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Deep River Shifters 4 Book Box Set

Page 96

by Lisa Daniels

  We’re not grateful, or appreciative. We just gobble up everything that’s in front of us, never mind if we end up squashing you in the dirt.

  “Oh, about fifteen years,” Elzara explained. “We came from Vrytal, one of the royal kingdoms. Let’s say the royal family there really wanted to marry me off to one of the princes, and my brother offered to let me come along and help fulfill his dream of being a Quest Giver. Then we met Morgana in her little cave here, and well… that’s what we’ve been doing ever since.”

  “You didn’t want to marry a prince?” Andrea gaped at Elzara, shocked beyond reason. “Why?”

  Elzara gave a half shrug of her shoulder. “Not for me.”

  “But doesn’t it get lonely here? Don’t you, like, want someone by your side?” Andrea refused to let the concept go. Again, Elzara shook her head, a gentle smile upon her face.

  “If it happens, it happens. But I’m not looking for anything, and I don’t feel obliged to do so.”

  Durza’s gaze kept wandering over to Jackie, sometimes giving her a deliberate once-over, sometimes allowing his hand to creep nearer to hers on the table. Twice, they “accidentally” brushed, and Jackie considered how blatant he was being. How confident he acted. What did he intend?

  He leaned over to hiss in her ear, “You know, if you want, later on, I can show you better around High Mountain. You can ride me and explore the best of what we have to offer.”

  Ride him. How quaint. Did he intend for that innuendo, or was he genuine in his expression?

  One calculated glance his way, and she knew he intended it. Definitely. His eyes glinted in impish delight. Her cheeks pinkened in response, as she considered the fact of a powerful, handsome dragon flirting with her. Taking his chances to touch her, sometimes with his legs under the table, sometimes with his hand leaving fiery trails along her hand, and shivers up her back.

  Did he “rescue” Jackie to have a little bit of fun on the side? It likely got lonely in High Mountain, waiting for Questers, or travelling into dangerous domains to procure ingredients for new potion experimentation.

  Before Jackie asked about how she needed to act as a Quest Giver, they heard a tentative knock upon the door.

  “Come in!” Elzara yelled, and everyone turned as an embattled knight staggered through the door. Two pieces of his black armor were missing, and cuts covered his forehead. He staggered forward a few steps and gasped, “I did it… I completed…” before collapsing.

  “Shoot.” Elzara sprang up, followed by Durza and Jackie, who helped haul the knight onto a pink sofa and shove a healing potion down his throat. As the knight lay recovering, Durza rifled through his backpack and nodded approval.

  “Good job, Sir Larrus. You’ve got all the appropriate ingredients for a mystic potion. My sister’ll get you the reward now.”

  Elzara smiled and walked off to her treasury to grab a small blue bottle. Larrus trembled, and Andrea watched him like a hawk as Elzara tipped the blue liquid onto his tongue. He swallowed eagerly, throat bobbing, before closing his eyes for a moment. Then he opened them and grinned like a demon.

  “It works! I… feel different.”

  “It takes a while to adjust,” Elzara assured him, smiling. “But that potion will allow you to make it through the Wilderness with ease. You’ll be prepared for the dangers, and you’ll stumble across artifacts more often. So, well done.”

  Larrus nodded, grinning triumphantly, before his eyes lingered upon Andrea for a moment. Elzara spotted the exchange and winked at Jackie and her brother. “Tell you what, Larrus. Why don’t you come over here and talk to Andrea? Tell her about your adventures. I’m sure she’ll love to hear…”

  The happy knight followed the dragon, brimming with the success of his adventure, and Durza and Jackie left shortly afterwards, with Jackie tired of hearing the knight boast about his exploits. Success or not, he was a damn nuisance.

  The other damn nuisance was Durza, and the way he regarded Jackie.

  Back in Durza’s place, she put her hands on her hips and pursed her lips speculatively. “You were flirting with me.”

  “Yes,” Durza replied, unashamed. The sultry glances he gave her, the compliments on her attire, the attempts to lightly brush her hand and to whisper into her ear – she didn’t know how to react to them. Yes, it was… appealing. But Jackie didn’t want to be on High Mountain. She didn’t want to live the life of a lonely Quest Giver, and she wanted her books. She wanted her freedom. A freedom she’d lacked for over two years, though arguably, in her small, sandwiched kingdom, she’d never known true freedom.

  At the same time, though, it would be a shame not to try out Durza for herself. She pressed down the irritable voice of wisdom and started taking off her clothes in front of him.

  One way to be free was to let go of all her doubts, her worries and inhibitions. The rest would then hopefully fall into line.

  His light brown eyes widened in confusion. His beautiful, rounded face made her heart stop for a moment, as it crinkled up into that endearing arrangement. “What are you doing?”

  “What does it look like I’m doing?” There was a fiddly part on the back of her dress – she fumbled for a moment, before letting it drop down into a puddle on the ground, leaving her in a bra, panties, and leggings. She stepped out of her low-heel shoes, and worked on pulling off the leggings as well.

  Now Durza appeared seriously concerned. “Um, princess… are you hot?”

  “I’m glad you noticed,” Jackie replied, now reaching for her bra. She unhooked it and it tumbled off, leaving her breasts exposed to the warm air. Durza took one step back, and Jackie advanced on him, wearing a salacious grin, her eyes smoldering and wrought with assurance. A belief in her own ability and beauty. She seized him by the neck of his tunic and tightened her hand, scuffing up the material.

  The way his eyes ignited then sent weird, fluttering arousal deep in her. Something she hadn’t expected to sense so hard and fast. Maybe this would turn out to be more enjoyable than expected…

  Finally taking the lead, Durza scooped her up and practically ran to the bedroom, throwing her on the sheets and rapidly tearing off his clothes. Jackie watched, tongue trailing over her lips as she waited on the bed, her body sprawled seductively, eager to see what lay beneath those clothes. She wasn’t disappointed. Durza underneath his plain clothes hid a masterpiece of a body. Tight, controlled. Oozing with strength as he moved towards her and grasped the panties on either side of her, rolling them off. His erection unfurled before her eyes as he then hovered over her body, inspecting her curves, her immaculate and pale skin with lustful eyes, something of the predator gleaming in his face. The slight hint of danger aroused Jackie further, and she grinned viciously at him before bringing his lips to hers in a fiery, passionate kiss.

  At first, she just expected to enjoy the moment, use Durza for a good time, never mind whatever princess taboos she might be breaking. She broke them all a long time ago. However, Durza knew how to use his body. It reminded her a little of the gigolo, except Durza possessed far more strength of body and mind, and dominated her in subtle movements. The way his tongue flicked out over hers, and their breaths mingled together, tinged with the scent of brimstone, enticed her. The way the hairs on his human body brushed against her soft skin, making her flinch from the sensation, making the few hairs that layered her skin prickle up in pleasure.

  I could get used to this.

  She devoured his lips more intensely, wrapping her legs around his pelvis, dragging her body into his. He fell onto her then, pushing as if intending to merge into her as one organism, gasps and sighs emitting from the both of them, the heat in the atmosphere increasing. Everything about Jackie now felt on fire, from the tips of her toes to the flames in her cheeks. Her stomach bubbled warmly, purring in anticipation of the erection that brushed her thigh. She wanted to lose herself in the moment, but knew it wouldn’t be that simple, because she was fully aware of everything. Every touch, every electrical zi
ng that travelled between their bodies. The hyperawareness made her shudder as he kissed her ear, probed at it with his hot, damp tongue, before easing his erection through her entrance, pushing apart the folds, taking up the empty space there and filling it with his essence. She groaned at the touch and her whole body became charged, buzzing with desire. Yearning and desperate for more.

  No. What this started out as – a quick roll between the sheets – had already shifted in intent. Now that she felt a little of Durza’s soul roll out into her and past her hard, prickly layers, she found a princess there, one who didn’t really believe she deserved to be one, because she didn’t fit. Jackie usually didn’t care. But here, for a shining second, she believed she could belong. Even up on High Mountain, where humans rarely went, deep in the heart of the Wilderness – a possible purpose stretched out before her. A purpose shared with the fire and lust of this shifter in her, though he had reached places deeper than the physical manifestation of their bodies. He touched the parts of her she’d forgotten.

  The feeling grew, rising like the sun, and the friction sent delicious tingles all throughout her body, as she slammed her head back on the pillow and groaned. Durza bit at her neck, increasing the thrusting movement, and when he came, he didn’t stop there. She still needed to reach that peak.

  He removed himself from her and kissed his way down her stomach. Her body twitched in anticipation. When his mouth latched onto her bundle of nerves, she let out a whimper. Each flick of his tongue sent her closer into a frenzy, and her hands turned into claws as she dug into the covers. She let out a long, gasping scream as she climaxed, the tendons in her neck tight, her muscles so wound up in her thighs, she knew they’d hurt later.

  But it felt so good. So fucking good.

  She didn’t object when he cuddled. Normally, she didn’t opt for that kind of thing. The post-coital affection. It made her uncomfortable. But this, she allowed. Durza relished the contact and kept kissing her shoulder and cheek at every opportunity, as if unable to believe what he had in his arms.

  She allowed it to happen, and closing her eyes, she drifted into a pleasant sleep, the orgasm bathing her entire body like a love potion. Attaching her in body and soul to the one who lay next to her.

  Chapter Three

  Daylight bloomed, and with it, so did the possibilities. Durza and Jackie were rather cuddly, spending a lot of time grinning and giggling like a lovesick couple.

  It was unlike her normal self. She clung onto that feeling for as long as she could, allowing her heart to open to Durza’s affection, before it closed up again and she got down to business.

  Still, she couldn’t ignore the covert glances he gave her, and sometimes she greeted them back with a smile.

  Outside, Morgana gave Jackie a little locked chest with ten of the proxy healing potions inside it. The black-haired witch appeared incredibly proud of her efforts and ingenuity when it came to brewing.

  “They say my great-great-great-grandmother on my cousin’s side was the legendary witch of the Old Kingdom,” Morgana said, “before the kingdoms formed. Before we had proper humans around. She was the best potion maker. Came up with most of the recipes we use today.”

  “I have to hand it to you, your skill is scary.” Jackie pretended to bow before the witch. Morgana smiled at Jackie, before slipping her a tiny pink potion.

  “That’s my rapid heal. Go on. Drink it!”

  Giving her thanks, Jackie drank the contents of the little glass and felt the chaotic energies swirling in her system, invigorating her veins. She actively felt them regenerating on the spot as the liquid worked its way through, and she sighed. “Incredible.”

  “It won’t help you escape, mind,” Morgana said. “So I think I’m okay giving you that. Durza’s quite attached to you. Seems to think you’re some kind of miracle. You sex him already?”

  Jackie burst out laughing at this, even as she saw a few Questers making their way along the rickety bridges. “Yes. I’ve, uh, sexed him. I think I scared him off, actually. He wasn’t expecting me to be quite so… experienced.”

  “Oh ho? Now this, I have to hear,” Morgana said, dragging Jackie over so that they both sat with their legs dangling over a precipice, the wind lustily flicking around them. Her green eyes shimmered with interest, and Jackie shared her experience with the famous gigolo of her kingdom.

  “You were a naughty princess! I thought all your types were the same, but I couldn’t be more wrong, could I? Try not to suck my friend too dry. He needs to function, sometimes.”

  Jackie chuckled. She never got to talk like this with other princesses. The words for them were venomous, packing in blasphemy and wilting the ears of innocent minds. “I can’t hold any promises. He’s quite tasty under all those clothes. Just as long as he doesn’t shift into a fucking dragon halfway, I’m good.”

  “Ah, girl. That’s… oh,” Morgana groaned, grinning at the same time, “No, that’s an awful visual!”

  Jackie laughed harder, her cheeks reddening from the effort of her stomach contracting. “Yes, I’m already regretting that one myself. Let’s just stay away from there, can we agree?”

  “You know, I’ve lived among dragons for almost a century, and I still don’t know how they transform. Is it magic? A spell? Is it comfortable? Painful? They never talk about it.” Morgana nodded to herself as a Quester drew nearer. “Wait. I think this one might be coming for your potion. I can smell it. Smell it good.” She tapped her large nose, licking her lips. “You remember the ritual words?”

  Durza discreetly peeked his head out of the cave, and Jackie caught it out of the corner of her eye, which made her doubly nervous. She wasn’t used to being nervous and silently berated herself for it. “Yes, of course.” She felt an unusual pressure to do well. To prove to these people that even a princess could be a Quest Giver. And not merely the reward from a Quest.

  Sure enough, the weary traveler stopped behind Morgana and Jackie. “Greetings,” the knight said, wheezing through his silvery visor, gauntleted hands resting upon his knees. “I’ve heard it from a mystic that there’s a new Quest in this domain, one that’s worth the time.”

  “Greetings, Quester,” Jackie said, hoping she didn’t stumble over any of the words, “I have a Quest, if you’re willing to hear it. I need six things. First is powdered unicorn horn from the Strathian breed found in the Lost Forest. Second are the petals of the stygian flower, located in the City of Night. Third is the gloamfly, only found in the Swamp of Illusions. Fourth is the tear of an innocent, trapped in a diamond phial. Fifth is the greenest blade of grass from the Troll Meadows, and last is a crystallized soul, found where the darkest secrets lie.” She paused. Yes, I’ve said it right. I’m good. “Only then will you have my reward. The Potion of Healing. With it in your blood, you can heal those you love.”

  The knight bobbed his head. A flicker of desperation shot through his face. “Yes. I accept this Quest. Is there a time limit?”

  “Take as long as you need. It will not be easy, Quester.”

  “Thank you.” The knight bowed to Jackie, making her feel rather proud of herself. He thanked her again, and waddled off to the rope bridge, whilst Morgana leaned on her palm, grinning roguishly.

  “Look at you! We’ll make a Quest Giver of you yet.”

  “I have a question. What if they just, like, refuse to take a Quest and just overpower us?”

  “The potions break if harm happens to the Quest Givers,” Morgana replied. “There are traditional fail-safes for all Quest Givers. No one in their right mind would do such a thing.”

  That didn’t exactly reassure Jackie. All it’d take was someone tipping the edge of insanity to make things go wrong. She needed protection – like what she saw Morgana wearing on the night she and Andrea were found in the swamp.

  Durza came along to them at last, beaming with obvious pride. “See? I told you she’d be good.”

  “Hmph. Well, Durza, she’s a good soul, but she’s a princess. If you don
’t give her what she wants, it won’t work out in the long run.” Morgana clapped Jackie’s shoulder. “And this one thirsts for knowledge. I can smell it. She might be willing to give up her dream of returning home… if you can prove that her home is here in High Mountain.”

  Jackie blinked rapidly, surprised at the witch’s words. I wouldn’t put it like that. Though she was adrift, unsure where the tide pulled her, and unsure where she wanted to go. She missed home, but any day the situation might spill over into death and destruction. They barely managed the peace as it was, because danger always knocked on the door, bribing the officials, digging a way into the royal family. But here on High Mountain, although surrounded by beautiful views, with a dragon who transformed into a human and kept her company at night – she still didn’t quite belong.

  Neither with the princesses, or with dragons. Nowhere, really. Morgana sensed her sadness, or maybe saw it with that strange future potion, and said, “You’ve been lost for a while, haven’t you? And just been pretending that everything’s fine.”

  Not wanting to answer with words, because she felt as if they’d well out her throat and through her eyes as tears, Jackie nodded. Durza’s expression softened at this.

  “What can I do to help? If you’re really unhappy here… I can take you back. I mean, I was a little selfish – we wanted to find someone to be a Quest Giver for Morgana’s new potion for a while. But I did take advantage of that.”

  “There’s no point in me going home,” Jackie replied, her heart heavy, weighing down her soul. “I’m past prime age. Or getting there. I’ve been removed from society long enough that I’ll have to do catch-up to get anywhere. And I don’t even know what the political landscape’s like. It changes quite fast.” She rubbed her hands, staring down the cliffs and mountains where plants grew precariously out the sides, wafting in the gentle breeze like dancers, resembling the essence of her dreams.


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