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The Case of the Parisian Vendetta: A Mark Julian Vampire PI Mystery #10 (Mark Julian Vampire PI Mysteries)

Page 8

by L. G. Fabbo-Gonnella

  “Tortego,” Vinnie replied. “Well his aide and Jean-Claude’s private secretary too, right.”

  “I’m positive Anole is not involved in this spying. That leaves me with Tortego and his aide as definite possibilities.” Mark grunted. “We need to find out what is going on wit those two,” Mark repeated.

  “Then it makes perfect sense to find out what is going on with Jean-Claude and that asshole Tortego. Okay I’m in on it. But what is the plan?” Vinnie inquired.

  “Well,” Mark enthusiastically said. “I stake out the office tomorrow. I wait till I see Tortego arrive. Give him a bit of time with Jean-Claude…”

  “And,” Vinnie groaned knowing what Mark was going to say and not liking any part of it.

  Mark grinned. “Here is the truly easy part. You and Julio think of some way to get Tortego out of there in order to give me time to check on Jean-Claude.”

  “Oh yeah the real easy part,” he grunted. He stared at Mark then let out a deep breath. “Okay you go call Julio,” he grumbled as he finished his breakfast. “We get the easy part, yeah right,” he snorted. “By the way,” he yelled out as Mark dialed Julio’s number on his cell. “Not fair getting me to do something when you are looking so damned hot in those red bikini briefs.”

  Mark winked at Vinnie as Julio’s voice came online. “Julio hi, it’s Mark. I’ve got an idea,” he rapidly said as he spun out his plan for the security chief.


  Julio hung up the phone in his office. He sat at his desk in his security headquarters and thought about Mark’s plan. The private eye’s suspicions definitely had certain logic. It was risky. The chances of a having this simply backfire upon them were great. It might even cost him his job as head of security. Well anything it better than nothing, he thought as he again picked up his secure phone. He dialed a number. “Dexter can you come here fast.” He waited. Ten minutes later there was a knock at his door. “Come in,” he said.

  A thin spiky haired young man entered his office. “Hi sir,” he cheerfully stated.

  Julio grinned as he looked at the young vampire. Dexter always seemed in a great mood whenever he came to see Julio. “You know son in private you don’t have to use sir,” he said.

  Dexter laughed. “It’s okay dad. I just want to be sure I never call you dad when it’s not appropriate. I mean it’s a work day and all.”

  Julio felt a warm glow. He actually loved being called dad but decided that his son was right. “I need a favor,” he asked.

  “Sure thing dad,” Dexter lovingly teased. “What do you need?”

  “I want you to screw up an unessential part of our system so badly it causes an emergency in some outlying building,” Julio replied.

  Dexter gave his father a quizzical look that soon vanished as Julio explained the rationale for his request. When Julio had finished, Dexter was all smiles. “This will be so sweet dad. To be honest I’ve been working on this virus and I’m dying to try it out on a computer system.”

  Julio winched. “A virus? Look son I don’t want…” he gave Dexter a concerned look. ”Temporary and not destructive okay!”

  “No sweat dad,” a now highly enthusiastic Dexter quickly replied. “It’s self destructive. It just messes up the system for a few hours. Harmless fun really.”

  Julio was uncertain his definition of harmless fun was not in any way even remotely the same as his son’s version. He sighed and gave Dexter the go ahead. As he watched Dexter leave he could not help but feel both a father’s pride combined with extreme anxiety over what he had agreed to with Dexter.

  It Begins To Unravel

  Tortego was with Jean-Claude when a call came in that there was a major security problem in one of the other council buildings. “Can’t someone handle it?” The Spaniard grumbled. “It is a good forty minutes away from here.” He gazed over at Jean-Claude. The werewolf had just been given his communion dose. It would be over an hour before its full effects faded and the werewolf was at least partially functional. Tortego was loath to leave the almost catatonic werewolf alone until that happened especially with Anole away for lunch. He worried someone might simply walk in and find Jean-Claude in this state. That might lead to a few too many questions. “This is not a convenient time for either of us to be bothered. Surely someone there can handle matters?”

  “Emergency sir,” the voice insisted. “We need you or Jean-Claude. We called there for that reason. Is there a problem sir?”

  Tortego sighed with irritation. Surly bastard, but then they must really be having an emergency if that person is speaking this rudely to me, he thought. He hated leaving the werewolf. If someone walks in and finds him like this, he pondered. How could his current situation be explained? An idea hit him. “I’ll be there in a few minutes,” he gruffly stated as he slammed the phone down. He quickly went to the office’s liquor cabinet. Grabbing a bottle he poured its contents into a nearby plant holder. He placed the bottle on the desk in front of Jean-Claude. He then put a glass there as well. Happy with the effect he had created he hurried off to handle the emergency. Locking the door behind him as an extra precaution, Tortego raced down the corridor towards the building’s exit. Once the Spaniard was out of sight Mark came out of a side room. Briskly he made his way to his destination. Using some tools Mark picked the lock in record time.

  Vinnie had done his assignment and gotten Tortego called away. Julio was at the other building creating some emergency to occupy Tortego. Now it was the private eye’s turn to finish what they had all started. Mark quietly slipped into Jean-Claude’s office. His friend was quietly sitting at his desk staring out in front of him at nothing in particular. In front of him was an empty bottle of scotch and a glass. Remnants of the liquor were in the glass. Mark immediately noted that his friend had not responded to the Mark’s entrance into the office.

  “Hi,” Mark stated to the unresponsive werewolf. As the vampire drew closer he saw a dull look on Jean-Claude’s features. “You okay?” Mark asked as he drew closer.

  “Uhuh,” Jean-Claude mumbled before lapsing back into silence.

  From his observations there was no doubt in Mark’s mind that his friend was high. To a casual observer the empty bottle and the glass with its remnants of Scotch could explain his current condition. Yet Tortego had been in here with him and, to Mark, the idea that Jean-Claude would get drunk in front of Tortego was ludicrous. Mark was positive that his friend’s inebriated state was due to something Tortego did to him. If confronted, Mark also assumed that the Spaniard would claim that the strain of Sebastian’s death coupled with the outbreak of war had caused the werewolf to resort to liquor. He could then further explain that he had been covering up Jean-Claude’s drinking during these months. It was a logical argument or would appear so to some people. I need proof you’ve been drugged, Mark told himself as he gazed at his friend. He knew whatever was in Jean-Claude’s system was still there and capable of discovery. The problem was how to get a fast blood sample to determine its effects without alerting Tortego. Mark had only one alternative if he was to get his evidence. “Sorry about this my friend,” Mark whispered as he knelt by Jean-Claude. He raised one of the werewolf’s arms and pushed back the part of his shirt covering the latter’s wrist. Mark took one last glance at his friend’s face.

  “Hiya Mark,” Jean-Claude laughed as he stared at Mark through his dilated pupils. “We late for dinner or something,” he babbled as his eyes darted around his office.

  “Just relax it will be fine I promise,” Mark softly assured his friend. “Just sit back,” he instructed the werewolf. He debated whether to add the words and try to relax but, considering the condition his friend was in, that suggestion would be redundant. “A fast bite and a taste to see what the hell you’ve been given okay,’ he stated to his friend. Mark let his own eyes darken and his fangs extend. Carefully he brought Jean-Claude’s exposed wrist to his lips. Sweet Juno it’s been centuries since I bite a human to take blood. Don’t fuck this up Mark, he though
t as he gingerly punctured one of the larger veins under its surface. Blood oozed out of the side of the twin wounds as Mark’s fangs sunk in deeper. Quickly Mark began to rapidly suck up Jean-Claude’s blood.

  “Ah,” Jean-Claude softly groaned as his blood began its exit from him and into Mark’s system. The werewolf’s heart raced as the currents of his red liquid swiftly flowed towards the source of the suction. He closed his eyes and drifted off. “Goddess,” Jean-Claude said as his reacted to the event.

  Mark had only intended a fast taste to determine the effects of what his friend had ingested. He was not prepared for the power of the high concentration of the drug that was in Jean-Claude’s system. Its effects hit him like a hammer. In a short time he was just as drugged up as his friend. Mark’s mind lost its focus. Without realizing it, he continued sucking putting more of the drug-laced blood into his own body.

  As Mark drank he soon felt himself tasting the very essence of his friend. Jean-Claude’s blood had elements of his werewolf power that also carried with it his highly charged wolfish sensuality. Thanks to the drugs in Jean-Claude’s system that erotic attribute was being magnified beyond normal limits. When it and the drugs hit Mark’s unprepared brain, their combined effect was to short-circuit his ability to formulate rational thoughts. The mental controls Mark employed to contain the usual sexual excitements that normally occurred during a feeding vanished. In seconds he was fully aroused and erect. But it was not just Mark that was experiencing this sensation. When vampires drank off living humans a part of their life force would transfer into their victims. Thanks to the sexual high in Mark’s mind parts of his own erotic feelings flowed into Jean-Claude’s mind. On some basic level he and Jean-Claude had intimately merged.

  “Goddess,” the werewolf groaned as his system overloaded on the heated sensations of the now sexually supercharged feeding process. He soon became physically aroused too.

  An oblivious Mark continued to consume the drugged blood as his vampire nature flowed free of the normal restraints Mark kept upon it.

  “Goddess,” Jean-Claude whimpered once more. His blood loss grew so great he started losing consciousness.

  As Mark heard this, a part of him screamed into his brain to break off their connection. Yet, the more blood from Jean-Claude he took into his system the higher he became from the drugs. With that intoxication there arose within him a drug induced, purely erotic lust for his victim that overrode any normal self-control. He found he was sucking even faster as the killer-hunter that was present deep inside all vampires came roaring out of its inner cage. It cried out to Mark its need to sexually ravage his friend then butcher him.

  “Uhhh,” Jean-Claude rasped as he drifted closer to death. “Mark,” he moaned. “Killing … me … Mark!”

  Mark heard this cry and suddenly realized the danger. He knew he had to break off or he would kill his friend. Summoning all his will, he diverted the strength of his current physical desire for Jean-Claude to energize his resolve to end his feeding. With a loud yell he roughly severed their physical contact. As he slumped to the floor he dimly heard someone come into the room. When the figure spoke he recognized it as Vinnie’s voice then, darkness engulfed him.

  “What happened,” a groggy Mark sighed as he later awoke on Jean-Claude’s couch. Suddenly he recalled what he had done. “Where is?” he asked in a panic as his eyes darted around the room. He saw a somber looking Vinnie standing off to one side. He also saw Jean-Claude. He was asleep on another couch situated across the room. Mark could see his friend’s wrist was bandaged “Honey, are you alright?” Mark hesitantly asked as he stared at the grim features of his spouse.

  Vinnie did not immediately respond. He walked over to Mark. “I came into the room as you were falling the floor. Jean-Claude was slumped in his chair. Blood was all around your mouth and his wrist.” The powerful detective roughly grabbed Mark and pulled him upward into a sitting position. “What in the name of your gods were you thinking!” he yelled. Mark had never seen his spouse so angry. “You could have killed him,” Vinnie continued ranting while trying to force his voice to get calmer. “What the fuck made you do that … that thing … you know what I mean dammit,” the detective asked in a barely controlled voice

  “I wanted get proof he was drugged,” Mark mumbled. “I only meant to sample a bit of his blood but the mind altering drugs inside of him were so strong that I lost it when they hit me.”

  Vinnie sighed. “I came in,” he sputtered as his nerves gave way. “Jean-Claude was so pale. At first I could not find a pulse. I thought he was dead.” He gazed at Mark. “You were both … you were both sexually … excited,” he slowly said. He paused. “Mark what the fuck was going on with you two. You both were erect,” he angrily yelled.

  Mark flushed with embarrassment. He knew what Vinnie had seen. “It was a physical reaction to feeding and being feed upon. Normally this process is only slightly erotic. The drugs in him changed it for both of us. I swear whatever is inside his system fried my brain and fast. It also gave us a sensory overload that was far beyond normal in such matters. What you saw was purely biological in nature but exaggerated in its effects by a turbo-charged drug induced sexual stimulation. Honestly we were both not even fully aware of it. It means nothing,” he hoarsely stated.

  Vinnie looked at Mark without saying a word. His silence spoke for him.

  Mark, now quite desperate for Vinnie to understand that such an erotic reaction was normal, continued talking. “I swear I’m not lying,” he repeated as he gazed at Vinnie’s face. “There was nothing sexual going on between us at all. The fact we were aroused means nothing. I swear by my gods and yours.”

  “I’m sure that is true,” Vinnie finally replied with irritation. He gazed at Mark then at the slumbering Jean-Claude. “But don’t kid yourself honey. You screwed up big time. If you had not broken off.” Vinnie ran his hand through his hair. Mark knew that was a clear sign his spouse was frustrated. “It was stupid. I can only imagine what you put Jean-Claude through or how it has affected him!”

  Mark gulped. His brain recalled the connection that both he and his friend had just experienced. Traces of Jean-Claude’s fundamental being were now embedded inside of the vampire’s psyche. Jean-Claude would also have part of Mark implanted into his mind as well. They had, for a brief time, merged souls. They would both be even closer for the rest of their lives. This new emotional entwining was not the same sensation as being in love but it was profound. Vinnie would not understand that concept and it could cause needless complications to try to make him understand it. Mark knew rather than express this to Vinnie it was better to say nothing more about it. Besides Vinnie was right. What Mark had done could have turned tragic. “I’m sorry,” he sincerely said knowing those words encompassed everything that needed saying on the matter.

  Vinnie shook his head and leaned in to kiss Mark’s cheek. “Okay. I believe you but honestly it was not a great experience from my perspective. I walk in to check out how things were going. I find my husband lying on the floor out cold. Blood on his lips and, even more shocking, you two were totally boned. I’m still not sure what bothered me more. Your bloody mouth, the hard-ons you both had sprouted, or that you could engage in something so stupidly risky. But let’s not go there anymore. I love you and with that comes trust.” he got up and shook his head. “I better make sure Jean-Claude is doing fine.” He walked over to Jean-Claude and examined him. He turned to face Mark. “Drugged huh. Well we better tell Jaime.” He then smirked. “Everything including your blood sucking stupidity and the whole erection part too. That is your punishment for vamping around you slut. I’m sure Jaime will be thrilled when you tell her about the tent-poling.”

  Mark nodded. He realized that things would be a bit awkward for them for a few days but in the end, they loved and trusted each other. That would not change. Suddenly Mark contemplated explaining the arousal aspects of what happened to Jaime. He shivered at that thought. He closed his eyes. “Let me rest
up a bit before we go,” he told Vinnie. He needed time not in order to regain any strength, but rather to allow the final traces of his feeding created sexual yearning for Jean-Claude to fade. Thank Jupiter he is passed out, Mark thought as he contemplated how, if Jean-Claude had not been unconscious, his friend would be experiencing something similar in nature. Like Mark, such desires would quickly disappear from his friend’s mind. “Probably faster for him since he is not gay,” Mark muttered with a sense of irritation that both amused and surprised him. He realized a part of him was annoyed simply because his friend’s erotic longing for Mark would fade faster. That’s right, mentally bitch over a hurt ego, he silently told himself.

  “You want something honey?” He heard Vinnie say from some distance away. “I’m checking on Jean-Claude so I couldn’t catch what you just told me.”

  “No, I’m just hoping Jaime doesn’t get too angry at me over this,” Mark lightly said to his spouse as he took a deep breath and let his system unwind. “Pluto’s balls, I hope Jean-Claude doesn’t get mad as well when I explain it to him.” He was not sure which conversation with either party that he dreaded the most. Finally he just decided to cut himself a break and get a bit of rest. Ten minutes later Vinnie was shaking him.

  “Come on. I just got a call from Julio. Tortego is leaving. Jean-Claude came to, if you can call it that, and I helped him get into one of the limousines. We have to leave here before that bastard comes back. I’ll drive.” Vinnie urgently said.


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