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Dare to Trust [The Dare Series 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  The Dare Series 1

  Dare to Trust

  Being caught in a fire set by her own boyfriend has changed Marlena. She doesn’t trust easily.

  She’s fearful to say the least when it comes to men. Her focus is on this new start, making three good friends with women who have shared similar experiences, and finding hope in a town called Chance. But she’s gained the attention of one local deputy and his two brothers who own the bar and dance hall in town. They’re making their desires known, but she’s not too keen on exploring the attraction.

  In the back of her mind she knows that ex of hers might come looking to finish the job. But as Mike, Jack, and Danny break down those walls she put up, her ex tries to attack, and it will take her men, and the entire town of Chance, to save her.

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Romantic Suspense

  Length: 47,372 words


  The Dare Series 1

  Dixie Lynn Dwyer


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2015 by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-63259-490-7

  First E-book Publication: June 2016

  Cover design by Les Byerley

  All art and logo copyright © 2015 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  Dear Readers,

  Thank you for purchasing this legal copy of Dare to Trust. This new mini summer series was created with my loyal readers in mind. A fast-paced, four-book series about a new town called Chance. Located in South Carolina, this town is a bit of a secret spot where the loyalty of a close-knit community helps secure happiness as well as provide a safe haven for those on the run and looking to start a new life.

  There’s that special southern Carolina charm, down home cooking, and a law enforcement community ready to nip any trouble in the bud before it even starts. So hold on for the ride, as four women journey to Chance and find out that life can get worse or get better, their choice, and only if they’re willing to take a chance.

  Happy Reading!



  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9


  About the Author


  The Dare Series 1


  Copyright © 2015

  Chapter 1

  “You have got to go out with us tonight, Marlena. We all need to let loose a little,” Marlena’s friend Adele said as she picked up a lunch order to bring back to the office at the construction company she worked for.

  Marlena packed it up and then added the to-go cups to a carrier.

  “I don’t know. I’m not really in the mood. My feet hurt, I’ve worked doubles all week, I just want to relax.”

  “Well, you can definitely do that at Spencer’s. We can have a few drinks, listen to the band playing, then head home early. It’s just to get out a bit. I’m so tired of being kept up in that darn office all day long. I was thinking about this little trip to pick up lunch since Monday. You know how Will, Leo, and Hank don’t like to order food out. They’re so into their fitness and nutrition. It drives me nuts. I have to hide my bag of Doritos under my desk and sneak them into my mouth when they’re not looking,” Adele told her, sounding so outraged at having to do that.

  Marlena chuckled. Adele seemed to be attracted to her three bosses. But who in their right mind wouldn’t. They were gorgeous, wealthy, and downright mysterious. But Adele had trust issues. She admitted to that one evening at Mercedes’s small house and under the influence of a great Cabernet and it was a sleepover. It was a great night but also revealed all of their weaknesses and fears. They had become best friends in such a short period of time. Marlena believed having the three women as best friends made life and dealing with her own past more bearable.

  “I don’t know. Let me think about it. I have four more hours to go,” Marlena said then heard the chime by the front door ring and glanced to see who the next customer would be. The place was pretty damn full.

  Her breath caught in her throat at the sight of Mike Spencer, the diner owner’s son. He was one of three and a deputy in town. He made her nervous. Put her on edge every time he came in, and it wasn’t just that damn deputy uniform either.

  “I need to get moving. Enjoy lunch,” she told Adele. Adele gave her a wink. Her friend knew that Mike and even his brothers made her a nervous wreck. Danny and Jack Spencer owned Spencer’s dance hall and bar. That was why she tried not to go there too often.

  She greeted the deputy as he held the door open for Adele and tipped his hat. As his
eyes glanced over Adele and her sexy little secretary outfit—tight skirt and V-neck blouse, all in a pale blue—Marlena felt a bit crumpled. It was odd. She felt a little jealous that Mike looked at Adele like that. The sensation was quick and she didn’t read into it. She lost her self-confidence and was very insecure when it came to her looks and her body. Peter had done a number on her. He’d made her feel worthless. He’d made her fearful of a man’s attention, never mind touch. Hell, she feared socializing because Peter always had her on a display being critiqued by him, his associates, and any other people he asked. Alcoholism was a disease. He could have killed her.

  “Good morning, Deputy Spencer. Would you like to sit at the counter or would you like a table?” she asked. He squinted those sexy blue eyes at her and she tightened her lips as she adjusted her apron, playing with the pocket in the front.

  “A table would be perfect, Marlena. I’m meeting someone,” he said. She nodded.

  “Just let me clear that table in the corner for you. I’ll be just a minute,” she said and headed that way. She was shaking, the man was so attractive. She couldn’t help but to wonder who he was meeting there. But as she cleared the table she felt his presence close behind her.

  “Let me grab that for you,” he said. Her arms were filled with dishes and a large platter still sat on the table.

  “I’ll come back for it. Don’t sit yet. Let me wipe it down,” she ordered, sounding kind of snappy. The man did that to her. He made her uptight, on edge, ready to run.

  She quickly headed behind the counter to the kitchen. She placed the dirty dishes down next to the sink then looked for the rag. She added some soap and water, then grabbed a dry rag, and when she turned around, Deputy Mike Spencer was in the kitchen placing the platter down on the table by the dishwasher.

  “Hey, Mike, how are you, son?” Roy Spencer asked and Mike looked at his dad then at her. He gave her a wink.

  “Just grabbing breakfast.”

  “Danny and Jack coming?”

  “I think so. I only have about thirty minutes,” Mike said and glanced at Marlena. He licked his lower lip.

  “I’ll have the table cleaned down in a jiffy.” She hurried from the kitchen.

  She was shaking, she felt so nervous. Danny and Jack were joining him. All three of them in one place? All of them here?

  She looked for Alice, the other waitress, but she was swamped, too. She couldn’t ask her to cover this table.

  Marlena cleared another table after cleaning Mike’s table and placing down three place settings.

  She could do this. She could handle serving the three men lunch.

  She passed him on her way to the kitchen. “Can I start you off with a drink while you’re waiting for the others?” she asked.

  “Sure thing, doll, an ice tea with lemon.”

  She nodded her head and headed back to the kitchen.

  * * * *

  Mike Spencer felt his heart racing. Every time he saw Marlena, she did that to him. Since day one when she showed up in town, looking so sad and in need of a job. His mother noticed immediately and took a liking to Marlena. His dads, Roy and Regan, hired her on the spot. It was perfect timing, since they’d just lost one of their full-time waitresses, Cara, who was having her third baby.

  Chance was a nice-size community with great people. They had everything they could ask for in a town. There wasn’t a need to go out of town for much except to change up the pace of things and explore other towns and restaurants nearby.

  As he took a seat and stared out the window, he saw his brothers pull up in their big black Escalade. It was pimped out and trimmed in chrome and stood out as much as the custom license plate, “TRPL ACTION.” He chuckled. They used to call one another that as kids when other boys would mess with them. You messed with one Spencer, you messed with all three.

  They did most things together, but of course being a deputy after serving in the Navy as a SEAL was Mike’s calling. Danny and Jack had the business sense and mind. Plus, they loved living in Chance so much that after college and making it big in Charlotte, they pooled their money and opened up Spencer’s dance hall and bar. It was one of the local hot spots. They were thinking of expanding, but there was a lot to consider. With a bigger place came more problems, including people coming in from out of town and getting rowdy. They would need more security, and of course they wanted him to head it all.

  The door chimed just as Marlena walked by and placed his ice tea down onto the table. She looked nervous as usual but just as gorgeous with her long blonde hair pulled back and arranged on the top of her head in some fancy style he noticed other women complimented her on. But it was her gorgeous, bold green eyes the color of emeralds that stood out most. They showed so much emotion. When she was excited, happy, sad, and even scared. Like now, the poor woman was shaking.

  She tightened up the moment Danny and Jack slid next to her. Jack placed his hand on her waist.

  “Afternoon, Marlena. You look real pretty today,” he told her.

  “Thank you, Jack.”

  “She sure does. We got lucky snagging you as our waitress. Good job, brother,” Danny said to Marlena, keeping his eyes on her and not glancing at Mike at all.

  Mike had to chuckle. How many times had he told his brother not to be too flirty or pushy with Marlena? It just set her on further edge. They needed her calm and relaxed, so they could make a move.

  She slid to the left, pulling out her pad as she glanced around the diner looking to see where she needed to go next.

  “Can I start you with something to drink? Maybe you know what you’d like to order,” she said, holding the pen and not making eye contact with Jack or Danny.

  “What I want isn’t on the menu,” Jack said to her. She swung her head at him fast and then held his gaze.

  Mike’s heart pounded inside of his chest. What were these guys doing?

  “And what would that be, Jack?” she asked with a little attitude.

  “Can you see if one of my dads can make me a special egg on the burger? He’ll know what toppings to add,” he told her.

  She wrote it down. “Sure thing. How about you guys?” she asked.

  Danny leaned back and rubbed his belly. “I want to save room for some dessert,” he said and eyed her breasts. They were full and plump, nearly pouring from the blouse she wore. But unlike the other waitress, Alice, Marlena had her blouse buttoned up high. But it still accentuated her large breasts. She was a sexy woman.

  “Well then maybe you’d like a salad?” she suggested and Jack laughed. So did Mike.

  “I’ll take the same thing as Jack,” Danny said, sounding a little grumpy.

  She then looked at Mike.

  “What do you suggest, Marlena? What special is the best today?”

  “Well, the chicken cheesesteak with homemade hash browns is most popular today. I don’t know how many orders your dads have left.”

  “Well put me down for that, and if not, then make mine the same as my brothers,” he told her. She nodded then walked away, clearing some dishes from another table then placing a bill down on another.

  “She works so hard. She’s been doing double shifts. Mom said that Tara might not come back,” Jack told them.

  “Shit, really? Then they should hire someone else. Marlena looks so damn tired all the time,” Danny said.

  “She’s still gorgeous,” Mike added, watching her. She ran around that place smiling, talking to the townspeople, making everyone feel so welcome. Yet he couldn’t help but think her smiles, her laughter, were all a show. Like she was hurting inside and hiding it. It was just a gut instinct, but he felt it.

  “What’s that expression for?” Jack asked him.

  He looked at his brother. They were all big men. Six feet three, filled with muscles. All in great physical condition. Hell, he was a Navy SEAL. Had his hang-ups of his and insecurities when it came to trust. But Marlena affected him like no one else.

  “You know what I’m thinking. Why
do you two need to be so forward with her? She’s timid and shy, you’ll only scare her off.”

  “Says you. Didn’t you see her cheeks blush, and her nipples harden? She’s attracted to us, we just need to get through the wall she has up,” Danny told him.

  “Don’t do that. Don’t talk all big and bad like getting to know her and making her our woman is so simple and that she’ll just accept it. You know as well as I do that she holds back information on herself, doesn’t talk about where she came from, nothing. Deciding to engage in a ménage relationship and commit instead of just getting off on sharing is different,” Mike said, clenching his teeth and whispering low.

  Marlena returned with two ice teas. “You got the last special, Mike. Your dad Regan is making it for you while your dad Roy makes Danny and Jack’s special order. It will be a little bit. Can I grab you anything else for now?” she asked.

  “We heard that Tara may not be returning to work here. Do you know if our mom and dads are going to hire someone else to help out?” Danny asked her.

  “I’m not sure. Alice and I are sharing working double shifts. But she’s still in college and trying to take more courses. I think your parents might have to hire someone part-time.”

  “You work too hard, Marlena. One day off a week doesn’t seem like enough,” Jack said to her.

  “Well, it’s not like I can’t use the money.”

  She heard the bell by the front door ring and she looked a bit tired. Mike caught sight of Vicky Reynolds and he exhaled in annoyance.


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