Beautiful Chances (The Beautiful Series)

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Beautiful Chances (The Beautiful Series) Page 20

by Alicia Rae

  Tears threatened as my thoughts drifted toward Kyle and how much he had put into this date. I turned in his embrace, careful not to break his hold, and I stared straight into his eyes. The warmth and affection radiating from him at that moment mesmerized me, and I could not look away. It seemed as though he were trying to convey a deep message to me.

  Before I lost my nerve, I softly said, “Thank you, Kyle. It is beyond beautiful. I don’t think words can describe it.”

  He didn’t respond, but the look in his eyes said it all. He tipped my chin and caressed my cheek with his other hand while looking deep into my eyes. I felt as though he were reaching in and touching my soul. Nothing else mattered in this moment besides the man in front of me. I just wanted to freeze time and be here with him.

  “Say something,” I said quietly, feeling too overwhelmed with emotions as my heart pounded hard in my chest.

  “The first time I laid eyes on you, the sunset was just like this,” he said, his voice full and deep. His fingers ran back and forth along my cheek as he smiled lovingly at me. “I remember the way the light glowed across your face and the look in your eyes as you stared out at the ocean while lost in your thoughts. You were so beautiful. You stirred something deep inside me, drawing me in closer to you. In that moment, you forever changed me…and you look just like that right now.”

  I drank him in, not wanting this moment to end. His words undid me, and a tear slipped down my cheek. My heart was overflowing with my feelings for him.

  Kyle gently wiped away my tear with his thumb. “Don’t cry,” he pleaded softly.

  Needing to be closer, I reached up with both hands and pulled his face to mine. I captured his lips delicately, and our tongues entwined as the waves crashed around us. I melted into him until I couldn’t tell where he ended and I began.

  Pulling back all too quickly, he kissed my forehead and leaned his head against mine. “I’m never letting you go, Lily.” He softly kissed me once. “Come on, let’s go eat.”

  When we turned, I took in the full view of the boat. It was all stained natural wood with stunning detail. Lights decorated each post and railing, giving the boat a shimmering glow and romantic setting. Wildflowers were placed in tall, narrow vases, evenly scattered around the boat. It was perfect, absolutely perfect.

  As we walked around the side, a small table with a white tablecloth came into view. Two candles were placed in the center with fluted champagne glasses on each side. I pivoted to glance at Kyle. His eyes fixated on mine, measuring my reaction. Blinking back new tears, I raised his hand to my lips and gave it a gentle kiss.

  “Thank you,” I breathed. “It’s sensational.”

  His smile made my insides liquefy, and I realized he’d been waiting for that moment, needing my approval.

  “You are most welcome.”

  After we ate our salads, our waiter brought out dinner.

  I wrapped the long fettuccine noodle soaked in the creamy white sauce around my fork and lifted it to my mouth. “Oh my god…this is delicious.” I twirled another noodle around my dinner fork.

  Kyle grinned up at me after taking his bite. “I thought you would appreciate a good chicken Alfredo.”

  “Good? No…this is to die for. The chef is amazing. Think he’ll give me this recipe?” I asked, my tone hopeful. I continued to ravage my plate.

  “I love watching you eat,” Kyle purred. “I think you love food as much as I do.”

  I chuckled. “I doubt that.”

  The waiter came to refill our drinks, and then he quickly made himself scarce.

  “As for the recipe, it came from my mother, and I asked the chef to make it. But the recipe has a secret touch to it.”

  “Oh, and what’s that?” I asked curiously.

  “It’s a guarded secret. You have to come closer,” he answered seductively and added a wicked smile. Kyle leaned forward, placing his elbows on the small round table, and brought his lips to my ear. “It’s all in the sauce. You have to simmer it just right.”

  “You’ll have to teach me sometime then.” My voice was breathy just from him being so close.

  “Definitely.” He leaned back in his chair and grinned. “Although, all cooking lessons in my kitchen require you to be naked.” His eyes darkened as if he were mentally undressing me.

  “And what about you?” I raised my glass to my lips while I returned the favor of undressing him in my mind. I was enjoying our little flirting.

  He raised his eyebrows. “How do you want me?”

  A slow smile spread across my lips at all the ways I wanted Kyle. Oh yes, there’s a list, a very long list. “Any way I can get you.”

  Kyle unleashed one of his lethal smiles. “That can be arranged.”

  The waiter appeared with an enormous slice of cheesecake with strawberries on the side. I wanted to cry on the spot. It looked mouthwatering. The waiter quickly cleared the table and disappeared into the background. I licked my lips in anticipation and picked up my fork. Kyle quickly snatched the plate from the table and smirked.

  “Hey!” I yelled.

  He sliced a piece with his fork, leaned in closer, and fed me the first bite. “I get to feed that gorgeous mouth.”

  I moaned uncontrollably as the flavors melted on my tongue. Cheesecake was my favorite, and this one belonged in a whole separate category. “God…that’s good.” I opened my mouth as he fed me another bite.

  “I know. Now, this is one of the chef’s specialties. From time to time, I order these from him for any excuse I can find.”

  He took turns feeding us. The simplicity of the action was intimate.

  “Is this your boat?” I glanced around, taking it all in.

  “No, I rented it out, so to speak, from a friend.”

  “Oh, that’s a very nice friend.” I looked around again at the surrounding scenery. “Do you like boating?”

  “Sure. I haven’t been out on many this size though. When I was younger, my dad would take my brother and me on a small boat out on the lake. We would swim and ride Jet Skis. We did that sort of stuff a lot.”

  Tony Bennett’s “If You Were Mine” began to play softly from the speakers.

  Kyle rose to his feet and held out his hand. “Dance with me?”

  I smiled up at him, remembering the way he could move that broad body of his. “Of course.”

  Pulling me toward him, he wrapped his strong arms around me. I leaned into his warmth, resting my cheek on his solid chest. He slowly led us around the deck as he magically swayed us to the beat. It was an amazing feeling to be in this man’s arms. As he held me, I felt secure, wanted, and loved. I closed my eyes as I relished in feeling him all around me.

  As the song ended, I looked up at Kyle. Both of us had so many emotions pumping through us. It had been a truly spectacular day followed by an even more perfect evening. Right now, I wanted nothing more than to feel Kyle’s hands on me as he made love to me. Then, I wanted to snuggle up with his warm body embracing me close before I fell asleep.

  “Take me to bed,” I said softly.

  He didn’t need any more of an explanation than that.

  I looked around the bedroom on the boat in awe. It was a breathtaking sight. Not only did the room have many wildflower arrangements, but it also had a few candles illuminating the room. It was, once again, perfect. I wanted to remember it forever.

  A large king bed crafted of thick oak with wrought iron flower designs dominated the room. It was centered in the middle with double French doors to the left that had white linen curtains draping down to the floor. One door was slightly open, letting in a cool breeze that was lightly blowing the drapes. On the right, a large electric fireplace gave off a small soft glow. A few white flower petals were spread across the cream-colored sheets. It was something straight out of a romance novel, and it was very romantic indeed.

  “Was this a good job at hearts and flowers?” Kyle asked as he stood right behind me.

  He pulled me into his arms, and I tu
rned to face him.

  “Oh, yes.” I hugged him closely. “Thank you for today, Kyle. It was absolutely perfect.” I beamed.

  Kyle had made tonight picture-perfect in so many ways, so I wanted this to be about him. Wearing the black garter set that he had picked out because he thought it was sexy empowered me and made me feel sexy. I could not put all my feelings into words, and I wasn’t sure if I wanted to yet, so maybe this was a way I could show him that I cared, cared very much about him.

  I kissed him chastely on the mouth and pulled back. “Are you ready to see that garter set you packed for me?”

  “Fuck yes,” he said, before taking my mouth for a deeper kiss.

  When we parted, I started undoing the top button of his dress shirt, and then I worked my way down, one button at a time. I placed my palms firmly on his solid chest inside his shirt. Slowly, my hands caressed up to his collarbone and then across it, one delicious inch at a time. I closed my eyes as I felt his heated skin beneath me.

  Kyle swallowed hard. He tried to remain still, so I could explore his body. His hands were resting on each side of my hips. Spreading my palms wide, I ran my hands over his broad shoulders. Holy muscle. The man had a glorious body. I was supposed to be seducing him, yet I felt my blood pumping with sensations.

  Kyle’s eyes flared with primal need. “Lily.” His breathing was ragged as his hands clenched on my hips tightly.

  Leaning into him, I placed soft, sweet kisses on his collarbone before I made my way to his throat. His broad neck and shoulders were sexy as hell, and I didn’t know if I wanted to lick, suck, or kiss him. I pulled his waist closer to mine, purposely letting his erection press against my belly, feeling it through our clothes. His responding growl made me chuckle.

  “You have one minute until it’s my turn, Lily, and then you’re mine.” He clenched his jaw.

  “Oh no. This is my show,” I replied. Kissing him, I ran my hands down his toned stomach muscles.

  His eyes closed as he shook his head. I loved to test his self-control. It made me feel beautiful and confident.

  He tilted his head back. “Not a chance. I won’t survive it, especially knowing what’s under that dress of yours.” He revealed a melt-in-my-panties grin. “Forty-nine seconds.”

  I giggled. I knew he enjoyed being touched as much as I enjoyed touching him, but sometimes, his sexy alpha beast took over, wanting to dominate and conquer. His glare told me I was wasting time.

  Then, he gave me a verbal reminder. “Forty-five.”

  I hurriedly unbuckled his pants, letting them pool at his feet. I moistened my lips at the sight before me. Kyle was standing there, nearly naked, in white Calvin Klein briefs with a well-defined body full of muscles, and he was staring at me as if I were dessert.

  Stepping forward, Kyle pivoted me, so my backside was up against his chest. A soft growl escaped him. “Times up,” he said, his voice hoarse. His hands moved down my sides, and he firmly pulled my hips closer to his front.

  His erection nestled against my behind, and I could not withhold the moan that left my lips.

  “That’s right,” he whispered into my ear.

  I closed my eyes to just go with the feel of my body.

  Kyle gently used his finger to move my hair away from one side of my neck. I could feel his breath when he lowered his lips and placed soft kisses across my shoulder blade. I shuddered as he continued his way down my spine, dragging his lips across my skin. His mouth lifted and he shifted back, lowering to his knees before he pushed my thin dress up around my hips.

  Kyle inhaled sharply as he exposed my black lace panties and matching garter attached to my nude stockings. He ran his hands across my behind and along my panties, letting out a strangled groan.

  “I don’t know what tortured me more today…” He stood up and ran his lips along the base of my neck and shoulder. “Watching you move in this dress and heels or knowing what you had on underneath.”

  He grabbed the hem of my dress and took it off in one swift move. He inhaled sharply for a second time. “Christ, woman,” he barely voiced, taking in the full effect of my lingerie. “You are trying to kill me.”

  I smiled at his sweetness, at how sexy he thought I was. I had never felt sexy before, and feeling it now was great. I had Kyle to thank for that.

  “You.” Kiss. “Are.” Kiss. “So.” Kiss, kiss. “Sexy.” He continued to kiss his way across my shoulder until he reached the middle, and then he began kissing down my torso.

  I nearly convulsed when he reached the center of my lower back. I wasn’t sure if I would survive standing any longer as the deep pull began in my stomach.

  “The sight of you dressed in this hot-ass lingerie will forever be burned in my mind.”

  His hands deliberately roamed up and down the sides of my body, making me close my eyes, as his kisses reached the base of my spine. His mouth left my back, and I waited in anticipation for him to touch me again.

  I glanced over my shoulder and took in his heated stare. He twisted me to face him, and he removed my stockings one at a time while his eyes devoured my skin. He rotated me again, letting his hands leisurely trail along the back lower half of my calves before they slowly made their way up to the middle.

  “I love your thighs,” Kyle murmured.

  His hands were now gripping the top of my legs, and he yanked me closer to place a wet kiss in the middle of my left thigh.

  Shit, the tables have definitely turned. “Kyle,” I said, my voice full of need.

  But he ignored me like he was a man on a mission. His nose brushed my skin as his kisses reached the apex of my thigh and cheek. Leaning forward, I grabbed the bed frame and shuddered. Ohmigod. Blood was pumping furiously in my veins, all gravitating to between my legs. He slowly removed my garter and panties to continue his onslaught.

  His hands determinedly caressed my backside in his palms. “And this round, soft ass…I definitely love.”

  I felt his lips part as he gently bit just below the center of my right cheek, and then he followed with a soft kiss on the same spot. My stomach clenched as I gasped and shivered. If his hands had not been holding me up, I would have buckled at the knees. I didn’t know how much more I could endure.

  His name left my lips again in a plea as he turned me to face him.

  “I know,” he whispered, his eyes full of desire.

  It was a gorgeous sight—Kyle on his knees with his hands on each side of me, gripping my ass like he hadn’t touched me for days.

  “Watch me make you come.”

  He looked up into my eyes, and my lips parted. As I stood there, he placed his forearms in between my legs and widened my stance. Realizing his intentions, I braced some of my weight against the tall king bed behind me, resting my backside just over the edge while my toes gripped the hardwood beneath. I was praying I could survive this.

  Leaning forward, he put his face in my sex and inhaled my scent before his tongue started slow, delightful circles around my clit. I threw my head and shoulders back, bracing my palms behind me on the mattress at an angle, as I took in every moment of his sweet torture.

  “Eyes on my mouth, Lily,” Kyle said in his hard, sexy, all-alpha tone.

  It was bossy, but it was hot. I writhed under him as I dropped my eyes back down to my sex. He moved his tongue off my clit and gave one long stroke up and then back down me before thrusting hard into my sex.

  “Ah! Fuck!” I cried out. I was not usually much for swearing, but apparently, I could not control myself when my body’s sensations took over.

  His nose brushed along my clit while he pushed his tongue deep inside me. I gave into my orgasm, crying out incoherently. Kyle gave a low chuckle at watching me lose control. It was extremely erotic to watch his mouth on me.

  Kyle stood abruptly. When he carefully picked me up, I wrapped my legs around his waist. After he spread me on the middle of the bed, he removed my bra in one swift motion. He clamped his lips over my nipple and sucked hard.

nbsp; “Ah!” I cried out as my nipple puckered into a firm peak.

  He repeated the gesture to its twin. Reacting to his touch instantly, my libido kicked into overdrive. Kyle shifted his pelvis to rub his erection back and forth along my sensitive folds, and I bit my lip to hold off another orgasm.

  With his right hand, he gently brushed his fingertips over my clit, teasing it, while his length entered me just enough to create friction. His precise slow thrusts kept pace with his hand. A thin coat of sweat broke across my skin as the second orgasm surpassed me, igniting every last nerve ending in my body.

  After my release subsided, he gently pushed forward, one inch at a time, stretching and filling me full. Our moans filled the air, mingling together, and I was barely able to hear his groans over my own.

  “So tight.” He stilled momentarily and put his forehead against mine.

  I tried to absorb the warmth of his body.

  “I love the way you take me in…so deep inside you,” he breathed. “It’s like you never want to let me go.”

  “I don’t.” My uneven breathing matched his.

  He pulled out and pressed back in slowly. Tilting his head, his eyes settled on mine as his thrusts began to quicken. His eyes held unspoken words, making my heart constrict with need for him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face in his chest as I met his rhythm, allowing the ambiences to flow between us.

  He pumped in and out, and his mouth devoured mine. While biting and kissing at my lower lip, he lowered his hand between us, touching where his erection was propelling in and out of my sex. As he spread my juices up over my clit, I flew apart, losing sight of where he ended and I began. He grunted with two final thrusts before filling me with his release.

  Kyle lowered his body next to mine and gathered me close. He kissed my forehead sweetly, and I closed my eyes, wondering how this kind, loving man was before me.

  As I tried to sleep, my thoughts drifted back to Kyle and the amount of time we had known each other. It had been an emotionally intense and short two weeks. I took a silent deep breath.


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