No Mission Is Impossible
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and hijacking of Air France Flight 139, 4
and hijacking of Sabena Airlines plane, 143-44, 145, 147, 148-49, 150-51, 152
Mount Hermon and, 216
Peace for Galilee Operation and, 241-42, 246
prisoner exchanges and, 155-61
Spring of Youth Operation and, 164-71
and Syria’s nuclear reactor, 233
War of Attrition and, 103, 105, 107, 108
Yom Kippur War and, 216
See also specific person
Second Army, Egyptian, 181, 185, 201
Sella, Aviem, 136, 226, 227, 248, 250-51, 253, 324
Seventh Brigade (IDF), 30, 32
7th Armored Brigade (IDF), 204, 207, 212, 323
71st Battalion (IDF), 92, 96, 98
77th Battalion (IDF), 92, 207
79th Battalion (IDF), 194
Sevres (France) summit, 63-66
Shaar, Gilad, 298-99
Shabak (Internal Security Service), Israeli, 143, 146, 294
Shachar, Yonatan, 86
Shafir, Elik, 232
Shafir, Herzel, 82
Shaham, Mishael, 41
Shaked, Emanuel “Mano,” 165, 166-67, 169, 172, 174
Shaldag “Kingfisher” commando unit (IAF), 234, 283, 313, 315, 316, 322
Shalev, Rami, 124
Shalit, Gilad, 293
Shalom, David, 95
Shamir, Yitzhak, 256, 314
Shani, Colonel, 19-20
Sharett, Moshe, 37, 62
Sharira, Raisa, 52
Sharon, Ariel “Arik”
and Arab Legion hostages, 40-41
Ben-Gurion and, 42, 67, 180
Black Arrow Operation and, 38, 39
“Chinese Farm” and, 193, 197, 198
Dayan (Moshe) and, 40, 67, 181
death of, 320
Defensive Shield Operation and, 279
election as prime minister of, 224
Gur and, 6, 90, 91
Har-Zion and, 42
as IDF paratrooper commander, 42, 43-46
and Israeli retreat from Gaza Strip, 286, 320
and Kadima party, 224
Karine A attack and, 271-72, 275, 276
and Lebanon, 238, 241, 245, 251, 320
and Likud party, 180, 181, 224
military promotions for, 90
Nebi Samuel attack and, 41
Peace for Galilee Operation and, 238, 241, 245
personal and professional background of, 40, 180-81, 320
personality and character of, 40, 42, 181
popularity of, 67
principles of, 72
Rabin and, 180
as revolutionizing the IDF, 41
and Sabena Airlines hijacking, 150
Sinai Campaign and, 66-72
Six Day War and, 90, 180
stroke of, 224
and terrorist operations in West Bank, 277
War of Independence and, 40
Yom Kippur War and, 180-82, 183, 184, 185, 186-88, 189, 193, 197, 198
Sharon, Gur, 181
Sharon, Lily, 181
Sharon, Margalit “Gali,” 44-45, 181
Sharon, Rita, 91
Shatila refugee camp, 238
Shayetet 13 (naval commando unit)
and Abu Jihad assassination, 259, 260, 261
Green Island raid and, 104, 105, 106, 107, 109, 111
and Karine A attack, 267, 268, 271-72, 273-74, 276
and Syrian nuclear reactor, 236
War of Attrition and, 104, 105, 106, 107, 109, 111
Shechter, Nathan, 93
Shefa, Yonatan, 310
Sheikh Hussein Bridge (Jordan): capture of Arab Legion hostages at, 40-41
Shin Bet, 261, 282, 285, 291, 321
Shomron, Dan, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 19, 20, 24, 259, 323
Shor, Avida, 167-68, 172, 173, 175
Shorek, Eli, 199
Shuvu Achim mission (IDF), 299
Siam, Iyad, 288
Siam, Said, 288
Siem, Martin, 116, 117, 119, 120
Simchoni, Uri, 204
Simhoni, Assaf, 45
Sinai Campaign
beginning of, 58, 61
Britain and, 50, 60, 62-66, 72
and downing of Ilyushin II-14 plane, 51-59
first map of, 66
France and, 50, 60, 62-66, 72
impact of, 76
Israeli “defense fund” for, 62
Kadesh Operation and, 53, 61-73
and Mitla Pass, 67-73, 91, 183, 227
Rooster Operation and, 51, 52-59
and Sevres summit, 63-66
Soviet Union and, 65
Suez Canal and, 50, 60, 61, 62-66, 72
Sinai Division (IDF), 245
Sinai Peninsula
Israeli control of, 123
and rescue of Jews from Ethiopia, 311
Six Day War and, 3, 78, 88, 89, 97, 99, 102, 180, 193
Soviets and, 134, 135-36
War of Attrition and, 103, 134, 135-36
Yom Kippur War and, 179, 180, 192-201
See also “Chinese Farm”
Sivron, Rafi, 79
Six Day War (1967)
beginning of, 72, 78, 89
cease-fire in, 97
Egypt and, 3, 77-87, 89, 92
end of, 99
Focus Operation during, 77-87, 252
and French-Israeli relations, 114
Golan Heights and, 3, 99, 102
impact of, 3
Iraq and, 78, 85
Jerusalem and, 47, 87, 88, 89-100, 102, 180, 320
Jordan and, 3, 78, 79, 82, 85, 88, 89-100
Lebanon and, 79, 85
Sinai Peninsula and, 3, 78, 88, 89, 97, 99, 102, 180, 193
Soviet equipment in, 125
Syria and, 3, 78, 79, 82, 85
United Nations and, 78, 97
West Bank and, 6, 88, 90, 99, 102
See also specific person
16th Division, Egyptian, 201
66 Battalion (IDF), 92, 93-94, 98
Snir, Asher, 136
A Soldier’s Story: The Life and Times of an Israeli War Hero (Eitan and Goldstein), 72
Solel Boneh Construction Company, 32
Solomon, Operation, 314-16, 317
Soviet Air Force, 132-38
Soviet Union
and Egypt-Czechoslovakia arms deal, 50, 62
Egyptian relations with, 50, 62, 122, 132-38
involvement in Middle East conflict of, 131, 132-38
as Iraqi weapons supplier, 133
Israeli relations with, 133-34
and Lebanon War, 252-53
Sinai Campaign and, 65
as Syrian weapons supplier, 133
U.S. relations with, 131
War of Attrition and, 132-38
Special Forces, Israeli, 257
Spector, Iftach, 136
Spring of Youth, Operation, 163-75, 259, 262
Starboat Corporation, 116, 117
Stempel, Moshe “Stempa’le,” 98-99
Stone, Mickey. See Marcus, David
Straits of Tiran
and Karine A attack, 271
Six Day War and, 78
Subotniks, 227
Jews of Ethiopia in, 309-17
U.S. aid for, 313-14
Sudanese Army, 311-12
Suez Canal
Britain and, 50, 60, 62-66, 72
Egypt nationalizes the, 50, 62-63
France and, 50, 60, 62-66, 72
Ras Gharib raid and, 123-30
Sinai Campaign and, 50, 60, 61, 62-66, 72
War of Attrition and, 122, 123-30, 132, 134
Yom Kippur War and, 174, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 185, 187, 188, 190, 191, 199
See also Green Island
suicide bombings, 277, 279
Suleiman, Muhammad, 236
Arizona Operation in, 224, 232-35
Golan Heights and, 202, 203-13
Lebanon’s relations w
ith, 247, 248-53
missiles of, 235, 247, 248-53
Mount Hermon and, 215-21
and nuclear dangers, 224, 232-35
Peace for Galilee Operation and, 245
prisoner exchanges with, 155-61
Sinai Campaign and, 53, 62
Six Day War and, 3, 78, 79, 82, 85
Soviet Union as weapons supplier to, 133
and Suleiman assassination, 236
U.S. mediation between Israel and, 252
War of Independence and, 28, 30
Yom Kippur War and, 178, 180, 202, 203-13, 215-21
Syrian Air Force, 208, 209, 247
Syrian Army, 42, 160, 207, 247
Tabak, Moshe, 114
Taharlev, Yoram, 96
Tali Unit (IDF), 17
Tannous, Rima, 140-41, 151
Tanzim terrorists, 279, 281, 284
Tawalbeh, Mahmoud, 283
Technical Services Unit, Israeli, 124
teenagers, kidnapping and murder of three West Bank, 298-99, 304
Telem, Benjamin “Bini,” 116
Temple Mount (Jerusalem): Six Day War and, 6, 98-100
Tepper, Aryeh, 30-31
and Abu Jihad assassination, 258-64, 265
Cast Lead Operation and, 287-93
Defensive Shield Operation and, 275, 277, 278-85
emergence of, 139
in Gaza, 286, 287-305
and Karine A attack, 266, 267-75
and kidnapping and murder of three teenagers in West Bank, 298-99
and Lebanon, 238, 239-46
Netanyahu’s (Bibi) comment about, 163
Peace for Galilee Operation and, 238, 239-46
Pillar of Defense Operation and, 293-98, 302
and PLO-Tunisia mission, 256, 257-65
weapons supplies for, 266, 267-76
in West Bank, 277, 278-85, 298-99
See also specific person or organization
Third Army, Egyptian, 181, 185, 188, 189
35th Brigade (IDF), 174, 196
Thunderball, Operation, 15, 16, 23. See also Entebbe
Time magazine: Amin comment in, 5
Toledo, Benyamin, 144
Tolkovsky, Dan, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58
Tron (IAF pilot), 130
and Abu Jihad assassination, 258-64, 265
PLO exile to, 256, 257-65
Tunisian Army, 259
Turkey, 235, 296, 297
28th Battalion (IDF), 92, 93, 96, 98
247th Reserve Brigade (IDF), 179, 180, 182, 183, 189-90, 323
Tzadok, Hayim, 24
Tzarfati, David, 218, 219, 221
Tzidon, Raisa Sharira, 52, 59
Tzidon, Yoash “Chatto”
baby story about, 59
and downing of Ilyushin ll-14 plane, 51-59
and Jaffar Nassim, 58-59
professional career of, 320
War of Independence and, 52
Tzimmel, Arieh “Tzidon,” 125
Tzomet party, 321
Tzur, Tzvi, 116
Tzur, Yaakov, 150
Tzuri, Yoav, 94
Uganda. See Amin, Idi; Entebbe
Ugda Mussa reservists (Israeli), 205
Umm Jihad (aka Intisar al-Wazir), 258, 259, 262, 263, 264
Unit 100 (IDF), 200
Unit 101 (IDF), 41-42, 43, 90, 320, 321
Unit 269 (IDF), 143-44
Unit 669 (IDF), 267
Unit 8200 (IDF), 132, 233. See also 515th Intelligence Service Unit (IDF)
United Nations
and Jenin refugee camp, 283
Litani Operation and, 241
and partitioning of Palestine, 28
Six Day War and, 78, 97
War of Independence and, 30, 33, 34
United Nations Human Rights Council, 292, 299
United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), 290, 301
United Nations Truce Supervision Organization, 89
United States
Arafat and, 274, 275, 276
Defensive Shield Operation and, 275, 279
Iran’s relations with, 226
and Iraq’s Osirak nuclear reactor, 231
and Iron Dome project, 305
and Israeli-Lebanon war, 252
Israeli relations with, 112, 133, 134, 226, 231, 305
and Karine A attack, 274, 275
mediation between Syria and Israel by, 252
Pillar of Defense Operation and, 297
Project Arrow and, 303
and rescue of Jews from Ethiopia, 313-14
Six Day War and, 78
and Soviet pilots with Egyptian Air Force, 133, 134
Soviet relations with, 131
Sudan aid from, 313
and Syria’s nuclear reactor, 233-34
as weapons supplier to Israel, 112, 226, 231
and weapons supplies for terrorists, 274, 275, 276
Valley of Tears, 207, 209
Vietnam War, 138
Vilnai, Matan, 19-20
Vinick, Commander (IDF), 219
War of Attrition
Egypt and, 102, 103-11, 115, 123-30, 132-38
Green Island raid and, 103-11
Ras Gharib raid and, 123-30
Sinai Peninsula and, 103, 134, 135-36
Soviet involvement in, 132-38
Suez Canal and, 122, 123-30, 132, 134
turning point in, 110
War of Independence
Arabs and, 28, 35
British in, 137
Jerusalem and, 29-36, 52, 92, 99
Jordan and, 28, 29, 183
planning during, 14
Warsaw Pact, 253
Washington Post: and Cast Lead Operation, 292
Weizman, Ezer, 58, 82, 86, 226, 227-28, 249, 321
Weizmann Institute, 144, 253
West Bank
Defensive Shield Operation in, 278-85
Iranian Revolutionary Guards in, 275
kidnapping and murder of three teenagers in, 298-99, 304
Six Day War and, 6, 88, 90, 99, 102
terrorists in, 277, 278-85, 298-99, 304
West Bank Division (IDF), 285
Whichelaw, Andrew, 168
World War II, 6, 31, 62-63, 64, 65, 110, 116, 128
Yaakobi, Dedi, 94
Yaakov, Yaakov, 45
Yaakov, Yiftah, 196
Ya’alon, Moshe “Bogie,” 189-90, 260, 262, 300, 322
Ya’ari, Yedidya “Didi,” 108, 109, 267
Yadin, Yigael, 28, 29, 30, 228
Yadlin, Amos, 228
Yaffe, Yossi, 92
Yair, Yuval “Ya Ya,” 190
Yairi, Uzi, 197, 198, 200, 258
Yamam (Israeli border guard), 258
Yariv, Aharon, 133, 143, 144, 162, 164
Yaron, Amos, 312
Yatom, Danny, 148, 150
Yemen: and Iran as weapons supplier for terrorists in Gaza, 270
Yifrach, Eyal, 298-99
Yiftach Brigade (IDF), 279, 280
Yom Kippur War (1973)
Amin and, 5
beginning of, 174, 178, 180, 193
Bravehearts Operation during, 179-90, 193
“Chinese Farm” and, 186, 191, 192-201
Egypt and, 178, 179-90, 192-201
Golan Heights and, 174, 180, 202, 203-13, 289
Mount Hermon and, 214, 215-21
Sinai Peninsula and, 179, 180, 192-201
Suez Canal and, 174, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 185, 187, 188, 190, 191, 199
Syria and, 178, 180, 202, 203-13, 215-21
traffic congestion during, 184
Yonatan, Operation, 23, 252
Yonay, Ehud, 135
Yurchenko, Nikolai (Soviet pilot), 135
Yussuf, Abu (aka Muhammad al-Najar), 165, 170
Yussuf, Maha, 170
Zamir, Meir “Tiger,” 211
Zamir, Zvi, 162, 164
Zamosh, Yoram, 92, 98-99
Ze’evi, Rehavam “Gand
hi,” 67, 142, 148, 321
Zero Visibility Squadron (IAF), 52
Zidon, Yoash “Chatto”. See Tzidon, Yoash “Chatto”
Zim (Israeli shipping company), 116, 118
Zinni, Anthony, 275
Ziv, Shaul, 165
Zohar, Ben-Zion, 84-85
Zuriel, Israel, 95
Zussman, Giora, 17, 18, 26
MICHAEL BAR-ZOHAR is a writer, public speaker, and former lawmaker. Author of many novels and nonfiction books, he was a member of the Knesset and envoy to the Council of Europe. A former adviser to General Moshe Dayan, Dr. Bar-Zohar has also served as a professor at Haifa University in Israel and at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. He is one of Israel’s foremost experts on espionage and the official biographer of David Ben-Gurion and Shimon Peres. He also wrote the biography of Isser Harel, the legendary Director of the Mossad, and coauthored The Quest for the Red Prince, which dealt with the bloody war between the Mossad and Black September. Bar-Zohar’s books have been translated into eighteen languages.
NISSIM MISHAL is one of the foremost TV personalities in Israel. After graduating with a master’s degree in political science, he joined the staff of the Israeli state television and worked as a political reporter, Washington correspondent, and, finally, its director-general. On the fiftieth and sixtieth anniversaries of Israel, Mishal published two record-selling books about the great events in Israel’s history. They were translated into English, French, Russian, and Spanish. He has also coauthored a book on two thousand years of Judaism with Professor Shlomo Ben-Ami, a former Israeli minister of foreign affairs.
Discover great authors, exclusive offers, and more at
These Are the Years: The State of Israel at 50 (Hebrew)
The History of 2000 Years of Judaism (Hebrew)
Israel at 60: The History of the State (Hebrew)
Cleared for Publication: Behind the Scenes of Israeli Television (Hebrew)
Mossad: The Greatest Missions of the Israeli Secret Service
(with Michael Bar-Zohar)
The Third Truth
The Man Who Died Twice
The Secret List
The Deadly Document
The Phantom Conspiracy
Double Cross
The Unknown Soldier
The Devil’s Spy
A Spy in Winter
Suez, Top Secret (French and Hebrew)
Ben-Gurion: The Armed Prophet
The Hunt for German Scientists
Embassies in Crisis
The Avengers
The Paratroopers’ Book (with Eitan Haber, Hebrew)
Spies in the Promised Land: Isser Harel and the Israeli Secret Service
Arrows of the Almighty
Ben-Gurion: A Biography (3 Volumes, Hebrew)
Ben-Gurion: A Biography
The Quest for the Red Prince