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Suckers Bite Back (San Francisco Vampires #5) (Vampires of San Francisco series)

Page 16

by Jessica McBrayer

  I take her hand and lead her to the large circular tub in the master bedroom’s ensuite bathroom. I start the water adding some foaming lavender oil. The fragrance is heady and further relaxes her. I slip her panties off and help her lower into the bath.

  “Oh God does this feel good after today. I am so spoiled.”

  “I haven’t even started yet,” I say and start to rub her shoulders making her groan with appreciation. When she is truly relaxed and soaking I leave her and return to the main room.

  With a flick of my hand every surface is covered in white candles, another flick and they light. I release rose petals all over the sofa in front of the fire place which I then light. The gas fireplace doesn’t do it so I replace it with a stone one, complete with blazing, sweet-smelling apple wood. A bottle of champagne chills and a table set with a white tablecloth. Huge baskets of roses finish off the room. Just then I hear the buzzer down below. I had installed it a second ago so that I would know when dinner is here. I go down and pick it up, tipping handsomely. Popping back into the apartment I set the food out. I have just finished when I hear a gasp from behind me. I turn to see Manda glowing in a satin, Kimono style bathrobe. She walks slowly to me. Her beautiful legs peeking from the slit of her robe. The sight is so erotic. I can hardly wait for her to eat.

  She walks to me and purrs as she pulls me down for another long, languid kiss. I open her robe and let my hands wander.

  “Mmm, Manda, you need to eat before your food gets cold.”

  “Food seems underrated right now.”

  I throw back my head and laugh.

  “You wanton creature. No, you must eat, you didn’t have time to have much today. Afterwards I promise to fulfill any and all requests.” She whimpers against my chest and I pull her face up for one more kiss.

  We leave each day to wander the City of Lights, visiting museums and landmarks. All the things Manda has never had a chance to do, though she has been in shoots around the world she has never had the chance to play tourist. At night she dines on the most fantastic food, and then our sweet love making.

  Three days after I last saw Lilith, I retrieve my cell phone to see if I have any messages. There are fifty-two missed calls and two heart breaking messages. One from Sebastian and one from Diel. The blood drains from Manda’s face as she takes in my emotions while I listen to the messages.

  I don’t stop to tell her what’s wrong, instead I grab her hand and we transmanifest back to the manse.


  I wake on what I hope is the day after the monster attack. Hades is glued to my side. He whimpers and licks at my face.

  “It’s okay, buddy. I’m back, I think,” I say to him aware that my throat feels like sandpaper. I need some of that wine from my rucksack.

  I try to get to my feet. Rolling over causes the edges of my vision to turn gray. I gingerly sit up, waiting for the dizziness and my vision to stabilize. Then I crawl to the rucksack. Collapsing after a little distance. I need to feed to fully heal.

  Hades understands what I need and brings me the bag. I tentatively get back into a sitting position and open the bag to get a thermos out. I have to rest before I can open it and drink. Finally, the sweet wine flows down my throat erasing the dryness. I feel better after drinking it. But wine is not the fuel I need. It only attempts to relieve the dryness of my mouth not my blood thirst. I don’t attempt to move again for an hour or so. As I wait, I flex my legs and arms, testing them. I feel like I can move and very, very slowly make it to my feet. I feel too exposed here and want to make it down the mountain before dark. If I was up to par I would run vampire-fast. I know that Hades could keep up. But as it is, I am having to draw on my wolf nature to make it this far. I don’t want to pull on it too much for fear of having a feeding frenzy. I am less than human strong at the moment and need to lean on Hades to make it out of the cave, blinking quickly in the harsh sunlight. My mind is fuzzy. I feel like I am forgetting something.

  Hades stands close and I use his great height and strength to move. We make short progress but at least we are moving. I have to stop and rest often. I don’t see another vehicle or demonic creature the entire time. By nightfall I am about halfway down the mountain and refuse to quit. I don’t want to run into any other beast from Hell so I keep going until the dawn. We find shelter in a thicket of trees. Their brilliant gem colors are the last thing I see on my second day in Hell.

  The next time I wake it’s the following afternoon and I’m feeling stronger but still very weak. I need blood. Hades takes up his position next to me and we make our way down the road until we come to black top. I follow it. At two hours to dawn, I’m staggering through a city. Thank god vampires have natural clocks in their bodies. I know I have a short amount of time to seek shelter. I would rather get to a portal. I look like I feel. Covered in that monstrosity’s now dried blood, dirt and the odd twig and leaf. I couldn’t care less. I made it. I made it. I just have to find the portals now and convince someone to pay my way through.

  34 AIDAN

  I surprise a grim group in the manse as I pop into the library with Manda in tow. Helena starts crying when she sees me. Julian is instantly at her side. Sebastian looks like death. He comes to me immediately.

  “When was she taken?” I ask Sebastian.

  “Three days ago. Hannah is still unconscious upstairs with Diel. Diel is beside himself with grief and worry,” he answers.

  “I’ll leave right now if you will please fill Manda in.” I pop down under, to Hell, and begin using my energy locating senses to find Lilith.

  Before long I’ve got her. She is disheveled, filthy and staggering, leaning heavily on Hades.

  She sees me. “I made it, Aidan. I did it. I killed both the fuckers.”

  “Both? Was it Mark after all? Who was with him?” I ask, scooping her into my arms, at the same time with a blink cleaning her and dressing her in an outfit she would like. She rouses but is drifting in and out.

  “Mark took me, drugged Hannah, the baby. We have to get back, Aidan, so she can go to the doctor. Hades and Diel can bring her through.”

  “Of course, love,” I choke. I remember why it was easy to love her. She has been through all sorts of hell, literally, and her main concern is getting Hannah help. I rub Hades head and tell him what a good guy he is then transmanifest us all to the public portal station.

  Hades remembers where to find the portal to Bakersfield. It’s easy to conjure the fare and I shove Hades and Lilith through, instantly reappearing topside for them. They pop out and Lilith smiles when she sees me. My energy plummets as I realize all the trials she has fared in the last few days while I was in bliss with Manda. Why did I get rid of the cell? A right temper tantrum which points to how immature I still am.

  I scoop Lilith up and place a hand around Hades’ collar. We transmanifest into the library at the manse.

  “Oh, thank God and Goddess,” I hear Helena say, her voice strained. Then everyone converges on us. Diel is there. He looks grim. I feel a stab of worry for Hannah and my unborn god child.

  “Diel, Mark drugged Hannah. Have to get her to the doctor. Got here as fast as I could. I’m so sorry,” Lilith says before she collapses going unconscious. Diel reaches her first.

  “Silly woman,” he says gruffly. “Doesn’t she know I don’t blame her?” He lowers Lilith on the couch next to Hannah.

  “Diel, I’ll take you and Hannah and Hades to the portal now. Once you cross I will follow and get you to the hospital.” I flick my wrist and send some steaks to my godson. The sound of a ravening beast reflects his appreciation. Diel carries Hannah and I touch him and the Hell Hound who knows his duty, though I suspect he would like a bit more meat. I transmanifest them to the portal throwing more money at them so Diel can just walk through, meeting them on the other side, in Hell. We pop over to the hospital right away. Diel has been in touch with the doctor so they are standing by.

  They draw blood and it’s sent to the lab STAT. Soon we will k
now what Mark gave her so they can bring her out of stasis. The doctor begins an ultrasound on Hannah’s belly and I step out. Diel lets a whoop go and I rush in. Diel looks at me, stunned.

  “Did you not want to know the sex, Diel?” the doctor asks.

  “It’s just, I’ve been so focused on their well-being I never thought about it.” Then he grins hugely. I shake his hand and tell him I am going to give the good news that mamma and baby are going to be okay. He keeps the sex a secret until he has a chance to speak to Hannah about it.

  In a flash I am in the library. Lilith is still out for the count but now she is in Sebastian’s arms. The library is so full. Julian, Helena, Liam and Andrew all turn and look at me.

  “The doctor did an ultrasound and Hannah and baby are fine. They are analyzing her blood now to find out what the bastard gave her.”

  Lilith starts to moan and her eyes flutter open. The first thing she sees is Sebastian’s worried face. She smiles weakly at him.

  “Cherie, Hannah and the baby are going to be okay. What happened to you? Why are you so sick? You need to feed as soon as possible. I was about to drip blood down your throat.”

  “That fucker tranquilized me and when I came to, I was tied up in the back of an SUV already in Hell.” Lilith shudders and gags. I come over and take one of her hands and squeeze and she smiles over at me.

  “We ended up at a cabin deep in the mountains. It was warded so no one would be able to find us. He really was fixated with me. Promised me children and everything he could think of to win me over.” Sebastian stiffened at the mention of children. I know he would give Lilith the world if he could and that’s the one thing he will never be able to give her.

  “I let him think that I was considering it. I told him I couldn’t just shut out my feelings for Sebastian but would keep an open mind if he would give me some time. He said we had nothing but time and then untied me. I pursuaded him to sleep in the guest room. Well, Hades persuaded him. I knew if he forced a mating on me that it would all be over.” Sebastian growls and I know my eyes flash with fire. The room heats up and everyone looks at me so I do my best to tone it down. The thought of that bastard raping Lilith is almost too much. She squeezes my hand this time.

  “When I heard him fall asleep, I crept in and broke his neck. He was holding the tranq gun in his sleep. Then I hit him and screamed for a while until Hades pulled me away. I was still woozy from the drugs but I had to get away. I changed clothes, grabbed a bag with a knife and some other stuff and started down the road. When it got close to dawn I knew I had to find a hideaway to sleep for the day. That’s when all hell broke loose, pardon the pun.”

  “What happened next?” Sebastian says while holding deathly still.

  “I smelled it first and then this monster boar-cat came out of the cave and attacked us. I got in one cut before Hades got its neck. He clamped down. The thing was twice as big as Hades and tried to shake him loose. But that Hell Hound was like super glue. Then the monster really got mad and charged me. I rolled but got gouged by his tusk and it carried some kind of poison. I started to go numb but was able rip his throat out with my teeth and gut him at the same time. I was covered in so much blood. Hades held on until it died. Then I crawled into the cave and didn’t come to until the next afternoon. Hades never left my side.”

  Helena is openly weeping and Julian is running his hand up and down her back but the look on his face is terrifying. Liam is holding Andrew in his arms as Andrew looks like he is going to fall apart any minute. Manda’s eyes are huge. She was trying not to be afraid but I could sense it on her. She relaxes when I take her in my arms and kiss her on the forehead. Lilith gathers her strength and continues.

  “The next day it took me a while to be able to move without passing out. Eventually, Hades and I made our way down the mountain and I slept in a grove of trees. Today I made it into the city and Aidan found me. I must have been a mess to look at because he zapped me clean and in new clothes. Thanks for that, my friend. I’m not sure they would have let me through the portal in the state I was.”

  “Always, Lilith. I’m so sorry I wasn’t there sooner.”

  “Aidan, don’t be sorry. I kicked butt. I did it myself. I’m totally stoked. Just need to feed and heal now.”

  “Yes you did, ma cherie. You did kick butt. Hannah will be so proud of you. I am so proud of you. Come, let me take you upstairs to feed and then we will rejoin everyone,” Sebastian says as he looks around at us. We all nod and he is like a blur up the stairs.

  “Since when has Lilith been feeding off Sebastian?” I ask Helena and Julian.

  “Since she developed an abhorrence to human blood,” Helena says and continues crying.

  “That is so not good. We have to help her with that. She must be able to feed off others during the moon phase.”

  “She is getting help, Aidan, but it is not my place to tell you,” Helena says and stills.

  When Lilith and Sebastian return, Sebastian’s still carrying her but she has the soft color in her cheeks that shows a vamp has fed.

  “How do you feel now, Lilith?” I ask her. She looks at me levelly and her eyes brighten.

  “I’m much better now. I can feel the gouge finally knitting together and my insides don’t burn any more. I am so thankful to you all for helping me and not giving up on me. I’m so sorry about Hannah being involved. That bastard had it all planned out. With Diel here with Hannah there was no way to get Hades back. I don’t think anyone would have found us in the cabin anyway. The wards were so strong.”

  “I would have had liked the chance to try. I’m sorry I acted foolishly. I turned my phone off and made it disappear.” Sebastian grunts at this. I’m assuming he is not impressed. On the other hand I would have expected him to try and crush me with his free hand.

  “The important thing is that he is dead and Hannah and the baby will be okay. That’s all I care about,” Lilith says.

  “Dead once is not enough,” I say and Sebastian meets my eyes in total agreement.


  After I assure everyone that I am fine and Diel reports that they found the sedative Mark dosed Hannah with and have a remedy, I feel I can finally give into my need to retire to my room.

  Sebastian’s ready, cocooning me in his strength and the safety of his arms.

  “You’re too good for me,” I say. The aftermath of the last few days and my exhaustion make me emotional.

  “I think you have that backwards, ma cherie,” he says hoarsely into my hair, running his fingers through it, soothing me.

  “Seeing Aidan that night was more than I expected. I felt it viscerally. I thought that since my love for you is so strong so all-encompassing and enduring that I wouldn’t feel like that. I knew I was angry at him for how he went about things.” I sigh and put my hands on the sides of Bast’s face. “But I didn’t think it would hurt still. Does this make me a bad person?”

  “No, Lily. It makes you a vampire with a loving, giving heart. A truly rare commodity. You can’t just turn off everything you felt overnight…”

  “But how can you feel this way? Aren’t you worried?”

  “No. I know how you feel about me. I have faith in you. I love you. Are you telling me you would rather be with Aidan?” he asks.

  “No! Not at all. I just have some unresolved feelings for him that I need to work through. I can’t imagine my life without you in it, Sebastian. I finally got you back.” I lean in and kiss each of his cheeks before kissing his smooth, firm lips. I lick him and he opens his mouth for me eagerly and we kiss greedily until I reluctantly pull away. His eyes are smoldering with lust and love.

  “Promise me we will never be apart again, Bast. I couldn’t live through it again. Not now, with the way I feel about you and after I was taken. I can endure anything but you not being in my life,” I plea.

  “Never.” His eyes devour me and his mouth is set firmly in a determined line. “Never, Lily. I could no longer let you go than I could live
without you.” He captures my lips in a bruising embrace.

  Sebastian walks me back until I am against the wall, never once letting our lips part. Fumbling with his buttons, I finally get his shirt open and can run my hands across the rippled muscles of his stomach and chest.

  Sebastian pulls away from me and pulls my dress over my head in one fluid motion. He is a man on a mission. He reaches behind me and unclasps my bra, taking one of my nipples in his mouth. At the same time he reaches down and shreds my panties and tosses them to the side. I pull his mouth closer to me and arch my back. Then my hands are in his soft, sweet smelling hair.

  “Pull your legs up around my waist, Lily.”

  With his help I wrap my legs around his waist. Sebastian undoes his jeans and pulls his glorious erection out and with one swift mood he buries himself inside me. Our sex is frantic with a need to reconnect. He is at my throat kissing and nipping.

  “Bite me, Bast. Oh gods, bite me.”

  He doesn’t hesitate. First kissing the vein, he sinks his teeth into me and I instantly orgasm, squeezing him inside of me. He pulls long and hard and just as he finishes, I bite him back. He cries out but doesn’t lose his rhythm. It doesn’t take him long, one, two, three thrusts and he is shouting my name. We collapse onto the floor, breathing heavy and snuggling.

  “You are so beautiful. Do you know what you do to me, cherie?”

  “Tell me,” I whisper.

  “You are the reason my heart beats, the reason I live. My God, Lily. Let me worship your body with mine forever. Marry me, Lily. Please?” I sit up and throw my arms around Bast.

  “Yes, Sebastian, oh yes. Always with you. Forever.”

  Sebastian reluctantly lets go of me and carries me to the bed. He goes to his side table and pulls out a small Cartier box and gets on one knee before me. He opens it and inside is a stunning princess cut emerald with huge diamonds on either side. If I could cry I would. As it is my heart is melting. I lean into him and kiss him gently.


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