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The Case of the Parisian Vendetta: A Mark Julian Vampire PI Mystery #10 (Mark Julian Vampire PI Mysteries)

Page 15

by L. G. Fabbo-Gonnella

  “I was a fool,” Jean-Claude said as he finished telling her about it. “I was a fool to believe Tortego had any goodness in him. I was a bigger fool to shut myself off from my friends and especially from you. Everything that happened was because I was...” he stopped and gazed at her delicate features. He found he could not go on.

  “It happened because you are a trusting person who foolishly believed in the goodness of everyone,” Jaime quietly interrupted as she rose from her chair to come up to him. She reached up to let her fingertips tenderly touch his cheek. Her gold-flecked brown eyes were filled with tears. “You are the most magnificent fool I ever met and I pray to our goddess that our son is every bit as foolish as you.” She gently guided his head down and kissed him. “I was never more in love with you then right now,” she murmured to him after their kiss had ended. “You are the best man I ever met but next time,” she playfully teased in a way that had him grinning. “You check with me on who is a jerk. As for any scandal we can face anything they throw out.”

  Off in the distance they heard Andre fussing in his crib.

  “I’ll see what he wants,” Jean-Claude said as he kissed her once more.

  “He just wants someone to cuddle with,” Jaime replied. “Bring him here. Let’s all sit on the couch and do it together.” She paused. “Darling you are alright?” she anxiously asked him with a look of concern washed on her face.

  Jean-Claude nodded. “As Mark says, it is a process.” He quickly added, “I will be fine. The nightmares should fade now. I love you Jaime and that’s all I need.” He lightly kissed her once more. Andre began howling. “I love him too the little rug-rat.” He left to get their son from has nursery.

  As Jaime waited for them she thought about everything she had just heard from her spouse. An image of Tortego and his aide flashed into her mind. ”I warned you priest,” she angrily said making sure to keep her voice low. “I warned you in Hell’s Kitchen. You should have listened to me. To quote your Bible, you have sown your seeds so you better be ready it reap the whirlwind.” She quickly composed her features as she heard her husband enter. A cooing Andre was in his father’s strong arms. His little fingers were touching his father’s jaw. Jaime let all other thoughts vanish from her mind. There would be time to handle Tortego later. As for his aide, well she would address that too if he was ever found.

  Torturous Times

  In an abandoned warehouse building located in the Bronx a monk, his facial features disguised by his hood’s shadows, took fiendish delight in torturing the trussed up naked aide. The middle-aged man was hanging in the air suspended by his wrists from cords hooked to an overhead beam. A chuckling Tortego watched with grim satisfaction as the aide was repeatedly whipped. “Play with him for a bit longer then kill him Rodrigo,” he laughed a he watched the black robed and hooded monk take a white-hot poker from the bowels of a nearby fiery oven.

  The aide saw the instrument and shrieked. “No please,” he sobbed as he trashed about in the air. His cries echoed in the vast dusty place causing the nearby rats to look up from the nearby shadowy corners of the enclosure. “I’ve done all you asked of me,” he babbled. “I even poisoned that spy so nothing could hurt you!”

  “You killed that agent on her orders not mine. Orders, which I might point out, you never ran past me. Someone must take the fall for spying for Paris. Your double dealing makes choosing you as that person quite easy.” The Spaniard calmly told the terrified aide. “Besides you really have only yourself to blame. Your repetitive comments about fucking Jean-Claude was so foolish. It will only be a matter of time before Mark Julian speaks with Jean-Claude. If the werewolf recalls your indiscretion, as I now believe he will, then it will be a simple matter for Julio to arrest you. I fear I cannot afford the luxury of letting you be interrogated.

  “I would never betray you,” the aide sobbed.

  “You would confess it all to save your skin. Don’t try to deny it. You would sell me out and set Julian on the path to my destruction. That is a route I do not want him to take. So I cut my losses.” Tortego’s features took on a clearly faked concerned look.

  “But killing me will raise questions too,” the now desperate man cried out in an attempt to alter Tortego’s plans for his demise.

  “Oh I think not. Imagine my dismay when I inform people how I unexpectedly discovered your treason. I will tell everyone how I was enraged by what I’d heard. In my righteous anger I went out and executed you on the spot. Your death is most the logical solution to my inconvenience. Besides,” the vampire snarled as his eyes went black and his fangs sprang down from his mouth. “You tried to rape Jean-Claude so it is not like any punishment to you is unjust! Frankly that incident started a chain of events that ruined my schemes,” he growled as the torturer applied the poker to the anal regions of the aide. A loud howl filled the empty warehouse as the sweet scent of roasted flesh filled the air. “I imagine when you contemplated a sodomy being performed you never thought you’d be on the receiving end of one did you?” the former Inquisitor snickered as the fiery poker was again thrust deeply between the cheeks of the aide’s exposed rump. The aide shrieked in agony. “You should have continued to quietly masturbate over him and not try to act on your contaminated perversions,” Tortego said disdainfully. He nodded at the monk.

  Another loud shrill scream came from the man’s mouth. The air filled with more of the scent of burned flesh. “I won’t ever … again,” the aide sobbed. “I did not think you’d mind if I sodomized him. You hate him!” the aide yelled as once more the poker touched his skin. His cries took on an inhuman tone. The torturer backed away from his victim.

  “I may hate the werewolf but did you really think I’d ever endorse a rape of anyone let alone that type of sexual abomination? Know this, I may kill and betray but even I have a line I will not cross nor protect my underlings if they dare cross it. Sexual assault is a vile act with no justification. That is one line’s crossing I will never endorse. For that sin alone you will pay the price.” Tortego snarled as he gave the monk a signal to proceed. “Finish him slowly,” he barked. As the monk again moved toward the screaming aide, Tortego shrugged. “God I miss the old days,” he softly said as his memories of happier days torturing heretics wafted in his mind. “Such good times.” He looked into the aide’s eyes. “Well business calls. I hope you are satisfied. Now I have to endure interviewing new people for your position,” he grumbled as he turned to leave.

  The Spaniard grinned as he listened to the high-pitched shrieks of his former lackey begging for the release of a quick death. “Good help is so hard to find,” the Spaniard muttered with irritation as he walked towards the building’s exit. “You know I never did ask him his name either,” the vampire chuckled. “Oh well it is not like that cipher had any great role in this matter.” He briefly glanced at the rats that were huddled in the corners. “Be patient, children,” he snarled. “Your dinner will come soon enough.” He went out a side door. The babbling howling of his former minion reverberated throughout the warehouse as the rats eagerly awaited their new feast.


  “Where is your aide? You were told to bring him here to my office,” a visibly agitated Jean-Claude asked Tortego. He stared at the former Inquisitor. “Thanks to Mark’s investigation we know he was our spy. So, where is the man?”

  Tortego calmly looked first at the werewolf then at Mark and Julio. He silently congratulated himself on anticipating this encounter and having the intelligence to preempt the danger such a meeting would pose for him. “I executed him for treason,” he said with all the concern of one who had found a speck of dust on his clothes. “I assume the screwing you comment ultimately alerted you to the spy’s true identity,” he remarked as he focused his eyes on Mark. “It came to me during Thierry’s questioning. I went to confront my aide with my suspicions. I did not think to inform you. I just acted.”

  Mark was dumbstruck. He glanced at the equally shocked Julio.

  “By what
right did you dare kill him?” Jean-Claude said in a voice whose tone held within it both surprise and anger in equal measure.

  The Spaniard sighed. “As I just said. Thanks to Mark Julian’s efforts I soon realized that the man was a traitor who betrayed the council and, even more importantly, he betrayed my trust. He was a vampire as well as my personal aide. As such I felt it was my obligation to question him first. When he broke down and confessed I simply lost control and had him dispatched. Death was the only just sentence for such crimes! I understand now I should not have let my rage about his personal treachery rush my actions. I am sorry.”

  “We wanted to question him,” Julio slowly responded. “Especially to see if there were others involved in this treason. Perhaps someone in a higher office.” The security chief let his implication hang there in the air without saying more on that subject.

  Tortego’s face grew grim then his features relaxed. “I can assure you he acted alone. As a former member of the Spanish Inquisition I have had some experience in encouraging people to talk. There were no others,” He focused his darkening eyes upon Julio. “Unless you have something?”

  Julio’s fist clenched. With a great effort he held his vampire nature in check. “No, not at present,” he rasped.

  Tortego smirked at the security chief then returned his gaze towards Jean-Claude. “I should have taken action against him when I found him trying to sexually molest you,” he paused taking silent glee in how in how Jean-Claude’s stiffened as he heard those words. Tortego knew however that in bringing up this subject he was now on thin ice. A delicate area had been entered. He and Jean-Claude had not addressed this issue yet. The vampire knew it would come up in this meeting and instinctively he moved quickly to limit the fallout. “I can only say I should have killed him for that alone. I was wrong not to have done it at that time. I further compounded my mistake in not informing you about what he had attempted. I thought … well, how could I broach that subject with you? I told myself your ignorance about the event was a blessing from the heavens. I decided it was best to just make sure he never had opportunity to try again. He swore he would seek counseling and I believed him. I see now I was erroneous on that score too. I beg forgiveness from you as once you asked it of me in my priestly role.” He stopped speaking and knelt. He subtly pulled out his rosary beads from a side pocket and began fingering them.

  Jean-Claude was furious. Ever since the memories of the aide’s conduct had sprung into his consciousness the werewolf had wanted to confront bot the aide and Tortego about the attempted rape. Until this meeting it had not been possible. Jean-Claude had thought to address the issue later in private with only Mark and not Julio, being present with them. Tortego had preempted that and worse, he had subtly cast himself as an innocent penitent seeking mercy for his actions. What truly galled Jean-Claude was the vampire’s shameless reminder that the werewolf had once asked for and received forgiveness for his role in his cousin’s execution. The werewolf suppressed a desire to go up to Tortego and rip him to shreds for those remarks. Yet, as before, he knew he could not yet afford to secure his revenge upon the vampire. Tortego was still a pillar of support that Jean-Claude needed to stay in power. “Say no more,” he growled. “Go about your business.”

  Tortego smirked then left the three men.

  Jean-Claude looked at Mark and Julio. “Be patient. In time, the goddess willing, we will move on him. But I need solid proof to do it and a victory in this war would help.” He focused his eyes upon Julio. “I would ask that you keep that other matter he spoke about…” he paused trying to find a way to tell the security chief about the entire events surrounding the incident with the aide. It was still too raw an issue for him right now but Tortego had brought it up and it needed to be addressed.

  Julio gazed at Jean-Claude. “Heard nothing sir,” he quickly replied. “You need say no more. I’d die before I ever broke your confidence,” he added to a greatly relieved Jean-Claude.

  Mark left the other two men, stifling his anger at how Tortego had outfoxed him in this matter. He resolved to never let that occur in the future.


  That bastard is telling everyone he found the leak!” Mark yelled as he angrily paced in his apartment in front of Vinnie. “He was one fucking step ahead of me on this one. Just one damn step!” Mark roared as his eyes darkened and his fangs grew out. “If I could have just gotten my hands on that aide before Tortego did then…” Mark stopped speaking as anger overcame him.

  “Easy honey,” Vinnie calmly said as he watched Mark move back and forth in their dwelling’s living room. “There must be some other method to employ to track down some connection in this to him?”

  Mark had been in a rage ever since he left Jean-Claude’s office. All during the subway home the private eye had quietly seethed while straining to hold his inner vampire in check. Once he got inside their apartment he had finally exploded. “He killed my only lead back to him,” Mark yelled. “We have nothing here to tie him to anything.” He suddenly stopped speaking. Slowly his fangs retreated and his eyes cleared. “Maybe just maybe there might be one other way,” Mark said as he moved to their phone. His eyes moved around their apartment. “Where is my cell phone? For the love of Juno I can never find it. Ah there it is.” The vampire picked it up off the counter tabletop located in their walk-in kitchen. “I have to make a call. They seek him here; they seek him there,” he said with a laugh.

  “What is up?” Vinnie asked as Mark dialed. “And why are you quoting a line from The Scarlet Pimpernel?”

  “Because that line fits with what I’m about to try. Call it my Hail Mary Pass,” Mark replied as someone on the other end of the line answered. “I’ll fill you in once I finish my talk with him, Vinnie.”

  For the next three weeks Mark and his spouse patiently waited for word from the private eye’s contact. He and Vinnie carried out their everyday lives trying not to worry about events they could not control. Finally Mark received the call he was desperate to receive. He listened as the other person spoke. “Holy Jupiter Best and Greatest,” he mumbled as he heard the news. When he hung up he had a stunned look upon his face.

  “What’s wrong,” an anxious Vinnie asked.

  A huge smile came over Mark’s features. “Juno and Mars!” he yelped as he raced up to his spouse and hugged him. He then passionately kissed the shocked Vinnie.

  “Well,” Vinnie chuckled when their kiss ended. “Whatever it is it must be good.”

  Mark nodded. “It is beyond what I hoped. We have to call a meeting for the day after tomorrow in a secure place. We have to get certain people who need to be there to come,” Mark excitedly stated.

  “For what reason?” Vinnie quizzed as he held Mark in his embrace.

  The vampire slyly smiled. “Listen to this!” He filled Vinnie in on the information he had just been given.

  “No way,” a shocked Vinnie gasped as he heard the news. He shook his head in amazement. “Fuck me,” he mumbled as he digested the full impact what he had just been told.

  “Yeah that too,” Mark happily replied as he again kissed his spouse with even more ardor. He pulled back and rapidly pulled off his sweater. “Get out of those jeans fast. Never mind the shirt. It’s too worn to keep. Besides I’m in the mood to rip it off you and use the strips for something much more useful,” he said while giving his spouse a lewd wink. “Finally things are going right,” he stated before he lightly kissed Vinnie. “I know these last weeks I’ve been too … you know. But it was worrying about whether my plan was going to work out. Now I feel like a heavy load is off of all of us.” He gazed at Vinnie. “Damn I’m hot to do you right now,” he chuckled as he moved in toward Vinnie. His eyes went dark reflecting his growing arousal. He leaned and kissed the soft skin under the detective’s chin.

  “Oh babe,” Vinnie moaned as he unexpectedly felt the familiar sensation of Mark’s fangs lightly running down the nape of his neck. He stiffened. “I want us naked,” he gruffly stated a
s he reached out to touch Mark’s shirt. Quickly he began pulling it apart. Within minutes they were standing in a pile of discarded or shredded clothes. Vinnie tenderly kissed the hollow in Mark’s throat. “ There are times I wish I could show you how hot being touched by fangs are,” he mumbled as he sank to his knees. He kissed Mark’s abdominals then continued his kissing downward.

  “Aw sweet Pluto, “ Mark cried out as Vinnie’s mouth reached the object of its search. Mark rested his hands on Vinnie’s head to steady him. He closed his eyes and let his vampire nature freely take over his erotic senses. “I want you so bad every second I’m near you,” he gasped as he let his fingers tousle his spouse’s dark curly hair. As Vinnie’s oral activities increased Mark felt his knees buckling. “Aw Venus I need you inside me now!” he groaned.

  Vinnie broke off his actions and gazed up at Mark. “Turn around and I’ll prepare you,” he eagerly said. Minutes later a totally aroused Mark lay on his stomach reveling in the sensation of his lover’s muscled body thrusting into him. The two vigorously coupled on the floor for hours before taking matters into their bed for another session of lovemaking.

  Final Curtain In The Drama

  Two days later:

  “Mark why are we all here?” Jean-Claude asked as he looked at his friend. Mark had requested that he along with Jaime, Julio, Viola, and Tortego meet with him and Vinnie at Julio’s security offices after everyone else had gone home for the day. They had all arrived anxious hear what Mark wanted to tell them. Except for Viola, who wore a black leather, skintight mini-dress, everyone was casually dressed in jeans and a shirt. Even Jaime, who was usually attired in some fashionable styled outfit, wore simple pair of forties inspired black slacks with a white blouse. “You told me you had a way to end our problems?” Jean-Claude said to Mark.

  “Well I may help you in that area boyo,” a familiar Irish accented voice laughed from the outer hallway. Everyone turned to the front door where a grinning Collin stood. The youthful five-foot seven inch, red headed, Irish vampire glanced around the room. “Me friend Mark told me you had wee spot of trouble.” He turned to Mark. “I did as ye asked boyo. Did a bit of continental sleuthing. Came up with the old Irish pot o gold I did.” He signaled to someone behind him. “Here is the end of the bloody war,” he gleefully hooted as he moved aside. As he did this, two tall young men entered. One was a rusty haired Caucasian the other an equally tall dark skinned man. They were both dressed as Maasai warriors.


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