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Sweet Seduction Surrender (Sweet Seduction, Book 4)

Page 14

by Claire, Nicola

  And there was the prick now who had tamed my sister. Talking to the Olds as though he didn't have anything better to do than make happy with the in-laws.


  Ah, fuck it! I knew this was going to be a mistake. Coming here, tonight. Being around those two love-birds. Avoiding the stink-eye from Nick.

  And... seeing Kate again. Let's be honest, that's the real reason why I was angrier than a drill sergeant during peace time on a sunny day.

  Kate, Kate, Kate.

  I sucked in a much needed gulp of air in the hopes it would blast the fuck out of the hole in my chest. If I wasn't careful, I'd turn into a pansy.

  "What's your problem, Cain?" Nick, the second prick, asked, as he snatched a beer off the table at my side.

  That was going to be my beer. I was guarding them for later. I gave him a glower as he twisted the cap off and chucked it in the bin. The beautiful hiss and aroma of barley and hops filled the space between us; the only thing that stopped me from growling out loud.

  Nothing beats the calming influence of beer.

  "Not got a problem," I replied, taking a sip from my own near-empty bottle.

  "Then why the sour puss face?" he demanded, leaning against the bar as though he was settling in for a convo.

  I so did not need another conversation with this dude. One heart to heart was enough, thanks. I think I'd pass on any more 'friendly' advice he might have to give.

  "Bored," I offered as answer, then finished off my drink.

  I had another bottle open and to my lips before he had a comeback. Maybe I'd just get pissed tonight, that way I could avoid everyone.

  "Fuck, Cain," Nick exclaimed, loud enough for Genny to notice. I gave him a purposeful scowl. He flicked his gaze over to where my sister stood talking to Kels, and offered a smile and nod to let her know all's well. Even Nick didn't want to piss her off today.

  Nick turned his attention back to me and leaned in, lowering his voice so we couldn't be overheard.

  "You've been a bear with a sore head for weeks now. What's crawled up your arse?"

  "Is it affecting my performance?" I asked, bristling.

  Nick was a fair boss, but he ran a tight ship. I was used to falling into line where my job was concerned. It rankled with me that I may have let my personal... issues, roll over into my professional world.

  "Not yet," Nick said ominously. "But since the lock-down you've been closed off. I keep expecting you to turn up in camouflage with a bag full of M4 Carbines and knock us all off."

  My eyebrows rose on that delightfully whacked image.

  "Fuck, I'm not unstable, Nick. Just..."

  "Just what?"

  "Maybe I just need to get laid," I said, the first thing that came to mind in order to distract him.

  "So, where is your bimbo tonight? You going solo for a reason? Hoping to see some action here?" The last was said with a decided edge to his tone. A don't-fuck-with-me-fucktard edge.

  And we were back at the heart to heart part of the night I would have liked to have avoided.

  I held his frosty gaze, hoping mine was equally as chilling. Hell, I was going for freeze his fucking balls off with the glare I had going on. He didn't back down. That was why I respected the prick. But, shit, if he brought Kate up now, I would so fucking lose it.

  "I did what you asked. I won't go back on my word."

  "You better fucking not," he ground out, then abruptly did a one eighty and smiled all charming-like as Eva approached, a smirk gracing her lips.

  "Hey, cowboy. Whacha doin' hiding over here?" She offered a pleasant enough smile to me, but turned a come-here-big-boy grin on Nick. He was so fucking lost. Pussy.

  "Getting you a beer, angel. Got side tracked by Jase." He pulled a beer out of my stash and twisted the cap off for her. She took a sip with her hand wrapped around his on the bottle.

  I almost gagged.

  "Don't mind me," I grumbled, as they goo-goo eyed each other. Just fucking shoot me now.

  "We won't," Nick replied, not taking his eyes off his woman.

  "Good to see ya, Jason," Eva said, pulling Nick away to do God-I-don't-want-to-imagine-what.

  I ran a hand over my face and sucked back another mouthful of beer. This was going to be a very long night.

  "Hey, big bro," Gen's sweet voice broke the silence that had enveloped me in my little shitty hole. "Guarding the beer stash, I see." She knew me well.

  "Best seat in the house, sis."

  "You OK?" Oh fuck, not her too.

  "Never better."

  "You don't look OK."

  I gave her a pointed look. "I'm hungry. When's the barbie being lit?"

  She flicked a glance around the room, taking in all the happy-happy-fucking-joy-joy people milling about.

  "Just waiting on Katie, then we can get started."

  "Why not heat it up now? I'll man it if you want." Any reason not to be sitting in the room when Kate arrived, I'd grab.

  Fucking chicken-shit.

  "Are you sure you're OK?" What? "You look kinda pained. It can't all be about your stomach."

  "Genny, I'm fine. Fucking leave it, all right." And that was a bad move, because Dominic was within ear shot.

  "Ease off, arsehole." Yeah. Bad move. "You treat Genevieve with some respect."

  "Jesus, Dom. She's my fucking sister. We've talked like this since we could form words."

  "I don't particularly give a shit. She's my wife now." Well almost, but I didn't care to correct him, he was in lawyer mode. "I'll not have you upsetting her with your anger management issues."

  Anger management. Well, fuck. I guess he had a point.

  Another hand rubbed over my face.

  "Sorry, Gen," I managed. Dom grunted, about as much approval as I'd get. Gen just bit her bottom lip, looking unconvinced. "Not sleeping well," I offered, in way of explanation. Just because it was the God's honest truth didn't hurt either.

  "Oh, Jase," she said, reaching out to place a delicate hand on my shoulder. "Is there something I can do?"

  Talk Nick 'round. Tell him I'm not a bad influence on his sister. Convince him I am worthy of her time. That she needs me as much as I need her. That I won't drag her down with me and ruin her life, that I'll treasure her above all else. Worship her.


  "Oh, Jase," Gen repeated on a whisper.

  And just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, what with fucking blurry vision making me look like a pansy, she arrived.

  Her lilting voice echoed out of the hallway like a fresh breeze blowing away days of stifling grit and dust. My chest constricted painfully and I tried uselessly to suck in a breath. Fuck, that shit hurt.

  "Hello, darling!" she was saying, and a small smile curved my lips at her familiar greeting. "What a beautiful evening for a barbecue."

  It was now.

  I heard Dominic grumble a few words out and then my world collapsed. Well, it was fucking teetering on a precipice for the past fortnight, all it would have taken was a stiff breeze to push me over. Or a fresh one.

  "This is my friend Richard. I hope you don't mind me bringing him along, we're having drinks later."

  Oh, fuck no. No, no, no, fucking no.

  I stood up, making the beer bottles rattle in the ice bucket from the speed with which I bounded out of my seat. Gen had to take an alarmed step back. I automatically reached out and wrapped a hand around her upper arm to stop her tipping over sideways. But I wasn't concentrating on anything other than what Kate had just said. Those fucking awful God-dammed words.

  My friend. What friend? I'd never heard her mention a guy by the name of Richard before.

  Fuck, you douche, you spend one fucking weekend with her and you think you know the woman? Grow some fucking brain cells.

  "Ow!" Genny cried, trying to pry her arm from my claw-like grip.

  I glanced down at the bruise starting to form around my fingertips, and made an awkward yelping sound, flinging her arm away as though it burned.

/>   "Jason!" she exclaimed. But didn't stop there. No, this was my sister, it would be too much to expect her to curb her tongue. "What the fuck's got into you? Have you lost your mind?" Yes, quite possibly. "That friggin' hurt, you moron! I'm going to have a bruise now. Won't be able to wear tank tops for a while. And I just bought a really cute one."

  "What is going to bruise?" Dominic, entering my nightmare.

  "Jason just squeezed my arm like he was having an epileptic fit, or something. What do they call it, petite mal? You know, when the patient locks up but doesn't shake all over."

  "Let me see," he murmured, giving me a fuck-you glare while he stepped up to check on Gen's rapidly bluing upper arm. Ah, fuck.

  My hand rubbed over my face and when I lowered it she was there. In the room, watching the entire scene play out, spotlit by the lack of conversation in the house right then. I couldn't look away. It was like I was being sucked into a vortex. A pulling, drawing sensation that I had no hope of fighting, no desire to avoid. I wanted to sink deep down into those beautiful pools of blue. I wanted to die there, if I could.

  And oh God, she was gorgeous. Even more so than I remembered. Absolutely fucking spectacular.

  But then Nick stepped between my view of heaven and me. Another fuck-you glare from an Anscombe brother and then he turned his attention to Kate. And the dickhead with her.

  Who the fuck are you?

  "Hey, sis. Who's this?" Nick asked.

  Kate gasped at her brother's question. Or maybe at being interrupted mid shock and awe staring match with me. I don't know. But it was pained, in a way that sliced through my heart and fucking tore the shit out of it.

  "This," she cleared her throat, then tried again. I wanted to reach for her. Soothe her. Let her know everything was all right. But it wasn't, was it? Nick had seen to that. "This is Richard Tremayne. I'm designing his art studio for him."

  One look at the wanker beside her and I could tell he didn't want to be considered just a business acquaintance. A grin spread my lips, it was definitely on the evil side of the divide.

  He thrust his hand forward for Nick to shake and said, voice a little louder than necessary, "We've just started seeing each other. Tonight's our first date, in fact."

  I'm not sure how I got there, I don't remember taking the necessary steps. But the look of mortification on Kate's face at this twat's announcement made the distance covered to reach their side non-existent. I slipped my fisted hands into my jeans pockets and stared the motherfucker down.

  "Gonna introduce us, Kate?" I asked in my most insincere voice. I couldn't give a fuck who he was. I wanted nothing more than to clock this intruder and carry Kate off like a fucking caveman after the event. I could even picture it. Every single glorious detail. It involved lots of blood, his blood. And Kate gripping my arse as she hung upside down over my shoulder.

  "Jason Cain," Kate said, voice only slightly shaking, "this is Richard Tremayne."

  Ah, but my Kate did what I asked without question, didn't she? Was it wrong of me to feel the tightening of my balls at that?

  "Pleased to meet you," the fuck-knuckle said, holding his hand out for me to shake. I stared at it, not removing my clenched fists from my pockets. If I removed them, there would be blood.

  His hand slowly lowered and a look of unease crossed his face. That's right. I'm the one you should fear, arsehole.

  "Ah, well," Nick was saying, sending me what-the-fuck looks in between each word. "This is Dom and Gen's house, but.." he looked around and noticed that the hosts had disappeared. I tried not to feel bad about that, it was probably because I'd upset Gen. "They seem to have vanished. So grab a beer and welcome to the madness." A definite glare directed at me on those last words.

  "Great," Tremayne said through gritted teeth, eyes on the threat, not even glancing at Nick. Heh. "Would you like a beer, Catherine?"

  My eyebrows rose on that. Who the fuck calls Kate, Catherine. I snorted. I didn't mean to, but come on! The fucktard was definitely not on the in. A smile spread across my lips. Kate rolled her eyes.

  And just like that, I was lost. I have no idea what the imposter was doing. Hopefully grabbing a beer. He could have my last post. Good luck with that, beer guard was not as easy as it sounds.

  "Can I have a word with you, Kate?" I emphasised her name. Her correct name.

  "I..." she started.

  "In the kitchen," I added, expecting nothing less than absolute obedience. She lifted her chin. Feisty. My cock swelled. Then, thank you God for all that is good in this world, nodded her head in agreement.

  Oh fuck, what I could show this woman.

  "OK," she said, flicking her gaze over my shoulder. "We'll just be a minute."

  "Is everything all right?" Imposter, imposing again.

  "It will be," I threw over my shoulder, then forced myself not to reach for Kate's hand, just stormed from the room.

  She'd follow.

  Fuck, I hoped she'd follow.

  My path was blocked by Nick out in the hall.

  "What the fuck are you playing at, Cain?"

  "Just gonna talk, Anscombe," I ground out, arms ready at my sides. "Nothing in your directive about not talking to her."

  Nick's eyes darted over my shoulder, but I didn't need the movement to know Kate was there. I could feel her. Like sunshine on my back. Like the warmth of a fire after a cold and wet day.

  "Nick?" she asked, tentatively. "What's the matter?"

  Nick gave me one last murderous glare and then smiled at Kate.

  "I don't think you should abandon your date, Katie. You can catch up with Jason at another time." His eyes hardened when they returned to me. "And you! You and I have an agreement. Don't fuck it up."

  We did have an agreement. I said I'd stay away from her. I fucking cracked like a rookie soldier caught across the enemy line. I'd walked away from her on cloud nine, fucking humming a fucking tune, and by the time I'd made it to ASI I'd started to doubt. Me. Kate. My need for control. I mean, fuck! I'd been fighting the attraction for months, one weekend with her in my arms was not going to put an end to the doubts, was it?

  And Nick, the prick, saw through me as soon as I walked in the office. Even before the debrief, he pulled me aside and screwed with my head. Not that he wasn't pointing out exactly all the fucked up shit that goes through my mind on a daily basis. Not that he didn't see right through the façade and recognise a man on the very edge.

  But I allowed my fear that Kate wasn't the sort of woman who could handle my demands to rule my decision. I let Nick feed that fear until I was so unsure, but so desperate to not harm her further, that I agreed.

  I was fucking mental. But not anymore. I saw the way she looked at me when she walked in that room. I saw the way she couldn't pull her gaze away; like me, stuck still by an invisible magnetic force. And I saw the way she tried to soften the blow when the fuck-wank imposter implied they were dating. She did that for me.

  It was one thing for Nick to pull the brother card, to push my fucked up buttons and tell me I was a time bomb waiting to go off. Without Kate before me, I could see things his way.

  With Kate here, nothing else fucking mattered anymore.

  "I lied," I finally growled, almost spitting the words in Nick's face.

  In the next second Nick had his fist around my t-shirt and my back against the wall.

  "Hey, boss, take it easy," Eric piped up, appearing from fucking nowhere. "It's a barbecue. Let's all chill."

  Not gonna happen.

  I pushed back and slammed Nick into the wall on the other side. A picture in a fancy arse frame fell to the floor and the glass cracked.

  "Whoa there, e hoa. Calm down. This is Dom's house and he ain't gonna like you trashin' it." And now the big Māori was charging into the fray.

  Eric wrapped an arm around Nick, who was trying to swing a fist at my face, while Ben hauled my arse backwards, as though I didn't weigh over a hundred and twenty kilos. And then Koki and Adam arrived, helping Kate take a
step out of the blast range. And the cherry on top? Dominic storming down the hallway, fire in his eyes and a whole lot of hurt promised in his clenched fists.

  He was so going to back Nick, no doubt about it. My time was running out. I'd be turfed out on the street in a minute. Way to fuck up Gen's big event. Because, sure as shit, it was meant to be something special and her fucked in the head PTSD soldier brother couldn't even behave in a civilised fashion.

  Well, if the shoe fits.

  "This is only the beginning, Kate," I said, directing the words to her and no one else.

  "I think this is the end for you tonight," Dom shot back, indicating the door with a nod of his head.

  I held Kate's gaze. She looked shocked. Surprised as all hell. Speechless.

  But then she said, voice firm and unwavering, "Just go, Jason. Before you make even more of a mess of things."

  Ouch. I deserved that.

  But OK, I like a challenge when I'm given one. This was, by no means, over.

  Kate was going to be mine. She just needed a little convincing.

  And the brothers grim and grimmer?

  Yeah, they could just go fuck themselves.

  With a purposeful look at Nick, as I wrenched my arms free of my supposed captors and took a step towards the front door, I said with as much force as I could muster...

  "I fucking quit!"

  See how that affects our agreement.

  Chapter 16

  Could This Day Get Any Worse?


  What just happened?

  Jason stormed off down the hallway and banged through the now opened door.


  My head was shaking back and forth, I think my body was trembling as well. I felt a little light headed actually. As though all blood had left my face.

  "Katie, are you all right?" Dom asked. He probably shouldn't have, because it drew my attention to him first. So he was the one to receive my anger.

  "Did you just throw Jason out?" Never mind that I assisted. I had no choice, Dom and Nick had seen to that.

  "Yes," he replied, without apology.

  "What?" Genevieve shrieked from the other end of the hall. None of us had seen her arrive. "Where's my brother gone?"


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