead.

  He started a steady rhythm up; in, out, rub against my clit, in, out, rub against my clit. He repeated the action again and again and again. Seconds passed. Minutes. Maybe hours, I'm not sure, but the tension built to an inferno inside, making me buck and writhe and moan loudly. I knew now that he liked to hear me, but in the closed confines of the shower stall, with the spray from the water dampening the noise, it sounded so erotic. Almost like an adult movie soundtrack. And it was coming from me.

  "I have to..." I started to plead.

  "You will not," he interrupted with finality.

  "Jason," I begged and felt a hand wrap around the wet strands of
my hair pulling my head back. Lips began trailing over the exposed flesh of my neck, then when he found a soft spot, sucked hard.

  Oh good grief. I was coming apart. I couldn't contain it any longer. Every nerve had fizzled and zapped between my legs, low down in my groin. Every ounce of my concentration had been between my legs, on what he was doing to me there. But to suddenly have such powerful sensations at the other end of my body, up by my head, made the nerves splutter and spark and threaten to explode. Confusion reigned for several bliss-filled moments, and then clarity came crashing back in on a wave that was about to wash me away despite his directive not to come.

  How the hell did he know to do that?

  Just at the last moment, he either took pity on me, or could simply tell that I was not going to be able to deny my body any longer, because he rasped into my ear, "Now, Kate!"

  My scream of release was deafening in the relatively small shower stall. My legs buckled, unable to hold my weight up anymore, but Jason wrapped an arm around my waist and held me upright, while he continued to kiss my neck and stroke my core, eking out the last of sanity, making me groan in delight, which quickly got mixed with a growl of approval from him.

  Light flashed and faltered behind my lids. Thoughts and words came in broken sentences inside my mind. My body shook and shuddered, wetness that had nothing to do with the water from the shower trailed down between my thighs, coating his fingers and hand slick. He cupped me between my legs, no longer making any effort to stimulate me, well aware that for now I was at my limit, but the warmth and intimacy of his hand holding me there sent a secondary round of shivers and quivers throughout my body.

  Jason was breathing as hard as me. His chest and stomach draped over my back, while his arm still supported me and his erection pressed firmly from behind.

  "Baby," he finally murmured. "Are you all right?" His hand had slipped out from between my thighs and now rested against the tiles in front and to the side of my face, taking both our weight I think.

  I just nodded, still too breathless and mindless to be able to say a thing. He held me like that for so long. Not asking for anything in return, just giving me time to come to terms with what I'd experienced. It had almost been shocking, that level, that intensity, of release. I had never enjoyed something so... well, the only words I can describe it are rather trite, but appropriate. It had been earth shattering, world altering. I could never go back to 'boring', never go back to my vibrator alone on my bed, ever again.

  Jason had changed me. And I think he knew it. That's why he didn't say or do anything for several minutes. Just held me, breathed with me, let me accept what he'd shown me, what he'd given me, until I was ready to move on.

  At some point I must have taken my own weight, because he pulled back slightly and reached for the shampoo. Then with infinite care he started to wash my hair, making sure to keep the suds out of my eyes when he rinsed it clean. He repeated the action with conditioner. Preening and grooming me like a mother would a precious child. His care and attention, his focus and steady pace, was so unexpected. A side of Jason I hadn't thought was there.

  But he seemed lost in the moment, as though there wasn't anything more important than making sure I was taken care of. Everything he'd done was for me. His erection looked hard and straining, when he turned me toward him to rub liquid soap over my chest and arms. He must have needed relief himself, but his only concern was my well being. My comfort. Me.

  He washed me with tender, but purposeful strokes. These were not to get me aroused as such, these were entirely for the task at hand. When he finally finished, I took the bottle of soap from his hand and returned the favour. The entire time his eyes, showing a deep chestnut colour laced with the familiar chocolate brown, never left my face. Neither of us spoke. What was there to say? The moment was special, intimate in a non-sexual way. Precisely what we both needed, I think.

  By the time I'd touched every inch of his rather well defined and incredibly sexy body, I was turned on again. There was no point denying it. And now his erection looked angry and definitely needing some attention of the sexual kind.

  I poured soap into the cupped palm of my hand, lifted my eyes to his briefly, then wrapped my hand around the thick circumference of his shaft.

  He made a strangled sound, his body jerking and shuddering as his hand came out and slapped the tiles to the side of us hard. As if it was an involuntary movement, like a reflex action when the nurse taps your knee with that little hammer. I was surprised he hadn't anticipated that was where I'd be touching next. I'd covered every other inch of his glorious body, his erection was the last place left.

  But he confirmed his shock by saying, in the sexiest, roughest voice he'd used yet, "Kate. This is not about me."

  My eyes lifted to his, my hand still gently stroking, the spray of the water washing the soap away.

  "Do you want me to stop?" I asked. He swallowed thickly, then reached out with one hand to cup his palm around the side of my neck.

  His thumb stroked the skin across my collar bone in time to my hand stroking him. Then, still holding my gaze, he shifted his hand to my shoulder and gently, but firmly, guided me to my knees in front of him.

  I got the impression he couldn't say no, even though he wanted to. He obviously wanted to give me this moment in the shower, for my enjoyment alone. But the offer to help him find his own release was too great for him to ignore. With a pained look on his face, which had nothing to do with his urgent need for relief, he watched as I licked the last residue of soap off his erection and palmed his sac beneath.

  Then in typical Jason Cain style, he demanded, "Lace your hands behind your back."

  My eyes lifted to him and he must have seen the question on my face, he didn't want me to touch him with my fingers?

  "Don't think," he added. "Just do."

  I followed his instruction, unsure how I would keep my balance, let alone how I would be able to stop myself from reaching for him. I couldn't imagine that this was going to be comfortable, but if this is what he wanted, then I'd give it to him. He'd just blown my world, it was the least I could do.

  Once my hands were secured behind my back I got back to work, using just my lips, teeth and tongue on his arousal. Within seconds his fingers were entangled in my hair, guiding me, controlling my movements, where without my hands on his body, I could not.

  "That's it," he breathed, throwing his head back against the tiles behind him, eyes closed in bliss. He kept hold of my head and slowly rocked his hips back and forward. The sight of him thrusting himself toward my mouth was so incredibly sexy. Losing himself in between my lips. Taking what he needed to find his own release.

  But it didn't take me long to realise I was equally lost to the experience. Not being able to touch him, I was forced to concentrate on the sensations I felt on my lips. The taste of him, mixed with soap, on my tongue. The fine line he made me walk with the depth in which he entered me. It was a slow sensual slide down a seductive slope, and before too long I was moaning and shifting on my knees trying to find some form of relief to the urgent pressure that had accumulated deep down inside.

  "Oh, Kate," he groaned above me, making my eyes, which had closed, flick open to look up at his face. "You have no idea how sexy you are kneeling there. How much I like the idea that me getting off in you, gets you off too."

  Oh my Lord. I pleaded with my eyes for him to ease the build up of tension in my body.

  "You want to come, baby?" he asked, huskily.

  I nodded against him, making him suck in a breath at the movement it created in my mouth; teeth grazing.

  "You need me to make you feel good?" he asked, breathless and eyes a little wild. "Or do you want to do it yourself?"

  He was giving me options. How is that a dominant? I think Jason played by his own rules. He was still very much in charge, because I hadn't just sought my own release, I'd waited for him to offer a solution. But he still gave me a form of control. How did I want to come? With hi
m inside me, or him thrusting into my mouth while I played with myself?

  I pulled back, at the same time he pulled back, allowing me to reply.

  "I want you inside me." I breathed the words out like they were as essential as air.

  He cupped my cheek, holding my gaze as I looked up at him from where I still knelt.

  "You please me, Kate," he said softly. Then turned the taps off, opened up the sliding door to the shower and reached down to lift me to my feet.

  Within seconds he'd towelled us both off, then he grasped my hand and led me back into the bedroom. The sheets were still in disarray, having not been made since we got up. His cellphone was beeping on the bedside table, obviously we'd missed a call, maybe more than one. He ignored it all, helped me to lie back on the bed and then crawled on top of me.

  "I'm close to the edge, baby," he murmured, wasting no time guiding himself inside. "As much as I want to fuck you every way possible, missionary has its benefits."

  I smiled up at his serious face, I had no problems with missionary style. It had always been the quickest way for me to get off.

  He started slowly, even though I could see the strain in his muscles as he held himself above my chest. Even though I could see a vein pulsing erratically on the side of his neck. Even though he panted with each slow glide inside, and sucked in air like he was drowning with every smooth retreat.

  His eyes closed, his head dipped down, as he breathed my name, "Kate".

  Not surprisingly, it didn't take long at all for me to come. His pace picked up as I moaned and writhed beneath him. His cellphone rang, but we were both too far gone to even care that someone somewhere was trying to enter our world. And as soon as my orgasm waned he roared his triumphant release, collapsing onto my body, his lips finding mine as he continued to pound into me, lengthening his moment as long as he could.

  Finally we stopped all motion, sweaty again despite having just exited the shower. Jason stayed draped over my body like a welcoming blanket, still inside me, still connected. He lifted his head, brushed my hair back to reveal my eyes, and just... stared.


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