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Knocked Up By The Other Brother: A Secret Baby Second Chance Romance

Page 50

by Ashlee Price

  Erin was dusting some of the large gemstones, and my heart lurched in my chest when I saw her. She had her glasses perched on the top of her head and her blonde hair was escaping a bun that she had twisted it up into that morning. I loved watching her get ready because she was so different than anyone else who I’d seen more than once. While other girls would peer closely at the mirror and take what seemed like hours, Erin was done in minutes, in the same unassuming way that she did everything.

  I had noticed that she was wearing tighter clothing now, and I liked to think that was because of me. I wasn’t sure, but I know that it kept me in suffocating need for her all of the time. This moment was no different. I don’t know how long I stood there watching her ass wiggling as she dusted.

  “Drake! You scared me!”

  Her small hand went to her chest, and I couldn’t help the laugh that came out of my mouth. She was adorable when she was scared or angry. I liked everything about her and I don’t know why, but the way she was looking at me then and breathing a little faster was hot. Every time I came into the museum I was turned on almost immediately. When I moved to help her down off of the platform, I pulled her in and rubbed her down my body the last couple of feet of her descent.

  Erin’s smile was arousing to my senses and I leaned into kiss her before I really knew what I was doing. I knew that I wanted her, and I was starting to think that I wasn’t going to make it until after dinner, that I wouldn’t even make it to the car.

  “What has gotten into you, Drake?”

  She was giggling and trying to pull my hands down off of her waist. They were rising to grab the swell of her breasts, and I heard the moan that cemented my purpose there. I was sick of waiting. I needed to feel her right then. When we got around to the front and I saw the information counter, something inside of me pushed her forward and pinned her like before. I knew that I was supposed to ask something, do something else, but all I could think about was being inside of her.

  Checking her, I found that she was dripping wet, so I knew I didn’t have to go slow. She didn’t like it slow anyway, and it seemed like her body was always ready for me. It was hard to ignore that, and before I really knew what I was doing, I had her bent over and my hands were yanking her panties down so that I could have her right then. If any passersby had looked in just a little bit, they would have seen me rutting her from behind, hard. We were both clothed from the waist up, but our bottom halves were bare and writhing in pleasure. Only once did I look up and realize that we were being taped. I didn’t like the idea of others seeing us from the control room, but I knew that I would be there in the morning to get the copy of it.

  I finally had my fill and left her a little weak-kneed. It was not at all what was supposed to happen, but I couldn’t help myself. I helped her pull her hair out of the falling knot on top of her head and a moment of need filled me when I saw it cascading down her back. I moved to kiss her, but Erin pushed me away before I got too heated.

  “I am starving, Drake. You are supposed to take me to dinner, remember?”

  I did. There were a lot of things that I was supposed to do tonight. It was going to be a big night, but my mind was already back in bed with Erin. I was going to have to get myself together or I wasn’t going to make it through. I knew that now, but it was hard to pull my fingers out of her hair and give her a little space so that I didn’t end up taking her again.

  “I know. I’m sorry, Erin. You just look so beautiful.”

  She looked down at her plain dress a little skeptically. “I was going to change first.”

  I told her not to. She didn’t need to wear things that were short and black to get my attention. While I liked the way she looked dolled up a bit, it was moments like this that I loved her more than anything else. She was beautiful, sexy, and I had to have her forever.

  “You are perfect the way you are.”

  She kind of smiled at me, her way of saying that she was pleased. Erin had never been good with compliments. I had this big idea to ask her when we were out, but this seemed to be the perfect time and place. I knew that she didn’t want to be the center of attention, even though she was, most of the time. I wanted it to be special. Something got ahold of me and I went to my knees in front of her.

  Erin got nervous and tried to pull me up. I think she thought I was going to try to take her another way, and I thought about it, but in the end I wasn’t there for that. Instead I was there to give her something and ask her a question that I never thought I would ask. Before her I would have never even considered getting married, but with her, there was nothing else that made sense.

  “You know I love you, Erin, right?”

  Her blue eyes were watering and her face was getting a little pink. She knew what was happening, and for a moment I wondered if she was going to give me the answer that I wanted. It had never occurred to me that she would say no until that very moment.

  She kind of nodded to the question that didn’t need an answer and waited for the one that did.

  “I don’t want to go on another day without you with me.”

  “I am with you now, Drake. We don’t have to do this.”

  I pushed through and pulled the ring out of my pocket. When she saw it the waterworks really started to come, and I knew that she was going to say yes. “Marry me, Erin, and make me the happiest man in New York.”

  There was no pause, just a nod of her head and a smile. I couldn’t believe it, but she had said yes!

  Chapter 6 – Erin

  Everything was magical. The wedding was like a fairy tale, and I couldn’t ask for a better Prince Charming than Drake. I had to pinch myself a couple of times throughout the day just to make sure that I wasn’t dreaming. Of all of the things that I thought would happen in my life, being with a man like Drake and getting everything that I wanted had never entered into the picture. I knew that there was never going to be more love in me than there was then.

  It all happened in a blur, the ceremony and the reception. We kissed and danced, my mind hard-pressed to keep up with everything. I was still not sure if it was all real, but it started to be real when he took me home and into the bedroom. Now it was all real, and I could feel my body starting to respond. I had been running on need for too long. I needed him, and when he put his hand out to me, my own was shaking slightly as I took it.

  “Now you are my wife.”

  He said it as though he was as shocked as I was about it. The way he looked at me was priceless, and when I was finally pulled into his embrace I knew everything was the way it was supposed to be. His chest was hard against me, and for a time I was just content to stay in his arms. His lips moved down to mine and the trembling stopped. He was the rock that I needed, and I trusted him more than I trusted myself. Drake knew me.

  When he pushed me away so that he could unzip the back of my dress, my hands were shaking. I knew what came next. The night before we had been away from each other. It was the first time since we had been back together that I hadn’t had his touch. My body acted like it was craving him, and when I was bare in front of him, I could barely look at his eyes. I knew what I would find there.

  He covered my body when I lay down, and he was naked above me. I still loved to see the hard ripples in his abs and feel the harder biceps under my fingertips. I couldn’t get over the way he felt above me. He drove me crazy long before he leaned down to kiss me. His body pushed mine into the mattress, and only then was I able to catch my breath.

  His mouth was hungry, moving from my mouth, to my neck and then down the valley in between my breasts. My body started to tense, stomach tightening under his kiss as he moved his way down my body. I knew where he wanted to go, and my thighs pressed together to stop him. I was so turned on that I was already too sensitive to take that kind of thing.

  “Pease, Drake, I can’t.”

  Drake looked up at me for a moment, and when I opened my eyes I could see the need in his own. It was suffocating and intense. His hands went t
o either side of my thighs and pried them apart. Then he moved his body in between my legs. I knew then that I was not going to be able to tell him no. I never wanted to tell him no again, and it was one of those moments that he wasn’t going to allow it. While Drake was gentle with me most of the time, there was now a look on his face that was a bit much to take. There was no telling him no, and when his head moved down to disappear in between my thighs, it wasn’t long before I was screaming out his name over and over again.

  He knew when the begging was real and when I really couldn’t take anymore. As he smiled down at me, I felt his lips and barely saw him moving down to kiss me. I could feel his need pressing against me, and my own whimper as he entered me ever so slowly. It was like magic to feel him opening me wide and stretching every inch.

  My eyes slammed shut and I couldn’t watch him anymore. All I could do was feel. He was overwhelming me with everything. Each stroke in was like a release of drugs to my brain, and soon I was just as loud as I was before, begging him for more. Then it was enough, too much, and I was exploding underneath him.

  His lips silenced my moans and screams, while his hips pressed deep to fill me with his need. It was hot and burned my insides as my breath tried to slow down. Did he know what he was doing to me? When I finally opened my eyes again, he was still inside of me, staring down at me with a look of love that brought a thickness to my throat.

  “God, I love you, Erin. So much.”

  I just kind of nodded and accepted his lips against mine. My insides clenched him hard and he drove deeper, making me squeal.

  “If you keep doing that, Erin, I will not be able to stop myself.”

  I kind of smiled and squeezed him as hard as I could. He was too much, but I still wanted more. I didn’t have much sense that way when it came to Drake.

  ~The End for Now~


  William & Sons Inc. Alexa stood outside her new work and craned her neck to stare at the giant, expensive looking sign on the front of the twenty three story building. It was the home of one of the most prestigious production companies in LA, and she had finally landed a position within its walls.

  Alexa, a medium height woman with shoulder length auburn hair and deep blue eyes had spent her whole life working up to this day. She spent thousands of dollars and what seemed like endless days in university to obtain the proper schooling, and then felt like she wasted her time working with smaller companies for six years. Now, at the age of twenty nine, she was finally where she wanted to be. It wasn’t her dream position, she would rather be working directly with the film producer, but at least it was a job. She was going to be the secretarial assistant to the personal assistant of Jeremy William, one of the ‘Sons’ on the sign. From what she understood, he was the brother who found all of the movies, singers and anything else for the company to produce. The other brother, Marcus, was the actual producer, on the set. As far as she knew, their father was retired.

  Alexa realized she had been standing in the same spot, just staring up and so she shook herself. She took a deep breath, smoothed her hair, and made sure her clothes were where they needed to be. One down fall of working with the smaller companies was that when Alexa was bored, she ate. She was bored a lot. She went from being a slim size seven, to a chunky size twelve in just six years. She hated the way she looked, but she knew it didn’t change the fact that her husband John still loved her, and that she was good at what she did. Even though the job she landed wouldn’t use all of her skills, she planned to work her butt off and prove that she could be better on the set.

  She was finally ready to enter the building. She stepped forward and pushed open the big double doors. Good thing she had showed up early, her little zone out had cost her ten minutes. The lobby was busy, bustling with people. She made her way over to the reception desk and waited for the girl to be done on the phone. She could not have been very old, maybe twenty one or twenty two. She sounded like she was trying to calm someone down. Alexa stood patiently and waited. Finally the girl was done and switched her focus to Alexa.

  “What can I do for you?” She asked in a very polite voice.

  “I’m supposed to be starting my first day here. I’m Alexa Montgomery.”

  “Ah, yes. Liz is waiting for you. Go on over to the elevator and take it to the sixteenth floor. She should be waiting there for you.”

  “Thanks a lot.”

  The girl smiled warmly at Alexa and then switched focus again. She definitely had a busy job.

  Alexa crammed in to the elevator with a number of other people. All of them either talking on their cell phones or emailing on their cell phones. It made her a little bit jealous; she was hoping that would be her some day.

  The elevator stopped on almost every floor to let people out, seemed like forever before she finally reached the sixteenth floor. She could not imagine what it was like to be on the top floor. She stepped out of the elevator and looked around. The floor was full of cubicles, and all she could hear was the sound of everyone talking at once and phones ringing. She spotted a short blonde woman who she assumed was Liz. She had her back turned to Alexa so she walked up and tapped her on the shoulder.

  “Liz?” She questioned.

  “Oh!” The woman yelped, “You startled me. Yes, I’m Liz. Are you Alexa?”

  “I am.” She smiled at the woman, still holding her hand against her heart in a startled look. She was a very short woman, with curly blonde hair that had streaks of grey running through it. Her eyes were light blue and very kind, and the light crow’s feet around her eyes proved that she smiled a lot. Alexa liked her, she had already decided. She was relieved that Liz was her boss.

  “Okay, so this is the floor where all of the customer service is done. The staff room is also on this floor, let’s start there.” Liz turned and started walking.

  Alexa spent the first part of the day just getting a tour of the huge building. Liz explained what was on each floor and where she would be able to find things. Turns out, Alexa would be working on the twenty second floor with Liz. The top floor was used exclusively by Jeremy William, and he would page Liz if he needed anything at all. Alexa’s job would be to ensure that Liz had everything that she needed to be able to make sure that he had everything he needed. Her job also included paper work, phone calls and pretty much anything else that needed to be done.

  The twenty second floor was much more spaciously laid out than the cramped sixteenth floor. There were a couple of large offices; the marketing was all done on this floor, seemed like it was all very important people. That made Alexa feel a little better about the job, it wasn’t the one she wanted but at least she was on the important floor.

  Liz’s office was huge with a giant oak desk and beautiful couches and there was even a fire place. Alexa had heard that she had worked with the Williams for over 20 years, and they obviously showed their appreciation. Alexa’s office was not nearly as nice. It was a little room that was adjacent to Liz’s; it had a plain desk that was about half the size of hers and some cozy looking chairs. Alexa was happy with it, because it wasn’t her old job in her old cubicle.

  After her tour, Alexa mainly watched Liz work for the most part. She would do small errands occasionally, but mainly just watched to see what she really did. At lunch time, Jeremy paged her asking for her to get him lunch.

  “Of course, right away Mr. William.” She said to him, and to Alexa she said “let’s go, I’ll show you what Mr. William gets for lunch in case you ever need to get it for him.”

  The two women rode down on the elevator and walked to a small sandwich shop that was a couple of blocks down from the building. Liz ordered her own sandwich and the one for Mr. William. “Ham and cheese on rye, toasted, dry bread, mayo and pickle on the side please.”

  “He gets that every day?” Alexa asked Liz after she had ordered her own sandwich and they had paid.

  “Yep, it’s his favorite.” Liz smiled.

  They walked back t
o work and got back in the elevator. Liz hit the button for the twenty third floor, and up they went. Unlike every other time Alexa had been on the elevator, it didn’t stop at any other floors. They rode all the way up with no interruptions. Liz must have noticed Alexa’s confusion, because when they got off she explained.

  “The elevators are programmed so that if someone is going to the top floor, or coming down from the top floor it will automatically go there first. Mr. William isn’t very patient.” And then she laughed. “He always gets where he needs to go first.”

  Alexa didn’t say anything, she just thought about that quietly. She finally focused on where she was and was shocked. The whole top floor was made of all glass walls around the outside, it was gorgeous. They were standing in sort of a waiting room; there were some plants, some other decorations and a couple of cozy black couches. Then there was a big brown door. They walked through it together and she saw that it led directly in to Mr. William’s office. It was huge; all done in dark colors, and all the outer walls were again, glass. It really was breath taking.

  Alexa looked around a bit more and then realized that there was no one sitting at the giant dark wood desk. Just when she was about to ask, she heard a door open to her left and glanced over.

  She was in shock again. This time not by the beautiful room, but by the beautiful man who was standing in it. Compared to him, the room looked like a room in a shack. He was gorgeous. Tall, olive skin, flaming red hair and his eyes were so dark they looked like they could be black. He was sporting a scruffy beard, which was the exact color of his hair, a black dress shirt which was open at the top and a pair of nice black pants. Alexa wasn’t sure if she had ever seen a man so beautiful. She had heard he was good looking, but didn’t bother to find a picture of him. Maybe she should have, and then maybe she wouldn’t be standing in his office holding a sandwich with her jaw hanging open.


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