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Knocked Up By The Other Brother: A Secret Baby Second Chance Romance

Page 47

by Ashlee Price

  “Get on the bed, Erin.”

  The voice did not sound like the same man who had met me at the museum. I snuck a look back and saw him struggling to get his clothes off. He was not as assured as he usually was, and I would have laughed if I hadn’t been so horny at the moment. Drake was hard under his clothes, and it was the first time that I had seen his hair-covered chest. His abs were rock hard and rippling, and again all I could think about was touching them. He was more than a little handsome; he was downright sexy. I had never been with a man who looked like him. When he noticed me gawking at him, he reminded me what I was supposed to be doing.

  I looked behind me and saw the bed that he was talking about. It seemed huge, just like him, and when I lay down on one side of it, it felt like I was being swallowed by the mattress. I felt tiny in the large bed and even smaller when Drake started to move towards me with a determined look. His hard rod was swinging between his legs as he got on the bed in front of me and grabbed my legs, jerking me towards him in one fluid motion. I made a shrieking sound in surprise, but he wasn’t hearing me. It was clear that he had only one thing on his mind, and I was not going to even admit that I felt the exact same way. I needed him more than I needed my next breath.

  Drake dragged his length against me and there was no more time for foreplay. I had already come once and I was eager for more. When I felt the thick head rubbing where his fingers had just been, something came over me that I had never felt before. It felt good, but it wasn’t enough. What I needed was for him to be inside of me. When I told him as much, he immediately began thrusting forward to give me what I wanted.

  Having caught a glimpse of his size seconds before, I was sort of prepared for him. My body certainly was, dripping wet with need for him, but I wasn’t ready for something that huge. It felt too big inside of me, stretching every bit of my sheath as he made his way as far in as he could go. Drake pushed deeper as I pressed my hand against his chest. It was just too much, and before long I was trying to move away, backing up desperately to get away from his enormous member.

  “You aren’t going anywhere, Erin, not after I have chased you around for weeks. Just give it time.”

  I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to be giving him time for, but I knew that he was right about the fact that I was going nowhere. He moved down to cover my body with his own, and the action pushed him deeper. His arms held me in place and I could do nothing but close my eyes and feel. It felt so good that I was on the verge of losing myself once again before he had stroked in and out three times. I don’t know what kind of magic he had over me, but it was rather clear right then when he had me quickly forgetting what my own name was.

  “Please, Drake, I can’t.”

  He kind of chuckled and moved in quicker than he had before. The sudden fullness took my breath away and pushed me over the edge I had been teetering at. My grasp on his biceps got a little tighter as my body contracted. It was too much. I was begging him to give me a moment. I needed him to slow down, but with each squeeze of my inner walls, he just moved faster, making every part of my body scream with release. Still I couldn’t move, not with his strong arms pinning me where I was.

  I was beyond done when he finally slowed down enough to shoot his need deep. It was hot and came out with force, burning my insides. My hand was trying to push him off of me, but I had no strength after the repeated orgasms. I felt like my whole body was weak. The only relief given was when he finally pulled out of me. I gasped at the wave of fluid that gushed to my thighs and the sheets below me.

  Drake’s eyes darkened as he looked from me to the cloth below. It was like he was drawn to it, and before long he tasted me in a different way than before. I never felt so wanted in my life. The man had a way with my body that was impossible to deny. It was like he knew what I wanted more than I did myself. When he pulled me to closer to him, I just let him. His chest was hot and wet against my back, the hair tickling the sensitive skin there. I wanted more, but my body told me that I was finished.

  “That’s okay, Erin. You get your sleep, because you are going to need it.”

  I shivered at his words and closed my eyes. My body was humming and he felt so good beside me. I didn’t want the night to end, but I knew that it had to. I knew that whatever dream I was in was going to evaporate by morning. I wanted to remember the way his heavy arm felt around my waist, and his hard chest against my back. I didn’t want to ever forget that very moment in time.

  Chapter 6 – Drake

  “You need to actually listen, Drake. I don’t know where your head is, but you need to get off of whatever bimbo you did last night and focus.”

  I looked up at Brandon and shot daggers at him. He had awoken me from my sleep far too early, wanting to talk about business. I had been unable to do more than give Erin a kiss goodbye before I had to leave this morning. I now remembered what he had made me miss, and there was nothing I wanted to do more at that moment than punch him. I didn’t care about the new project. It didn’t seem to matter. Nothing did but getting back to Erin before she left my bed.

  “She isn’t a bimbo, Brandon.”

  “Oh, so what was she, Drake? Did you find you another college girl to make you feel young again?”

  I kind of frowned and thought about why he would say that. It was apparently not the first time I had made a mistake like that, but that was before. That was before Erin… I stopped and thought about what had just run through my mind. Why was I still thinking about her like she was permanently in my blood? I had known when Brandon called to pull me away from her this morning that I was not prepared to give her up yet. One time was just not going to be enough with Erin.

  “It isn’t like that, Brandon. So what are we talking about?” I wanted to talk about anything but what we were currently discussing. I didn’t know why he was so interested or why I was so defensive, but I didn’t want to talk about Erin like that. She was different, and I wasn’t going to explain myself.

  “We are talking about that museum. I’m going to have everything ready for signature in a couple of days, and I wanted to make sure that the details are what you wanted. I know how you are about the contract, so I figured going over it now would help out for later. If you don’t like something, all you have to do is let me know and I will take care of it.”

  I raised an eyebrow and told him that he was being too helpful. “Why are you so eager to get this deal signed?”

  He shrugged and then sat back at the bar. It was too early to be drinking, but ‘too early’ didn’t seem to be a time on Brandon’s clock, and he had already drunk two beers while we had been there. “I’m ready for a vacation and I need the funds. This deal will give me a big chunk of change.”

  I just shook my head. I don’t know what he did with his part of the money, but I had a good feeling that a lot of it went to booze and women.

  “It will be signed, Brandon. Get the details right and there will be no problem.” My mind went to Erin and I wondered if that was true. I had made her a deal, one that I had no intention of following through with, and now, after the night we’d had together, I was starting to really regret that dishonesty. I was not supposed to want her, but I did. There were a lot of things that were supposed to be happening, but at the end of the day, I wanted to keep her. The museum wouldn’t be sold for a little while longer, but soon she would know the truth. I was going to have to make the most of the time we had together and somehow make her need me so much that she would be able to forgive me for the lies.

  Brandon knew something was up, and he wanted more details about the woman who’d made me look how I apparently did. I didn’t tell him much, but I liked that he had noticed the difference. Erin had to be different because what I felt was so different from anything before. I was starting to think that I was falling for her.


  The contract was in front of me and it had mine, Brandon’s and two other signatures on it. The deal had been struck, and even though everyone else was cele
brating the achievement, I didn’t feel like celebrating anything. What I felt like doing was getting out of there. What the contract meant to me was not a little more money in the pot. It meant that my time with Erin was quickly coming to an end, and I knew that I wasn’t ready. I wasn’t ready to be done with her. I needed more time, and now I didn’t have any more. As much as I hated to even think about it, I knew that I was going to have to tell her soon. I wanted her to hear about it from me rather than learning about it somewhere else.

  I picked up the phone to talk to her, but I was already hanging up before she answered. I just couldn’t figure out what to say. After a time I realized that it wasn’t something that I was going to be able to do over the phone anyways. I didn’t know how she was going to take it, but I knew that if I had my hands on her and was able to kiss her, she would come around. Erin would see that she didn’t need that job anymore, and she would see that I didn’t have a choice. It was just business, after all.

  As I was getting my briefcase packed for a little work when I got home, I saw Mary coming in. It had been a little strained around her since I’d turned down her sexual advances, and it was again a day that I didn’t want to deal with her. The blonde hair reminded me too much of Erin, and too much about the time when I’d had everything I wanted. Now was not that time.

  “So how did everything go?”

  I thought of the last night with Erin and how well it had gone. It took a minute for me to remember that she was more likely talking about the contract. It was a big one, and everyone was counting on the bonuses that would be derived from it. There was always something more for her, though. She always wanted something more from me, and I knew then that this was no different.

  “I just met with Brandon and got everything signed and ironed out. It will be a good quarterly bonus.”

  She smiled and shook her head. For a moment I wasn’t sure what ill I had seen in her. I didn’t see it now. All I saw was a woman who I used to like, who just wasn’t enough anymore.

  “I’m just happy that you got what you wanted. I know how you get when something is a bit too challenging.”

  Her words were accompanied with a look that I had to look away from. I didn’t want her anymore. Instead I sent her ahead to see about making sure everything was in place with the PR for the new club. That was her job, after all, and the reminder seemed to get her into gear. At least it got her out of my office. I got a funny feeling about her, but I didn’t have anything else to go off of than a feeling in my gut.

  Chapter 7 – Mary Whethers

  I left Drake’s office and I was steaming. It was almost as bad as before when I had literally fallen at his feet and he couldn’t appreciate the gesture. Instead I was ordered to run around and do more for him. I was supposed to make sure that everything went smoothly with the second club, but I was not focused. I was more focused on the blonde that I’d seen Drake kissing before. That image was burned into my memory, and now that he was turning me down, I had to think that there was something going on.

  Drake didn’t seem in the mood to talk, so instead of embarrassing myself I just decided to do what he wanted. I didn’t see what the big deal was with the museum. It was too small, as far as I was concerned, but he was convinced that it was the perfect place. He had spent more time on this deal than anything else in a long time. What was the big attraction?

  When I pulled up to the parking place in the back, the front of the building was packed with cars. Ever since the museum had been sold there had been more activity there than usual. I thought it was an effort to try to keep it open, but little did they know: Drake never backed down when it came to business.

  I tried to find the owner, the one who needed a copy of the contract delivered to him. All I had was the name of Bishop and it took several tries to find someone who knew what I was talking about. I was directed to the curator, and I was more than a little surprised to see that I recognized the young blonde. She looked different than the last time I had seen her, but I was sure when we shook hands that it was her from the club.

  “Hi, I’m here to leave some contracts for the buy-out. I was looking for Bishop. Is he in?”

  Erin shook her head that he wasn’t and reached out to take the paperwork for her boss. I handed it to her. I could tell that she wanted to read what was inside of it. The curiosity might not be fulfilled, but she was certainly thinking about it.

  “You guys must be really devastated about the closure, huh?”

  “It was quite a shock, but I have a feeling that the new owners will see how great the place is and want to keep it intact.”

  I kind of snorted before I pulled it together. The young woman was so naïve that she really seemed to believe it. I didn’t know if I should be envious or happy that I no longer thought things could all just work out and everything would be okay.

  “I don’t think that will happen. This is to be the second location for the club. Drake sent me down here personally to meet with Rose Woods and get the PR campaign just right.”

  I could tell that Erin did not like what I was saying. She had seemed rather convinced that everything was going to work out, and I wondered if Drake had made promises to her. As her face fell a little more with every word I said, I started to think that was exactly what was going on.

  “Drake sent you?”

  I nodded and smiled like I was trying to be helpful. I wanted to scratch her eyes out for touching Drake, but I knew that I couldn’t show that side of me. So instead I explained how everything was going to be changed and torn down to make the club perfect. I could tell that I was getting to her, and I should have stopped, but I couldn’t. More importantly, I just didn’t want to. I wanted her to feel the way I had felt when I had caught the two of them making out in public, something that Drake had always refused to do with me. I could still see it burned into my mind, and thinking about it really irked me.

  “Well, thank you for bringing over the contract, Miss Whethers. I will make sure that Bishop gets it right away.”

  Erin was shocked and a little paler than she’d been before. I wished I could know what she was thinking. On the outside she looked like she was okay, but I had a feeling there was a lot going on beneath the surface. She looked like she had a lot of questions to ask, and I knew that I would hate to be Drake when she did ask them.

  “Sorry if I brought you bad news.”

  She kind of smiled at me and for a second I saw another side of her. “No, I thank you for your candor, Miss Whethers. Having staff like you around says a lot about Drake.”

  Erin turned around and I wasn’t sure how I was supposed to feel. I felt like I had been put down in a way, but I wasn’t quite sure. Maybe Erin was not the innocent young woman that she seemed, but it didn’t matter. I had told her enough for her to see things for what they truly were. She had mentioned something about him making her a promise, and I would have been remiss to make her think that he would keep it. Drake was good at breaking hearts. I should know, because he had broken mine. Drake liked to make and break promises, sometimes unsaid promises, but promises just the same.

  To be continued…


  A Billionaire Romance

  (Contemporary Romance Novels)

  Book 3


  By : Ashlee Price


  Erin is devastated when she finds out that Drake has used her. He used her to get his way, and now he isn’t going to hold up his side of the bargain. She is going to lose her job and her residence because of the sale of the museum, but worse than that, she has lost her heart to a man who doesn’t care. When his assistant tells her the truth, a sinking feeling takes over in her chest and Erin finds it hard to breathe.

  She runs away from her problems and hides from Drake. She doesn’t want to hear his velvety voice trying to explain things. She doesn’t want to know why he hurt her, because Erin can’t get over the fact that he has. Erin goes to her best friend’s house
and stays there for several weeks licking her wounds. But she knows that she has to face the museum closure, and more importantly she has to finally deal with Drake. Will she be able to listen to him and be close to him without falling for him once again? Erin isn’t sure, but she knows that she can’t put him off any longer. She has to face him and face the love that she has for the man.

  Chapter 1 – Erin

  I don’t know why, but as I watched Mary leave, I knew that she had found far too much pleasure in telling me the news. I had always been warned to stay away from people like her, and now I knew why. She was the vicious sort, and it made me think that she had something for Drake. She wouldn’t have had so much venom if there wasn’t something extra.

  After I called Bishop, I opened the contract and looked it over. I just wanted to see for myself that Drake had actually gone through with it. I don’t know why I actually needed to see it, but I figured that if I saw it in black and white, I would finally get it through my head. It had all been a game to him, and I had fallen for it. I had fallen for him, and I should have known better. It was silly of me to think that he actually wanted me for anything more than a little entertainment.

  Seeing it was worse than hearing it from that vile woman who worked with Drake. Of course he had sold it, and I knew then that he had no intention of keeping it as it was. He was going ahead with his original plan. I’d been stupid to think that he would keep his part of the agreement. People like Drake may have inherited most of their wealth, but they also knew a lot about how to keep it. His ways and his family’s ways were not exactly moral.

  I set the papers down and was thankful that it was almost time to leave. I knew that I was supposed to be worried about other things, but I wasn’t. I didn’t care that I was still going to lose my job and my place to live. I was just bummed out that he had lied to me. I felt used, and I knew then that whatever I had felt for him was based on a lie. He had gotten what he wanted, and now that the sale was final he wouldn’t have any use of me. It was all just a game, and I felt like the real loser.


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