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Bash, Volume III

Page 22

by Candace Blevins

  I saw how he’d done it — hiding their conversations so she didn’t remember them when she went home, and then pulling them back out so she did when she was with him. This let him build on the lessons until eventually she knew enough to block her Alpha from specific thoughts, and even override the direct orders he gave her. A dangerous game, but Webster had a thing for rescuing sweet little underdogs, occasionally.

  “Did you know I was in your head, or did you guess?”

  “I felt you looking in the lobby. I didn’t look to see where you explored while we were having sex, so I don’t know which memories you saw, but I’m pretty sure you saw a bunch of them.”

  She was right, and this could possibly change everything. Did I still want to take her home? Yes, but until I knew for sure I could override her will, I couldn’t trust her as I could a human companion or wolf guard.

  I’d take her home, but she wouldn’t be able to have access to me when I was down for the day.

  I keep my power harnessed, and only let it out when it’s needed. I didn’t want to let it out here, where the RTMC members would feel it, so I rested my hand on her cheek and opened up enough to let her sense the magnitude of my power.

  Her eyes grew large and I told her, “I’m second in command to The Abbott. I’ve only met a few wolves I couldn’t entirely control, and they were powerful Alphas who could pull on the energy of thousands of wolves. You won’t have access to me during the day until I’m sure of my control, but I believe you’ll be able to live with me without physical restraints once we get it all worked out. In the meantime, come home with me for a week. You’ll be caged when I’m down for the day, but I awaken in the afternoon, so it’ll be less than ten hours and you’ll likely sleep for much of it. I’ll help you figure the outer limits of your abilities, and since we’ll be in the trying-out stages for you to be my wolven guard, no rules will be broken.”

  “And if I don’t want to stay, at the end of the week?”

  “Then we’ll both go our separate ways, and if you want to keep me as a client I’ll make arrangements with Bash for you to come to me for feedings.”

  “And if I decide to stay?”

  “We’ll discuss that over the course of the week. If you’re mine, you know you’ll have the basic rights of a slave.”

  She shook her head. “Slaves don’t have any rights.”

  “In Abbott’s territory they have the right to go to him should they feel they’re being treated poorly.”

  I gripped her chin in my hand, forced her to look into my eyes. “I’m hard on my slaves. Punishment can mean lack of food, or only spicy food for days or even weeks, which works well for back-talking wenches. It can mean you don’t have access to warm water for your showers, or it can mean I whip you unconscious. But if you please me, I’ll see to it you have a fulfilling life in between servicing my needs. It won’t be easy — I’ll drink you nearly dry, I’ll fuck when and how it pleases me, and sometimes I’ll hurt you simply because I want to hear your screams. At times I’ll want to taste your pain when I feed, other times I’ll want to taste your bliss, and you’ll conform to my needs or you’ll pay the price. I enjoy giving slaves enough willpower to get themselves in a little trouble here and there, but not enough to do serious damage.”

  I smelled her fear, but I could also see and hear her thoughts, and my words had done what I’d wanted. She felt better about agreeing to the week, now that I’d been honest.

  We negotiated a price, and I only countered her offer once before agreeing. It was steep, but she’d earn every penny.

  I have somewhat of a business arrangement with the RTMC, and I’ve worked with Bash on a few projects. When I told him I’d be taking Bambi home for the week, and might want to negotiate for her permanent release from them, he took her into the back to talk to her.

  He thought he thwarted me with his mechanical sound dampener, but I was in her head so I heard everything. Bash asked questions to be sure she knew what she was agreeing to, and I discovered she liked the idea of becoming my sustenance. I hadn’t put the suggestion into her head — I hadn’t given her any compulsory suggestions, actually, and wouldn’t unless she oathed herself to me.

  She was also hoping I could break the last of the threads tying her to the old Alpha, but I’d already known that.

  He warned her the MC wouldn’t be able to help her if she agreed to go to me permanently, which simplified things from my end — it told me she was an employee for them, and no more. They’d defend her as long as they had to in order to show they protected their own, but as soon as she wasn’t theirs anymore, the loyalty would end.


  Click here to keep reading Indentured Freedom


  Candace Blevins is a southern girl who loves to travel the world. She lives with her husband of 17 years and their two daughters. When not working or driving kids all over the place she can be found reading, writing, meditating, or swimming.

  Candace writes BDSM Romance, Urban Fantasy, Paranormal Romance, and is currently writing a Motorcycle Club series.

  Her Safeword Series gives us characters who happen to have some extreme kinks. Relationships can be difficult enough without throwing power exchange into the mix, and her books show characters who care enough about each other to fight to make the relationship work. Each book in the Safeword series highlights a couple with a different BDSM issue to resolve.

  Her urban fantasy series, Only Human, gives us a world where weredragons, werewolves, werelions, three different species of vampires, as well as a variety of other mythological beings exist.

  Candace's two paranormal romance series, The Chattanooga Supernaturals and The Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club, are both sister series to the Only Human series, and give some secondary characters their happily ever after.

  You can visit Candace on the web at and feel free to friend her on Facebook at and Goodreads at You can also join to get sneak peeks into what she's writing now, images that inspire her, and the occasional juicy blurb.

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  “THE END!”


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