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The Case of the Parisian Vendetta: A Mark Julian Vampire PI Mystery #10 (Mark Julian Vampire PI Mysteries)

Page 11

by L. G. Fabbo-Gonnella

  “Sweet goddess,” Jean-Claude moaned. His movements slowly ceased as the pleasurable aspects of being fed upon took hold of him. Unexpectedly Mark felt the werewolf shift his neck to give the vampire more access to the latter’s throat. “Mark,” Jean-Claude weakly, sighed before falling utterly silent.

  As Mark heard these words another part of his brain told him to break off the contact and end their connection before he took too much blood from his friend. Yet the hypnotically rhythmic breathing of Jean-Claude’s muscled form lying under him was such a compelling erogenous sensation he ignored the warnings that were even now screaming to be heard within him. His vampire nature, that had always held itself in check during sex, now set itself free. Without realizing what he was doing, he pushed his body downward reveling in the press of Jean-Claude’s defined sculpted body against his own leaner frame. When he felt Jean-Claude torso thrust upward in response, Mark totally lost control. He now wanted his friend in every way possible. He drank in more blood.

  He heard Jean-Claude groaning in surrender to him. You want me too, the vampire’s fevered brain laughed. His inner vampire prepared to consume more blood. Suddenly, without warning, Mark was violently pulled off the werewolf. He fell to the side of his friend gasping for air. He blinked as the room slowly came into focus. For the next few seconds he tried to bring his aroused mind back from that fantasy world he had been thrust into only moments beforehand.

  “What in the name of the sweet goddess was that was that all about,” Viola yelled at him as his eyes gazed up at her agitated face.

  Mark blinked once more. “I was being choked and I just reacted,” he groaned. “It was instinctual.” He glanced at the slight bulge in his crotch then back at Viola. “I think it calmed him,” he hurried said hoping she would not notice his arousal.

  “Well you did that for sure,” Viola growled as she glared at the vampire. She visually took note of the noticeable swelling in both men’s crotches. “But I think you did a hell of a lot more with him too.” Her eyes reflected a myriad of silently unspoken accusations.

  By now Mark debated whether to say something about it to her when he heard Jean-Claude moan. He quickly glanced over to see Jean-Claude lying next to him. His friend’s pupils were totally dilated and his breathing was calm and steady. A few seconds later, the werewolf snapped out of his trance-like state. Jean-Claude turned his head towards Mark. As his eyes connected with the vampire they spoke volumes about what had occurred between them. Jean-Claude moved to sit up. “I have to get something for this craving,” he groaned to the two of them. His demeanor clearly implied that another confrontation might be looming. “How is my wife,” he asked as he began to sit up

  “Oh god Jaime,” Mark quickly said as he remembered she had been knocked out.

  “I’m fine,” Jaime softly replied. She sat up and touched the back of her skull.

  “I need to have something for this pain,” Jean-Claude yelled.

  “Jean-Claude stop this right now do you hear me,” a now fully conscious Jaime said to her husband. “Our son is in the next room. Hold on both for him and myself darling.” She began sobbing.

  Her voice seemed to cut through the pain to go directly into Jean-Claude’s consciousness. All at once his defiant attitude ceased. He lifted his head to fully focus his eyes upon Jaime’s face. What he had done to her hit him like a body blow to his chest. “I’m so sorry,” he rasped to her as he gulped in air. “I lost it.” He lowered his gaze to the floor. “I’m sorry guys,” he moaned. “But please secure me. I cannot be sure I can hold myself together in any further,” he softly said. As he spoke his breathing grew even more ragged.

  “Okay what can we use to secure him?” Mark asked the two women as he got to his feet.

  Viola deftly reached into one of the back pockets in her jeans. “Will these help?” She asked as she flashed a pair of handcuffs.

  “You carry handcuffs around with you,” a shocked Mark gasped as he grabbed them. He rapidly secured his friend’s hands behind his back. With Viola’s assistance they pulled Jean-Claude up onto his feet then laid him face up on his bed. “I don’t suppose you have another set of handcuffs for his legs?” Mark snickered.

  “Never leave home without my toys,” Viola laughed as, to Mark’s surprise, she reached into her nearby messenger bag to pull out a shiny set of chain metal leg restraints. As a dumbfounded Mark watched, Viola used them to immobilize Jean-Claude’s legs.

  “Gees what the hell are you packing in your in that bag?” Mark quizzed while Jaime sat next to Jean-Claude and gently stroked his temples.

  “Things that would turn you straight if I used them on you,” Viola shot back as she gave the vampire a lewd wink. She pulled out a Taser. “Just in case right,” she calmly stated. “I could give you some sex tips on their use if you want?”

  Mark suddenly realized that this type of talk was best left to another time. He turned to watch the now secured and very much calmer Jean-Claude. “How are you buddy?” A highly concerned Mark asked. He feared Jean-Claude might bring up what had passed between them. In his mind he had a lot to process about that second encounter including his own feeding frenzy and his arousals during it. He also decided it was something he would not mention to Vinnie. Even his understanding would be too much to hope for a second time, Mark told himself.

  Jean-Claude gave Mark and Viola a slight grin. “Sorry about … before,” he softly replied. His features were etched with the lines of his exhaustion and anguish. Jaime leaned in to kiss his brow. “I behaved foolishly and I apologize to you all.”

  “Hey no problem,” a husky voiced Mark replied.

  “Yeah fur ball I needed some vigorous exercise anyway,” Viola interjected as she stretched her body. “You don’t owe us any apology okay,” she unexpectedly stated in a voice that was surprisingly sympathetic in its tone.

  Jean-Claude glanced at Jaime “I … when I pushed you …did I … hurt you?” he inquired with concern.

  “Dear you never have nor will you ever do that,” she kissed him. “Now,” she said as she rose from the bed. “Let’s make some coffee and for you and Viola. Mark, I have a nice warm bottle of blood for you.” She lightly stroke Jean-Claude’s cheek. “You rest darling and I will fix you something.” She walked out and stopped to give Mark a quick kiss on the cheek. “Thank you for helping. I don’t know how you both managed to calm him by the time I came too ... but thank you”

  Mark breathed a sigh of relief watched her walk out. “Praise Minerva. She didn’t see what happened between him and myself,” he mumbled. He saw Viola’s amused look.

  “Relax blood sucker. It’s like they say about Vegas. What happens in here stays in here,” she quietly assured him before adding. “But damn I now want to get a vampire into bed to try whatever you two sexually experienced.” She laughed over Mark’s obvious embarrassment.

  For the final few days Jean-Claude, at his insistence, remained bound up. On some level his knowledge that could not break free enabled him to totally concentrate on keeping the torture he was experiencing within tolerable limits. Of course Mark realized that also having Jaime by his side every step of the way was a tremendous aid in the recovery process. There were still some scary moments when the withdrawal’s effects once more rendered Jean-Claude into a state of frenzy. In fact at one point the werewolf grew so agitated that Viola and Mark feared that another violent confrontation would occur. Luckily Jaime was there to hold him and mummer lightly of her love for him. With her help Jean-Claude held onto his sanity. By the end of the week Jean-Claude was free of the drug’s physical effects and his psychological cravings had subsided to within controllable limits.

  A visit from doctor reassured them that, after a few more days, even that side effect would vanish. He did instruct Jean-Claude to keep in mind he had been addicted and take steps to avoid the temptation to relapse and use when under mental stress. “I doubt if he will go back. He was unconsciously drugged so it is not a case where he initiate
d his drug usage,” the doctor told Jaime.

  “Sweet goddess,” a shaky Jean-Claude said after they had finally un-cuffed him from his restraints. He stood unsteady on his feet. “I owe a lot to you both,” he continued saying as he looked at Mark and Viola. He reached out to take Jaime’s hand. “I will not forget what everyone did this week.”

  “Yeah well you go clean up. Afterwards I think we should all talk about a certain someone and some retribution,” Mark stated. He suddenly hugged Jean-Claude. “Hey you were amazing. I would have cracked up. I swear he will pay for doing that to you,” he said with great feelings about the ordeal his friend had endured from Tortego. “Jean-Claude we should talk … about … some things” Mark lightly continued saying making sure to drop his voice lower so that only his friend could hear what he was saying.

  “Ah our boys and their silly bromances,” Viola chuckled as Mark blushed. She winked at Jaime. “Guys get so mushy about this bonding stuff.” She started laughing as she followed Mark out of the bedroom.

  Jean-Claude faced Jaime. “I love you,” he murmured as he lightly kissed her.

  Jaime smiled, “After we eat and talk with them we will have some alone time to let you prove it,” she gave her husband rump a squeeze then left him.

  As Jean-Claude showered a grateful Jaime hugged both Mark and Viola. “You know Viola if we are not careful we might become good friends,” she teased.

  “Yeah now I’ve another reason to kill that Spanish vampire,” Viola groused as she slung the strap of her messenger bag over her shoulder. “Look I know you guys have plans to discuss but I’m beat. So, if you will forgive me, I’ll skip the brunch and just head home. Okay, I’m outa here.” She punched Mark in the arm. “You did okay blood sucker. Oh, keep the cuffs and stuff. I’ve got spares at home. Besides, I think Vinnie might enjoy a role-play where he is the one arrested huh,” she laughed louder as she left them.

  “Jupiter I might like her,” Mark moaned as a small part of his brain visualized using the cuffs and leg restraints on a very naked and helpless Vinnie. “Jaime I’ll clean up the stuff in the bedroom,” he hurriedly added.

  Jaime watched him walk towards the bedroom and shook her head with amusement. Then she had her own vision of a highly aroused and naked Jean-Claude similarly restrained. “Mark its fine I can do it,” she laughed as she moved to join the private eye.

  Viola Unwinds

  By the time Viola arrived back at her apartment she was exhausted both physically and mentally. She had eagerly left the now drug free Jean-Claude, Mark and Jaime with the task dealing with Tortego. Mark had mentioned that at some point he intended to go off to alert Julio and to bring the security chief to along for any confrontation. That was fine with her. Viola knew she could join them but right now she no desire to do anything more about anything else. All she wanted was to get into her bed and get some much-needed sleep. She had been badly shaken by the whole ordeal of watching Jean-Claude bravely go through a painful withdrawal from the drugs he had become hooked upon. “I swear that Spanish asshole has a lot to answer for," she said as she opened the door to her dwelling. The events of the last few days had been an utter nightmare. She had seen much that she never thought to witness. Viola suddenly recalled Mark’s interaction with Jean-Claude and the arousals both had exhibited during it. “Well, it’s absolutely between them,” she muttered. “How they figure out what needs to be settled on that score is their business. Frankly,” she chuckled. “I can never comprehend why people get all hung up on monogamy. It’s like that old movie line from Spartacus about liking oysters or clams. Why can’t you pick one with an option to sometimes sample the other?”

  One thing she fully knew was that Jaime and Jean-Claude were devoted to each other. The depth of the couple’s mutual commitment had also surprised Viola. She had quickly realized having Jaime there made his withdrawal bearable for Jean-Claude. She vividly recalled how, at one point, Jaime’s presence kept him from again going berserk over his cravings. Jaime had stayed right by him through the worst of it even shaking off a blow that had knocked her out. “That girl has guts. Damn I hate having to like Jaime,” she mumbled. “No way out of it I guess.” As she entered her living room she heard a noise come from her bedroom. Instinctively she went into combat mode. “Who is it?” She growled.

  “I’ve missed you,” a familiar voice said from inside her bedroom. Seconds later a completely nude Dale Carter sauntered out to greet her. “I’ve really missed you,” he repeated as he let his right hand drop down to casually cup his genitals. The six-foot blond international model fixed his dark blue eyes upon her. “See how much!” He teased as he then stroked his growing erection.

  Viola smirked as she took in the sight of his trimly muscular form. Even if he were not a sex demon, a naked Dale Carter would be an erotic sight. Well defined and very well endowed he had a strong sexual energy. In bed he was inexhaustible. Best of all, despite his manly macho posturing outside of the bedroom, once he was in the sack he was delightfully submissive and totally receptive to her demands to satisfy her rougher erotic requirements.

  “So did you miss me or not huh?” He playfully teased while dangling a set of cuffs in his other free hand. He let his sex demon allure flow outward as he languidly fondled himself in front of her. By now he fully aroused. His eyes reflected his hunger for the energy their sexual activities would give to him.

  Viola shook her head in amusement. Visions of a heavy SM session with Dale filled her imagination. Well if I can’t beat the crap out of Tortego I can at least fuck the hell out of Dale, she silently decided as she quickly undressed. She strolled over and gave him a throaty laugh. “I’ll show you how much I missed you,” she teased as she let fingertips trace the outer circle area of his chest’s right nipple. She twisted it taking delight in hearing his slightly audible groan.

  “Ah Viola. Harder,” he snarled as he closed his eyes and surrendered to the stimulation of her activity. He opened his sex demon senses to drink in the sensuality.

  Viola gave the nipple a rougher tweaking. “Like it do you?” She whispered as she violently pulled on the now sensitized area.

  “Aw yes,” Dale whimpered with pleasure. His body shivered as he drank in more of the sexual energy of their foreplay.

  Viola continued working on his right nipple until it was bruised and swollen. She then proceeded to do the same to Dale’s left one. Soon the good-looking sex demon was quivering in erotic heat. Viola smiled. From prior experience she knew this initial punishment turned Dale on for other more vigorous bedroom activities. She abruptly stopped. Dale groaned in disappointment. He opened his eye to see her smirking face. Without saying a word, Viola’s hand reached down towards Dale’s crotch. Once she found the object of her search, she squeezed. Dale grimaced and took a sharp intake of breath. “The boys miss me too?” Viola laughed again.

  “Uhuh,” Dale lightly answered. His muscular torso shivered with expectation.

  Viola gave her prize another harder squeeze. “Show me,” she growled as she tightened her grip on his sack even more.

  “Aw yes,” Dale groaned with obvious satisfaction. His pupils dilated as one of his favorite erogenous zones was exploited.

  The werewolf knew this particular rather painful activity always turned him on for more fun. “I asked if the boys missed me?” she growled as she increased the pressure on them.” Couldn’t hear you!”

  “Yes … oh goddess ... yes,” Dale loudly wheezed as his eyes grew watery with tears. “By the goddess … I … I … want more,” he begged.

  Viola smirked. She gave them a hard twist. As Dale yelped in pain she released her hold letting the now freed object sway between Dale’s powerfully built thighs. “Get in bed,” she rasped to him. “Don’t talk just move!” She ordered Dale.

  Dale merely grinned. Silently he turned to walk back inside her bedroom. His body moved with a sensual grace.

  Viola took in the sight of the spinal line between his fully toned back muscles. It
flowed downward to end in his firmly rounded, pale skinned rump. Now where did I put that paddle? she mused as she moved to join him in her bed.

  Dale lay face up in the bed intently watching her approach him. He was clearly totally aroused and ready for whatever she wanted to do with him. He slowly stroked his erection while giving her a lewd wink. Dale’s breathing rapidly intensified as he drank in her highly charged sexuality in return. His handsome features became flushed as drifted into an erotically receptive state.

  Viola could feel his sex demon’s allure filling the room. He wanted her badly and she knew it. A surge of power cascaded throughout her very being. Viola truly loved how she sexually dominated this stunning man. “Ready,” she whispered as she took in the arousing sight of his muscular torso writhing on her bed.

  “Yes,” he meekly replied to his adored dominatrix.

  Viola walked to the side of the bed. She took the leather straps that were draped on each bedpost and expertly secured first one of Dale’s wrists then the other to them.

  “Please hurry,” he rasped while she proceeded to affix each of his ankles with the other leather straps that were attached to the bottom bedposts. Dale groaned with pleasure as he pulled seductively at the bindings. The scent of warmed rawhide coupled with the light sounds of the leather ties being twisted and stretched filled Viola’s bedroom. A low guttural moan came from the sex demon’s full sensual lips. “Hurry,” he begged as he let himself drink in the nourishment of her wolfishly strong sexuality.

  Viola chuckled as she pulled out her various toys. Her previous exhaustion had vanished. She crawled into bed beside him. As Dale begged for sexual release she causally let her fingertips trace the rounded curves of his well-defined pectoral muscles. Ignoring his cries for rougher play she casually rested the palm of her right hand upon the hard surface of his ribbed muscular abdominals. She knew Dale was in a sensory overload thanks to his continuous consumption of the bedroom’s highly charged sexual energy. “I suppose we should get on with it then,” she playfully muttered as she reached over to the small side table for her toys. As she went to work on an increasingly aroused and compliant Dale, she realized this was just what she needed after her time at Jaime and Jean-Claude’s home! She was equally happy she had declined to join the others in their office confrontation with Tortego and reveled in her emerging relaxation.


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