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Bash, Volume III

Page 15

by Candace Blevins

  “I understand, but I’m glad you’re keeping the card.”

  “Thanks for taking care of me — after my abduction, and after I was falsely arrested. I have a feeling you were looking out for me a few other times, as well. You’ve seen me at just about my worst, and you helped me instead of taking advantage. Thanks.”

  “I’m one of the good guys — the true good guys. It’s what we do.”

  “You ever need backup and you can’t call on your cop friends? You have my number.”

  He smiled. “Thanks for the offer, and I know it’s a good offer. Not many civilians I’d trust to have my back, but you’re one of them, despite the fact you were trained by the Atlanta RTMC President. I don’t foresee ever needing to take you up on it, but I appreciate it all the same.”

  I shook his hand before he left, and got back to work, still wondering why he’d really come. It was possible it was just a final fishing expedition before he closed my file, but I made a note to mention it to Brain and Duke tonight, just to be sure I covered my bases.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  I enjoyed dinner at Brain and Harmony’s house, and felt much better with the idea I was the de facto co-leader of a wolf group. Randall asked a whole lot more questions than he answered, which I figured was to be expected — he wanted to keep his finger on the pulse, so to speak.

  After everyone left, I told Brain and Duke about Graham’s visit, and then went to the stables with Harmony to see her horses. Or, rather, she took me to the building housing the horses not freaked out by wolves. She gave me apple pieces to feed them, and even let me ride one of them around the paddock a little. My wolf wasn’t amused, but I had a blast.

  As I helped her put the saddle and other equipment away, she asked, “You knew Brain when he was a prospect?”

  “Yeah. I was fourteen — he helped me with my homework. He’s always been a nice guy.”

  She laughed and rolled her eyes. “Let’s just say I could argue that, but I take your meaning.” She sighed. “Sometimes, I feel like there’s a part of him I can’t know, since I’m human. Have you ever dated a human? Were there parts of you he couldn’t know?”

  “The human I was truly serious with didn’t know I was a wolf, so yeah. If he’d known I was a wolf, so I could’ve shared that part of myself with him? I don’t think I’d have felt the same.”

  “But, you can share everything with Bash, right? You can run with him in the woods?”

  “Are you thinking of letting Brain bite you?”

  She shook her head. “Not seriously. I’d have to rehome the horses who freak when a wolf is around, and I adore some of them. Plus, Brain tells me it could take from six months to a year before I could function again, and there really isn’t a way for me to take an extended vacation.”

  “But, you’re worried you’re missing out on something important.”

  At her nod, I told her, “Don’t, Harmony. You know what he is, and he told me he arranged for you to ride one of your horses alongside him while he ran as a wolf. I know how much the two of you love each other — don’t feel like you need to become a werewolf to be closer to him.”

  “I’ll die before him.”

  “Probably, but not everyone survives the change, either. There are no guarantees in life. I’m only here tonight because I’ve organized a bunch of women to run on the full moon. I can run with the MC on the third night, but I want to run under the actual full moon.”

  “Brain explained, and I get it, and I understand I won’t be part of the MC even if I’m a wolf, but…”

  She trailed off and I told her, “Embrace who you are — a human strong enough and smart enough to make someone like Brain fall in love with her. Celebrate your humanity. He fell in love with the human Harmony, and while I’m sure he’d love you as a wolf, too — I don’t think you need to change for him.”

  She nodded again, and I smelled some of the tension leave her body. “Yeah, okay. Embrace my humanity.” She gave me a sheepish look. “I already knew that, just needed to be reminded. Thanks.”

  “No problem. Every once in a while, some of the guys talk about you like you’re a bad-ass. I’m sure there’s a story there, and since I don’t know it, I’m also sure it’s none of my business. I know Bash doesn’t worry about me as much when I’m with you, though, and that’s a huge compliment, especially since you’re human. Just be who you are.”

  “A couple of times a year, Gen rents a limo and arranges for Girls Night Out. We bar hop all over the place without our guys and have a ton of fun. I think maybe it’s time I talked to the other women about organizing something. You want to come play with us?”

  I hugged her again. “I’d love to, just let me know when.”

  * * * *

  I pulled into Dawg’s driveway an hour later with a smile on my face. I felt good about the meeting, about my time with Harmony, about the goodbye hugs from Brain and Harmony, and now I looked forward to a night of fun with Bash and Dawg.

  Bash met me on the front porch with a smile that told me he was genuinely happy to see me. My heart warmed, and I once again tried to think of how to bring it up to him that I might be open to doing the relationship binding.

  I must have been just standing and staring at him, because he gave me an indulgent smile as he said, “Come inside, Princess.”

  “So bossy.”

  “Not yet. Plan to be later, though.”

  My heart rate picked up and he knew it from twenty yards away. I ignored him as I grabbed my bag and tomorrow’s work clothes from my new silver Subaru Crosstrek Hybrid.

  I hung my clothes and deposited my bag in the room Bash considered his. As soon as my hands were empty he pulled me into his arms, and I wrapped my legs around his waist and pressed against his rapidly hardening cock. His kiss overwhelmed me, reminded me I might be the de facto leader of a group of wolves, but I’m still his woman. My libido very much enjoyed the reminder, and I ground my hips into him as I groaned my pleasure.

  Bash had torn my clothes off twice since the first time, and I could always see him make the decision that he’d deal with the shopping trip later, but he couldn’t wait to get me unwrapped now. I saw it in his eyes a split second before he ripped my shirt off and then destroyed my bra. My hands flew to my jeans and I worked the button and zipper, and he pulled them off my feet along with my underwear.

  I reclined on the bed, my legs spread, inviting him in, and he took me up on the offer, knowing I didn’t need or want foreplay right now. His clothes were off in a handful of seconds, and then he was on the bed, over me, and I groaned as he slid into me, filled me, owned me, loved me.

  His lips found mine as his body found a steady rhythm — not too slow and not too fast. I planted my feet on the bed and met him stroke for stroke. My eyeballs rolled back in my head as bliss overtook me and nothing existed in the world outside of this bed.

  He’d brought me to three orgasms when we heard Dawg’s bike in the driveway, but neither of us slowed or stopped.

  I heard Dawg breathe in as he stepped in the front door, and then mutter, “Fuck, the whole house smells like sex,” before raising his voice a little to say, “You sure you’re wolves? ‘Cause you’re acting more like bunnies!”

  Bash aimed his face towards the door, “Quit your bitchin’ and get in here! Or, go the fuck away, don’t really care at the moment, just shut the hell up!”

  “In here, and your clothes off,” I yelled as I grinned at Bash. “But I agree you should stop bitching!”

  I kept my hips moving, and so did Bash, and we were staring into each other’s eyes again, our bodies in perfect synch, when Dawg stepped into the room, already shirtless.

  “Damn, but you two are sexy when you fuck.” He sat and unlaced his boots, but then left the room when he was finally naked, saying “Two minute shower and I’ll be back.”

  Bash flipped us over a few seconds after we heard the shower shut off. “Ride me, Princess. Can’t wait to watch
your face while he fucks your ass.”

  Dawg walked in sporting a raging hard-on, his eyes heated with desire as they met my gaze. He reached for the back of my head as he neared us, and took my breath away with his kiss.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  This wouldn’t have worked with anyone but Dawg, but damn if I didn’t love watching them kiss, love watching her face as he sank into her.

  He let her go, walked to the nightstand, and rubbed coconut oil on his cock. He grabbed a baby wipe, cleaned his hand, and tossed it in a tiny-assed trash can in the corner.

  Dawg and I had talked about this ahead of time — I wanted him to hurt her, today. A good hurt, but still, I wanted her to have to fight to take him, to handle him.

  I reached up and pulled her down, nestling her face against my chest as I rubbed her back and met Dawg’s eyes. He nodded to me as he climbed onto the bed and situated behind her. I heard her gasp as he pressed in, and then her entire body tensed as she yelped, “Dawg! You’re full size! I can’t handle that right off the bat!”

  I held her down, made sure she stayed in place for him. He stopped pressing in but didn’t back out as he met my eyes and told her, “You’ll take what Bash wants me to give you, Girly. You know how this works. I’ll slow down, give you some time to adjust, but today you’ll take me like this, and then we’ll see how wide I can get and still have enough length to give you a good ass fucking.”

  Her eyes were full of protest, at first, but then I could see the arousal taking hold as his words sank in. “That’s right,” I told her. “Want to fill you with cocks tonight, and then fuck you until you can’t remember your name.”

  She gave me an infinitesimal nod, one so small I doubt she knew she gave it to me, and I moved a single finger on her back. It wasn’t a prearranged signal, but I knew Dawg would understand, and I held my Princess’s gaze as he sank into her, and she breathed through it and tried to accept him with no warmup. He was plenty slick, but she was taking his full-sized cock without even a finger first to prepare her, and I was already filling her pussy.

  She tensed up at one point as she half-whined half-declared, “I can’t!”

  I held her against me, rubbed her back. “Relax for him, take him in. I can feel him through the wall of your pussy, can feel you tightening around me as he fills you. So damned sexy. Let us fuck you, let us have you and use you and enjoy you. Be ours tonight, Princess.”

  Her body gradually relaxed, and I gave Dawg a nod to let him know to keep going. Another inch and he was all the way in, and I told him, “Okay, now grow a little. Spread her wider. No need to make her scream yet, maybe just a little gasp.”

  He grew a little, she gasped, and I kissed the top of her head as she said, “God, you’re both assholes.”

  I chuckled as Dawg told her, “The focus for now is your asshole, Girly. Gonna start fucking it now.”

  I groaned as he began moving, because I felt every tiny move either of them made. He’d stretched her so tight, my cock was beautifully, exquisitely squeezed in her fiery heat. Lying still was the most divine torture, and I could only handle it because I knew we’d finish off with Dawg and I both standing, my Princess between us as we pounded her simultaneously from the front and back.

  Dawg went in and out a dozen times and I told him, “More. Bigger.”

  “God, no, please don’t, Dawg.”

  I felt him growing, and my cock went impossibly harder at her keening moan.

  “You can take it,” I assured her, my voice soft as I rubbed her back. “He won’t give you more than you can handle. You should see the look on his face right now, his eyes are closed and he looks like he’s in heaven.”

  Dawg opened his eyes and smirked at me, and I gave him a lopsided smile as I told Angelica, “Love having you between us like this. I’ll kill anyone else who touches you sexually. You know that, right? Dawg’s the only exception.”

  “Stop talking already, before I bite your damned nipple off.”

  Her mouth was awfully close to my nipple, so I decided she understood and I could drop it, for now. I pressed my hips up a little, reminded her my cock was still deep inside her, and her whimper made me smile.

  “Gonna give you more, Girly. Want you to take me, stay relaxed for me — show me how much you belong to Bash. He wants this, wants me to fill you and hurt you while he’s buried in you.”

  Her gaze met mine and I could see panic and arousal battling in her psyche. I hoped Dawg understood my glance in his direction was a caution to go slow, because I was pretty sure my Princess was close to her limit, at least for now.

  I was also aware Dawg knew what he was doing. He couldn’t see her face, but he could smell her arousal, her pain levels, and feel her ass muscles wrapped around his cock.

  A groan escaped my throat as his cock pulsed a little wider and Angelica’s pussy squeezed me even more.

  “Look at me, Princess.” I couldn’t get away with giving orders in everyday life, but when she was like this? She thrived on them.

  She lifted her head again, her face muscles lax with pleasure, her eyes swimming with desire. I shifted my cock shorter and wider, just a hair at first, to let her know what was coming, and then I gave her a lot all at once.

  She sucked air into her lungs as her entire body went tight, and then she started moving and shaking, gasping, and I held her as she came apart in my arms with an orgasm so strong I truly doubted she’d be able to tell me her name.

  Dawg’s eyes were closed as he stayed put, perfectly still so as not to mess up her bliss, and I pushed my pelvis up enough to make contact with her clit better. She started chanting fuck, over and over, and I said, “Move, Dawg.”

  He kept his eyes closed as he pulled out and pushed back in, and Angelica kept chanting fuck, as her orgasm picked back up.

  I don’t know how long we kept her riding the wave. We both kept growing our cocks, moving with her, playing with her clit, and always, always, we dominated her with our voices, and I loved having her listen and obey. She wasn’t doing it for fear I’d use my belt, she was doing it because she wanted to submit in bed, and she was strong enough to let me lead her into orgasm after orgasm.

  I didn’t know what I’d done to deserve her, but I was never going to do anything to risk losing her.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  Somehow, both men stood without coming out of me, and I rested my cheek against the front of Bash’s shoulder and let them move me as they needed.

  I knew what was about to happen — Bash can’t orgasm from the bottom, and Dawg had never confirmed the same, but I assumed it was the case.

  I wrapped my arms and legs around Bash, preparing for what was to come, and he rubbed my back, “Love you, Princess. Love that you can let us do this, love that you can take whatever we give you.”

  “Love you for giving this to me, Bash.”

  And then they started moving, and the language portion of my brain stopped working.

  Dawg pulled out, and as he pushed back in, Bash pulled out. Before long, I literally didn’t know who was coming and who was going, I only knew they were both impossibly big around, and it was all I could do to pull enough oxygen into my body to keep from passing out from the pleasure and pain and love and lust and movement and hands and arms and… fuck, it was too much, but no way did I want it to stop, even if I could’ve put the words together to beg.

  I don’t know when or how they did it, but they seamlessly switched the rhythm so they both pressed into me together and pulled out together. My world exploded in colors and sensations, and I dropped my head to Bash’s chest so I wouldn’t hurt their ears with my screams as a stupefyingly blissful, mind-blowing climax rocked me and the wolf inside me to our very core.

  My climax was still sky high when Bash came inside me, his cock pumping and jerking as it went back to normal size and finally slid out of me. He stepped to the side and helped guide me as Dawg settled me on hands and knees at th
e edge of the bed and continued to pound me. Bash’s fingers found my clit and stroked it, sliding up and down — I didn’t know if the area was slick from our juices or the coconut oil, and I didn’t care. I buried my face in the mattress, pushed my ass higher, and accepted whatever they gave me as my orgasm came back like a herd of wild horses pounding across the sky and rocketing to the moon, and I was sure if any of the RTMC were home in their neighboring houses, they knew exactly what we were up to by the tenor of my screams.

  And I didn’t give a fuck.

  * * * *

  It’d been late when I arrived, and now it was nearly midnight, but we were all still comfortably lying in bed, me between the men, spooned backwards into Bash with my head on Dawg’s arm.

  After we’d all recovered and cleaned up, I told them about Graham’s visit and gave them the highlights of my dinner at Brain and Harmony’s house.

  “Drake told us the city and county brass both made it known all investigations were closed a while back,” Dawg told me as he absentmindedly rubbed my shoulder. “The bad publicity of dirty cops and administration, not to mention two bad DA’s… they wanted to get it out of the media as fast as they could.”

  Bash had already told me this, but I snuggled a little more into Dawg, happy he felt comfortable telling me little tidbits of club business. I knew it was only because it directly affected me, but it still made me feel good.

  “You think Graham’s really closed it, or was he trying to make you let your guard down?” asked Bash.

  “He was telling the truth when he said he closed it, but I have no doubt he’d open it back up in a heartbeat if he happened to come across more information.”

  I yawned and asked Bash, “Will you hand me my phone? I’m going to set my alarm for later. Don’t think I need to go for a run in the morning, after all.”


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