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Page 5

by Kathi S. Barton

  Brody nodded and took the hand that was offered. Aaron was lending him support, he told himself, but then he saw his father.

  “I can see him.” Christy welcomed him to the family. “I don’t understand. Because my dad is here, I’m now a part of what you guys have?”

  “No, because you found him.”

  Christy left them there, he and Aaron. He wanted to pull away, but he didn’t. Looking at his father, he asked Aaron if he could see him as well.

  “I can. And you look a great deal like him. Very handsome man.” Both he and Dad thanked him. “Should I leave? Leave the two of you alone to talk?”

  “No.” Brody realized how he sounded. “No, don’t leave me. I’m not sure what’s going on right now. But please stay.”

  His dad sat with them. Not really on the floor, but he was trying, he told them. Dad smiled at them both before he spoke, and it was then that Brody realized that this was real. He was actually speaking to his father.

  “How is your mother? I have to tell you, Brody, she was the light of my life. Both of you were. I miss her, but I see her with you. Runs a tight ship still, doesn’t she?” Brody laughed, and told him that she did. “You know that Jordan isn’t yours, don’t you?”

  “Yes. We had tests done. I’ve known since he was born.” Dad nodded and looked around the basement. “Please tell me that you don’t have something that you wish for me to do and will then leave me. I have missed you so much, Dad.”

  “No, not today anyway. I just asked that young woman to help me, and I never dreamed that she’d make it so I could speak to you. It’s wonderful.” Brody wiped at the tears that were streaming down his cheeks. “I’ll come to see you from time to time, son. This, you seeing and talking to me, it’s draining. But I wanted to tell you about that person you married. My goodness boy, she sure had us fooled, didn’t she? Anyway. About this thing that I know. When I was doctoring, before I retired, I had this acquaintance that told me that in order to make himself some extra money, he’d do some very nasty work on the side. He was someone that performed abortions on women who just didn’t want to have a child. Sorry state of affairs, don’t you think, when a person doesn’t want their own child? But he kept records, and he made the women give him a picture of themselves. That way, he’d have a record in the event they were abusing his help, and he’d have a record of the person and their face so that someone else couldn’t use their names. It was sordid, and I don’t remember all the details as to why he did it. I sort of broke off talking to him too much. But he’s still around.”

  “He has a picture of Brody’s wife?” Brody looked at Aaron when he asked. “I’m sorry. This is private and I should keep my mouth shut.”

  “No. Don’t do that. I don’t know what’s going on between us, and we’ll talk, but for now, I’d like you to help me process this.” Aaron nodded and Brody turned to his dad again. “This doctor—are you saying what Aaron did? That he has pictures of Rachel?”

  “Oh yes. Several of them. While I’m terrible with timelines here on this side, I saw them when I was walking around his office not too long ago. I think there were dates when the two of you were married. But I don’t know that for sure. You’ll have to look.” Brody got the address from his dad and asked him what else he wanted to do now that he could see him. “Just talk to you. That’s all I ever wanted. And your mom too, if I’m able. Christy can help me out with that if you don’t want to, but—”

  “Dad, I would love to see you and Mom talking. But I do have to warn you. She and Howie—Howard, the butler. Remember him? —they’ve sort of hooked up.” Dad laughed, and it brought to Brody a flood of memories of his dad laughing at different things. “You’re not upset?”

  “I am not. I’m glad that she moved on with her life. Howie? Never thought he’d allow himself to be called that, but then, a lot has changed since I passed on.” He told his dad that it had been Jordan’s idea. “I have to say, son, I love that boy. He’s a good one too. But you might want to talk to him about that girl who lived next door to you. She was a little too blunt for that little fella.”

  Dad left then, saying that he’d stayed well past the time that he should have. When he faded away, he and Aaron sat there for several minutes, neither of them speaking. And when they went upstairs to the main floor, Brody didn’t let go of his hand. Aaron held tightly to his as well.

  Chapter 4

  Emmi wasn’t sure what to do with this man. He was huge and she was in his home, but she didn’t feel threatened at all by him. She did feel pissed off at him. The man was forever right up her ass. When he laughed, she looked at him, glaring.

  “You have the thoughts of a murderous woman, when I know you have a heart of gold.” She asked him what he was talking about. Could he read her mind? “Nay, I cannot, love. You are my mate. I can see your face, however. It is very telling. I’d not play poker with anyone, I believe the saying goes, if I were you. You would give away all our money.”

  “I don’t have any money. Is that what this is about. You want my money?” Quincey told her that he didn’t need it, nor did she. “I’m not sure if I want to believe you or not.”

  “I can understand that.” He stood, his body mouthwateringly beautiful. “I can smell you, sweet flower. You smell of lust and need. I would love to give you relief from both.”

  “I’m married.” He stopped moving, and she was disappointed. “I mean, I think I am. That’s what the bank says about it.”

  “I don’t understand.” She said that she didn’t either, but if he sat down and behaved, she’d tell him. “You say that a great deal, for me to behave. I’m not sure you mean it, to be honest. I would love nothing more than to take you to our bed and make love to you all night.”

  “Anyway.” He laughed again, and her body heated with the sound of it. “I was at this party and something happened to me. I don’t know what. Perhaps someone slipped something into my drink. I wasn’t drunk—I don’t drink—but that’s what the police told me when I was picked up wandering the streets. I was also half naked.”

  “He did not rape you.” She shook her head, and didn’t even want to know how he came to that conclusion. “You smell beautiful, my Emmeline. And you are still a virgin. This night, why did they think you drunk? I’m sure that you are correct, you were given something.”

  “I was out, as I said. It was a celebration. All I was drinking was soda water. Not that I liked it, but it looked like an alcoholic drink, and I didn’t have to explain myself to anyone who asked. But after I finished with the second glass, I began to feel woozy and odd.” He sat down, pulling her into his lap, and with the comfort that she got from it, him simply holding her, she was able to tell him what she remembered. “I never told anyone else about this. It’s not like I had a great deal to tell, really. I still don’t remember a thing. But I have these wedding pictures. From Vegas. I’ve never flown before, either. My bills were changed. My last name was changed to Smith, of all names.”

  “How long before you woke up from the bar that night?” She told him it had been four days. “Four days of you having no memory of those days? Did anyone see if you had had your head injured? I’m thinking that they didn’t believe you.”

  “No one did. And.... I paint, you see. And I was doing really well with them up until this person, whoever he is, started taking money from my accounts. Getting charge cards in my name and charging up great amounts of money. I even got bills from Vegas, for the wedding and honeymoon suite. Even an apartment in New York. I don’t even like New York.” Quincey asked her if she was paying the debt. “Yes. I didn’t want Aaron to know what was going on. This person, he beats the hell out of me too. I never see him. It’s like I wake up in a fog and I’m banged up badly. But this last time....”

  “I can look at your memories, Emmeline. I can see if you have any hidden memories of this person that would help me find him.” Emmi looked at Qui
ncey. He said that so calmly, like that would be all he did was to find him. But she had a feeling it was so that he could kill the man. “Yes, I will kill him. Not just for harming what is mine, but also for putting this stress on you.”

  “I don’t know what to do. This last time, whoever did this to me, when I was in the hospital, the note told me that I wasn’t to hide my money from him again.” He asked her if she had the note still. Emmi went to her purse, the only thing that she had with her, and took it out and handed it to him. “I don’t know what I can do with it. Or even you, for that matter. But I put it in that plastic Baggie as soon as I read it.”

  “You’re very smart. Come here, my love. Let me see what else I can get from you. And I now have his scent. I can find him with that. But a memory of yours that perhaps might show his face would help me too.” She sat next to him on the bed and he put his hands into her hair. “You are so very tense, Emmeline.”

  Quincey massaged her scalp, and untangled her hair from the tie she had it in. It was curly, she knew, and thought that he’d get his fingers all tangled up in it. But all he did was talk to her softly, his hands doing such amazing thing to her head that she finally gave up and leaned into his chest.

  “Close your eyes, Emmeline. Close them, and allow me to search your memories.” She didn’t know what he might see, but really, Emmi realized, she didn’t care. “If you would allow me to nip at your flesh, I could find you if you should be lost to me. And we could communicate through a special link that would be all ours.”

  She didn’t care what he did to her—her body was soft and mellow. She felt her pussy heat and swell when he brushed his fingers over her breast. Quincey was seducing her. Making her want him as much as he did her. Moving slightly on his lap, she felt his cock beneath her and moaned. When he slid his fingers to her heat and slid them into her, because all she had on was his shirt, Emmi felt the scrape of his teeth over her throat just before he bit her.

  The climax was mind blowing. Every part of her body felt it. And when he cupped her breast in his hand, she wanted more, needed something that she knew only he could give her. When he turned her on his lap so that she was facing him, he held her there, not moving at all until she looked at him.

  “I have bitten you so you’re mine. But if I take you now, make love to you as we both want, we will be one. I will belong to you as much as you do me.” She nodded. “No, Emmeline. If this happens, if you wish this, you must say the words. Say the words that will bind you to me. And I will do the same.”

  The words came to her. The declaration that she would say that would make her his forever. Not a lifetime—they would live forever. And when he kissed her again, it was with savagery, need, and something that she couldn’t understand.

  “It is love.”

  She nodded, and watched him as his body became bare to her. Emmi touched her fingers to his nipple, the hardness of it making her want more. Leaning to him, his cock thick between her nether lips, she bit down on his nipple hard enough to taste his blood. The shifting of her teeth felt odd at that moment, but she looked at Quincey and knew. She was in love with him.

  “I, Emmeline Downs, will love you and only you, Quincey of my heart. I will feed you with my blood and my body. I will never hold back from you when you are in need.” Emmi traced the long scar that went from his shoulder to his navel with her tongue. His moans fueled her own need until she was in pain from it. “I will love your children should we have any, from our bodies or not. You will be safe with me. I will tell no one where you live, where you reside except when necessary. Quincey, my one and only love, you have my heart, and I will hold you there for all time.”

  Lifting her up, he brought her down on his cock. There was no pain like she’d thought there would be. Nothing hurt when he filled her with himself. But when Emmi looked into his eyes, she knew that he’d made it possible for her not to be in pain. That her first time with him would be one of memories, not of pain.

  They made love slowly. It felt like their bodies were getting to know each other. His hands touched her everywhere; the backs of her knees as he made his way up her body when he laid her out on the bed; her eyes; even her toes were suckled upon enough that she came with the sensations.

  His cock filled her again and again. There was no rush for it. They were one now, had plenty of time to see what secrets they held for each other. She was bitten too. Every time he did, she’d come just a little harder, her body humming to what he was doing to her. And when he said it was time, she offered him her neck like she’d done it a million times. The bite, this time, would have her surrendering her life to her only love.

  When she woke, she was alone in the large bed. It had to have been special made for him. Quincey was at least seven feet tall, and his feet didn’t hang off the end. Pulling the covers up over her nudity, she smiled when she saw him sitting in the dark, looking at her.

  “I thought that I’d worn you out.” Emmi told him that he had. “Good. And after you have rested sufficiently, I will wear you out again.”

  Emmi watched him, wanting him to come back to bed with her. He had something to tell her, but he was stalling. Not sure if she wanted to know or not what he was thinking, she asked him where she might find something to wear.

  “There is a closet full of anything you wish to wear.” Her heart hurt and she looked at him. “You have a look on your face that I cannot read.”

  “I don’t want to wear the castoffs of your other women.” He moved to her faster than she could see. When he had her pinned to the bed, she was afraid for a few seconds. “I’m sorry. Whatever I did, I’m sorry.”

  “You have no reason to be sorry, or afraid. I would never harm you. The clothing that I have brought here for you is yours. No one, I swear to you, no other person has been in my bed or left castoffs.” She looked away and he brought her face back to his. “I have gotten them for you and only for you. If you do not care for them, then I will see if you have the same abilities as I do. I can dress myself in anything I wish. However, I must say, having you naked like this would be something that I’d like all the time.”

  Tears filled her eyes, and she felt horrible for saying something like that to him. She had only just sort of married him, and now she was insulting him. But when he took her hand to his heart, she thought of something to put on and was happy to feel the T-shirt and jeans cover her body.

  “Alas, I guess you have the ability.” He sat up, bringing her with him. “Before I speak of this man, I must give you something. It is a token of my love for you. A wedding band, so that any humans who see you will know that you are mine.”

  The ring, if anyone could call such a piece as this only a ring, was beautiful. There was a large diamond on the top, and the wide band was made of platinum. She knew this because she’d studied jewelry for her work. When he kissed her again, gently this time, he told her what he’d been able to find out with the note the man had stupidly left her.

  “I know his face too, but that’s not important. He is a dead man, no matter how he looks. And you, my love, aren’t the only one he’s done this to. Mr. Fred Simmons, his real name, has even been to court.” She asked him why he wasn’t in jail. “I will find this out before I find him. And if I don’t, then I will know after I touch him.”

  “He’s done this to other women.” He nodded. “No, please don’t kill him. Not yet anyway. These other women, they were treated like I have been. Not knowing anything or why this happened to them. I want him to pay for this. Not just for me, but for all of them. They’ll need closure as well. Don’t you think?”

  “You are correct.”

  She noticed that he would use contractions sometimes and sometimes not. She thought it had to do with his age. But he told her, when she asked, that it was because he was working to fit in with her life. Emmi had never been so happy about anything as she was now. She wasn’t expected to fit into his life—he
wanted to fit into hers.

  “And I have seen your paintings. You are very talented. We will need to set you up with a place here to work, and bring some of your other works here. I wish to gaze upon them when you aren’t close to me.”

  “Now you’re just being sappy.” She ran when he chased her around the room. Giggling hard when he caught her, Emmi looked up at him when he took her to the floor. “You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, Quincey.”

  “And you to me, my love. You are the best that has happened to me as well.”

  She wondered about his first mate, the one she’d been told about, but now wasn’t the time to ask. Not in their bedroom. Getting up, she went to find something to eat. Suddenly Emmi was starving.


  Aaron hadn’t any idea what to do—he wasn’t gay either. But the thought of Brody touching him was making his cock hurt with need. Trying to reason with himself about what was going on, he looked up when Jake sat across from him.

  “I have a feeling that you have about ten zillion questions right now. And just to let you know, Brody is having the same conversation with Forrest that I think you and I will have.” Aaron nodded, then shook his head. “It’s all right, Aaron. You’re going to be fine.”

  “But I’m not gay.” Aaron lowered his voice this time when Jake cocked a brow at him. “I’ve never slept with anyone but a woman. I wouldn’t even know where to begin in making love to Brody.”

  “So you have thought of it.” Embarrassed that he’d let it slip, Aaron nodded at Jake. “It’s really not that much different than having sex with a woman. It’s enjoyable. And if you do it right, very satisfying. We have breasts and sexual parts. And if you’d like to know, Brody is thinking the same thing. He’s nervous as hell too.”

  Aaron got up to just move around. His body was tense with the thoughts that had been going through his head since he’d taken Brody’s hand into his. There were about a zillion questions. But to put them into any kind of order, or to simply put them together coherently, was impossible at the moment.


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