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Page 13

by Kathi S. Barton

  “Jordan, how are you?” He said he was better now. “I’m glad. Sometimes just having someone to talk to does the trick. I’m betting that your talk with Grandda was much nicer than the one that Grandma and I had. She’s a little on the mean side.”

  “But she loves you.” He said she did at that. “Grandda and Grandma are going to get married. And Grandma wants me to give her away. She told me that she could get Cam to do it, but he was going to be best man to Grandda. And Aunt Cattie is going to be her best maid. Isn’t that cool?”

  “Yes it is. And it’s maid of honor, not best maid, I think.” Jordan told him that was what Grandda wanted to call her. “Well, I think that’s a great title then. You do know that you have to wear a tux, don’t you? No jeans and T-shirts, I’m afraid.”

  “I know.” He looked crestfallen for all of a second. “But I get to dance with all the pretty aunts and stuff. Grandda said they’ll think me too handsome to just sit like a flower.”

  They were still laughing as they entered the kitchen. And standing there, literally with his hat in his hand, was Aaron. Rushing to him, Brody kissed him all over his face, telling him that he was so glad to see him. And when they sat down to breakfast, Aaron held his hand under the table and told them that it was over for him. He was done working where it took him away from the house so much. Brody felt better, like he was able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Finally.

  Chapter 10

  Aaron was sort of half listening to what everyone was saying about the last few days. It sounded to him like he should have come home earlier. But he was here now, and that was all that mattered. His boss was none too happy with him, but this was where he needed to be. Here, with his family.

  Not just for Brody either. His sister needed him as much as he needed her. They were going through a great deal, the two of them, and he didn’t know how well they’d be doing if not for the rest of them around them.

  After things were cleaned up, he and Brody went to the living room. Brody had told him that it was fast becoming his favorite part of the house. Upon entering the big room with the fire place running, he could see why. It wasn’t just a room, it seemed to be a cozy retreat.

  “It’s not really necessary for the fire to be running if you’re too warm.” Aaron said that he was fine and that he liked it. “I’ve missed you. I don’t mean because all this shit is going on. We talked enough for you to know what was happening most of the time. No, I just missed having you around. Someone that I can physically lean into.”

  “I know just what you mean.” To prove his point, Aaron pulled Brody over so that he was leaning his back into his chest. “I missed this a great deal. We were just getting used to touching each other. You know, like a loving couple.”

  “My mom told me that we should try really hard to show Jordan what a relationship is. A good one, she said. I agree with her. And Willy and Ann are tying the knot soon as well. With all this love and happiness, he’s bound to have a better view of a relationship than he had with his mom and me. Anything is better than that one, I think.”

  They laughed, then just sat quietly again. Aaron thought of being a fulltime dad to Jordan. A house husband, he thought it might be called. He also thought of the position that he had been offered at the university to come in once a month and give some lectures on saving the planet, as well as the other creatures that were around us. He told Brody his plans about being there.

  “I’d love that. And I know that Jordan would as well. Before I forget to tell you, there are papers you have to sign at the courthouse. It’s just saying that you and I are going to have shared custody of Jordan. It says because my new job is a bit more dangerous, but that’s not wholly it.” Aaron thanked Brody and kissed him on the back of the neck. “We’re not alone in the house, you know. And you make me scream like a little girl. I’m just saying.”

  The door opened then, and Mom came to the living room doorway to tell them they were all going out for a few hours. Jordan needed boots and she needed a thicker coat. As soon as the door closed behind them, he looked at Brody.

  “I’ll race you upstairs.”

  When Brody took off like a blast, Aaron sat there and laughed. Getting up, he started for the stairs to be with Brody. He felt good. Wonderful, actually, and things were coming together for them. Aaron loved his new family.

  Brody was naked when he got to the bedroom. Not just naked, but he was stone hard and sliding his hand up and down his cock. Aaron watched him, his own cock starting to thicken in his pants as he stroked his fingers over it through his pants.

  “I was wondering when you were going to get here.” Aaron took off his shirt and then reached for the buttons on his pants. Brody watched him, his eyelids getting heavier and his breaths getting shorter. “I’ve thought of nothing else but having you suck my cock while I sucked yours. It’s been all I could do to only jerk off once a day instead of all day long.”

  “I had to a couple of times as well. It was wonderful to just pull out my cock and let the cool breeze roll over it. Then when I was coming, just to be able to spray my cum all over the plants in front of me was almost too much.” Brody moaned. “We’ll have to do that when the weather turns warm again. Go out and jerk off on each other. Christ, just thinking about it has me nearly ready to run out there now.”

  “I think you’d lose your stiffness if you did it today. It’s only forty. I know that might sound warm to some, but yesterday it was eighty-four. This weather is insane.” Aaron joined him on the bed, both of them naked now and hard enough to hammer nails. “If you touch me, Aaron, I’m going to come right away.”

  It was tempting to make him come and then enjoy him all over. But he was needy too, and laid down on the bed with him. They were forever trying new things, the two of them. And they’d been watching videos about male to male sex. They were both excited to go to the next level of having sex.

  Brody moved around so that Aaron’s cock was in Brody’s face. Christ, he was trembling with the need to just ram his cock in his mouth. Instead of ending this all too soon, Aaron wrapped his hand around Brody’s cock, and nearly bit down when his own cock was in a warm wet place.

  His cock was being abused, but in such a wonderful way. He wanted to stay like he was forever, but knew that he’d die if he did. Brody was getting really good at sucking him off. And Aaron decided that he was going to show his man that he could be just as consuming.

  Taking Brody’s cock into his mouth, Aaron moaned at the taste. There were enough juices on Brody’s cock that Aaron felt like he could make a meal. As he bobbed over his lover’s cock, he kept getting sidetracked in his work when Brody would do something more, giving his balls a slight twist, his cock a squeeze when he didn’t expect it. Over and over he tortured him, so much so that Aaron kept forgetting the wonderful treat he had in front of him.

  Brody was fucking his mouth over and over. It was amazing how much thicker and longer Brody’s cock was than his own. But they both were well endowed. And Aaron was going to enjoy every inch of him.

  Moving to another position, Aaron said that he wanted to fuck Brody. When they were in position, Brody down on his hands and knees in front of him, Aaron behind him. holding his aching cock in his hand, he slowly entered Brody’s tight hole and felt sweat roll down his back, trying his best not to slam forward hard and come. Christ, this was harder than he’d thought. Only in the sense that he didn’t know if he could hold out much longer.

  “Take me. For Christ’s sake, take me before I die here.”

  That was all he needed to hear, and Aaron did what his body told him. Slamming forward, he came hard, his body jerking hard at the release. And when Brody cried out too, Aaron reached down to help him by sliding his hand over his cock using his own juices.

  Neither of them moved. Aaron wasn’t even sure that he wanted to. His hands and knees were shaking so hard that he wasn’t sure tha
t he was going to be able to move once he fell in the bed. And when he laid down, taking Brody with him, the two of them laid there trying to catch their breaths. Aaron asked him if he was all right.

  “Are you kidding? Christ, a couple of times I thought I was going to expire from the pleasure. And when you came? Aaron, I could have sworn that I could taste you in my mouth, it was so amazing.” He turned around and kissed him, and Aaron kissed him back. “Living with you, I might have to eat more calories. I think that must have burned off about a thousand. I love you, Aaron. So much.”

  After showering along with playing around in the shower, the two of them set to work. Aaron was going to do some research on the college, and Brody said that he had some paperwork that he was filling out for the job with the police.

  “I’ve decided that I’m going to take the university job.” Brody asked him what had changed his mind. “I wasn’t sure that I wanted to commit myself to anything at the moment. I mean, I would like to settle in here. Find my way around being with a family. And my whole life, I wanted to learn to cook. I can, but I mean like specialty meals that take all day to fix.”

  “Howie and Mom are getting married. Did I tell you that? Perhaps we can find us a cook that wants to work part time. Howie and my mom are going to travel some. Neither of them have done much of that before. Or do you want to take some classes first? I took a couple in college, and I rather enjoyed them.” Aaron said that’s what he was thinking. “Then do it. We have a very long time to get to do a lot of things now that we might not have had before. Take the classes. And if you are going to work at the university, your classes would be easier to get into, I would think.”

  The kitchen was just filling up with their families. Aaron had started calling Williemae Mom, and he noticed that Brody was calling Howie Dad. It was coming together, he thought. Just perfectly. The groceries were put away, and Jordan showed him the new boots he had gotten. Mom asked if they were hungry, and they were both starved. It had been a few hours since they’d eaten, and they had burned off a lot of energy. Setting up the line for everyone to make their own sandwich, Mom got out some soup that had been brought over by one of the locals to eat.

  “I never thought of the good food people would be bringing us in light of the death in the family. Perhaps we can share it with Rachel’s parents.” Mom looked at him with a sweet smile. “That was very nice of you, Aaron, to have helped them get a place of their own. And Brody, you were a good son-in-law to them by letting them furnish it with the necessities. I’m to understand they were extremely grateful for it all.”

  “Brody and I spoke a few times on the phone while I was gone, and we talked about how much they’ve lost in this as well. It was nothing for me to help Brody find a house for them to live in. It’s not huge—a couple of bedrooms—but the best part is, David has stopped drinking.” Brody winked at him as he continued. “I do think that Emmi had a little to do with that. She is learning all kinds of things with her new gifts. And keeping David from making a fool of himself nightly was a good one. For everyone.”

  Jordan volunteered to call them. Aaron was shocked. He didn’t think that Jordan’s other grandparents had a lot to do with him over the years. But when he got off the phone, he looked at Aaron.

  “I’ve decided that they need me, Dad.” Then he moved into the dining room to help his grandma set the table.

  Aaron wondered if he’d heard him right. Jordan had just called him Dad, he thought. Looking at Brody, he saw the biggest smile on his face, and he patted him on the back.

  “Welcome to fatherhood, Aaron. Ain’t it the best thing ever?”

  Aaron nodded. Christ, he was a dad. Jordan had called him Dad.

  Going into the dining room, Aaron couldn’t help it. He picked Jordan up and hugged him tightly to his body.

  “I love you too, Dad. Thank you for making my dad so happy.”

  The hug lasted for so long that Aaron didn’t want to let the little boy go. When he pulled back enough to look at him, Jordan smiled at him.

  “You make me happy too. Can I have a puppy?”


  Fred was just biding his time in the jail. Never without a plan, he was playing around with several opportunities as he sat there. The women that worked here, they’d be good candidates for his next woman. But he knew that when he left here, he was going to have to lay low or move on. And for right now, the option of moving on, he thought, was his best bet.

  The meals came and went three times a day. He’d only partake of the drinks when they were offered. It wasn’t that he wasn’t hungry—he just didn’t trust that they wouldn’t try something on him. It had happened to him before. Once when he’d been in an institution, they’d done all sorts of things to him.

  Fred remembered that time. He also remembered the person who had signed him into such a place. His mother had thought him to be a deviant, and had decided that since he couldn’t keep his dick in his pants, he would have to suffer for it. And suffer he did.

  They had started with whippings. All that had done to the sixteen-year-old boy was scar up his back until he was ashamed to remove his shirt around anyone. Then when that had no effect whatsoever, they’d tried to get into his head.

  Not only did that not work for them, but it also showed him that he was a good deal smarter than the men that were with him. The so-called doctors would be astonished with some of his questions and answers, so much so that they’d walk away shaking their heads at his brilliance. From then on they would try and trip him up. Two people would talk and the third one would be measuring his brain waves. They’d never let him see his records, but Fred didn’t need to see them to know that he had a high IQ. And he’d been using his intelligence since he’d escaped to have fun.

  But, before he could get away, his mother had them perform a nasty surgery on him, cutting into his dick until it only worked to piss out of. And sometimes, at first, he’d have to have someone catheterize him just to give him relief. Now he did it all on his own, and didn’t have to waste his time with any more fools and idiots.

  When he left here, he knew the first thing he was going to have to do was get rid of all the stash he had. The cars would have to go first, then all the collections that he’d gathered. No one would ever find them, mostly because he had them in a very special place that no one would think to look.

  When the next meal was brought to him, Fred noticed that there were two bottles of water rather than just the one. Sipping the water, telling himself it was a fine meal, he wondered about Emmi. The woman hadn’t been that beautiful when he’d first approached her. He would have made a few more trips to her home if she had been. But she’d disappeared, he remembered. And without a forwarding address.

  Laughing at his own joke, he looked up when someone said his name. Another thing to add to his list was how had someone had found out his real name. He asked the nicely dressed woman what she wanted.

  “I’m here to figure out what sort of things you wish to use to save yourself.” Fred told her that he didn’t need her services. “I’m sorry, Mr. Simmons, but I was told that under no circumstances am I to allow you to dismiss me. They are not allowing for you to call for a mistrial if things do not go your way.”

  “And they are so sure that they’re going to go their way?” The woman just stared at him. “You have the face of an attorney, I’m sorry to say. But it matters little to me how much you try and hide your thoughts. I’m capable of reading your face regardless. They think they have enough evidence to prove something, do they? It’s doubtful that this will get past the initial stages. And if it does, then it’ll only take me that much longer to get what I want.”

  “And what is that?” Fred gave her back the same look. “Ah, so you think you can pull a rabbit out of the hat, do you? It’s very doubtful that you will walk out of here a free man, from what I’ve heard. Because this is more than just criminal charges of B
&E against you. That’s why I’m to stay at your side.”

  “If the taxpayers wish to waste money on your services, which I have said I do not require, then that’s fine with me.” He stood up, stretching as he did so. “I don’t suppose you play chess, do you? It would help the time pass if you did. Do they teach women that nowadays?”

  “Yes, my brother taught me. And I do have a nice set, as a matter of fact.” She asked if she may return with it. “And while we play, I can pick your mind, if that’s all right with you. I mean, even if you don’t want me around, having more information can’t hurt anyone, can it?”

  “No. I suppose not. And when you return, young lady, I’d like to see your identification. You can’t be too careful when you’re in this sort of situation.” The woman, he didn’t remember her name right at the moment, told him that she’d be back soon. Fred sat back down on the cot and sipped the water again.

  People were playing right into his hands. The woman had said that she’d pick his brain, but it was going to be the other way around. By the time the game had stretched out as long as he could make it, giving her the illusion that she was a good player, he’d have every trick in the book that they knew. None of them, and especially this woman, was as smart as he was.

  When the woman returned she was no longer dressed in a suit, but in jeans and a pretty floral shirt. He had just finished using the commode. His groin hurt, his dick rubbed raw from the pants he had been forced to wear. But as soon as she pulled out the magnificent set, Fred would gladly have turned over the keys to his mind for a chance to play on it.

  She was pulling out the pieces—white was a polished ivory—when he realized this was better than he could have imagined. The detail was exquisite, the pieces all signed on the bottom by an artist that had been dead longer than the woman and he had been living. But when she paused before pulling out the black pieces, she started putting them away.

  “What is this? Teasing a man after showing him this lovely set?” She said that she’d forgotten her identification in her haste to return. “No, no. We’ll play. Then tomorrow, if you still wish to sit here and lose, you can bring it then. Please, lay it out for me. I wish to see it.”


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