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Page 19

by Ola Wegner

  Elizabeth shook her head.

  “Does it make them happy?”

  She shook her head again.

  “You see.” Madeline started walking. “One more thing, Lizzy. I know how important your father is to you, but now your first loyalty should be to your husband. He is your family now.”

  Elizabeth sighed heavily. “I know that. But it is hard to change one’s attitudes in the course of a couple of days.”

  “Do not worry. It will come naturally with time.” Madeline assured her. “In a few years, when you bear several of his children, he will be your entire world. You shall see.”


  Elizabeth knocked softly at the door to her husband’s study. Nobody answered, so she knocked again, harder.

  “Enter.” Darcy’s voice was heard.

  She took a deep breath and entered.

  “William,…” she started hesitantly. He was sitting behind his desk, looking imposing and distant.

  She lowered her eyes but heard him moving out of his place.

  “Me too,” he whispered into her ear.

  With relief, she wrapped her hands around his neck. “I hate disagreeing with you,” she admitted.

  Darcy hugged her tightly and picked her up so her feet dangled in the air. “God, how I love you.” he murmured.

  He put her gently on the floor and walked to the door, locking it.

  Elizabeth gave him a curious look, her eyebrows raised. “You want to talk?” she asked innocently.

  “Yes. Later,” he said, taking her hand into his and leading both of them to the sofa. He sat down, and in one swift movement he pulled her on his lap.

  “What are you…,” she started speaking but was not given the opportunity to finish because her lips were closed with his.

  She relaxed under the sweet pressure of his kiss and returned the embrace. However, very soon, she became aware of his hand tugging insistently at the small buttons at the back of her dress. She closed her eyes and dipped her head into his neck, letting him push the top of her dress to her waist. The next moment, she realized he freed her from her stays, which were thrown dismissively onto the floor.

  “Open your eyes,” Darcy ordered softly.

  She did and watched as he lowered his head slowly. His mouth closed around one wide pink nipple and started to suckle.

  Her eyes rolled to the back of her head. “Oh, William… oh…” she whispered throatily, her small hands clenching on his shoulders. “It feels so… so nice.”

  Darcy smiled. “You are so pretty,” he murmured quietly before turning his attention to the other small breast.

  Elizabeth closed her eyes and started to breathe unevenly, letting out small, short gasps. When he ceased the attentions to her breasts, she cried out in raw disappointment. “No!” She opened her eyes. “Why have you stopped?” she demanded.

  He laughed. “I am a little too overdressed for this,” he noted with amusement, pushing her gently off his lap. “Let me at least remove my coat before we resume.”

  His expression indicated utter surprise when she all but jumped at him, small hands tugging impatiently at his clothes, as if trying to remove all of his outfit at once.

  Darcy chuckled. “Easy.” He pushed her gently away from him. “I think we will achieve better results if I do it by myself.” He stood up and started undressing, first removing his coat and next untying the complicated knots on his neck cloth.

  Elizabeth watched him with curious, wide eyes. When she caught the first glimpse of his naked neck, she reached for his hand energetically, making him sit next to her again. Then she unceremoniously climbed back on his lap, astride, and started kissing his neck.

  Darcy relaxed for a moment under the assault with a blissful smile gracing his countenance, indicating that at this moment he considered himself the luckiest of men. As Elizabeth seemed to have successfully attached herself to his neck, his hands were free, and soon wandered under the layers of skirts and petticoats.

  He began stroking her smooth, bare bottom when she gradually switched from nibbling at his jaw to kissing his mouth. Very slowly, his right hand moved from one firm globe to the cleft between them.

  “Ah…” Elizabeth’s voice caught into her throat and her eyes popped out when his long index finger touch her already moist feminine flesh.

  His eyes were focused on her flushed face as he began stroking her. His efforts proved to be successful, and soon a loud moan escaped her.

  “Be quiet.” his free hand clasped over her mouth. “Hide your face in my neck if you must.”

  She did as she was told and stayed relatively silent, her moans muffled against his shoulder. Darcy continued his touching, combined with soothing stroking of her naked back.

  It did not take long before she first stiffened, then trembled, and eventually relaxed, slumping in his arms.

  They did not speak for a while. Darcy cradled her to him, kissing her hair from time to time. It was Elizabeth who voiced herself first.

  “You are very accomplished,” she murmured.

  Darcy chuckled and very gently pushed her off him, helping her to stand on her own still rather wobbly feet. He bent and picked up her stays, wordlessly helping her into them.

  “I am afraid you must hurry, my love,” he said, pushing Elizabeth’s hands into the short sleeves of her dress. “I have not had the opportunity to tell you as I was distracted by other matters,” he cleared his throat, winking at her, “but my cousin, Colonel Fitzwilliam, invited himself for dinner tonight when I met him this morning.”

  Elizabeth seemed not to comprehend and kept staring at him numbly with a gentle smile on her swollen lips.

  “It means that he should be here any moment.” Darcy added.

  This sobered her. She lifted her hands to her flushed face. “I must look a fright!” she exclaimed, feeling her cheeks being still hot.

  Darcy shook his head with smile. “You look lovely, as if you just crawled out of my bed.”

  “That is not funny.” she cried, checking with her hands the state of her crumpled gown and dishevelled curls. “What will he think of me? I must change this dress and ask the maid to redo my hair.”

  Darcy brought her to him for the last short kiss before unlocking the door and pushing her gently out of his study.

  Despite Elizabeth’s efforts to make herself presentable, Colonel Fitzwilliam had no trouble to vividly imagine what his cousin and his wife had done earlier in the afternoon. Mrs. Darcy’s hair might have been freshly coiffed, and her elegant, white gown perfectly ironed, but her swollen lips and the red marks on her delicate neck spoke for themselves. Moreover, Darcy arrogantly pushed up his chest with every glance at his wife. It was also quite enough for her to catch a glimpse of his hand resting on the tablecloth, and a lovely, intense blush spread charmingly from the top of her forehead down to the lace decorating her dress.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “It was a very pleasant evening,” Elizabeth said, when they were slowly ascending the stairs.

  Colonel Fitzwilliam had bid his goodnight and left their company about an hour ago. Soon after, Georgiana excused herself as well and went upstairs to her rooms. Darcy and Elizabeth had sat alone in the music room for some time.. He had asked her to play for him, but she had been too distracted to do that properly. Her fingers stumbled over the keys far too many times. It was hard to concentrate when her husband stared at her like that. He sat on the sofa opposite her, and she could literally feel his gaze on her skin. She had managed to finish the song and proposed to end the evening and retire.

  “Yes, it was,” Darcy agreed. She trembled when his arm wrapped around her waist. She looked around consciously, making certain no servant was around to see them.

  “Your cousin is very good company,” she noted.

  Darcy brought her closer and kissed the top of her head as they walked towards their rooms. “He can be very intimidating when he wants.”

  Elizabeth gave him an unbelieving look.
br />   “He can really be,” Darcy tried to convince her with a smile. He opened the door for her and ushered her inside. “Trust me on this. It is a part of his training as a Fitzwilliam, I believe.”

  “It is so difficult to imagine,” Elizabeth said slowly as she walked after Darcy through the private sitting room to their bedroom. “He has always been so amiable when in company.”

  “In your company,” Darcy corrected. “He likes you. He cared enough to make an effort.”

  He closed the bedroom door after them with a quiet click and walked to the four poster bed. He sat on the edge of it, his eyes focused on her. Elizabeth stood uncertainly in the middle of the chamber. After a moment, she slowly began to remove her hairpins with.

  “You need your own vanity in here,” Darcy remarked when she put the hairpins on the smooth surface of a small, richly incrusted writing desk, “I should have thought about it earlier,” he murmured as he stood up and walked to her, “We will go tomorrow and order some nice piece for you. Perhaps to Sheraton’s?”

  Elizabeth’s eyes widened involuntarily upon hearing the name of one of the most fashionable furniture makers in the town. Lady Lucas had a small cabinet from his shop, and it was widely admired by the entire neighbourhood. She was even afraid to think how much it would cost to have a vanity made by Sheraton.

  Darcy reached for her and pulled her closer to the bed. His hands arranged her long hair around her shoulders.

  “I love you hair.”

  She smiled in acknowledgment of the compliment.

  He brought her to him completely, so she stood between his legs. His large hands wrapped around her slender wrists. He lifted her hands to his mouth and kissed them.

  “I have not seen my maid anywhere,” she whispered.

  Darcy looked straight into her eyes. “I have informed my valet we would not need their assistance this evening.”

  She held his gaze for a moment before she very gently removed her hands from his. Without breaking eye contact, her hands went to the back of her dress. Soon the fine material of her best evening gown pooled at her feet. She bent, picked it up, smoothed it and placed it neatly on the chair.

  She turned with her back to him. “Help me?” she pointed with her eyes to her stays.

  Darcy moved her hair to one side, and his lips sucked at her neck. His fingers were quickly busy unhooking the clasps of her corset. Soon the restricting garment was taken off her.

  She felt his nimble fingers at her waist, and in no time her petticoats joined the rest of her clothing on the heap on the nearby chair.

  She let out a surprised gasp when he effortlessly lifted her into his arms, walked a few steps to the bed and deposited her on it gently.

  Elizabeth sat dazed on the still-drawn bed covers for a moment, but her attention was promptly engaged by the sight of her hastily undressing husband.

  When his upper body was entirely bare, she forced herself to avert her eyes. She concentrated on removing her own shoes and stockings. All she had on herself was a short chemise, reaching only to the middle of her thighs. She felt his eyes on her back as she turned to pull back the bed covers and move under them.

  Her eyes widened to the size of saucers, she was sure, when she lay back, and her eyes caught the sight of her naked husband standing next to the bed.

  She did not have a chance to take a longer look at his manly parts because all too quickly, he joined her under the covers.

  “Oh, sweetheart,” he murmured thickly and pinned her to the bed with his weight.

  At first Elizabeth supported her hands protectively on his arms as he kissed her neck. She felt a bit overwhelmed with his ferocity and passionate response. Slowly she relaxed enough to enjoy his attentions. Her hands went to his cheeks, and she brought his face to hers for a kiss.

  Their lips danced for a moment, but soon Darcy moved lower and started to tug at the rest of her clothing. Her chemise was disposed of swiftly, and from the corner of her eye, she saw it flying over their heads to land on the floor beside the bed.

  His head again dipped lower, and the next thing she felt was the sensation of his warm, moist lips closing around the tip of her breast. She moaned, pushed her chest forward, and moved her hand into his curls.

  His kisses and suckling on her tender peaks brought her pleasure she had neither known nor imagined, but soon she noticed a pattern in his administration. He would begin a new form of touch or caress and then seemed to wait for her response to determine the success of his efforts. She realized that he was learning her and what she liked.

  Darcy kissed back the path from the tip of her breast to her mouth and brought her tightly to him, so they lay sideways.

  His tongued slid gently into her mouth, and while his left hand kept her close to him, the right one moved down between their bodies.

  She gasped when he touched her like he had in his study earlier that day. Again this sweet pressure began to rapidly build inside her. It was similar to what she had felt sometimes before her marriage while having a bath and cleaning her private parts. She had discovered quite early in her life that rubbing a rough washcloth in a certain way against the flesh between her legs could bring the most delightful sensations. She was a bit ashamed of it and had never shared her secret with anyone, even Jane. However, she was sure that she would never again need to do that because her husband’s ministrations felt incomparably better than her own feeble attempts.

  In no time, she surrendered herself to the sweetest pleasure and went limp in his arms. On coming to herself, she felt her fingers having been wrapped around something thick, firm and hot. She squeezed it without a second thought, eliciting the immediate groan from William.

  She looked down and pulled her hand back immediately, but William caught her by the wrist and put her hand again on his manhood.

  Elizabeth hesitated, not knowing what to do, and looked up at him. He shifted onto his back and closed his eyes. She hesitated for a moment longer and then gently petted this part of him. It moved up. She felt like giggling, but she contained herself. She did not want to offend and humiliate him. Her fingers wrapped around his manhood, and she began stroking it. He had to like it, for his hips began to move up and he groaned a few times.

  Soon she learned that what he liked the most was pulling at the thing from the base rather than squeezing it. He took her by surprise when he removed her hand decidedly and pushed her onto her back. He threw the covers away and kneeled in front of her.

  Elizabeth swallowed. He looked huge and imposing between her legs. His gaze focused entirely on her private place.

  He started touching her again with his fingers before he took his manhood in his hand and directed the tip so it touched her flesh. He rubbed against her for a while. Elizabeth felt that, once again, the sweet pressure was building inside her. Just as she was about to surrender to it, he stopped.

  Elizabeth’s eyes opened. He moved her thighs further apart and combed away the clipped curls she had down there.

  He took a deep breath, and she felt as he pressed his manhood against her. Her body accommodated him, and the tip pushed inside her. The sensation was as if she was stretched a bit, but it did not feel at all bad.

  His powerful frame moved forward, and he covered her carefully with his body, his weight supported on one arm.

  He started a slow, lazy kiss, and as his tongue invaded her mouth, his manhood pushed inside her.

  She cried in pain, but it was muffled with his mouth. She tore her lips from his and averted her face to the side.

  “Have I hurt you?” he panted over her.

  She did not answer at first. She wanted to calm her breathing and do something to make the pain go away.

  “Elizabeth,” he cradled her face, so she had to look at him, “Am I hurting you that much?” he sounded terrified.

  She shook her head, “It is just uncomfortable.”

  She was lying to him, but she did not want to disappoint him. To tell the truth, what she wanted mos
t was for him to finish with it and get off her.

  She managed a tiny smile. “I am fine.”

  He groaned like he was in pain too and dropped more heavily onto her. He started moving slowly and carefully, his face buried into her neck. The pain was gone now, but still it was very uncomfortable and felt impossibly tight.

  Before long, his movements became faster, and he seemed to become lost in his desire. His eyes were closed, the sweat dripped from his back and brow, and he kept panting her name into her ear as he surged into her again and again.

  It did not take long before he dropped on her and stopped any kind of movement. His manhood was still in her, but even she could feel it shrinking.

  After a moment, Elizabeth tried to shift under him because he was heavy.

  “Forgive me.” he murmured and slipped carefully out of her, moving onto his back.

  Elizabeth pulled the covers over both of them and shifted onto her side. She felt terribly sore between her legs, and her lower back was tense.

  He lay next to her, staring at the canopy. He did not look at her.

  She snuggled closer to him. He did not respond. She moved closer again and dipped her face into his neck.

  “What is wrong?” she looked up at him.

  He sighed and then pulled her tightly to himself. “I am so sorry, sweetheart,” he whispered as he kissed her hair, “I will make up it to you… next time.”

  “Shush,” she interrupted him, her finger on his lips, “Nothing wrong happened,” she whispered back.

  He shifted her on her back, and loomed over her. “Are you all right?”

  She cupped his face. “William, do not do it,” she pleaded, “Do not agonize yourself. You did nothing wrong,” her eyes sparkled, “And as your aunt wisely pointed out, all we need to do is to practice more,” she grinned at him.


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