Jake’s Silence
Page 19
I know I need to get out of bed, but with the smell of Jake surrounding me and my body sinking into the mattress and soft covers, I don’t think I can be swayed. Then Ari comes bounding into the room. “You’re still asleep?” she says, hopping onto the bed, landing with a bounce that jars my body from its comfortable position.
“What, Ar? Can’t you see I’m sleeping?” I groan, pulling the covers over my head.
“Don’t care. I got some news,” she says in a playful voice.
“Great. Don’t tell me. You hooked up with a biker.” I reply in a monotone voice, not at all surprised at the possibility.
“Ah. No.” She sound slightly offended and dejected at the same time.
“What then?”
“The Siberians are here.”
“The what?” I question pulling the blanket from my face.
“The other club coming for the party. Don’t you remember Buggs saying something about it?”
“Oh yeah. Why is that so exciting?”
“Just wait and you’ll see,” she says in a sing-song voice, telling me to get out of bed again. I do as she says, straightening out the long t-shirt of Jake’s I have decided is going to be mine now. Taking a quick shower, I fish around in the suitcase Jake had packed for me and realize he didn’t pack anything that went together. Go figure. I’m left with a pair of leggings with five t-shirts I can’t wear with the leggings and a pair of jeans I need a belt for. There is no belt. He grabbed me plenty of underwear, though—every single pair I own.
I stand there wrapped in my towel, wondering what the hell I’m going to wear, hair dripping on the floor when I remember the little shopping trip Ari and I went on yesterday. Buggs kept piling things onto my arm to try on and when I told her I couldn’t afford them all, she claimed I had store credit, courtesy of Jake. Walking over to the bags piled on the floor, I rummage around until I find the perfect outfit. This one won’t show as much skin as the leather I wore last night, but I think it may have the same effect. I don’t know where the new-found confidence is coming from, but the clothes made me feel sexy.
I slip on a pair of panties then go for the leather pants. Yes, leather pants. They are laced up corset style all the way up the front, on both legs, same with the closing at the top in place of a zipper. Then I pull on a tighter than tight t-shirt that says Hell’s Riders on it, stretched across my chest. Below it is the flaming motorcycle and rider.
“Keeks, Jake is going to choke his tongue when he sees you.” She laughs.
“I guess we will see, won’t we?” When we walk out the door I can already hear the bustle coming from the bar. I get a sudden burst of panic then the need to go back and change into seeming less sexy, but Ari doesn’t let me. Instead, she grips onto my hand and pulls me down the hall past the common room and into the bar. Crap.
“I thought we…” I start to speak but the sight before me stops the words in my mind from forming. There are more men than I can count. The noise of laughter and loud talking assaults my ears. Looking around, I search for a familiar face, hoping to see at least Rock or maybe Sage, but I only see, what I’m guessing, are the Siberians and a few of the men from the Rhino chapter. I catch sight of the large patch on the back of one of the Siberian’s vests. A large red wolf surrounded by yellow flames takes up the back along the words Siberians above the patch and Sanders, ID on the bottom.
“Well now. You look like you’re lost sweet thang.” Looking up over my shoulder I freeze. Looming above me is a larger-than-life man with the longest beard I have ever seen, reaching clear down to the middle of his chest. His head is completely bald, which I am sure is the reason why he would have such a long beard. Before I can respond, I hear a voice I do know and relax immediately.
“She’s the VP’s woman Tyke, move on.” Rico’s growl makes the man’s face pale.
“Sorry. No disrespect. Just saw something pretty and wanted to say hello.” He holds his hands up and moves along rather quickly.
“Need to put a sign around your neck woman, you are going to get all sorts of people killed. Especially dressed like that,” Rico says, looking me over without restraint. I almost want to cover myself from the blatant way his eyes look me over then they turn to Ari, and I swear it intensifies before he jerks his eyes up to mine.
“Where is he?” I question, not wanting to stick around in the bar any longer than I have to.
“Thought he would be coming in to make sure that you didn’t start wandering, but I guess not. Probably still out in the shop. Follow me,” he says over his shoulder already rolling through the crowded bar. Ari and I stay close as he parts the way with his chair, some of the men patting his back as he rides by. I try not to let the lingering eyes on Ari and I bother me, but I feel like I’m under a microscope. Last night was different, I knew most of the guys that were in the bar, and I had Jake with me.
When we get outside, I let out the breath I was holding the entire walk through the bar and look over to the shop. What I find isn’t something I was expecting. Jake is leaning up against a truck with a woman I have never seen before pressed to his side. I’m about to stomp over there and give the both of them a piece of my mind when she presses a kiss to his cheek. That son of a… My thoughts pause when he grips hold of her hip and pushes her away from him. I catch the look on his face when he has her at arm’s length. His eyes are narrowed and he gives a stern shake of his head then, as if he sensed I was watching, his eyes find mine.
I take in a deep calming breath and start forward again. One foot in front of the other, I tell myself. As I get closer, Jake backs further away from her, coming to me and pulling me in close. Right where the woman he just pushed away was. “Nothing going on, Key,” he says in my ear and I straighten my spine, looking over at the woman who has turned to face us.
She has long, dark purple tinted hair with bright red lipstick gracing her plump lips. Her blue eyes pop with shaded on eyeshadow and her outfit is a pair of carefully ripped leggings and a tight tank top. Both black. She stands a half of a foot taller than me with the dangerously high heels she balances on.
“Hi. I’m—” I cut her off before she can say anymore.
“I don’t care. I don’t want to catch you with your hands on him again. Good?” I say it with as much authority as I can muster. It must do the trick because she looks down at the ground and gives a nod before she walks away.
“Nice, Keeks,” Ari whispers, dragging out the word nice, laughing a little at the snuffing I just did. I’ll admit, I’m even a little impressed with myself. I glance over at Rico who is parked just to the right of us then to Ari who automatically knows what I’m thinking.
“Hey, Puerto Rico. Let’s roll on out and give these two a second,” she says, already walking away from Jake and me. I watch as Rico glares at her retreating back, but then sighs and follows behind.
“Jake—” I try to start but he stops me.
“Nothin’ goin’ on with her,” he says, gripping my chin in between his two fingers, trying to reassure me but I know there is something else. They might not have anything going on now but they did at some point.
“You’ve slept with her though haven’t you?” I rhetorically, I already know the answer and by the look on his face he knows I do, too.
“Not going to apologize. Was before us, Key,” he says, startling me with the sound of his voice. Laced with gravel and annoyance.
“I wasn’t asking you to Jake. I just…Don’t want…”
“I know. Can’t help what they do,” he says, taking me into his arms, reassuring me. “Think you claimed your territory,” he says with a silent chuckle. “Got to claim mine.” What? I pull away from him but before I can question what he meant, he is taking my hand in his and leading me to his truck at the far end of the compound.
“What are we doing?” I ask, but get my answer when he guides my back alongside the truck and brings his mouth down to mine. Soft, but still with purpose. I respond, wrapping my arms around him pulling him
closer to get even more contact. My hips are gripped and I wrap my legs around his waist, his erection pressing into my leather covered core.
“Leather’s fucking hot on you,” He growls, clearing his throat to find more words. “Got you something,” he tells me, pulling away just enough to open the passenger side door. I’m still pinned to the truck with his hips and he makes it look easy to hold me there. I glance over to see him pulling out something that looks like his cut, only this one is smaller. My size. Slowly he lets my legs drop to the ground and hands me the leather. I hold it out and confirm it’s a vest. Much like his, it has the large patch on the back, but the words read ‘Property of Jake’ instead of the Cental, SD on the bottom.
“Property of?” I question, looking up at him.
“Yeah. You are,” He tells me, making me bristle.
“Property of. I’m not property Jake,” I huff out, shoving the vest back at him. “No.” I try to stomp away like a child but he pulls me back to his chest. Struggling for a moment, I decide to stop because I know darn well I won’t get away from him.
“So people know you’re with me. No one’ll mess with you,” he tries to explain, making me remember the man who, not an hour ago, tried to make an advance. Then how he backed off as soon as he realized who I was. “Don’t gotta wear it…all the time. Only when we got…company. Don’t…trust anyone,” he says. His words starting to get choppier and more strained. I take a deep calming breath to try and understand.
“Okay. But only then,” I say trying to pull away but he holds me tight.
“Love you, Key,” he whispers into my ear, and I soften at his words, then something smooth slips onto my arm. He is sliding the vest on. The soft leather caresses my skin before it reaches my t-shirt covered shoulders. It’s fitted. Tight at my sides, unlike the ones the men wear. He turns me to face him, the burning look of lust in his eyes. “Good in my colors,” he rasps, taking the zipper and zipping the vest up halfway. Then he leans in to kiss me again, this one soft and un-rushed, pulling away with a nip to my bottom lip. He nods his head in the direction of the clubhouse and I catch his meaning. We walk to the clubhouse hand in hand, going inside to stop at the bar to grab him a bottled water.
We are greeted by a couple members of the Siberian Club. Jake shakes hands with the men making our way through them to get to the hallway, not once talking. When we walk into the common room, I find Ari along with the girls we met yesterday. Rico, no surprise, is nowhere to be found. Suppose he dropped her off as soon as he could.
“Damn girl, look at you!” Jasmine shrieks, followed with a similar one from Cira.
“That vest is…hot. And with those pants.” Cira waves her hand dramatically in front of her face.
“Got to finish up outside,” Jake says softly into my ear. His next words, not so much. “Stay out of the bar.” They come out as more of a growl than anything. Then he is walking away, giving my ass a swat before he does. I yelp in surprise and catch his wink as he leaves me with the girls.
“That boy has got it bad for you. I think the only woman around here that has one of those is Buggs. You got branded girl,” Cira says with a smile, nodding toward my vest.
“Branded?” I question, going to the fridge to find something to eat. I slept in, right through breakfast it seems, since the kitchen is now spotless.
“Yeah. You’re his. It lets everyone know if they fuck with you, they fuck with him. Fuck with the whole club, actually,” Jasmine says, clarifying.
“Oh,” is all I can say. The conversation about the tattoo comes to mind, then the mention of the ring. This was his way of putting something on me, stating I was his. Claiming me.
The thought sends an uncontrollable sinking feeling in my stomach. I have been bought and paid for more times than I care to remember. The last time being actually sold to a different owner like I was livestock. Or a pet. Suddenly I don’t feel so hungry. “I’m going to go to Jake’s room. Work on some homework,” I say, looking at Ari.
“I’ll be good here,” she says with a smile, knowing I wanted to go by myself. We have only known each other for a short time, but already, we seem to be on the same wavelength.
Walking down the hall to the room, I try to push off the feelings that are now clouding my mind. I know Jake didn’t purchase me. I know he doesn’t own me, nor does he want to, but I just can get the word out of my head.
I saw the annoyance in Kimi’s eyes when I showed her the vest. She looked hot as hell in it, but I could tell she didn’t like it. What it meant. Sucking down the rest of my water, I start inside to be done for the day and come face to face with the woman from earlier. I still haven’t learned her name. “I didn’t know you were spoken for,” she says, once again getting too close. Same as before, I push her away this time telling her to back the fuck off. She must get the message because she slinks off to the crowded bar.
“Think you broke her heart, VP,” Premo says, from his seat at the bar.
“Taken. Bitch knows it,” I say, sitting down on the stool next to him. I take the offered beer and tap the neck of the bottle to his plastic water bottle before taking a long swig.
“Yeah. Saw that when you walked her through earlier. Hiding her away?” I nod in response, wanting nothing more than to ditch the conversation and go find my woman. That would be disrespectful as fuck though, so I keep up the pleasantries. “Good idea. My boys haven’t had fresh pussy in a long fuck of a time. You know how they can get.” And I fuckin’ do. New pussy always gets shit stirred up. “Shit, me too.” He says with a laugh.
“I’ll keep her close,” I amend, taking another swig from the brown bottle.
“She’s got your colors and name. The men know the score if they fuck with what is yours. We’re good. Who was the one with her? The tight little thing with the purple hair,” he questions while sipping his beer.
“She fair game?” I don’t even know how to try and answer that question so I shake my head. “Fuck. I was hoping for a shot at that.”
“Not a club whore. Key’s friend from college,” I explain further, making him quirk an eyebrow.
“So, not completely off limits,” he says, finishing off the last of his water. “I will keep that in mind. Catch up with you later brother,” he tells me, getting up to walk away. I take my chance to head right through the door to the hallway. Going right for my room, I almost falter at the wide open door showcasing the crowd of women inside. None of them see me walk in, all too immersed in applying makeup to my girl. I do, however, catch their attention when I slam the door behind me. They all gasp and look up at me. I nod toward the door, which I’m now opening again for them to vacate. Kimi tries to say something but I shoot her a look that says to keep her mouth shut.
They file out of my room leaving the two of us behind, Ari telling Kimi she will be sure to stick close to the girls for the night. “Jake. What the hell? I know this is your room but…” I walk past her and go to the bathroom to grab a washcloth, all the while tuning out her protests. I let the water run until it’s hot then get the cloth damp. Turning back around I find her standing there, quiet now. I hold up the damp cloth to her and she looks at me like I have grown two heads.
“What am I supposed to do with that?”
“Take that shit off,” I say, gesturing to her face covered in whatever it is they put on her. I’m not going to lie she’s still hot as fuck but I don’t want her natural beauty covered up with the dark shadows. I can make an exception for the red lips.
“My makeup? Why?” She looks into the mirror and back at me. “There isn’t anything wrong with it,” she defends, looking back at me.
“Don’t need it, Key,” I say, extending the cloth once again.
“Jake, you can’t… No. I might be yours, but I damn sure will wear a little eyeshadow when I want,” she tells me, putting a sarcastic emphasis on the word yours. Shit. “I might be we
aring this,” she gestures to the vest still zipped onto her, “thing. This thing that says that I belong you. But I will not be told what to do, too.” She turns and storms back into the room heading for the door but I stop her before she can open it. “Let me go, Jake! You don’t own me!” she shouts and my grip goes stale. My finger let go and without a second look back at me, she is gone. I hear the door open and slam shut as she abandons me in the room, leaving me feeling like an ass.
My door flies back open with force, only minutes later, as I stomp out into the hall after her. Looking in both directions, I don’t see where she went, but I know it’s probably the place I don’t want her to be. The fucking bar.
Walking in, I find the room has thinned out slightly. Probably most of the men hooking up or passed out. This makes it easier to spot Kimi. She is standing alongside Ari who is talking to…Fuckin’ Premo. He seems to be working his charms on Ari as Kimi stays close to her side. When she spots me making my way across the room toward her, the unmistakable urge to bolt in her posture. She must think better of it because she stays in place, looking rigid. When I get up close, I slide my arm around her waist and pull her to my side. She is stiff but my words make her relax slightly.
“Sorry, Key” I whisper in her ear and give her lobe a quick tug between my teeth. I will let it go for now, but when we get back up to the room we are getting this shit straightened out.
The night continues without much being said between Jake and I, but I know that is going to change once we get back to his room. I push away the thought and try to enjoy the party in honor of Rico now being a patched member of the Hell’s Riders. Who is, right now, three sheets to the wind and enjoying the company of some woman, who I’m guessing came with the Siberian’s, as she grinds her half naked body along his in the sluttiest dance I have ever seen. The spectacle doesn’t seem to have much effect on Ari. She has gotten cozy with Premo—really cozy.