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Off of the Beaten Path

Page 14

by Lizbeth Dusseau


  “Yes, now,” he answered sharply. “Every second you take your time, every minute you screw up your pretty face and act like it’s your decision, when it’s not, every fucking second, Ashley, I’m going to take another dozen cuts out of this bottom. He reached in and toppled her over on her sleeping bag, and gave her bottom a few brisk smacks.

  “Jess, not here,” she protested, and jumping up from her bed on the ground, she started to race off.

  Jess was faster than she was, probably because she really wasn’t trying to get away. Capturing her with one tight fisted grip about the wrist, he hauled her into the woods, far enough from the camp to hope that the rest of his small party would not be hearing the vigorous going over he was going to level on his obstinate, self-willed, intractable girl friend’s sassy behind.

  Finding a low flat rock, Jess sat Ashley down with a firm shove.

  “Stay there,” he ordered, while aiming a harsh eyed look at her.

  Ashley was a little chagrined knowing what was about to happen, though she was smiling inside. Why she’d run away from him in the first place and tried to have some kind of relationship with Nick, she’d never understand. Maybe it was because Nick was so impossible, and deep down she knew that. Thank god, she’d awakened to that fact when she did. Thank god that Davis was enough like the man she loved, to remind her of what she was missing.

  Ashley watched Jess move about a patch of brambles, cutting a few lean branches from the mass of tangles. With a swift easy motion, as if he’d done it a hundred times, he had the supple branches stripped of everything but the tiny nubs where the smaller shoots were joined. Ashley shivered thinking how much it would bite against her bottom.

  As much as she dreaded what was about to happen, by the time Jess finally returned to her, she was looking forwards to beginning. Beginning meant an end was in sight, meant that before this fading day was over, she’d be in his arms, relishing the comfort of his warm body, and the sexual release she’d been fantasizing about for days.

  Looking down at her, Jess’s severe expression had not changed. She watched a little awed, as he unbuckled the thick leather belt from his pants. This must have been the “industrial strength” version of a woodsman’s belt, heavy duty to hold most anything that he attached to it, knife, sample bottles, anything a good woodsman/scientist might carry, or, in this case, the best possible solution for punishing a willful woman who’d taken off into the backwoods for five days without a thought for her safety.

  Once Jess had doubled the belt in his hands, he peered down again. “You know Ashley. I thought once, that this was just a passing faze with us. That you and I somehow needed it to settle a few flagrant differences in our temperaments.”

  “You don’t think that now?”

  “No. And since you’re deciding to marry me after we’re out of this place, you need to know that I don’t plan to stop. At least right now, it doesn’t look like you’ll ever get over the need for a good walloping.”

  “Maybe not,” she agreed, sheepishly. Biting her lip, she waited for his next move, thinking this was always the most awkward time.

  “Now get up and take off your pants.”

  “You’re not going to take them down yourself?”

  “No, I’m not,” he said, annoyed that she’d even ask.

  He didn’t even help her stand. And once standing, he sat himself, right where she had been.

  The scene was reminiscent of the one with Davis. The two men’s expressions were nearly identical, except one she loved, and the other she didn’t. And one, this one, gave back to her more than a stern, exacting reproach. There was the glimmer of love behind his eyes, and there’d be a lot more love waiting for her.

  Stepping out of her shorts, she threw them next to Jess on the large rock. He nodded in agreement, when she fingered the top of her pale blue cotton briefs. Letting them slide over her hips, she stepped out of them too, leaving her naked and very vulnerable from the waist down. It was not the only thing about Ashley Bloom that was vulnerable, she felt as if her whole soul was hanging out. Stripping away her unruly side, the recalcitrant, bratty, bitchy side, she was offering herself to her soon to be husband, pretty much “as is”. She was agreeing that this remedy for what ailed their rocky relationship was something she’d consent to for the rest of her life with him.

  With a sharp tug, Ashley was over his lap, her white bright bottom bobbing before his appreciative eyes.

  “You’d better be prepared for a good one,” he warned, and with nothing left to say, Jess brought the doubled belt down squarely on Ashley’s naked bottom.

  “OW!” The first exclamation was more from surprise than pain. That would follow.

  Jess began a spirited and firm spanking, raining the leather in a fast flurry of smacks. One after another, after another, he watched as her bouncing bottom began to glow with red that stood out even in the dark shadows of the summer evening. There was still a good deal of light up above, but in the dark forest there was little, and the two testy lovers were in their own special world.

  “You need this daily as far as I’m concerned,” Jess said once. Otherwise he was pretty mum, letting his soon to be bride do all the talking, though with only “Ooooos” and Ows” and “Stop it pleeeeeses” to utter. There was little need for conversation. The fast determined paddling was just another installment in what was going to be a long line of lessons in good deportment.

  When Jess was sure that his girl friend’s bottom was burning hot, he set her on her feet again, and picked up the bunch of branches. There must have been at least a half dozen lashed into a bundle.

  “I thought you’d forget about them,” she said, with a pained expression on her face. She was rubbing her aching rear, feeling its warmth and thinking that she really didn’t want more. The bundle of branches looked absolutely horrid.

  “Not on your life,” Jess said. “Now bend over the rock.”

  “Oh please, Jess.”

  “Ever had a good birching?” he asked.


  “Well now’s as good a time as any time,” he retorted sternly. He turned her about and pushed her down, so that all she could do was bend over, palms on the hard flat surface, her raw red bottom standing out quite nicely for him to see.

  The first cut felt as if a lightening shower of sparks had ignited on her behind.


  The next was no different, the same splash of stinging heat making the softer burn from the leather belt come alive with a fierce surprising jolt.

  “Oh, God no! Pleeeeese, Jess!”

  “You look good with stripes, Ashley. I’ll remember this.”

  “Please, Jess.”

  As much as she pleaded with him, the fire went on. Jess blazed trails along her bottom and thighs, the thin sharp stripes seemed to cut into her skin, though for all the severity, it was just lines, no broken skin, nothing that would last beyond a few days, unless of course Jess gave her another switching and revived the look.

  By the time he finally stopped, Ashley’s bottom was a splotchy red hue. To touch it would only add another insult. And when Jess finally dropped the bundle of switches and moved on her bruised backside, he did just that. “Think you’ll remember now?” he asked.

  “Remember what?” Ashley asked, with a whine.

  “Remember your place.”

  My place. She was about to protest, but decided not to.

  “I heard that,” Jess said.

  “I didn’t say anything,” Ashley said. She let herself nestle in Jess’s arms, her sore bottom still exposed, but feeling ever so much more satisfied. The sexual arousal between them was mounting steadily, but that was something that would wait.

  “You didn’t have to say a word. I know exactly what you were thinking. Your place, Ashley, is with me.” He couldn’t have said it much more sweetly.

  “Oh.” It was a good time to be quiet, and not say a word. Just let the evening fall around
them with its comforting silence. His arms were feeling very good—this the ending she was looking for.

  “I want to stay,” Ashley said after a few minutes of quiet.

  “Here, at the station, what about your job?”

  “I already told Greg I was taking a sabbatical.”

  He laughed. “You did have all this planned, didn’t you?”

  “Not everything,” she said. “How could I?” She looked up at him with an innocent expression.

  “I’ll never believe that, Ash, but this time, I’m glad you engineered the reunion. I was really beginning to regret leaving you at my house.”

  “You were?” she queried.

  “Yeah, I was. But don’t go getting any ideas that you’re going to control things in this relationship. Nothing changes, we have the commitment or we have nothing.”

  “You mean marriage,” she said.

  “That’s part of it. And it also means that some morning, don’t be surprised when I wake you up, and take you by helicopter into town. To a Justice of the Peace.”

  “You’d really do that? When?” she asked, finding the whole idea very romantic, even for an independent woman like herself.

  “When I’m damned well ready,” he replied, as he squeezed her to him tightly. “And not before,” he added.

  “Okay, I promise not to press,” she said. “Or control, or try to take charge. I’m your sweet submissive forever.” She smiled.

  He pushed her off, backed up and looked down at her with disbelieving eyes. “Oh hell, don’t get like that on me, or I won’t have anything to punish you for, and we’ll both die of boredom.”

  She laughed. “That suits me fine. I like being a little obstinate, and I certainly don’t want life to be boring,” she said, happily, very glad she didn’t have to be all that compliant.

  Grabbing her shorts and underwear, she quickly put them on. And arm in arm, she and Jess headed back to camp.

  Gazing down at the bunch of well used switches, she was reminded that her bottom was still stinging, but this time, not her affections. Being with Jess, she could be herself; he wasn’t asking for anything more. That was exactly as she wanted it. His belt, the switches, and anything else he found to use on her unruly bottom would certainly lead them out of all the relationship jungles, and the backwoods wars of emotion, and the tempestuous adventures of the heart.

  More Lizbeth Novels you won’t want to miss …

  Aunt Daisy’s Secret

  A broken down old house is about to destroy an almost broken marriage, until Melanie discovers a secret in her Aunt’s attic - a diary detailing a hot romantic love affair from the 1940’s—with a perfect solution for Melanie’s 1990’s troubles with her husband, Tony. Does she dare tell him about this shocking idea? Once Melanie has her first session across her husband’s lap, she discovers that submitting to her dominant Tony satisfies a deep need & ignites her sexual passion! And it’s only the beginning, as Melanie finds submitting to bare-bottomed discipline turns her whole life upside down!

  Old Affairs & New Found Lovers

  A mystery filled with suspense and lots of red-hot over-the-knee spanking and punishment! A loving couple, detectives Kyle and Brett, attempt to unravel the mysterious disappearance of a valuable pendant while they attend a weekend spanking party at posh Heath Manor. A host of fascinating suspects include the ruthless dominant, Victor, and his timid wife, Patricia; the saucy vamp Cassandra—who’s always looking for a new spanking lover; and Jenny who’s spanking past haunts her every move!

  Little Savage

  Naughty Baby

  In The Garden of Lust

  Seven Days in Cell Block 7

  Memoirs of a Sex Toy

  Innocence Defiled

  Honeymoon In Bondage


  Carly On Her Knees

  Taken Before Dawn

  Punishable Offenses

  Betrayal of the Virgin Bride

  Sexual Mischief

  Bounty Hunter

  The War of the Remingtons

  The Truth About Marianne

  Master For A Desperate Slave

  Poor Little Rich Slut

  The Humiliation of Hannah

  The Scandalous Demise of Lily Lake

  The Secret Sins of Lizzy Barton

  Pagan Dreams, Lesbian

  Outer Island

  Into the Dark Wilds

  Force Me To Obey

  These Titles And Many More!

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