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Hells Vipers: You Belong to Me

Page 6

by Ices Sheer

  Douro had been so deep into getting his sausage smoked that he didn’t notice the men surrounding the vehicle until the passenger side door flung open. By then, it was too late.

  Chapter Five

  Kevin and Cindy

  She felt emotionally, mentally and physically exhausted, so why was she still there? It had been a week since the Grave Walkers president had disappeared. As usual, Kevin wouldn’t say what part, if any, he’d played in making that happen. The longer she stayed, the more risky her situation became. And now she’d brought Jasmine into this mess. When she’d taken Nuke over there, never in a million years did she think they would get together. Part of her, a bitter, dark space inside that had been growing bigger, wanted Jasmine to feel as miserable as she was. She dug into her purse and took out her phone. U wnt to do something tonight?

  It was ten minutes before she got a response from Jasmine. Zombie night with Nuke, u wnt 2 join us?

  Huh? she responded.

  Zombie movie night

  U hve movie night?

  Yep, u cn come watch with us…we got cookies and Tequila!

  Lol maybe next time, u 2 hve fun!

  ‘Wait! I hve a biker???’ Jasmine texted

  Cindy quickly responded. ‘Lol what is it?’

  Y do they leave the room 2 tlk on the phone


  Jasmine sent back a sad face.

  Sorry sweetie. We need to do lunch and talk, Cindy responded.

  Okay, R u sure it’s pussy? Jasmine responded. He says he’s really wants to be with me


  Jasmine texted two more sad faces back to Cindy.

  Cindy got up and tossed her things into the overnight bag she had brought with her. She needed to go home; the guilt she was feeling was eating away at her soul. She couldn’t even look Jamie in the eyes. It was her fault that Pam and the kids had been harmed. Now two people were dead because of her.

  Out of anger at Kevin’s betrayal, she’d gone straight to the Grave Walkers clubhouse and told them everything she knew, which was nothing but rumors. Kevin didn’t tell her detailed club info. All her knowledge came from speculations. They didn’t want rumors about the Hells Vipers. The Grave Walkers wanted something they could use to destroy the club so she gave them what she had: the names of friends and family. Then she willingly fucked them. She lost count somewhere after ten. In her drunken haze, she turned herself into the one thing she hated most, a biker whore.

  She headed into the bathroom and vomited as the blurry memories of that night reran in her mind. Her attempt at getting revenge on Kevin had now escalated the feud between the two clubs into an all-out war, and she’d lost her humanity.

  People were dying because she was heartbroken, because she fell in love with a man who couldn’t keep his dick in his pants. She should have just sat at home, watched a good movie and sobbed into a gallon of ice cream like any normal woman would do. Instead, she’d paid him back with betrayal of her own.

  When she walked back into the bedroom, Kevin was sitting on the bed.

  “Miss me?” he asked with a shy smile.

  “Kevin, why don’t we have movie night?”

  “What?” Kevin arched an eyebrow.

  “Jasmine and Nuke have movie night, why don’t we?”

  “Why didn’t you tell me they were together?”

  “Because we don’t talk, we screw,” Cindy snapped back.

  “That’s probably why we don’t have movie night,” he laughed.

  “It’s not funny. Do you know he eats lunch with her sometimes? He’s also taken her to work and picked her up at least twice that I know about.”

  “You work out of your house. What do you want me to do, pick you up and drive you around the block?”

  Cindy sent him a dirty look as she put her things into her bag. “Just forget it.”

  “Baby, what do you want from me?”

  “They’re more of a couple than we ever were. Who would have thought it? Nuke and Jasmine, they’re like yin and yang.”

  “Maybe it works because they balance each other.”

  “Why don’t we?”

  “I’m not Nuke, and you’re not Jasmine,” Kevin replied. “It’s the same reason that some people can get married and stay married for sixty years and some people can’t last sixty days.”

  “What’s that mean?”

  “If means your green-eyed monster is showing. You should be happy that your friend is happy.”


  Kevin attempted again to smooth things over. “You’re just looking at it from the outside. You’re seeing the roses, not the fertilizer that’s needed to make those roses grow. Damn, that sounds like some stuff Nuke would say.”

  They both laughed.

  “Yeah, where does he get all of that stuff from?” Cindy asked.

  “Who the hell knows? Honestly, I don’t want to be inside of Nuke’s head. It has to be scary in there. Dude is fucking weird as hell sometimes. Moody, too, and I’ve known him since we were kids.”

  They laughed again.

  “Did Jasmine tell you about the ginger root?”

  Cindy shook her head. “No, what’s up with ginger root?”

  “Apparently, he ties her up and shoves a ginger root up her ass.”

  “Oh my God, are you kidding me?” Cindy shrieked.

  Kevin nodded. “You want to try that?”

  “Absolutely not!” Cindy shook her head. “Do you think she’s okay with him? He’s your friend.”

  “Why wouldn’t she be? She’s apparently just as much of a freak as he is.”

  “She really likes him, you know what I mean? I don’t want her to get hurt,” Cindy said as she sat down next to Kevin on the bed.

  “Apparently, she likes getting hurt,” Kevin smirked.

  “Kevin, that’s not what I mean. From what she’s told me, she’s really getting serious about him. It’s going too fast in my opinion. It’s only been a few weeks. I can’t have a conversation with her without her saying ‘Nuke’ a gazillion times. I’m going to talk with her and explain to her how things are. She’s an adult, but we both know that it’s not going to work out. The Hells Vipers aren’t going to let some black chick invade the club,” she said somberly. “Nuke probably just wants to know what it was like to fuck a black chick with ginger root. He’s so bizarre!”

  “Cindy, it’s his business what he does with his dick, not the club.” Kevin got up from the side of the bed. He was beyond sick and tired of hearing her insult the club and his brothers.

  “Kevin, you know he sure as hell can’t take her with him anywhere! You know he’s not going to ride her around on the back of his bike!”

  Kevin shook his head. “I’m pretty sure he already has. Look, I’ll take you home. It’s probably safe now.” He’d decided shortly after he brought her to the clubhouse that he needed to let go. What’s done is done. He’d always care about her, but there was no way she was going to stop nagging about him being a Hells Viper. He needed a woman who would accept everything about him. The Hells Vipers were his family, which Cindy took pot shots at every chance she got. No pussy was worth that headache.

  She nodded. “Are you hungry? You want me to make you something? You can take me home later.” Most of her wanted to leave, but a small part of her didn’t. This was it for them, and they both knew it.

  “Alright,” he said dryly. “I’m going to shower first.”

  As she walked by him, he caught her arm. “You need to stop hating on Nuke and Jasmine.”

  “I’m not!”

  “Cindy, yes you are! You’re jealous, and jealousy can eat you alive.”

  Chapter Six

  Jasmine and Nuke

  In the kitchen as Nuke flipped through channels after they’d watched their third zombie movie of the night, Jasmine stripped down to her bra and panties. She hoped he liked her new lingerie. She’d gone to the mall earlier and spent more money on two different pairs of bras and panties than she
intended to. She wasn’t sure whether he’d like her in the pale pink, lacy undergarments. You never know with Nuke, she’d thought to herself. But still, she liked doing what she could to please him. She casually walked back into the living room and handed Nuke his beer.

  “You trying to hint at something?” he said without any inflection in his voice.

  “Maybe,” she shyly replied.

  Nuke glanced at her and then back to the television. He grunted. Then he spoke one word. “Sit!” he commanded.

  His tone made her instantly wet. She moved to sit next to him, but he casually pointed to the floor. Her breathing sped up as she knelt down onto her knees at his feet.

  “No, get on all fours.”

  Jasmine got up onto her knees, placing her hands on the carpet. She was bursting with anticipation of what he’d do to her next. Nuke said nothing more, focusing his attention on the television and sipping his beer.

  After thirty minutes, she began to fidget as her arms, knees and back grew weary.

  “Stop moving!” Nuke ordered as he got up from the sofa and walked back into the kitchen. He opened the refrigerator and grabbed another beer.

  She heard his heavy boots walking around in the kitchen, down the hallway and then back into the living room. “Tell me what you did wrong!”

  “I don’t know,” she replied quietly. She couldn’t tell if this was part of a game or if he was really serious.


  Jasmine racked her brain going over their evening together. “I don’t know, really. What did I do wrong?”

  He made another guttural sound. “You’re not a slut; don’t act like one. I didn’t tell you to take your clothes off. If I wanted a fucking whore, I’d go the clubhouse and stick my dick in one of them bitches.”

  Jasmine said nothing for a few moments. Dealing with Nuke, she always felt off balance. Just when she thought she knew what he wanted, he’d change, or so it seemed to her. She felt the burning in her eyes as she fought the need to cry. She didn’t know how to keep someone like Nuke interested. Sooner or later, he’d get tired of her and move on to the next woman, if he hadn’t already. Her ex would have loved her new lingerie. Hell, most men would have, but Nuke wasn’t like most men.

  “I wasn’t trying…I bought them today at the Victoria’s Secret. I had this whole plan in my head. I was trying to be sexy and romantic. I wasn’t trying to over-step my bounds with you. I just…I just wanted to make you happy.” It was too late now; the tears were falling, but she held her place on her hands and knees.

  She waited for his reply but got none. She didn’t dare turn and see what he was doing. Lately, she had this gut-wrenching fear of him walking out on her. She heard him again in the kitchen. Then he came back into the living room. “You need discipline!” He nudged her in the butt with his foot. “Turn around and crawl over here!”

  Jasmine turned herself around on her hands and knees. He was sitting in a chair with a pissed-off look on his face. He motioned for her to lie across his lap. She didn’t know herself anymore. Nuke has a way of getting her to let go and do things that she’d only imagined. She was about to be punished, and she still wasn’t certain why he was so upset.

  Being a grown woman lying across someone’s lap, she felt big, awkward, silly and a little afraid. She thought that at any moment, she’d fall and land flat on her face. He’d obviously done this plenty of times before because he moved her easily and held her in place.

  His hand caressed her bottom, and she jumped in anticipation of being spanked. This odd situation had her kitty tingling.

  “Every time you disobey me, you will be punished. Now, reply with ‘yes, Sir!’”

  “Yes, Sir!” she tried to control her breathing but failed. She still didn’t know if he was really angry with her.

  Nuke unhooked the knife from his belt and cut off her expensive panties. That thought alone was enough to bring a genuine tear to her eye. Her bottom was now bare, and her overly expensive underwear shredded.

  “You will count out loud and say, ‘Thank you, Sir.’ Understand?”

  “Yes, Sir” Jasmine replied with a sob.

  The swats began. They were not sexual as she thought they might be but purely discipline. Apparently, he was disappointed with her. From the very first smack to her bottom it stung and she let out a loud shriek.

  “One! Th-th-thank you, Sir!”

  She kept counting as the punishment continued.

  “Two! Thank you, Sir!”

  The third sent her feet up into the air, and she threw her hands back behind her to stop the next blow.

  “Bad girl!” Nuke said as he took both of her hands and held them in place. “That’s going to cost you five more!”

  The next swats came fast and hard. She burst into tears as she continued to count. “Ten! Thank you, Sir!” She hoped that it was over, even as her dripping pussy responded to the pleasure of the pain

  He did not stop. Nuke continued as she counted, thanked him and sobbed.

  “Fifteen. Thank you, Sir!”

  “Sixteen. Thank you, Sir!”

  She didn’t know how much more she could take. Without a doubt, she wouldn’t be able to sit down tomorrow. His hand had to be in pain, but it didn’t seem to faze him at all.

  “Twenty. Thank you, Sir!” She could feel his hard cock poking into her side, and no matter how humiliated and embarrassed she felt, the moisture between her legs still seeped out.

  “Thirty! Thank you, Sir!”

  He finally stopped. “Get down and crawl to the corner!”

  Dear God, how long was he going to keep this up chastisement, Jasmine thought. She climbed off of his lap, avoiding his eyes. She was sobbing like a little child. What bothered her even more was that she was soaking wet. She didn’t want to see his face or his jeans. Her juices must have left a wet spot. She couldn’t believe what had just happened, and still she was obeying him. She crawled over to the corner and waited his next command.

  He strolled up behind her. “Up on your knees, nose to the wall, hands behind your head. Lock your fingers.”

  She obeyed.

  Nuke caressed her red bottom, then cut away her bra, leaving her completely naked. “You spent a lot of money for no reason. I like you naked and wet. You will stay in that position until I say otherwise. Understand?”

  “Yes, Sir!”

  Nuke leaned over and kissed the top of her head.

  Nuke sat back down on the couch and he tried to avoid looking at Jasmine. She had to be punished, but there was nothing more he wanted right now than to fuck the hell out of her. He picked up his beer and tried to focus on the television. It wasn’t working. He glanced over at her; she was sniffling a little still, her shapely brown ass red from his spanking. Ten more minutes, then he would begin again.

  He drank the last of the beer, got up and retrieved another one from the fridge. As he watched her from the kitchen, he rubbed his cock through his jeans. Fuck! Why in the hell did she have to be so provocative? It made him want to discipline her all over again. There was a pecking order in this relationship, and she needed to learn it.

  Marching back into the living room, he set his bottle down on the end table. He took his bandana from his back pocket as he headed towards Jasmine. “Don’t move!” he said as he approached. She still jumped as he blindfolded her. Then he removed his belt and looped it around her neck, forming a leash.

  He yanked on the restraint and commanded, “Crawl!” He led her over toward the couch “Tits down, ass up!”

  Jasmine laid her upper body down onto the carpet with her ass up in the air. Nuke went back into the kitchen. She could hear him going through a drawer. He quickly returned. Taking both of her arms, he bent them behind her and duct taped her wrist together.

  He slid his finger over her slick opening and then he licked her clit. He pleasured her for a few seconds. It was enough to allow the moans to escape from her lips. He stopped, and she felt something else pressing into her eve
r so slightly, and it didn’t take her long to realize that it was his beer bottle. Some of the beer spilled out, and she felt his tongue licking the inside of her thighs and pussy. She moved forward. His response was to smack her hard on the ass.

  Nuke glided the bottle partially in and out of her before taking it out and drinking the remaining beer. “Pussy and beer, you can’t beat it!” he laughed. He slapped her bottom. Then he slowly penetrated her with the neck of the bottle again. He took a moment, letting her adjust to the length, giving her time to enjoy the feel of him using her hole for pleasure as she submitted.

  Jasmine began matching his thrust as her body responded to his object invasion. She felt embarrassed as she started to moaned out loud.

  “That’s it, baby. Fuck that bottle with your sweet pussy.”

  She felt possessed by him and she loved it. Never in her life had she needed or wanted to be with someone as much as she did with Nuke. She felt sad as much as she felt excited. This was going to end sooner or later. She’d lose him. There was no way she could keep someone like him entertained.

  “I want to hear you, baby. Let go of your fear and scream for me.”

  Nuke couldn’t wait any longer. He removed the bottle and replaced it with his cock. He took hold of her bound wrists and started to pound into her.

  Jasmine cried out at the force of his thrusts. Her screams echoed in the room as animalistic sounds escaped from them both. He groaned, fighting to control the passion in him. It turned her on even more. She felt wanted, needed, desired.

  Her pussy tightened down on his cock as she felt her orgasm near. Nuke wrapped his arms around her throat and pounded into her several more times before removing himself. “Not yet,” he said into her ear.

  He pulled her up onto her knees as he stood up. “Open your mouth.

  She nearly came at the command. She loved it when he fucked her face. She opened wide and sucked her own juices off of his cock as he slowly slid himself into her mouth.


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