Paxton's Peace

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Paxton's Peace Page 7

by Bailey West

  He winked while he kissed Zanetta’s hand. She smiled.

  “Are all hearts and minds clear?” He looked around the table. No one said anything. “Okay, great. Make sure you get everything to me that I requested. Connect with Doctor Callahan and continue to dominate. This meeting is adjourned.”

  I hung back and waited until everyone introduced themselves to Olivia before I made my move. I started towards her and Roman stepped into my path. We looked at each for a few seconds before he looked over his shoulder and then back to me.

  “Oh, you want to do shy brother?” Roman was referring to a scene from his favorite movie The Five Heartbeats. I rolled my eyes at him before he chuckled and stepped out of my way. I approached Olivia while she was smiling and talking to Zanetta. Zanetta stopped her conversation to introduce me.

  “Doctor Callahan…”

  “Olivia, please, Mrs. Bluette.”

  “Olivia, please call me Zanetta or Nette. This is my brother, Pastor Bluette’s brother, Paxton.”

  “My hero,” she smiled.

  “You’ve met before?” Roman joined the conversation.

  “Paxton saved us both from having coffee down the front of our clothes this morning at the coffee shop. Thank you again.”

  “My pleasure, Olivia.”

  Now that I was closer to her, I could appreciate her sand colored skin and dark brown eyes. I noticed a small scar above her left eyebrow and a small mole near the corner of her mouth. She was completely make-up free and pretty. Really pretty.

  “As soon as I get settled in my office, I would like to schedule a meeting with you so we can go over the financials. I don’t have an assistant yet so I will be taking care of all of my own scheduling.”

  “Where will your office be located?”

  “It will be here at the church, for now, correct Pastor Bluette?”

  “Yes, we have it all set up for you,” Nette responded. “When you are finished here, I can show you where it is, Olivia.”

  “I think I’m finished. It was nice meeting you, Paxton. I will contact you to set up a time to meet.”

  “Welcome to the team, Olivia.”

  She turned and followed Zanetta out of the room leaving Roman and me in the room alone.

  “I was about to ask you what was going on with you saying you were going to handle the ABA, but you answered my question,” he chuckled.

  “Do you know if she is in a relationship? I didn’t see a ring.”

  “She told Nette that she is divorced and moved to Houston to get a fresh start.”


  “I’m sure you will know everything Nette knows because she saw you staring a hole through her while we were in the meeting.”

  I laughed.

  “I’m sure she will fill me in.”


  I followed Zanetta out of the conference room. I wanted to look back and catch another glimpse of my hero, Paxton. I didn’t though. I was surprised to see him at the table, but it was a pleasant surprise. I didn’t get a chance to take in all of his features at the coffee shop, but I did during our short conversation after the meeting. He is well over six feet tall with golden skin. He’s a redhead! His auburn hair is short and wavy. He has a closely cropped beard and mustache that I had to force myself not to touch. It looked so soft and moisturized. His eyes are dark brown and penetrating. He looks like Pastor Bluette but a taller and lighter version. He’s handsome and smells like heaven. I’m certain that a man as handsome as he is would not be interested in me. A girl can dream, though.

  “This is your temporary office space, Olivia. I hope this will work for you.”

  Zanetta pulled me back to my current mission which was seeing my new office space.

  I looked around taking in the newly painted space. It had eggshell colored walls with brown trim. There was a large chestnut desk in front of a wall full of built-in bookshelves. There were two red chairs situated in front of the desk.

  “Wow, this design is modern and beautiful. Was this someone’s office before me?”

  “Thank you. No, it wasn’t anyone’s office. My husband let me decorate it so that I could use it for my interior design portfolio. I found every piece of furniture at a resale or thrift shop.”

  “No! Really?”

  I looked around the room again. There was nothing that I could see that would indicate that everything was used or secondhand. It was immaculate.

  “Yep, a couple of things had to be fixed like this desk needed to be sanded down and re-stained. These chairs had to be re-upholstered, but yes, this is my thrifted room. If there is anything you don’t like we can remove or replace it.”

  “Please! I’m wondering if you would be willing to help me decorate my office at the Academy!”

  “It would be my pleasure. I’m still learning interior design, but I enjoy it. When we get closer to the project being complete, we can sit down and talk about design.”

  “I would love that.”

  I walked behind the desk and sat down in the large plush chair. I was trying very hard to contain my excitement. I wanted to appear professional but the more it sank in that I was actually living my life on my own terms, the more excited I became.

  “That is the biggest, prettiest smile I’ve ever seen.”

  I looked up and saw Zanetta smiling back at me.

  “I hope this next statement doesn’t make me seem less professional or Doctor-ish, but I’m so dang-on happy! Like, seriously Zanetta, this is my dream. I’ve tried to live everyone’s dream for me, now finally, I get to live my own dream. GAWD! I’m sorry. I just want to pinch myself.”

  “No, that didn’t make you sound like anything except the perfect choice for this position. I am so glad you are here.”

  “Thank you. I’m happy to be here.”

  I liked Zanetta as soon as we met. She is so personable and sweet. Her spirit is welcoming and mothering at the same time. I’m sure I’m older than her, but she has a quality about her that makes you feel safe and special.

  “Thank you, Zanetta.”

  “We should have dinner sometime, I know you haven’t lived here very long. I haven’t been here that long myself, and we can explore together if you would like.”

  “I would like that a lot.”

  “Great! Let’s set a date and make it happen.”

  I sat in my office well after Zanetta had left still in awe of the wonderful changes that had happened in my life. Not only am I gainfully employed in a new city but I am doing what I’ve always dreamed of. I looked through some of the paperwork that Zanetta left for me. I started to jot down some notes and thoughts. My stomach growled forcing me to check my watch. It was after five o’clock. No wonder it was growling, I hadn’t eaten since breakfast. There was a knock on my office door. I figured it was Zanetta.

  “Come in,” I called.

  The door opened, and to my surprise, it wasn’t Zanetta, it was Paxton. My breathing stopped for a split second.

  “I hope I’m not disturbing you, Olivia?”

  “Um…no…not at all. Come in, please.”

  I held on tight to the arms of my chair as he closed the door behind him and strutted to the chair in front of my desk. He looked like a male model in his navy-blue suit that rested on his body like it enjoyed being there. I became envious of the expensive looking material that fit perfectly on his large frame. The shirt he wore with the suit looked brand-new white like he’d just taken it directly from the sewing machine. His orange and blue tie added a pop of color and matched the orange cufflinks in the French cuffs of his shirt. He nodded toward the seat. I nodded back indicating he could sit down.

  “I’d made it all the way back to my office before I realized that we didn’t set a date.”

  My throat became dry immediately.

  “A date?”

  “Yes, a date for us to go over the financials for the Academy.”

  Oh…for the Academy…

  “Well, my calendar is free other
than my search for a secretary. It’s just me and my four walls at my house.”

  “You don’t have any family or friends here?”

  “No, I’m divorced. I came to Houston by myself.”

  “You should let me take you to dinner, then. It can be a welcome to Houston dinner. That is if you don’t have plans for this evening.”

  My stomach dropped. This evening? I tried to play it cool like I wasn’t freaking out on the inside. Did he just ask me out to dinner tonight?

  “No, I don’t have any plans. Dinner would be nice.”

  He handed me his phone. There was a picture of a little boy as his screensaver.

  “Give me your number and address. I will pick you up around seven thirty. Is that a good time?”

  “Yes, that’s a good time,” I said as I navigated to the contacts button to enter my information. I’d never had access to Mason’ phone like this. I never knew his passwords or was even allowed to hand him his phone. I quickly entered my information and passed his phone back to him.

  “Your son is handsome.”

  Like his dad.

  My phone vibrated on my desk.

  “That’s me calling you, so you have my information.” I navigated to my recent calls and saved his information in my phone. “Oh, and that’s not my son. BJ is my nephew, but thank you, he is handsome and very smart.” Paxton stood from his seat as he spoke, “I will see you at seven thirty, Olivia.”

  I watched him leave my office battling the urge to pull my bottom lip between my teeth as I watched his broad back flex in his suit jacket. He turned and nodded before he pulled the door closed behind him.

  His scent lingered in my office well after he left. I think I’m going to love it here.


  I’d thought about letting Zanetta get the information for me about Olivia, but I decided I could get all the information I needed from Olivia on my own. I drove past the church after leaving my office and saw her car still parked on the lot. I stopped in and asked her to dinner. She easily agreed. I was pleased.

  I had come to a conclusion, just last night that I wasn’t going on any more dates. They had been a cornucopia of disasters and wastes of my time, but there was something about Olivia, just in our short interaction, that I liked about her. I did use the Academy as the reason for dinner so if things didn’t go well, we could at least discuss business. Then, tomorrow, I would assign one of my associates to the Academy, and I wouldn’t have to deal with her anymore.

  I followed the GPS instructions to her house. Her neighborhood was one of the older and rougher parts of town. I pulled up to a small cottage style house with a nicely manicured lawn and a chain link fence around it. It sat back away from the street like maybe a larger house sat in front of it at some point. It looked to be around five hundred or six hundred square feet. Probably a one bedroom, one-bathroom house. My brothers and I had been flipping real estate properties for several years now. It had become second nature to assess a property before stepping foot inside.

  I looked at my watch and saw that it was seven-twenty. I was a little early, but I rang the doorbell anyway. It only took her a few seconds to open the door.

  “Paxton, hi!”

  I thought she would say give me a couple more minutes or I’m almost ready. No, she reached behind the door and grabbed her purse. She walked out and pulled the door closed behind her.

  “Is it locked?” I asked while still standing with the screen door resting on my back. I turned the knob to make sure. It didn’t open.

  “Thank you,” she smiled.

  “No problem.”

  We walked to my car. She reached to open the passenger door, but I beat her to it and opened it for her. She seemed a little surprised by the gesture.

  “Thank you,” she said as she settled herself into the peanut butter colored leather seat of my Escalade. I closed her door and walked around to my side of the truck and got in.

  “I was thinking of going to a barbecue restaurant. How does that sound? You’re not a vegetarian or anything like that, right?”

  “No, I’m okay with whatever you choose. I love barbecue.”


  I pulled from the curb and headed in the direction of the restaurant. Lianne La Havas played softly through the speakers.

  “Why did you choose Houston, Olivia?”

  I glanced over at her then returned my eyes to the road.

  “I was born and raised right outside of Savannah. I felt like I’d reached my maximum potential there, so I was ready to leave. When I knew my marriage was over, I started searching for a new location. I was ready for something fresh.”

  “How long were you married?”

  “Eight years. I’ve been divorced for a little over a year now. What about you? Married, divorced, dating, children?”

  She wasn’t put off by my line of questioning. She gave it right back to me. I like her.

  “Never. Refer to the previous answer. Not currently. No.”

  “Really? You’ve never been married? Why, if you don’t mind me asking. Are you one of those people that don’t believe in marriage or do your good looks keep you playing the field?”

  I chuckled, “Thank you for the compliment. No, I believe in marriage. I haven’t found her yet. I played the field when I was young, but I’m too grown to play now.”

  “Did they run fast, when you were chasing them?”

  “No,” I glanced at her. She chuckled. “They usually did not.”

  “I bet,” she laughed again.

  “Do you think you want to do it again, be married? Did you have a bad break-up?”

  I had pegged her as shy. I was wrong about that, she’s not shy at all. I don’t know how we got so personal so quickly but she’s not sweating it, so I’m not going to either. Might as well find out if I’m wasting my time early on.

  “I had a wonderful break-up. My marriage was hell. I know that no one has ever gone to hell and come back to tell about it, but I believe I had the perfect glimpse of it while I was with my ex-husband. My ex-mother in law’s name could have been Rosemary, and it wouldn’t have surprised me at all.”

  I glanced over at her, “Rosemary, from the movie Rosemary’s baby where she gave birth to the Anti-Christ?”

  “Yep, except she was probably a willing participant.”

  “Are you saying those things because the divorce was bitter? You know how people turn on each other when they are going through a divorce. Or was it really that bad?”

  I’ve seen people who were once madly in love turn into completely different people when they go through a divorce.

  “No, I’m not bitter and like I said the divorce was wonderful. I didn’t take anything, not even his last name. I just wanted out. We didn’t fight or argue. Well, I didn’t fight or argue. I signed what I needed to sign and walked away. He really was a horror, but that’s my past. I look forward to my future. I believe in love and marriage as long as it’s right.”

  I parked on the lot of the restaurant and turned off the truck. She reached to open her door.

  “Please don’t do that,” I nodded towards the door, “a woman should never have to open her own car door when a man is around.”

  She rested back in the seat. I walked around to the passenger side and helped her out. I let her walk ahead of me as we entered the restaurant. She wore a black knee length dress that was too big in my opinion although it did nothing to hide her ample bottom. I didn’t stare at her behind, but I glanced several times before we made it to the hostess station.

  We followed the hostess to a table in the corner of the restaurant. We sat down, and I looked over my menu.

  “I am going to have the full slab of ribs and burnt ends with the baked beans and potato salad for my sides. What about you?” I put my menu down and looked over at her. She was looking out the window. “What’s wrong? You don’t see anything you like on the menu?”

  “Humph? Oh, no. I’m sorry. I hadn’t even looked at the m
enu. Old habits die hard, I guess.” She chuckled and picked up the menu.

  She didn’t elaborate on her statement, and I didn’t ask.

  “I would like the brisket with slaw and green beans. Although the baked beans do sound good.”

  “I don’t think you can make a wrong food choice, everything is good.”

  The waitress came to take our order. “Go ahead, Olivia.” She smiled and told the waitress what she wanted. I told her my order, and she left our table to place our orders.

  “I can tell from your accent that you are not originally from Texas. You are from the East Coast?”

  “Yes, New York.”

  “Really? I’ve never been to New York. It’s on my bucket list. I want to see a Broadway play and walk down Fifth Avenue. Oh, and see the Statue of Liberty and the Empire State building. Do you go back often?”

  “I go back two to three times a year. My parents are always down here so, I don’t have to go back too often.”

  “Yes, I met your parents when I had my interview for the position. Your mother is a firecracker.”

  “That she is.”

  “So, tell me about the financial set up for the Academy.”

  I guess we should talk about the academy since that’s why I asked her to dinner.

  “It will operate as a private non-profit institution. Zanetta has already secured a lot of funding by way of donations, grants, and pledges. Those three things will be vital to the success of the school. There are a few families that have already pledged to create scholarships for children who may not be able to afford the tuition. We have to make sure that every T is crossed and every I dotted when it comes to the finances. I’ve already decided to hire an independent firm to perform audits on the account to make sure we stay right.”

  “Great. What is my role?”

  “Right now, your role is to get yourself comfortable in your new role. I want to train you on the accounting software. When you hire the bookkeeper for the Academy, I want you to know everything they know. That way you can always check behind them, if necessary.”


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