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For the Love of Dragons [Dragon Love 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 8

by Jane Jamison

  “Pour me one while you’re at it.” Roman let out a sigh of relief his friend didn’t see. “I’ll take the first watch.”

  Dalton set two tumblers on the bar’s counter and poured a generous amount of Roman’s oldest and most expensive whiskey in each. He chuckled and lifted his glass in a mock salute. “The hell you will. It’s the old man’s turn.”

  * * * *

  Peyton walked into the restaurant feeling underdressed. Crystal chandeliers cast glints of light around the small room. White tablecloths set a backdrop for the silver candlesticks while soft music caressed her ears. Every inch of the exclusive Roman’s restaurant spoke of refinement and fine dining at its best.

  “Miss Henley?”

  The maître d’ seemed to come out of nowhere. His black suit and white shirt and tie were perfect, without even one crease marring his attire.

  “Yes?” She cleared her throat, suddenly more nervous than she’d been ten minutes earlier. “I mean, yes, that’s me.” Or is it ‘I’?

  The maître d’ didn’t let on if she’d made a mistake. Instead, he stepped to the side and gestured for her to enter. “This way, miss.”

  She smiled and tried to act as though she belonged there. It wasn’t as though she needed to be shown the way to Roman’s table. And yet, once they’d gone around a corner leading to another part of the restaurant, it wasn’t Roman who sat alone at a table. She hesitated, unsure whether to turn around or keep going.

  When Dalton saw her, he stood up, clasping his hands in front of him. “I’m glad you came.”

  She did her best to keep her composure when the maître d’ pulled out her chair and seated her. “Thank you.”

  “Should we begin, Mr. Valconai?” asked the maître d’.

  “Give us a few minutes, William.”

  William reached for the wine, but Dalton waved him away. “I’ll do the honors.”

  “Yes, sir.” With a tip of his head, he added, “Miss.”

  Dalton’s green eyes seared into her. “You look beautiful tonight.”

  “Thank you. Where’s Roman?” She struggled to find something to say, but her mind wouldn’t function correctly.

  “Roman isn’t coming.”

  “Then I’m leaving.” She started to rise, but his soft words stopped her.

  If Dalton was the one who’d sent the flowers and the invitation, then that meant she hadn’t heard from Roman all day. Her stomach did a strange tightening. Was Roman the type to get a girl into bed and then not call her the next day? She hated to think of him that way. Had he played her?

  She twisted the bracelet around her wrist. As Roman had requested, she hadn’t taken it off. If she was honest with herself, she hadn’t wanted to take it off, even for a minute.

  “Please, Peyton. Stay.”

  “Why should I? Roman never sent me the flowers and the invitation, did he? They were from you?” Was this a game the two of them played? First one, then the other came on to her. First one, then the other got her into bed? She felt foolish and stupid.

  “No, but he does know I used his name. I had to. Otherwise, you might not have come.”

  “No, I wouldn’t have.” She didn’t understand why she wasn’t leaving. Other than the fact that he looked so damn good in his suit. His thick hair begged for fingers to rake through it. His mesmerizing eyes drew her in, making promises she could never have imagined.

  Be smart. Don’t let them fuck you over.

  Literally and figuratively speaking.

  “Then the lie was worth it. I’m sorry I tricked you—” He paused then shook his head. “No. That’s another lie. I’m not sorry since it got you here.”

  She glanced down at her hands, her fingers laced tightly together. “I guess I should thank you for the flowers. Although one bouquet would’ve been more than enough.”

  The handwritten invitation with Roman’s name scrawled at the bottom of the pearl-white embossed stationery had arrived with three enormous vases filled with all kinds of flowers. Shirley had gone crazy when she’d seen them. Peyton, on the other hand, had to wonder why Roman had gone to so much trouble. A simple invitation would’ve been enough to get her to say yes to dinner. Still, a girl never complained when she received flowers.

  “I hope you liked them.”

  “Who wouldn’t? I think my friend turned green with envy.” One way or another, she’d leave with as much dignity as she could.

  His expression clouded over. “That wasn’t my intention.” His eyes sparkled with mischief. “Unless you enjoyed seeing her envious. If so, then my plan worked.”

  Handsome, rich, and witty made a seductive combination. “Why?” She picked up the wine glass then set it down.

  “Why what?”

  “Why did you want me to come to dinner?” She blurted out the question, realizing it might sound rude yet not caring.

  “I wanted to apologize for being a jerk the first time we met.” His attention jerked to her wrist then back up.

  “It’s fine. No big deal.” She glanced around at the empty room. “You didn’t have to go to all this trouble.”

  “Yes, I did.” He leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table.

  For a flash of a second, she was sure he was reaching for her. In that moment, she felt the thrill of excitement. In the next, disappointment took her. She recovered as quickly as she could. “Where are the other diners?”

  “There won’t be anyone else. I reserved the restaurant so we’d have privacy.”

  Dalton knew how to impress. Again, she tried to not show what she was thinking. “It must be nice to have the power to do that.”

  He didn’t take offence at her slight jab. “It is.”

  “Are you uncomfortable, Peyton?”

  Is it that obvious? “I’m not used to these kinds of places. As for the food…”

  “It’s too frou-frou for your tastes?”

  His grin took all her nervousness away. “I’m a simple kind of girl.”

  All at once, he was on his feet and standing next to her. “Would you like to get out of here?”

  He held out his hand, and she took it, surprising both of them. “Yes.”

  “Then we’ll go somewhere else. What’s your favorite kind of food?”

  “Are you serious? But you went to all this trouble and expense.”

  “Which doesn’t mean a damn thing if you’re not enjoying yourself. Tell me.”

  She let him pull her to her feet. “I’d kill for a juicy hamburger.”

  “With ketchup and mustard? Pickles and lettuce?”

  She shot him an incredulous look. “It’s not a hamburger without all the fixings.”

  “Would you like fries with that?”

  Again, she let him take the lead, strolling them toward the elevator. “Sure. The more, the better.”

  A few minutes later, Dalton slid her into a long, black car then walked around and got into the backseat with her. “Martin, take us to the Hamburger Factory.”

  “Sure thing, boss.”

  She couldn’t see the driver for the dark partition separating them. But she could sure as hell see Dalton as he tugged off his suit jacket then undid his tie. He toed off his shoes. His black socks had green toes. “What are you doing?”

  “Getting comfortable.”

  Leaning over, he took her leg then yanked her high heel off and dropped it to the floor. She’d grabbed hold of the door handle before she realized what he was doing. Her second shoe followed the first one.

  “Why’d you do that?” What next? Rip off my dress?

  A shiver zipped through her. Would she scream if he did? Or would she tell him to keep going?

  “Just getting you comfortable, pretty one.”

  Was getting called pretty one as nice as being called princess? Maybe.

  Dalton leaned across her. She inhaled the aroma of his aftershave. His rugged face was only a few inches from hers. If he wanted, all he had to do was turn his head and kiss her.

�We’re here.”

  “We are?” She’d forgotten where they’d been going.

  The car pulled into one of the parking spaces. People surrounded the small hamburger joint, standing around chowing down on delicious-looking burgers or occupying one of the many metal tables and chairs.

  “Come on.”

  Before she knew it, she was once again being led by Dalton. He took her up to the order window.

  “Hey, Dalton, what’s up?” An older African-American man stuck his head out the window, his grin showing more mouth than teeth.

  “Hey, Frisco. I need a couple of your Mucho-Mucho burgers with everything on them. And a shitload of fries, too, along with a couple of lemonades.”

  Peyton was barefoot in her best dress standing next to a man in dress slacks, socks, and a white shirt, and yet she felt more at home there than she had at the fancy restaurant. “I don’t like lemonade.”

  “You’ll like this lemonade.”

  She started to argue then thought better of it. “I do like your socks, though.”

  He wiggled his toes, showing off the green covering his toes. “Thanks.” He paid for their food then gave her the bag of food while he carried the large drinks. “There’s an empty table over there. Let’s grab it before someone else does.”

  They hurried over, taking the table right before a group of teenagers would’ve claimed it. Peyton laughed as Dalton, showing a rare fun side, propped his legs on the bench and proclaimed, “Sorry, it’s taken, guys.”

  The teens grumbled and sauntered away. She had no doubt they were they cussing Dalton, but Dalton just ignored them and set her drink in front of her. They were contented to eat their meal for several minutes. The silence wasn’t uncomfortable between them. Instead, it seemed to bring them closer together as they smiled between huge bites of burger and fries.

  “This is better, right?” he asked.

  “Better than Roman’s restaurant? Definitely. I guess I’m just not a fancy-place kind of girl.”

  “Nah, it’s not that at all. You’d fit in at a county hoedown or at Buckingham Palace.”

  “And you’d know because you’ve been to both?”


  So she’d been right. He was rich and important like Roman. “What is it that you do, Dalton? Aside from trying to take bracelets off women’s arms?” She’d bait him to see how he’d react.

  The quick lift and fall of his eyebrow told her he’d understood but wasn’t about to take the bait. “I own jewelry boutiques. So if anyone should have the right to take a bracelet away from a sexy woman, it’s me.”

  Touché, Dalton.

  “Are your stores in Vegas?”

  “I have many locations scattered around the world.”

  “Then why live in Vegas? I mean, it’s a great city and all, but if you could live anywhere in the world, why did you choose here?”

  “I’d prefer to live in Paris where I have a chateau. I also have a home on the Riviera, but I have other reasons for staying here. Tonight, I’m very glad I’m right where I am.”

  His green eyes grew even more intense. He had the kind of charisma that made a woman squirm in her seat. She forced herself to stop moving.

  “Are you married? Involved?” Shit. Why did I ask?

  “Not yet.”

  She took the meaning of his answer and let it sink in. If ever there was an overt hint, that was it. She should’ve left well enough alone, but she couldn’t. “So you’ve never fallen in love?”

  “Fallen in love? I thought so. Permanently, though?” He wiped his mouth and the sexy smile. “No. I’ve never found anyone who could hold my interest long. Not long enough to make a commitment.”

  So he was only looking for a fling. A heaviness took her, although she couldn’t have said why. After all, she didn’t want anything permanent. He and Roman were supposed to be fun dates and sexual partners while on vacation.

  She had to change the subject, had to get away from dangerous territory. “Do you have family?”

  “Not any longer. My parents died ages ago. I had one brother, but he was lost in the war.”

  “Oh. I’m sorry.”

  The sadness she’d felt was echoed on his face. “Don’t be. It’s been a long time since he passed.”

  “So you’re all alone in this world?” She hadn’t meant to sound glib. “You know what I mean.”

  “No. I’m not alone. I have my business associates and a few good friends.” He took her hand, surprising her. “And now I have you.”

  His touch and his words sent her mind reeling, unable to focus on anything to say. Suddenly shy, she averted her gaze. “Roman?”

  Roman strode toward them. A wide gaze was plastered on his face as his attention settled on her then jerked to Dalton and back again. “Hi, guys. How are the burgers?”

  “What are you doing here?”

  She hadn’t expected Dalton to welcome Roman with open arms, but she hadn’t expected him to sound as though he’d like to bite off Roman’s head more than he’d like to bite into a burger. She countered his bad attitude. “Would you like to join us, Roman? I’ll share my fries with you.”

  “Can’t turn her down, can I, old man?”

  Old man? Dalton wasn’t much older than Roman. She did her best to hide a giggle, but a little still got away from her. She scooted over, making room for him next to her, but he sat down next to Dalton instead.

  Dalton glared at him. “I’ll ask you again. What are you doing here?”

  “I just happened to be passing by—”

  “Sure you were,” groused Dalton.

  Roman didn’t miss a beat. “Anyway, I saw Peyton. I had no choice then but to stop by and say hello.” He sent her a wonderfully charming smile. “Hi, Peyton.”

  Roman was playing with Dalton and with her, but she didn’t mind one damn bit. Having two men vying for her attention was more than thrilling. It was something she’d never experienced. “Hi, again, Roman.”

  “Okay, now that you’ve said hi, you can get going.” Dalton bumped against Roman, urging him to leave.

  “Those burgers look really good.”

  She took Roman’s opening and ran with it. “They are. Here. Have a bite of mine.” She used a plastic knife to cut a portion of her burger off then handed it to him.

  He took it, sinking his teeth into a big bite. “You’re right. This is amazing.”

  She couldn’t help it. She was turned on by having two hot men. What would it be like to have both of them in bed at the same time? Would they go along with the idea if she suggested it? Did she have enough nerve to ask?

  They were perfect men. Men in their prime. Successful, sexy men who were passionate about their lives, their businesses, and maybe even her.


  Her phone beeped, and although she hated it whenever a date checked their phone, she couldn’t resist. The text was from Shirley.

  Are you having fun? Are you in bed yet?

  She glanced up then started texting back.

  Roman is here!

  With you and Dalton?

  Yes! Gotta go.

  Tell me the juicy stuff later.

  She put her phone away, determined not to pick it up again.

  Dalton twisted toward Roman. “Leave. Now. This is my time with her.”

  “So how well do you two know each other?”

  “We’ve run into each other a few times.” Roman slapped his arm around Dalton’s shoulders. Dalton’s sneer grew, but he didn’t try to get out of Roman’s hold.

  “Do you do business together? Or are you in the same club like a Rotary Club?”

  “You could say it’s kind of a club. Although Dalton’s in a different chapter. We don’t attend the same meetings.”

  Something didn’t seem right. Roman was giving her information, but it felt as if the information was still guarded, twisted.

  She rested her chin on her hand and studied them. “Are you friends?”

  “Yes,” answere
d Roman.

  “No,” said Dalton.

  “Either you are or you’re not.”

  “We’re not.” Dalton swallowed the last bite of his burger.

  Roman placed a palm over his heart. “I’m hurt, old man. Here I thought we were getting along so well.”

  “Not when you come horning in on my time.”

  His time? “What do you mean ‘your time’?” When they glanced at each other, she was positive they weren’t telling her everything.


  “I hope you have a better poker face when you’re at the gaming tables, Dalton.”

  Roman chuckled. “She’s got you there.”

  “And you. Don’t think you’re in the clear, either. You two definitely know each other better than you’re letting on.”

  Neither one of them tried to deny it.

  “Are you guys playing me? Is this a kind of game you do with gullible tourists?” She pointed a finger at Dalton. “Are you trying to get me into bed, too?”

  “Too, huh? So you did sleep with him?”

  At first, she was too stunned to react. Soon enough, however, the anger flashed alive inside her. “What gives you the right to ask?”

  “Back off, Dalton.” Roman’s lighthearted mood was gone.

  “Don’t you start, either.” She stood, bringing them to their feet, too. “I don’t know what’s going on, but I don’t like it. Here.” She held out her arm toward Roman. “Take your bracelet back.”

  “Do it, Roman,” urged Dalton.

  Reluctantly, Roman took hold of her arm and started to twist the bracelet around her wrist. He made three turns before he stopped.

  “I don’t understand.” He wasn’t upset. Instead, he appeared to be more confused than anything else.

  She’d had her fill and wasn’t about to let either of them change her mind. “Whatever. If you don’t want it back, then fine. I’ll keep it as payment for screwing me around.”

  Shit. I didn’t mean it that way.

  They both gave her the same “uh-oh” look but were smart enough to keep their mouths shut. She fought to keep her anger in control.

  “Baby, it’s not what you think.”

  Dalton nodded, suddenly on Roman’s side. “We’re not playing you. Let us explain.”


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