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Mafia Queen (The Manning Sisters #1)

Page 12

by Christina Escue

  “I know Lis won’t. Plus, the dress she’s picked out for tomorrow wouldn’t allow it. Also, we will be with them the entire time we are at the church. We will keep them safe, James. Don’t doubt your ability to do whatever it takes to keep Rachel safe.”

  “I can’t lose her,” James said in a defeated voice. “I don’t even have her, but I do know that my world would shatter if she wasn’t part of it.”

  “James, trust our men and women to do their jobs. I can’t promise that nothing will happen, but I can promise that if something does we will all face it together. We can’t keep them safe if we’re doubting ourselves and our team.”

  “I know,” James murmured and Dakota sighed.

  “I talked to Chakravarthy and he is tripling his security detail. He will have at least two highly trained assassins with him tomorrow. His people are looking for Aaran Nadas, too. He received a threat yesterday that he is not taking lightly. He’s our biggest ally at the moment and we have to trust him to help us if the situation calls for it.”

  “Do you really trust any of them with Lis?” James asked skeptically.

  “Fuck no, but we have to in this instance. We have to have people we can count on and I believe Chakravarthy is the only one we really can. He’s the only one who feels as threatened by the Nadas and Morrison alliance as we do.”

  “Do you really see them as a threat?” Lis asked as she walked into the office. “Sorry, I wasn’t meaning to eavesdrop. I was coming to tell you that dinner was ready.”

  “I do see them as a threat, albeit a minor one, but still a threat. I think if they’re given the chance they will take out as many families as possible and try to take over their territories. I don’t think they will be given that chance though. I think we will succeed in stopping them before it comes to that.”

  “Okay,” Lis said and smiled. “I trust you both to do whatever is necessary to protect the family, but you have to trust Rachel and I to help. We are all in this together.”

  Dakota and James looked at each other for a second before they nodded their agreement. Lis smiled and walked out of the office without saying another word and they followed her to the kitchen where dinner was already on the table.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  “Dakota, Rachel is a worried as James is that something will happen tomorrow,” Lis told him as she laid out her things for the next day.

  “And you’re not?” He asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “Not really. I have a feeling something is going to happen, but I’m not letting myself worry about it too much. Why worry about what we can’t change?”

  “You are an exceptional woman. Most people I know worry about things they can’t change all the time.”

  “I’m not exceptional as much as I’m logical. Believe me if I thought worrying would make a difference I would be, but I know all it will do is distract me from the task at hand and in this business, distractions will get you killed quickly.”

  “You’re right there,” Dakota agreed and sighed. “You ready for bed?”

  “I am,” she said with a grin. “But I’m not ready for sleep.”

  “Oh?” He questioned with a raised eyebrow and lopsided grin. “What are you ready for?”

  “This,” she told him then pushed him to the bed. When she straddled him wearing nothing but her white bra and panties he grew hard instantly.

  “You are beautiful,” he told her as she leaned over him and started nibbling on his chest.

  “And you are sexy, but I think we’ve talked enough,” she told him and scraped her fingernails down his arms. Her long, dark hair fell in a curtain around their faces as she leaned down and locked her lips on his. The kiss, erotic and deep, started a downward spiral in his control.

  When she pulled his bottom lip between her teeth and gently bit his control snapped. He grabbed her hips and flipped them over, positioning her under him as her back hit the mattress. Within a few seconds he disposed of what little clothing she was wearing and was buried deep inside of her.

  Their cries of ecstasy bounced off the walls as he drove into her over and over again, hard and deep. Her nails scraped down his back as she started shaking under him. The intensity of her orgasm pulled him over the edge with her.

  When he collapsed beside her he pulled her into his arms and held her close. “That was incredible.”

  “Mmmhmm,” she agreed, unable to form words.

  “You okay, love?” He asked as he inhaled her scent and sighed.

  “Mmmhmm,” she answered again and he chuckled.

  “Ready for sleep now?”

  Instead of responding, she turned in his arms and spooned against him, causing him to chuckle again. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

  “Night, Dakota,” she said sleepily. “Love you.”

  “I love you, too, Lis,” he told her as he slipped into a deep sleep.


  “Dakota, we need to get up,” Lis woke him with a shake, the fear in her voice pulling him from sleep.

  “What’s going on?” He asked just before he heard the noises outside. “What is that?”

  “I don’t know, but something is going on outside and we need to find out what.”

  Dakota grabbed his jeans off the chair and slipped them on as Lis pulled on her own jeans and t-shirt. They slid their feet into shoes and grabbed their guns from the night stand before they headed down stairs. They met James and Rachel in the entrance hall and the four of them looked at each other for a moment before Dakota peeked out the front window.

  “Fuck, we have a problem. Morrison’s men are out there and it looks like they have Shai O’Neill with them. At least we know she isn’t dead. My question is, was she kidnapped or are the O’Neill sisters working with Morrison?”

  “That is the question, isn’t it?” Ashleigh O’Neill asked from behind them. When they turned around they looked into the eyes of a mad woman.

  “You lying bitch,” Lis spat and leveled her gun at Ashleigh. “I should just kill you right now and avenge my parents.”

  “Tsk, tsk, princess. I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” Ashleigh said and grinned. “You see that guy standing beside Shai? If you don’t know who he is, you really need to.”

  “Aaran Nadas,” Dakota whispered and looked at James.

  “Ten points, Mr. Jackson. That is Aaran Nadas, who is also my brother-in-law. When the Nadas family fell to Chakravarthy Aaran was away at college and wasn’t taken down with the rest of them. When he came home for the funerals he and his sister teamed up and devised a plan to take down all the families who had a part in eliminating their family. The Manning’s are just one step in their road to revenge. As soon as you four are gone, Aaran will control your territories and Shai will be his queen. Now, enough talk. It’s time for you to go meet the man who will personally kill you all.”

  “If their goal is to take down the families who had a part in eliminating their family, why are they teamed with Morrison? Easton was in agreement with Chakravarthy and played more of a part in the Nadas’ downfall than we did,” Lis told Ashleigh, causing her to stop in her tracks.

  “You’re lying,” Ashleigh said after a moment.

  “Am I? Are you sure? I would hate for Aaran to ally himself with someone who wanted his family gone,” Lis said and tilted her head. “What if I’m not? What are you and your sister going to do if Morrison decides he no longer needs his little pawn and takes Aaran out? You said he’s your brother-in-law, correct? That means he and Shai are married. Do they have any kids? If so, then you need to think carefully about what I’m saying. If I’m not lying, then you are setting Aaran, Shai, yourself, and what kids they may have up to fall at Morrison’s hands. Mike is ruthless and will kill someone for looking at him wrong. Is that a chance you’re willing to take with your family?”

  “I don’t believe you,” Ashleigh said, but didn’t move any closer to them.

  “Fine, believe whatever you want, but when your family is wiped completely
out you won’t have anyone to blame but yourself this time,” Lis told her and grinned.

  Before Ashleigh could respond, Schaffler came up behind her and held a gun to her head. “Move one finger and I will put a bullet in your head, bitch” he warned.

  “Fuck,” Ashleigh breathed out and dropped her hands to her sides.

  Schaffler nudged her forward with his gun and smiled when he reached Dakota. “Sir, I know you told me I was off duty until I was feeling better, but I heard the commotion and had to check it out.”

  “I’m glad you did, Schaffler.” Dakota told him and smiled.

  “Schaffler, let’s open the door a little and send her out,” James said and Schaffler nodded.

  “Time to go,” he said as he opened the door a crack and pushed her out. As soon as she was through the small opening, he shut the door back and Dakota reset the alarm.

  “Now for some fun,” Lis said and hit the panic button on the alarm panel. “Schaffler, get your wife and daughter, we’re going to the panic room and letting the cops sort this out.”

  Before they could take two steps, a shot rang out and something thudded into the door. Dakota didn’t take time to wonder what it was as he pushed Lis toward the panic room. Once everyone was inside and he shut the door his cell phone started ringing.

  Chapter Thirty

  “Jackson,” Dakota answered without hesitation.

  “Mr. Jackson, this is Kinsey with Guardian Security. I am calling because your panic mode was activated and we need to know if we should alert the police.”

  “Yes, there are people around the house and I think someone just got shot,” Dakota told her in a voice that left no room for questions.

  “Yes, sir,” she said and disconnected the call.

  “Police are on the way,” he told them and looked at Lis. “I think Ashleigh may be dead.”

  “Yeah, I’m pretty sure she is,” Lis said and shuddered. “She may have been a traitor, but I didn’t wish her dead.”

  “Lis, she held a gun on us and was going to take us outside to our deaths. She would have killed you without hesitation,” Rachel told her and sighed.

  “I don’t think she would have. She was hesitant after I told her Morrison had a part in taking down the Nadas family. Didn’t you see her starting to lower her gun?”

  “I did, but that doesn’t mean she wouldn’t have decided to follow through with what Aaran wanted anyway,” Dakota told her and wrapped his arms around her. “I wouldn’t have killed her either, and I’m sure Aaran and Shai didn’t have any part in it. Just as I’m sure Morrison’s men will be gone before the police get here.” As soon as the words left his mouth the alarm started going off. “Guess I was wrong.”

  “Why would they try to get in the house?” Rachel asked and James looked at her.

  “Because they think they have all the access codes. What they don’t know is everything was changed yesterday after Kiwa got in,” he told them all and Rachel nodded.

  “Who changed them?” Lis asked.

  “David’s company,” Dakota answered and sighed. “We should have used his company to begin with.”

  “Why didn’t you?” Schaffler asked.

  “Because I put my trust in the wrong person and it almost got Lis killed. Good thing my girl is a kick ass fighter,” Dakota answered and pulled her tightly against him. “I will never make a mistake like that again. You are too important to me, and everyone in this room, for your life to be put in danger.”

  “Dakota, I told you before that I can take care of myself and I believe I have proven that on several occasions already. Don’t worry so much,” Lis told him and smiled.

  “Impossible,” he responded and kissed the top of her head.

  Lis chuckled a little at his words then tensed when what sounded like bullets pounded into the panic room door. “Well, we know they made it inside.”

  “They won’t make it in here though,” James assured her, but looked slightly concerned.

  “I know. That door is not going to be penetrated by bullets. I’m not scared of them getting in here, but there is a lot they could do to the house while inside,” Lis said and Dakota shrugged.

  “Whatever they do can be fixed,” he told her and she shook her head.

  “Dakota, after the memorial I think we should build a new place. I think we should find a large piece of land and start fresh. This house and the land around it has been compromised too many times and I just don’t feel comfortable here anymore.’

  “If that’s what you and Rachel want then that’s what we will do. We will start looking tonight after the memorial,” Dakota assured her.

  “Sounds perfect,” Rachel told them and they all smiled. “I think a new start in a new place is just what we need to feel like we truly are rebuilding the family. I also think it’s the one thing mom and dad would have wanted us to do. I do have one request though.”

  “What’s that, sis?” Lis asked.

  “I want David to be the new head of security. I know he has his company to run, but we would pay him well to monitor everything and make sure all the background checks are done properly on anyone we hire. Also, I want to bring Dakota’s friend Lee in as second in command once he gets out of jail.”

  “Sounds good to me,” Dakota agreed and Lis nodded.

  “Me, too,” she told them. Before anyone could say anything else Dakota’s cell phone started ringing again.

  He pulled it from his pocket and checked the screen. “It’s detective Ballard. Looks like the cavalry has arrived.”

  “And not a moment too soon,” Lis said as more bullets struck the panic room door. “I hope the police are ready for a shootout.”

  Dakota nodded as he answered his phone, “Jackson.”

  “Jackson, this is Ballard. We are here. What’s the situation?”

  “At the moment we are in the panic room and they are in the house trying to shoot through the door. There is at least one-person dead in front of the house.”

  “So they’re armed and firing, got it,” Ballard said and Dakota heard him yell to the police officers with him. “They’re armed and dangerous, proceed with caution.” When Ballard returned to the phone he told Dakota, “Sit tight, we are entering the house now. I’ll call you when it’s safe to exit the panic room.”

  Dakota didn’t have a chance to respond before the line went dead and they were surrounded by silence. “Ballard and his team are entering the house. He will call when it’s safe to exit the panic room, but I need to make sure everything is okay out there. James, I think it’s time we use the back door and check things out.”

  “Back door? What the fuck are you talking about?” Lis asked with her hands on her hips.

  “Well, we felt there needed to be an escape option so we had a secret tunnel built. We could leave through it and no one would ever know. I just want to pop out and make sure everything really is clear before we open the main door,” Dakota explained and Lis shook her head.

  “Hell no you aren’t. You go out there you’ll get yourself killed. Not worth the risk. Once Ballard calls with the all clear you and James can go inspect things, but until then you are keeping your happy ass right here where it belongs.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Dakota said with a snarky grin and Lis punched him in the stomach. “Oi, what the hell?”

  “You’re smartassness isn’t appreciated,” she told him with a grin. “I’m serious, Dakota. If you walk out there right now I’m done. I’m not going to stand by and watch you risk your life to satisfy your curiosity.”

  “Lis, I am wanting to go check it out to make sure it’s safe, not for my curiosity,” Dakota told her as he rubbed his stomach where she’d hit him.

  “Bullshit. If it was because you wanted to make sure it was safe you’d wait until Ballard called with the all clear. You wouldn’t walk out in the middle of a fucking shootout. You’re curious and you’re going to get your fucking head shot off because of it.”

  “Dakota, she’s right.
We need to wait until Ballard calls,” James told him even though he was curious, too. “What if you go out and someone is back there? You’d be putting everyone in here in danger.”

  “Fine, whatever,” Dakota said and turned away from them all. Lis had bruised his pride when she punched him, but he couldn’t deny what she said. He was curious about what was going on and he hated not being part of the action.

  “Dakota, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have hit you,” Lis said softly behind him. He shook his head, but didn’t say anything, so she continued. “You scared me when and I reacted on that fear. I have lost too many people I love and I cannot lose you, too.”

  When he still didn’t respond she sighed and walked away, leaving him to his thoughts.

  A moment later his cell phone rang again and he knew it was Ballard so he answered immediately.

  “It’s all clear,” Ballard said and disconnected before Dakota could answer.

  “That was Ballard. I’m going to check things out,” he said to the room at large and walked away from everyone.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  “He’ll be okay, Lis,” Rachel assured her ten minutes later.

  “He’s pissed at me and I can’t blame him, but dammit I’m pissed at him, too. He has no right to risk his life like that. He has no right to put himself in danger because of his own fucking morbid curiosity,” Lis responded.

  “I happen to agree, but you wounded his pride when you stood up to him. He’s supposed to be the alpha male of the family and you basically cut him down. He’ll come back and he’ll be just fine,” Rachel told her again. “James is going out now to check on him.”

  Lis nodded and watched James disappear behind the hidden door she watched Dakota walk through earlier. Less than a minute later James reappeared and his hands were shaking.

  “Dakota’s been shot. They’re taking him to Mercy. We have to go, now,” he said and disengaged the locks on the panic room door.


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