Paxton's Peace

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Paxton's Peace Page 6

by Bailey West

  “Thanks, Olivia. Okay, I was going to say, I practiced sitting up straight and…”

  I felt my phone vibrate in my purse. I pulled it out to see who was calling. It was the church.

  “Excuse me, Deborah, this is the church,” I whispered.

  She stopped talking immediately. I took a deep breath, pushed the button to answer the phone and closed my eyes.


  “Hello, may I speak with Doctor Callahan, please?”

  “This is she,” I forced out trying to sound confident.

  “This is Grace Bluette.”

  As soon as she said her name my heart rate tripled. I was trying to control my breaths and hold on to the phone with my sweaty palms. Why would she be calling me so soon after the interview?

  “I wanted to call and tell you that you did a wonderful job today during your interview. My husband and I agreed that we will recommend you for the next and final interview.”

  I don’t remember if I said thank you or just hung up the phone but in any case, after the phone disconnected, I yelled, “I got the next interview!”


  Michaela’s death left our family broken. Everyone tried to return to a normal life but Roman could not. He blamed himself for her death. He was angry at God for taking her. His life spiraled out of control. We both were in a bad place; Roman was grief stricken and I had a difficult time adjusting after the scare on my family. I’d learned to push my problems to the back of my mind and move on. Roman did not. I didn’t sleep much, if at all, but my problems seemed to pale in comparison to Roman’s.

  I stayed close to Roman and continued to manage his finances. Some days I had to force him to bathe and take care of his hygiene. Other days I would follow him around to make sure he stayed out of trouble. One time he tried to pick a fight with some guys at a bar. He didn’t know I was there. I knew I was going to jail that night because I was going to hurt anyone that put their hands on him, even if he was the one that started it. The men let Roman do a whole lot of talking and basically ignored him. God was protecting him for sure. I knew things had gotten out of control when I found a gun in his bedroom. He thought he’d hidden it, but I saw it. I didn’t know what he’d planned on doing with it at the time, but I knew that whatever it was, it was bad. I knew the only hope for him was to get him back to church. He’d stopped going after Kay died.

  I’d been attending a revival at a local church and decided to ask Roman to go with me on the last night of services. Roman agreed to go, and that night his life changed. He was finally able to move forward from his anger and grief to reclaim his life.

  My Father expanded our church into Houston, Texas and appointed Roman as the Pastor. Ezekiel and I moved to Houston with Roman to help him with the new church. Roman’s ministry grew quickly, so did his speaking engagements. I assumed the role of Roman’s travel companion. Some people may have mistaken me for his assistant, I didn’t mind. I wanted my brother to be successful, and part of his success was surrounding himself with the right team.

  My brothers and I got into the real estate market and started flipping properties. We purchased an apartment building and turned the apartments into luxury condos. I liked the property so much that I had the top floor of the building renovated for myself. I had a private entrance and a separate garage built. Both Roman and Ezekiel built houses.

  Roman met his current wife, Zanetta, when we went to a church conference in Saint Louis. He didn’t realize that he had encountered her before, but I remembered her as soon as I heard her pray. She was the one responsible for speaking the word over Roman that helped him break free from the hurt, grief, and depression that plagued him after Kay died. He and Zanetta fell in love with no knowledge of their prior history. It was beautiful to watch.

  Nette is a great woman. She lived in the same building as me until she and Roman got married. She quickly became my family and one of my most favorite people. She and Roman make a great team. They have worked on getting new programs started at the church, and they have worked on opening a school for kindergarten through eighth grade; The Abundant Blessings Academy (ABA).

  Ezekiel has also found love in Houston. He was introduced to Zanetta’s friend, Zora, and has been gone over her ever since. She is my new nephew, BJ’s mom, and she’s carrying my next niece or nephew. Both she and Nette are my loves. I would do anything for them.

  “After I finished undergrad, I decided to go into research. You never hear people talk about how smart and evolved Prairie Dogs are. You know despite the ‘dog’ in their name, they are herbivores? They don’t eat animals, and I don’t either. I don’t think that animals were created for our consumption. It’s like that old song, you need me, I need you, were all a part of the body. I need you to survive…”

  I sat across from my date for the evening wondering why I thought this was a good idea. Her cinnamon colored skin and chocolate colored eyes were beautiful, but she would not stop talking. It’s not that I dislike conversation, I thoroughly enjoy stimulating conversation, but this was not that. This was more like a lecture; a long boring lecture. She didn’t even notice that I wasn’t responding at all. I stopped nodding my head at least thirty minutes ago. We have nothing in common.

  “Not that other people can’t eat meat. I mean to each his own, but I just think it’s disgusting,” she frowned as I cut into my T-bone steak and put a slice of the moist, perfectly seasoned meat into my mouth. I have nothing against vegetarians, but I am six feet, five inches tall and two hundred and seventy pounds. I eat a lot. I work out a lot too, but I love food.

  This was my third date in the last month, and all of them had been epic failures. It had been some time since I put myself out there to date, but both of my brothers were now busy with their significant others, so I felt like it was time for me to find the one. Every woman that I’ve met have been nice, just not for me. I don’t think I’m being picky. I just want to spend time with a woman that I enjoy being around. Having something in common with her would be a plus.

  “Prairie Dogs are listed as endangered species in Utah and Mexico…”

  I looked up from my steak, she’s still talking…

  I was handling the pressure from my mother to find someone, but then I got two new sisters. One dead set on finding me someone and the other who asked me if I was gay. Then to make matters worse, my nephew told me he had a girl that he liked. That meant all the men in my family had a significant other or at least a potential significant other except for me. I’ve heard about Bluette magic and Bluette men knowing when they’ve found the one but I think my magic is gone and my meter is broken. Maybe I’m supposed to be by myself.

  My date finally talked herself into exhaustion and needed to end our date. She had an early morning. I was more than okay with that. I think I may have said ten words the entire evening. I walked her out to her car, opened the door to help her in and bid her a good night. No promises to call or date again because I knew that wasn’t going to happen.

  I made it home, stripped down and took a long shower. I was hoping that the heat from the shower and my mental exhaustion would help me sleep, but it didn’t. Long, sound sleep had eluded me for years. My doctor said that my insomnia could be a side effect of the PTSD. I had been prescribed some sleep medication, but I didn’t like the way it made me feel, so I stopped taking it. Other than sleeplessness, I didn’t have any other problems associated with PTSD, but I still went to my appointment with my VA doctor and stayed on top of my health and fitness.

  I turned on my surround sound, filling my bedroom with ambient sounds of beach waves and rainstorms. I climbed into my bed and contemplated my next moves.


  Instead of starting my morning off at my accounting firm, I was on my way to the church for a meeting. Roman planned on introducing the new Abundant Blessing Academy director and discussing timelines, as it relates to the opening of the school. He and Zanetta had been working diligently to find the correct person to fill
the Director position. The Academy is using Bluette and Company, my accounting firm, to handle their finances. I appointed a team to work the special nonprofit accounts. ABA will be our second non-profit account; the church is the first. I oversaw the church account, but since we are expanding, I have someone in mind to head the non-profit division. It has proven profitable to have a lawyer in the family. Zanetta’s brother, Xavier, has been instrumental in getting the nonprofit division up and running.

  I stopped at the coffee shop around the corner from the church to pick up donuts and coffee for the meeting. Chef Leilani is catering, but Zanetta requested donuts and coffee from this particular shop, so I volunteered to pick them up. I stood in line behind one person who was currently being helped.

  “Hi Deborah,” the woman in front of me spoke to the barista. The woman’s voice had a sultry, velvety tone to it that instantly caught my attention.

  “Hi, Olivia! Today is the day, right?” the Barista cheerfully responded.

  “Yes, I’m nervous and excited!” the woman quickly replied.

  “Don’t be nervous, you went through a million people to be selected. You’ve earned it!”

  “Thank you, Deborah!”

  “I guess we won’t see you around here as often since you will be working now?”

  The woman laughed, “I will not be far away, so I will stop through.”

  “Congratulations again!”

  “Thank you.”

  The Barista handed the woman a cup of coffee. The woman turned quickly, nearly crashing into my chest. I stepped back immediately while grabbing her shoulder with one hand and her wrist with my other hand to stabilize her cup of coffee. She obviously didn’t realize I was standing behind her. Maybe, I had moved in closer to listen to their conversation and catch a glimpse of her face before she exited.

  “Oh, my Goodness!” Her face was flush with panic as she looked at her un-spilled cup of coffee then up to me. “I’m so sorry! That was almost a catastrophe!”

  Her voice has such a unique quality. Her fair, lightly bronzed, skin and big brown eyes were sweet and matched her voice perfectly.

  “No problem. I think we are both all right,” I responded while checking the front of her dress for spilled coffee.

  She smiled, and her full cheeks pushed the bottom of her eyes up until they were slits. Her full lips opened and showcased a top row of beautiful teeth. Wow.

  “Thank you,” dripped from her lips like honey from a honeycomb…sweet.

  I followed her eyes and realized I was still holding onto her wrist. I slowly let it go and stepped back.

  I tipped my head, “You’re welcome.”

  She stepped around me and walked to the door. I watched until she disappeared around the corner, got into a late model car and drove away.

  I stepped to the counter.

  “Order for Bluette.”

  I arrived at the church and parked in the back to be closer to the conference room door. I got out of my truck and propped the back door open so that I could make one trip in with the coffee and the donuts. No one was in the conference room yet other than Chef Leilani and her team who were setting up the breakfast. I passed the coffee and donuts to her assistant and chose a seat at the table. I checked my emails on my phone while waiting for everyone else to arrive.

  Zanetta came in first looking stylish and beautiful in her tan dress and black blazer.

  “Pax! I didn’t see you come in!”

  I stood to greet her. She walked into my embrace. We hugged then I kissed her on the top of her head.

  “I came in through the back door.”

  “Oh, okay. Roman was just ending a call. He will direct everyone else back this way once he’s done.”

  I saw her eyes squint. I knew some mischief had just passed through her mind.

  “No, Nette.”

  “What? I didn’t even say anything!” She shrugged.

  “No, you can’t introduce me to anyone. No, I’m not lonely. I’m fine.”

  “Wrong, I was just going to say how nice your navy-blue suit looks on you today. I like the orange and blue tie choice you made.”

  I looked at her with a deadpan expression.

  “…then I was going to say that I’m ready for you to meet someone…”

  I interrupted, “Please reference the previous statement.”

  We laughed as Roman entered the room followed by a team of people.

  I spoke to everyone as they came in and made their way to the food setup. The last person to enter the room made me do a double take. She walked into the room timidly, looking around as she made her way to the oblong conference table. She still had the same cup of coffee in her hand.

  What are the odds?

  She didn’t notice me. I’m not sure she would have recognized me. It was only a one-minute encounter. I was about to say something to her when Nette walked up to her, and they embraced.

  “Doctor Olivia!”

  Olivia, yes, that’s what the Barista called her.

  I was attempting to ear hustle until Wes, the owner of the construction company we hired to do the work on the ABA came up and started talking to me. He obstructed my view, but I did get the chance to see that bright smile one more time.

  “Good morning, everyone. Can we take a seat so we can get started?” Roman spoke to the room.

  Wes shook my hand and moved to find a seat at the table. I situated myself in a chair directly across from the seat Olivia occupied. I watched Nette smile and pat Olivia’s shoulder before she moved to the head of the table next to Roman.

  “I want to say a word of prayer then we will get started. Touch the person next to you.”

  Everyone around the table touched the person next to them and bowed their heads. I don’t bow my head or close my eyes for prayer when I’m in a room of people. As Roman’s Armor Bearer, I’m usually the one keeping watch. Someone has to watch. Roman said a word of prayer and completed it with, “Amen.”

  “Amen,” the room responded.

  “Good morning, again. I am glad to see everyone. As you all know we have been searching for several months for a director of the Abundant Blessings Academy. We are fortunate to have a more than suitable person to fill the position. Doctor Olivia Callahan…”

  Everyone at the table clapped. I sat directly across from her, but she still hadn’t looked my way.

  Roman read from a piece of paper, “began her career as a math teacher at Willow Hill High School in Georgia after graduating Magna Cum Laude from Savannah State University, with a Bachelor’s of Science in Secondary Education and Mathematics. She went on to obtain a Master’s Degree in Educational Administration from Armstrong Atlantic State University and was appointed Vice-Principal of Willow Hill Middle School. After receiving a Doctor of Philosophy in Education, she continued to work for the Willow Hill school district until her recent relocation to Houston, Texas.” He pushed the paper away. “Welcome Doctor Callahan. You can address the group if you would like.”

  “Thank you, Pastor Bluette.” Olivia smiled at Roman. “I am very happy to be a new member of the ABA team,” she scanned the table with her eyes and finally landed on me. She did a double take but didn’t lose her train of thought nor did she stumble over her words. So, she does recognize me. “I promise I’m not nearly as pretentious as my resume makes me sound. I’m just a Southern girl that found I had the aptitude for learning and teaching mathematics. I love having a hand in the molding of young minds. I am very appreciative of Pastor Bluette and Mrs. Bluette for the opportunity to work with the Academy.”

  She didn’t look at me again, but my eyes never left her. Her hair was pulled back into a large bun. It wasn’t slicked down. It was wavy indicating her hair was natural. She didn’t wear any makeup except for some gloss on her full lips. She wore small gold post earrings and no other jewelry. Her dress was professional but for lack of a better term, mature. No, not mature, matronly. It was a royal blue color with blue and white paisley prints all over it. S
he wore one of those half sweater things that women wear to cover their arms at church. Being around my fashionista sister has forced me to pay more attention to things like that.

  “Thank you, Doctor Callahan. We are happy to have you.” Roman smiled then continued, “Doctor Callahan will oversee the hiring of her own staff. Some of you who have been selected for positions at the ABA will be answering to Doctor Callahan. We will all assist in getting her settled in and ready to work. Everyone, please be sure to introduce yourself to her. Doctor Callahan, if you have any questions or concerns, you have access to both my wife and me. We will have these meetings monthly until the ABA is open. I want an update on all progress that has been made. I expect excellence and communication in every step of this process. Do we all understand?”

  The room responded with various forms of yes.

  “Paxton, is the person in place at the accounting firm that will be handling the ABA account?” Roman looked at me for an answer.

  “No, I will be handling it for the immediate future.”

  I’d just made that decision. I did have someone in mind, but they would have to wait until I got to know Olivia.

  Roman passed me a look that only I could read. We had already discussed someone at the firm handling the account. I had made it very clear that I would be passing those duties on to someone. My look back said we will talk later. He respected that and moved on.

  “Great, Doctor Callahan, Paxton is the person that will handle all of the financial business for the ABA. We can schedule a separate meeting to discuss budgets and timeframes.”

  I tipped my head. Roman gave me another look before he continued with the meeting. He went over the timeline for the ABA to be opened and other pertinent business.

  “Before I finish, I want to say a huge thank you to everyone at this table. I know that I have high expectations from you, but you never fail to deliver above and beyond my expectations. A special thank you to my Queen for adjusting from being a temporary employee to my Destiny Partner. You have been fantastic, Love.”


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